Come join us and some of the best streamers the community has to offer!
We’re Streaming for the next 10 hours and giving away 3 full copies of the game every hour.
Come hang with us, win some items, chat with the community and devs!
We’ll still have the Dev Fireside at 3 pm eastern as always, but the rest of the day will be great games and great prizes!
A big step into a world with so many new targets for our awesome players!
With everyone back from the four corners of the globe and we’re already back at work on new features, weapons, and expansive ideas.
As always join us live at twitch to give us feedback and hear about what’s coming to Guns of Icarus soon. We’ll be on at 3 pm eastern on twitch.
Thanks for everyone who joined us last week to talk about the new gun. It was awesome hearing what everyone thought of the entire new mechanics we’d worked on. We hope the new mechanic will give an entirely different way to play and concern for those not wishing to be blown out of the sky!
We’re currently in Las Vegas showing off Guns of Icarus on the PS4
Hello Hello everyone! It’s been a while with Thanksgiving throwing us off, but we’re back and ready to show off everything we’ve been working on!
As always join us live at twitch to give us feedback, hear all the office nitty-gritty, and spend time with us. We’ll be on at 3 pm eastern on twitch. Howard is currently in Vegas so he won’t be on stream, but the rest of regular team will be there.