Hello everyone,
It’s been a busy week for us and we need to start it off with major thanks to every player that came out on Saturday and Sunday to help us test a crazy new balance patch that affected so many ships, guns, and physics itself. The feedback was vicious, it was brutal, and it was unrelenting and we couldn’t be happier to receive it. “When Ambush Comes to Shove” is one of the largest balance shifts in Guns of Icarus since we fixed the way mass was calculated in our game over 2 years again.
We aren’t done testing and we’ll be back in the Dev App skies: (Get your key here) (Compare rumors here!)
Saturday 11 AM eastern (blind test)
Sunday 12 PM eastern (Non-blind test)
As always we’ll be talking balance, Icarus, and Alliance on twitch.tv/gunsoficarus at 3 pm eastern. We’d love for you guys to come hang out with us!
Meet the player of the week after the jump! Continue reading “Mayday Friday “Balance is dead, long live balance””