Having used the Blender extensively in 1.2 as well as all the latest patches I can safely safe that the cycling rate of the gun feels MUCH slower than before and it is. I simply can't compare 5.5 seconds of reload to the old glory that was the 4 seconds, so to me it is a massive difference while the damage it got in return was simply not worth it compared to that reload time, so it is a nerf. the range buff on both the carronades was a bit excessive though I will have to agree, it should be taken back to 1.3.1 values.
The extra shatter damage doesn't matter anyway, it already had enough of it to destroy heavy guns instantly and the Shatter damage modifiers on anything else than components is so low, that the buff was minimal.
If you ask me I would prefer both carronades to be brought back to how they were in 1.3.1 with no changes, any change that was made in 1.3.2 somehow seems to have broken both of these guns. (according to what most people are complaining about)
More range that wasn't needed, more shatter damage that wasn't needed and actually only buffs the gun on something it should be bad at and that's Permahull damage (cause all damage modifiers are low on that anyway, so any kind of extra damage makes a difference) and a longer reload that makes the gun feel sluggier than it was before.
Bad, bad and more bad.
the only good thing was the reduced spread which should have been there in the first place.