Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468550 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #840 on: March 19, 2013, 11:49:27 pm »
*By the time BdrLine got back to the bar, Yiski was laughing hard.*
By the skies BdrLine, you should've seen the look on your face.

*A quick look shows both Roland and Ny-Lee redder than a Hellfire on fire and Yiski chuckles and turns back to BdrLine.*
Alright, I'll admit that was a bit cruel on my end, but you got to admit those two are good for each other. Also, you never know how these things turn out.

*Meanwhile, if Roland's mind was going crazy over the thought of marriage, BdrLine's outburst and Ny-Lee's response drove it into overdrive.*
WHAT!!! I mean I would never think about marrying Ny-Lee without her parents approval. Plus, Ny-Lee is right. It is far to early for us, but yet she seemed to insinuate if I proposed to her, she would accept it?! Gods, this just escalated.

*Yiski's concentration breaks as Zill walks up and orders a drink.*
All that tar finally gettin' to you? Here's a Clear Skies. Should get you up and goin' again.

*Moments later, Roland and Ny-Lee also take a break. Roland was looking noticeably worn out, physically and mentally.*
Yiski... I could use more water.

*Yiski handed Roland a galss of water and look to Ny-Lee.*
And a Frost Fire Ale for you.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #841 on: March 19, 2013, 11:58:37 pm »
*Zill and Jun'ko are laughing at poor BdrLine.*

Jeeze Bdr, I nearly kill a man and you might as well of hung yourself out there. That was brutal to watch.

His face was priceless! And that poor couple is now as red as his stashed dragon peppers.

*Zill chugs the Clear Skies.*

Yea that hit the spot. That tar aint got me down yet. And you seem chipper as ever Jun'ko.

Of course! This has to be one of those nights you always remember.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #842 on: March 20, 2013, 12:08:25 am »
*BdrLine to Yiski*
Yeah your right, out of the few guys she dated before, Roland truly does make her happy. But come on really? You gave me a heart attack there. If Roland actually came up to me and ask, that would be a different story. Not that I'm saying that Ny will accept on the spot, even she knows that its way too early. If they do actually get married, I'm glad its Roland

*to Zill*
Well wait until Jun'ko ask for a ring and see how you feel*smirks*

*As Roland and Ny-Lee get to the bar, Ny-Lee takes the FFA form Yiski*
Why thank you Yiski, but i think you need to give Roland a barrel of water, he seems more tired then usual.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 12:15:51 am by BdrLineAzn »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #843 on: March 20, 2013, 12:28:13 am »
*Zill looks at BdrLine.*

Hey now, dont go shoving your problems on me. You have the young gun eying your sister, not me.

*Jun'ko wraps around Zill. She knows where to go with this.*

Oh it wouldnt be so bad now would it?? You are my Admiral after all.

*Zill tries to speak his next words very carefully but....*

Bad? No of course not. It would be friggen' great. I mean if that happens, not so say it wouldnt.....Oh flak me...

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #844 on: March 20, 2013, 12:30:28 am »

The night went on with music, song, and dance. Roland was exhausted and Zill was showing some age. However, it didn't stop their girls from dancing. There were a few times some of the patrons wanted to join up with the girls, but they knew at the bar Zill had his hand-cannon cocked and Yiski had Blood Bolt hanging for all to see. Those two made for one hell of a deterrence system.

BdrLine was still bothered by the joke Yiski laid on him.
Even Ny says it's too early, so there's no problem... but... why did she mention it's only because Roland hadn't proposed yet?

The thought would haunt him for a while, even in the back of his mind. Like wise, Ny-Lee had similar thoughts racing through.
Why did I think it would be okay to get married if Roland proposed to me soon? I mean I love him. He's sweet, kind, a gentleman, but....

Zill and Jun'ko had their own thoughts to filter through.
Marriage? Bah, I highly doubt Jun'ko would want to get married to me, but a man can dream. And what a nice dream it would be.

Getting married to MY Admiral!? I wonder if I should start teasing him about it to push him in that direction. Hmm... I'll do that later. Hehe.

Last, but not least, there was Spoon who was under guard watch at the hospital. He was bound and strapped to the bed with enough sedatives with the knockout power of a Hellfire.

If things were hectic now for our group, then the coming days would almost seem peaceful.


--END OF DAY 37--
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 12:33:05 am by Yiski »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #845 on: March 20, 2013, 10:30:28 am »


Roland woke up early as he usually did. Last night's outburst by BdrLine and the subsequent thoughts still were fresh in Roland's mind, but the sleep was able to help him put the thoughts on the back burner. All he wanted to think about was enjoying his time with Ny-Lee and having fun with her.

By the time Roland made his way to the saloon, he saw Yiski washing the windows outside. Roland chuckled. Because the warm season had started and more people were coming into Anvala, Yiski needed to make the saloon at least presentable on the outside.
Good morning Yiski.

Yiski turned to see Roland and nodded.

Without further words, Roland reached down and grabbed a spare rag and helped Yiski in finishing the cleaning.

Meanwhile at the Docks, among the hustle and bustle of new arrivals, a group of men gathered outside the entrance.
Are you sure those two are here?

Based on the intercepted radio transmissions, yes.

Good. Time to make some good money boys.

The group broke up and they headed out into Anvala.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #846 on: March 20, 2013, 11:03:29 am »

Zill woke up somewhat refreshed. The previous night had filled his mind with so many new thoughts, that the old ones didnt make an appearance. BdrLine's comments about Jun'ko and marriage was the least pressing thing on his mind. The dancing was still fresh. It was one of his best nights. The Council also picked at his brain. He knew his next mission up North was going to come soon.

He carefully got out of bed to not wake Jun'ko, and walked out onto the main deck of the Galleon. The Docks were full of life. The warm season was going to bring a lot of fresh bodies and trade, especially with the restructured large docks. He leaned off the port bow and gazed at the dockmen below.

Jun'ko had woken up despite Zill's best efforts. She was still humming tunes from last night. She came up behind Zill and wraped him in a hug.

Good morning Zill.

Good morning sunshine. How are you?

Still picturing last night. It really was one of my best.

Glad we can agree.

They both chuckled and watched the dockmen go about their day. A feeling came over Zill. He felt something was not quite right. He couldnt place it, but he took a deep breath and let out a short grunt.

Something wrong?

Just a feeling I cant shake. Something in the air doesnt feel quite right.

On a beautiful day like today? I surely dont feel anything except that sunrise.

Im goin' to head over to the Saloon just to make sure. If nothing is wrong then you can call me paranoid when I get back. Deal?

Fair enough, my Admiral. I'll buzz them on the radio for you as well.

Zill got his fighting gear on. This feeling of his may of been nothing, but he wasnt about to be unprepared. With his iron knuckles, steel boots, and hand pistol with a few spare rounds from Yiski, he set off toward the Burning Skies.

Jun'ko dug out a set of her throwing knives from her things. She wasnt about to be caught off guard again like last night. Knives around her belt, and wrench in her pocket, she made for the radio and hailed the Saloon.

Galleon to Skies, anyone awake?

-End Narrator-

« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 11:12:01 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #847 on: March 20, 2013, 11:13:16 am »

*After Roland and Yiski finished touching up the outside of the saloon, the two went inside. Yiski decided to fix up the main floor and sent Roland to make sure the equipment was good. A few minutes of work passed before Roland came out and called to Yiski.*
Yiski, there is a radio transmission coming from Jun'ko.

*Yiski shrugged and walked into the back room. He answered the transmission.*
This is Skies. What's on your mind Jun'ko?
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 11:23:55 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #848 on: March 20, 2013, 11:28:23 am »

*Jun'ko sat on the upper deck and answered.*

Hey Yiski. Zill was having some bad vibes and wanted me to see if all was ok. He's on his way now just to make sure for himself I guess. I want to call him paranoid but i even have my knives out just in case. He seemed pretty serious about it.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #849 on: March 20, 2013, 11:48:32 am »

*Yiski to Jun'ko over the radio*
Zill's feelin' a bit paranoid, huh? Hmm.... not sure why, but I got the same vibes. I'll make sure things are safe here. Skies out.

*Yiski made his way back to the front and took down Blood Bolt. Yiski unloaded the non-lethal ammo and reloaded the rifle with lethal heavy rounds (like heavy rounds in the game, but with the added perk of being non-piercing).*

*Roland joins Yiski behind the bar and has a worried look on his face.*
Do you think some one is after you again?

*Yiski shrugs*

*As soon as Yiski cocks the rifle, three men walk into the saloon.*
Sorry, pal, not open yet. *Turns to Roland* Can't believe I forgot to lock the door.

Sorry to bother you, but I'm just looking for some information. I heard this is a popular place and thought it would be a good place to start.

*Yiski inspect the men.*
They're wearing light infantry armor, equipped with rope, rifle, and pistol. Dammit... mercenaries. What sort of info are you lookin' for?

Have you heard of a man and young woman by the names of BdrLineAzn and Ny-Lee?

*Roland, still in the back, overhears the question and immediately gets back to the radio.*
Jun'ko! Jun'ko are you there? We got a problem. Some people arrived asking about BdrLineAzn and Ny-Lee. I repeat someone is looking for BdrLineAzn and Ny-Lee!

*Back at the main floor*
I might of heard of them. What's it to you?

It's business related. No concern to you.

*Yiski then saw the left mercenary reach for his pistol. Yiski immediately raised his rifle.*
I don't know what you bloody mercenaries are doin' in Anvala, but you don't walk into my saloon then try to draw your weapons on me!

Take it easy old man.

*The leader motions to the left mercenary to back off and he does. The leader then raises his hand and points it at Yiski.*
By the bloody skies. ROLAND! STAY BACK AND STAY DOWN!

*Suddenly a hail of bullets volley into the saloon through the windows. Yiski is forced to take cover behind counter and takes blind shots over the counter.*

*Meanwhile, Roland hears the shots ring out and see a few of them penetrate the wall. Roland scrambles and yells into the radio.*

*A penetrating bullet then hits the radio.*

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #850 on: March 20, 2013, 11:58:47 am »
Papa Paradox strolled in the streets, sleep has been evading him as of late. He had Brunhilda and his volcanic in tow, he had a bad feelin', something that plagued the city today. Sure as shit on his way to the saloon he heard the echo of bullets.

"Well hell, it's about time."

He ran to see what the commotion was, he saw four men spraying Yiski's bar from the outside. Hoping to draw fire, he opened up on them, He caught the left most in the neck, second in the back, his third bullet hit the third in the leg. After Papa's first volley he took cover behind a building, the two surviving merc's returned fire at him.


Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #851 on: March 20, 2013, 11:59:38 am »
*BdrLine wakes up earlier then usual, as the thoughts of yesterday still fresh in his mind*
*He heads out from his home and walks around in the docks thinking to himself*

Just relax Azn, Yiski was just kidding yesterday.Marriage is a long way off for them. So stop fretting

*As he was walking, he didn't see where he was going and bumped into a man*
Hey watch where you going!

*Bdr shaken out of his thoughts, turns to the stranger*
Sorry it was my fault, I wasnt paying attention. Hmm new here around this parts? If so welcome to Anvala.

*the man just grumbles*
Yeah yeah whatever
*and walks away towards he entrance*

*Bdr looks back at him*
Rude much?

*BdrLine just continues on his way, but after this encounter, he can't quite shake the feeling that something is going to happen*

*Back in BdrLine's Home, Ny-Lee is up and about*
*She noticed that her brother is not in, and since no explosions went off, she assumed that he out helping Zill at the docks*

*She got changed and steps out of the house*
*Once outside, she sees that the docks are busier then ever*
*As she walks around eyeing the different ships heading to the entrance, she spots a ship that look strange to her*
*The markings on the ship didn't look familiar to the ones she knows , but she brushes it off and heads towards the saloon*

*As she arrives, Ny notices how clean the outside looks and chuckles to herself*
Looks like Yiski is trying to make the place look better to get more customers, oh wait until they see on the inside.

*She then hears gunfire and rushes in to see what was happening*
*She notice the two men that were firing at them*
*They didn't notice her getting in, and she sneaks up behind one of them and knocks him out cold*

*Grabbing his fallen weapon, Ny-Lee turns to the other one, who finally notice her, and fires at him hitting him in the shoulder*
*He drops down holding the bullet wound*

*Ny-Lee not taking her hand from the trigger says to Yiski*
Never a dull moment here huh. So who are these goons anyways?
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 12:05:08 pm by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #852 on: March 20, 2013, 12:19:50 pm »
*Yiski notices the hail of fire from outside stopped and Yiski pops up to sees Ny-Lee take down the leader. Yiski immediately takes out the last man standing.*
Never. Keep him tied up. I still hear gun fire.

*Yiski places himself at the side of the window and peaks outside. He notices two remaining mercenaries are firing away. He looks to see what they're firing at and notices a few shiny limbs.*
Paradox, his awful timing worked for me for once. Better clean up.

*Yiski fires two shots. Each shot hit the last two on the upper back. Both had the same result: death. With the firefight over, Yiski yells out to Paradox.*
We're clear!

*Yiski turns back to the inside of the saloon. But something bothered Yiski.*
It's way too quiet. Roland! You okay?

*Roland slowly appeared from the back. His face was pale and was visibly shaken. Yiski walks up to Roland.*
I am fine Yiski. Just what happened?

That's what I'm lookin' to find out.

*Before Yiski could turn his attention on the mercenary leader, something caught his eye.*
Wait a sec Roland, let me take a look at you.

*Yiski noticed that one of the penetrating bullets had grazed Roland against his left torso and it was bleeding.*
Ny! Give Roland some first aid! He's been hit.

*Yiski was now pissed. He approached the leader and kicked his shoulder where Ny-Lee had shot him. The leader cried out in pain and fell on his back. Yiski had Blood Bolt aimed right at the leader's head.*
You have ten seconds to tell me why you and you're men are here or I'm going to take your head clear off and hang the corpse off the roof of my saloon!

*The leader coughed up some blood and smiled.*
Fuck off old man. You wouldn't dare.

*Yiski pulled the trigger.*

*Yiski took and deep breath.*
When in the bloody skies is Zill gettin' here?
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 12:27:40 pm by Yiski »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #853 on: March 20, 2013, 12:30:39 pm »

*Jun'ko got Roland's message and then heard what was like gun fire before the radio went to pure static.*

Hello?!? Hello!?! Damn. Time to go. Who knows how many of these guys are around here.

*She grabs a few loch grenades from the Galleon hold and equips a second belt of knives. In a flash she was running over toward Burning Skies.*

-Along the way to Burning Skies-

*Zill hears gunshots and raises his pistol. He see's four men headed up the road to the Saloon. They all have pistols and rope.*

Flaking Hell. I hate being right sometimes.

*The men are grouped in pairs. Zill cocks his pistol and charges the first two. He plants his pistol on the back first gunner's head and pulls the trigger. The second gunner was slow to react to what was happening and paid for it. Zill drove his knuckles into the man's gut and then kicked him down on the ground. He picked up one rifle and shot him for good measure. He grabbed the other rifle and started walking over to the other pair.*

HEY! Dont you gasbags ignore me or itll be the biggest mistake you make.

*The two men pointed rifles at him and fired. One ricocheted of his side and another went square into his chest. The fact Zill was still walking toward them startled the men. He used that time to put a rifle round into one of their heads. The final man shot one more into Zill with no effect. Zill popped the rifle butt into the mans face, followed by a heavy right cross to the jaw with the iron. Zill finished him off with the remaining rifle.*

Shooting me...was the next biggest...mistake.

*Zill reloaded his pistol and slowly headed up the road. The carnage didnt end with that group he downed. Zill realizes the Skies was attacked and comes in.*

Friends of...yours Yiski?

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #854 on: March 20, 2013, 12:37:52 pm »
*Yiski sees Zill walking in. Yiski sees Zill has been hit a few times.*
Well, I'm glad you took your time. Looks like there were more of them. We're fine except Roland got grazed, but nothing serious. Ny's in the back patching him up.

*Yiski walks over to the leader's corpse and starts searching his body. Yiski finds a parchment on the leader's corpse.*
Well, this can't be good. I can't read any of this, but it's clearly in Yeshan.

*Yiski then proceeds to explain to Zill and Paradox the mercenaries are after BdrLine and Ny-Lee.*