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Topics - Inkjet

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Release Notes / 8th Anniversary Update: 2.0.20
« on: October 22, 2020, 01:54:36 pm »
Welcome, Sky Captains and Crew!

It’s time to celebrate our 8th Anniversary! Update 2.0.20 features new customizables such as, hats, goggles, profile pictures, titles, and decals.

In celebration of this exciting milestone we’re holding an 8th Birthday Tournament! In preparation we have added lots of prizes for all the participants.
Catch the action on Saturday, October 24th at 6pm UTC over on

Birthday Tournament Items:

  • 8th Birthday Tournament Hat
  • 8th Birthday Decal
  • Birthday Boy & Birthday Girl titles
  • Party Goer title
Awarded to all participants of the 8th Birthday Tournament.

  • Sir and Lady Pumpkinhead “goggles.”
    • Will be available during spooky Halloween missions.
    • Coming to the store in the future.
    • Probably cursed.

It is a pumpkin and you put it on your head. Put a snazzy hat on top and hit the town.

  • Mechanical Frontier Hat
    • Available in the store

Nobody is quite sure how it works, or what it even does -- only that it brings good luck to those who venture into the wastelands wearing it, and that it is the most fuel-efficient hat out there.

  • Roman Centurion Helmet
    • Available in the store.

A helmet worn by Roman Centurions -- Roman military officers who held command of 100 Roman Legionaries. Many, many years and a few apocalyptic events later, some airship captains and crew wear these as a tribute to those ancient warriors. They’re also pretty practical as head protection in airship battles, too.[/list]

  • SCS 300 1st place: Awarded to the first place winners of SCS 300.
  • SCS 300 2nd place: Awarded to the second place winners of SCS 300.
  • SCS 300 3rd place: Awarded to the third place winners of SCS 300.
  • SCS 300 Participant: Awarded to the participants of SCS 300.
  • SCS 300 Staff: Awarded to the staff team behind SCS 300.
  • The Fellowship of Steel: Decal for The Steel Forge of Friendship
  • The Overseer’s Eye: Decal for The Steel Forge of Friendship
Anniversary Mission Decals:

  • 8 Ball
  • Birthday Gears - Submitted by Zetnus
  • Eight Shot

Profile Pictures:
  • Chaos D20: From the Chaos Skirmish
  • SCS 300 Gold: Awarded to 1st place winners of SCS 300.
  • SCS 300 Silver: Awarded to 2nd place winners of SCS 300.
  • SCS 300 Bronze: Awarded to 3rd place winners of SCS 300.
  • SCS 300 Ruby: Awarded to Participants of SCS 300.
  • SCS 300 Emerald: Awarded to staff of SCS 300

  • The Undaunted Admiral
  • Inspiring Starbolin

  • Boss Cluster Hades
    • Reduced cluster shot count to 6 (from 8)
    • Reduced velocity to 300 (from 400)
  • Seraph Tempest Missiles [Mk. S]
    • Corrected typo and added submissile count in the description.


Have noticed our new Embr themed items?
We’ve bundled them all and are now giving you the opportunity to own the entire bundle of them free!

This free bundle includes:
  • Embr Flame Decal
  • Embr Theme
  • Embr Fire Helmet
  • 5x Embr Red Dye
  • Exclusive Flint profile picture
  • Embr Respondr title
Here’s how to get your Embr Respondr Bundle in Guns of Icarus:
1. Wishlist Embr on steam:
2. Join the Embr Respondrs group on Steam:
3. Launch Guns of Icarus and receive your FREE Embr Respondr Bundle
4. Go fight some fires!

For more information, join the Guns of Icarus Discord!

Release Notes / 2.0.18 7th Anniversary Update
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:07:08 pm »

We can’t believe it has already been seven full years! Time does fly, doesn’t it? In celebration, we are adding even more content! Faction colors, a new figurehead, Embr items from Muse’s upcoming new game (Wishlist it on Steam now!), more profile pictures, and a new voicepack. Are you a pilot and are tired of cosmetics? Want something new? Well, then, we have just the thing for you. Try out the new Drift Sail helm tool. Damages to ship and crew are not covered under any warranty. Use at your own risk.

27 Colors + 6 more to be created by winners of events! 2 colors for each of the factions. One based on ship color, and the other based on map color. Can be used on ships or costumes.

Leo Figurehead: Feel the power of a roaring lion as you crush your enemies!

5 Halloween Jack-o'-lantern decals (black!). Limited time holiday item ONLY! Will not be in the store. Goes great with Pumpkin color! 13 free pumpkin dyes come included, so you can dress up all of your ships in spoopy decor!

More profile pictures added to the default granted list (check your profile!):
  • 6 faction ships
  • 6 player created
Created for events:
  • Crewcible (Sign up!)
  • 6 ‘The Old Days’ - For Flight of the Ancients tournament
Created for Dev Games
  • 2 engines
Created for promotion:
  • Flint (Embr)
  • Pimm (Hamsterdam)
Created for Muse:
  • The Muse logo! (about time)

Drift Sail helm tool: see details in balance below.

German Voicepack added to store (Workshop submission).

New lore entry in the Library. More to come.

Decal size/position/rotation on Mobula, Goldfish, Spire, Shrike, and Pyramidian for better display.
Casanova mask adjusted to minimize clipping with hats.
Removed barrier graphic between Cathedral, Sunder, Garrow, and surrounding territories.
All maximum coin limits increased by 30,000. Welcome to the high rollers club.

Balance PvE:
PvE special abilities:
  • Added duration and cooldown to all text where missing.
Oversurge Ram:
  • Cooldown of 60s (from 200)
Concussive Blast:
  • Cooldown of 30s (from 60)
Component Disruption:
  • Cooldown of 45s (from 90)
  • Damage of 300 (from 250)
Cataclysm Rounds:
  • Cooldown of 160s (from 200)
  • Duration of 8 s (from 18)
Lightning Draw:
  • Cooldown of 60s (from 200)
Mine Ejection:
  • Name changed to Mine Volley
  • Range of 500m (from 400m)
  • Cooldown of 160s (from 200)
  • Mines detonate after 30s (from 120s)
Advanced DynaBuff:
  • Vertical drag: - 20% (from -29%)
  • Thrust: +20% (from +29)
  • Damage: +10% (from +23%)
  • Duration: 40s (from 60)
  • Cooldown of 120s (from 200)
Gigaton Blast:
  • Cooldown of 60s (from 200)
Air Horn:
  • Corrected text to 800m (was 500)
  • Cooldown of 40s (from 60)
Rushing Drift
  • Cooldown of 60s (from 200)
  • Duration of 20s (from 30)
Mechanized Rebuild
  • Cooldown of 160s (from 200)

Balance: Guns and Ammo:
Autofire (hold to shoot) added to these guns:
  • Artemis
  • Echidna Light Flak
  • Barking Dog Light Carronade
  • Mercury Field Gun
  • Scylla Double-Barrelled Mortar
  • Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
  • Hades Light Cannon
  • Seraph Tempest Missiles [MKs] and [MKI]
  • Kalakuta Gas Mortar [MKI] and [MKII]
  • Typhon Heavy Flak MKI
  • Lumberjack Heavy Mortar
  • Nemesis Heavy Carronade
  • AOE: 5m (from 4.25)
Burst Rounds ammo:
  • -20% direct damage (from 0)
  • -25% rotational arcs (from 0)
  • -50% range (from 0)
  • Removed recoil modification (from +50%)
  • Removed Rate of fire reduction (from -15%)
[KNOWN BUG] Loading Burst causes practice guide cone to reduce in size. Does not actually reduce recoil.

Balance: Tools:
  • Hull: Hits reduced to 7 (from 15)
  • Gun: Hits to 8 (from 9), Duration 40 (from 20), damage +10% (from +20%), reload speed +10% (from +0)
  • Automatically spots enemies when zoomed in!
Drift Sail Helm tool:
Q: How much faster do you need to go?
A: Yes.
  • Available in all modes.
  • Reduces drag in all horizontal directions similar to the Rushing Drift PVE ability.
  • Reduces engine power to 50%, but accelerates your ship faster than its maximum speed due to reduced drag.
  • Danger! Doubles all Impact damage taken from any source. This includes other ships, terrain, and guns. It also makes your ship incredibly hard to control.
  • Activated when selected.
  • Effects last three seconds after tool is unselected.
Best use is to activate after your ship has reached maximum velocity. The reduced engine force will slowly push your ship past its limits.
Please give feedback on this tool after combat testing it (and likely exploding a lot)

Balance: Ships:
  • Max Speed: 34 (from 32)
  • Vertical acceleration: 3 (from 2.75)
  • Moved heavy gun to the right side at 73.7°. Adjusted ship hitboxes around gun change.
  • Moved light gun from right mid deck to left platform at -95°
  • [FIX] Moved right engine back slightly to resolve clipping rotors.
  • Added secret ladder.
  • [FIX] Fixed sticky ladder.

Balance: Maps:
Misty Mutiny:
  • Deleted all small clouds and several large clouds.
  • Moved remaining large clouds to map center and pathways.
  • Moved respawns.
  • Added new respawn in the south for both teams.
  • Increased ceiling height by 100m.
  • Removed all clouds on the practice map.

  • Removed extra water on Assault on Kinforth map.
  • Backwards Shrike decal

Edit: Buff currently makes reloads SLOWER instead of faster. We'll get this fixed ASAP and update here!
Edit 2: Buff is now fixed and makes reloads go faster as intended!

Release Notes / 2.0.17 Summer Update: Colors of the Wind
« on: July 05, 2019, 12:26:12 pm »

It's time for the Summer Update! We've just received a shipment of newly balloon-approved dyes and we're giving them to you. Make those balloons shine!

  • All costume and ship colors are now interchangeable! Can be purchased through the ship or costume menu.
  • New Voice command pack from Steam user Ripsaw (free for everyone!).
  • New profile pictures.

  • ‘Yellow’ paint renamed ‘Antique Bronze’
  • ‘Jet Black’ paint renamed ‘Weathered Black’
  • Ship paint icons replaced with costume colored dust icons.
  • All dyes now renamed to “paint”.
  • Activated fireworks.
  • Magnate paint areas changed from balloons to sails.
  • Gunner and Pilot tool order changed - Spyglass will be in last slot on right while off helm.

Balance PvE:

  • Increased repair and rebuild ability of AI airship tool.

Normal Difficulty:
  • Reduced fire chance from boss ships.
  • Reduced number of enemies from 3 to 2 per player ship.

Enemy AA towers:
  • Reduced force attacks by 50%
  • Removed fire chance.
  • Increased turn arcs from 80 to 130.
  • Lowered down arc from 80 to 20
  • Lowered turn speed from 100 to 20
  • Reduced ammo count to 4 from 6
  • Increased range.
  • Reduced rate of fire.
  • Will now repair armor.
  • Repairs gun faster.

Boss ships:
  • Modified Hades with higher rate of fire.
  • Modified Flamethrower with lower ammo count, higher rate of fire, and more chance of causing fires.

  • Removed ‘freefall’ from AI ships. They will now behave like player ships when balloons are destroyed.

Balance PvP:
Aten Lens Array [MK. S]:
  • Passes through all targets in line, dealing damage to everything it passes through.
  • Reduced charge time from 1.75 seconds to 1.
  • Reduced speed modifier from -88% to -30% while firing.
  • Reduced range to 800 from 1200

Roaring Tiger Heavy Detonator [Mk. S]:
  • Arming delay reduced to 0.2 seconds from 1
  • Jitter increase to 8 from 3
  • Velocity increase to 125m/s from 80 (range remains 500)
  • Fires a cluster of 8 detonators instead of 1
  • Ammo reduced to 1 from 3
  • Rate of fire increase to 2 from 1 to compensate for Extended Magazine.
  • Reload time reduced to 4 from 10
  • Side arcs reduced to 30 from 60
  • Primary Damage: Flechette - 11 per projectile, from 60
  • Secondary Damage: Explosive - 31 per projectile, from 80
  • Secondary feature unchanged. Explodes twice when activated.
  • Force removed.

  • Adjusted material on Goldfish balloon for more consistent paint colour
  • Fixed material error on Goldfish sails (paint and team colors)
  • Fixed material error on Mobula square sails (paint and team colors)
  • Optimized water on Scars of Lutessa (again).

Known bugs:
  • Texture glitches on Goldfish, Galleon, Squid, and Magnate. Bear with us.

Release Notes / 2.0.16 Spring Update: Jesters' Parade Update
« on: April 01, 2019, 02:07:13 pm »
Spring Update: Jesters' Parade
We've brought an array of new maps, gamemodes, bug fixes, and balance changes to you today. Hop in and check them out!

We've reactivated boarding - Happy April 1st!

New Map:
  • Scars of Lutessa - new PvE Intercept map. Race against the enemy to capture their cargo in the shadow of an ancient dam

New Gamemodes:
  • Race - Jesters' Parade. It's a race! Fight it out as you rush for the goal!
  • Sunken base Defense - The return of Skyball?

Adapted to PvP:
  • Oblivion South - PvP Deathmatch adaptation of the south section of the Oblivion map. 2v2, 3v3, 4v4
  • Alleron Affray - PvP Deathmatch adaptation of Seas of Alleron. 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, Brawl

Expanded Map:
  • Desert Scrap expanded to 2v2 and 4v4 with more spawns

Balance Changes:
  • Shrike:
    • Acceleration: 8 (from 10)
    • Speed: 38 (from 40)
    • Turn Accel: 8 (from 7.5)
    • Turn Speed: 13 (from 15)
    • Mass: 82.5 (from 75)
    • Armor: 399 (from 425)
    • Hull: 585 (ffrom 650)

  • Goldfish:
    • Hitboxes tightened up around the hull. Lower sails removed from hitbox
    • 4th gun added to the back-left of the balloon deck (130° port)

  • Magnate:
    • Raised Hull repair point slightly to allow pilot to repair from top deck

  • Flamethrower:
    • Range: 150m (from 200m)
    • Horizontal Arcs: 70 (from 60)
    • Rotation speed: 120 (from 40)
    • AOE: 7m (from 3)
    • Damage: 1.7 Fire (from 1.2)

  • Balloons repair faster. Get back in the fight!
  • Gunners now have 2 engineer tools. Remember to equip the second one!

  • PvE balance tweaked - AI ships will repair their own balloons faster too
  • Fixed Z-fighting issues on Paritan
  • Improved performance on Crown Summit/Crown Gambit maps
  • Fixed pumpjack normals on Anglean Raiders
  • Fixed some floating buildings on Kinforth
  • Fixed Flak MKII hovering when viewed from a distance
  • Formatting in Retribution and Intrigue
  • Moved Dunes practice spawns outside of dust clouds.
  • Spotting on Anglean Raiders, Firnfeld, Fjords, Kinforth

« on: March 29, 2019, 01:08:42 am »
Wishlist Hamsterdam and you'll be entered in a giveaway for some awesome stuff!

How to enter:
  • Wishlist Hamsterdam on Steam
  • Send proof (a screenshot) that you wishlisted to
  • Include your IGN in the email to receive a Hamster Hoodie item too!

If you're selected to win the giveaway, we'll contact you to get your mailing info! (Limited to those in the US)

Release Notes / Fiery Passion Event
« on: February 13, 2019, 01:41:27 pm »
Valentine's Event: Fiery Passion!

~I just want to set the world on fire, and I'm gonna start by flaming your hull~

The Goal: Set 250 parts on fire

The Rewards:
  • Crybaby Mask
  • Heartbreaker Decal
  • 6 Cream Dye
  • 6 Crimson Dye


This event will run for 2 weeks, so don't miss your chance to grab these special items!

Release Notes / 2.0.15 Krampus Update
« on: December 27, 2018, 02:53:17 pm »
Welcome to the 2.0.15 Release! (PS4 1.12)

First off, Happy Holidays everyone!
In the spirit of the Holidays, we created a brand new Krampus Decal, perfectly befitting of the celebration, Guns of Icarus style. In addition, we have some old exclusive items we’re bringing back, along with more PvP adaptations of Crown Summit and bunch of new features! 

Get ready to fight across even more of Crown Summit in our newly-expanded 3v3, 4v4, and Brawl versions!

  • Goggles of Good Cheer
  • Jolly Old Salt
  • Krampus Decal
  • Crown Gambit 3v3, 4v4, and Practice
  • Broken Crown Brawl (2v2v2v2)
  • Previous war monument.

New Features:
  • AI stay active for 5 seconds after a player joins.
  • Vote to rematch toggled on by default. You will now need to uncheck this box to end the rematch.
  • Force Start enabled on all game modes, as long as this map has a smaller version (downsize the lobby if you want to!)
  • Missions can now have new objectives, including making another faction lose resources
  • Name your ship loadouts so you can easily remember what they are! Does not change ship name. (Be sure to select the loadout before trying to edit the name, and save after you are done with each edit.)
  • Public custom matches will force shuffle after first rematch if online players count is lower. This is to prevent non-shuffling lobby keep going on and players aren’t able to change it. This does not apply to private matches.

  • Spire: Mass increased to 210t (from 150). Force adjusted to maintain mobility.
  • Extended Magazine: Clip size to +50% (from +45)
  • Modified Mine and Harpoon launcher rate of fire to compensate for the extra shot.

  • AI will no longer force reload standard ammo.
  • Conductors Pride dyes using correct UV maps.
  • Sky Captain Valentine put in his place on Stormbreaker theme.

Release Notes / 2.0.14 (678) Thornholt Throwdown
« on: November 28, 2018, 02:02:49 pm »
  • Thornholt in PvP
    • Adjusted maps bounds to a 6x6 grid
    • New cloud layout for PvP
    • 2v2 through 4v4 Deathmatch
    • Brawl!
    • Practice
  • Ashen Brawl
    • New PvP map. Larger, hotter, more spawns than ever! The largest 2v2v2v2 so far.
  • Crown Gambit
    • Adjusted spawns

  • Stormbreaker
    • Lateral drag increased, reducing side drift.
  • Magnate
    • Hitboxes adjusted (mostly reduced) to fit ship profile.
    • Main engine lowered slightly.
  • Spire
    • Hitboxes substantially reduced to fit ship profile.
  • Corsair
    • Forward acceleration: 5 (from 8)
    • Forward speed: 35 (from 30)
    • Turn acceleration: 8 (from 10)
    • Turn speed: 12 (from 10)
    • Left light gun arc: 55° (from 75)
    • Heavy engines rotated 90° and moved out slightly. This gives 0.22 more turn acceleration, reduces engine hitbox vertical profile by 38%, and allows repairs from further in.
    • Reduced mass width (inertial bounds) to increase the effectiveness of turning engines. This allows the same amount of force to turn the ship faster without changing total mass. This will also make the ship more vulnerable to force attacks like Minotaur and getting bumped by other ships.
  • Shrike
    • Adjusted engine force and inertial bounds.
    • Heavy turning engines (x2): 225000 (from 144500)
    • Light main engine: 300000 (from 461000)
    • 750000 total forward thrust (10m/s2)
    • These changes do not change total forward or turn acceleration. However, with more force in the heavy turning engines, the Shrike will no longer be able to turn while maintaining nearly full forward acceleration and speed.

PvE Balance
  • AI type A ships (forward attack)
    The AI_A ships had widely varied stats, making some factions much easier or harder to fight against. Adjusted stats to unify the ships. There will still be some small variation in engine power and acceleration.
  • Approximate new stats:
    • Accel: 4
    • Speed: 47
    • Turn accel: 8
    • Turn speed: 14
    • Vert accel: currently 4
    • Vert speed: currently 11.34
    • Mass: 200t (varied between 75 and 330t)
    • Front gun: 1 - forward
    • Side guns: 2 - 45° (varied between 40 and 60)
  • AI Gatling:
    • Range: 450m (from 600)
    • Ammo: 50
    • Velocity: 700
      All other stats are the same as the player Gatling. Damage changes based on difficulty.
  • AI Mortar
    • Range: 400m (from 800)
    • Velocity: 125m/s (from 250)
    • Side arcs: 60° (from 80) mortars need more arc on AI ships due to gun angles of 45deg. While facing forward, both mortars will be able to fire. Moving 15deg to one side or the other will now prevent one from tracking.
    • Up arc: 30° (from 60)
    • Down arc: 50° (from 60)
    • Ammo: 6
      All other stats are the same as the player Mortar. Damage changes based on difficulty.

  • Yeshan boss ship
    • Adjusted to have similar mass and mobility as the other boss ships.

  • Removed ‘spooky’ AI skins
  • Disabled fireworks

Dev App Testing / Dev-App Testing Change-log October 19, 2018
« on: October 19, 2018, 05:31:08 pm »
  • Stormbreaker:
    • lateral (side) drag: 2 (from 0.4)
  • Corsair:
    • Speed: 30
    • Forward accel: 7m/s2 (from 8)
    • Turn speed: 10deg/s
    • Turn accel: 8.33 deg/s2 (from 9)
    • Mass: 175t (from 250)
    • Vertical accel: 3
    • Vertical speed: 15
  • Scars of Lutessa
    • Performance & Balance Testing
  • Crown Summit
    • 2v2 - Added 2 Spawns
    • 3v3 - Spawn and Performance Testing
    • 4v4 - Spawn and Performance Testing
    • Brawl - Spawn and Performance Testing

Dev App Testing / Dev-App Testing Change-log October 12, 2018
« on: October 12, 2018, 06:36:40 pm »
  • Stormbreaker:
    • lateral (side) drag: 2 (from 0.4)
  • Corsair:
    • Speed: 30
    • Forward accel: 7m/s2 (from 8)
    • Turn speed: 10deg/s
    • Turn accel: 8.33 deg/s2 (from 9)
    • Mass: 175t (from 250)
    • Vertical accel: 3
    • Vertical speed: 15
  • Crown Summit
    • 2v2 - Added 2 Spawns
    • 3v3 - Spawn and Performance Testing
    • 4v4 - Spawn and Performance Testing
    • Brawl - Spawn and Performance Testing

Dev App Testing / Dev-App Testing Change-log October 5, 2018
« on: October 05, 2018, 05:57:30 pm »
  • Stormbreaker:
    • lateral (side) drag: 2 (from 0.4)
  • Corsair:
    • Speed: 30
    • Forward accel: 7m/s2 (from 8)
    • Turn speed: 10deg/s
    • Turn accel: 8.33 deg/s2 (from 9)
    • Mass: 175t (from 250)
    • Vertical accel: 3
    • Vertical speed: 15
  • Crown Summit
    • 2v2 - Added 2 Spawns
    • 3v3 - Spawn and Performance Testing
    • 4v4 - Spawn and Performance Testing
    • Brawl - Spawn and Performance Testing
  • Scars of Lutessa (formerly D-Day)
    • Balance and Performance testing

Release Notes / 2.0.14 Hamsters of Icarus Update
« on: September 27, 2018, 06:12:36 am »
Hamsters of Icarus
Anthology Tier Hamsterdam Kickstarter exclusive reward in early!
As a token of our appreciation for backing Hamsterdam, we have the special items in game just for you! So go be fabulous!
Jealous? - You have til September 29th to get your own Hamster Hoodie

Hamsterdam Kickstarter will receive a code for these four items!
  • Hamsterdam Bomber Jacket
  • Hamsterdam Hood
  • Hamsterdam Spectacles
  • Hamsterdam Pimm Decal

Join the Hamster Squad: We added a [Hamster] title in Guns of Icarus Alliance!
    Grab a screenshot of your character in the View Profile or My Profile tab
    Steam: ‘F12’  |  PS4: ‘SHARE’
    Upload your screenshot to Twitter / Facebook / Instagram and tag us with:
    @gunsoficarus & @hamsterdamgame

On October 1st we will select a Winner on each platform:
Win Hamsterdam on Nintendo Switch, PS Vita, iOS, Android, and Steam!
(If you already pledged you’ll receive a second copy of each platform release)

New Map:
Hidden Temple (Assault)
  • What have the Baronites been hiding deep in the Ridge Forest Mountains?

Adapted Maps:
Crown Gambit (2v2)
  • You’ve defended the summit before, now fight in the northern quarry in PvP!
Urban Brawl (Uses Labyrinth Map)
  • Labyrinth joins the list of maps available in Brawl mode! Fight through the city in 3 or 4 team battles!

New Weapon:
Roaring Tiger Heavy Detonator Mk. S
  • Arming Delay: 1s
  • Explosion Interval: 0.25s
  • Initial Delay: 0.25s
  • Jitter: 3
  • Velocity: 80 m/s
  • Range: 500m
  • Explosions: 2
  • Vertical Arcs: 30 up/ 15 down
  • Horizontal Arcs: 60
  • Direct Damage: 100 Flechette
  • Burst Damage: 85 Explosive
  • ROF: 1/s
  • AOE: 55m
  • Clip Size: 3
  • Force: 8000 KN (on Burst)
  • Reload: 10s

Social Features:
Discord Rich Presence - Now you can see what map friends are playing on, and join/invite via Discord!
  • Send invites to join lobbies! Watch for this in Dev Games.
  • Invite to spectate in running matches!
  • Shows your ingame faction in Discord profile!

Greased Ammo:
  • Jitter: +0% (from +90%)
  • Longitudinal Accel: 9.2 m/s (from 8)
  • Turn Accel: 23 deg/s (from 19.99)
  • Turn Speed: 25 deg/s (from 22)
  • Sail hitboxes removed
  • Duplicate hitboxes removed.
  • Removed railings from hull hitbox.
  • Armor: 313 (from 330) - reduces the number of pipe wrench rebuild hits by 1
  • Adjusted hitboxes to fit model better. Removed hitboxes from non-vital areas (sails, missing parts on full damage stage mesh).
  • Small aesthetic change to engine positions to align with mounts and platforms. Reduces turn acceleration by about 0.1deg/s
  • Moved balloon fixpoint to old heavy gun platform. The circle is now complete.
  • Removed ‘oar’ hitboxes - were not consistent with the visible model or animation.
Bug Fixes:
  • Surrender not showing in end-match screens
  • Old Dog Pilot 9 unlocks before 7, 8
  • Corrected damage description on Cataclysm Rounds. Actual damage is triple.
  • Unable to friend/PM some players

Dev App Testing / Dev-App Testing Change-log September 21, 2018
« on: September 21, 2018, 06:18:52 pm »
  • Crown Summit 2v2
  • <Temple> (Assault)
  • <D-Day> (Intercept)
  • Urban Brawl (Uses Labyrinth Map)

  • Roaring Tiger Heavy Detonator Mk. S
    • Arming Delay: 1s
    • Explosion Interval: 0.25s
    • Initial Delay: 0.25s
    • Jitter: 3
    • Velocity: 80 m/s
    • Range: 500m
    • Explosions: 2
    • Vertical Arcs: 30 up/ 15 down
    • Horizontal Arcs: 60
    • Direct Damage: 100 Flechette
    • Burst Damage: 85 Explosive
    • ROF: 1/s
    • AOE: 55m
    • Clip Size: 3
    • Force: 8000 KN (on Burst)
    • Reload: 10s

Dev App Testing / Dev-App Testing Change-log September 14, 2018
« on: September 14, 2018, 05:50:21 pm »
  • Crown Summit 2v2
  • <Temple> (Assault)
  • <D-Day> (Intercept)
  • Urban Brawl (Uses Labyrinth Map)

  • Roaring Tiger Heavy Detonator Mk. S
    • Arming Delay: 1s
    • Explosion Interval: 0.25s
    • Initial Delay: 0.25s
    • Jitter: 3
    • Velocity: 80 m/s
    • Range: 500m
    • Explosions: 2
    • Vertical Arcs: 30 up/ 15 down
    • Horizontal Arcs: 60
    • Direct Damage: 100 Flechette
    • Burst Damage: 85 Explosive
    • ROF: 1/s
    • AOE: 55m
    • Clip Size: 3
    • Force: 8000 KN (on Burst)
    • Reload: 10s

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