Hi everyone! Thanks for waiting patiently for us to take the servers down and roll out the new update this morning. The new update, 1.3.6, is now live! And here are the release notes. It’s pretty long as usual, so grab a cup of tea and enjoy!
Weekly Progress Report 4/25/2014

Hey everyone,
This is the last progress report before 1.3.6 and we have so many cool features and fixes upcoming. We’re really sorry about the delay due to Pax, but we hope a bunch of the cool things we’re putting in will make up for it.
As always come talk to us during the dev fireside chat at 3 pm eastern 7 pm GMT on twitch.tv/gunsoficarus. You can ask us all about the new patch, features, and other upcoming parts of the project
After the jump see what the team has been working on all week.
Continue reading “Weekly Progress Report 4/25/2014”
Weekly Progress Report 4/18/2014

Hey everyone!
It’s Friday and that means it’s time for our weekly progress report and fireside chat. Howard is off doing important things leaving Eric and I in charge of the fireside. That means we’re going off script and acting crazy by answering questions and talking about Guns of Icarus development. (and yes, these two wacky and wild individuals are available for parties.) Join us twitch.tv/gunsoficarus at 3 pm eastern, 7 pm GMT!
During the fireside Co-Op will be a big talk especially since we got to show off footage last week and you’ll have the lead designer to talk to, but we will also be talking about Ship customization and our plans for the next patch.
After the jump you’ll find out what the team has been working on. Continue reading “Weekly Progress Report 4/18/2014”
Weekly Progress Update: 4/11/2014 and live Co-Op!
Hey everyone!
At 3 pm eastern we are showing off Guns of Icarus Co-Op mode live! Since many people won’t be able to make it to PAX we thought it’d be a lot of fun to give you the opportunity to have a first look at what we’re working on.
There will still be a live chat so feel free to stop in and talk to me as I try my best to show you everything we’re showing off at PAX!
The standard format of dev reports after the break. Continue reading “Weekly Progress Update: 4/11/2014 and live Co-Op!”
Weekly Progress Update: 4/4/2014

Time flies when you are having fun and this week has been amazingly exciting for us. We’ve gotten to do a lot of hands on testing of Co-Op for PAX and it is starting to feel really good level wise. We can’t wait to show everyone the corvette, frigates, and swarms of planes that will be coming your way soon.
As always check below for the full report on your (hopefully) favorite devs!
Continue reading “Weekly Progress Update: 4/4/2014”