Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future  (Read 233131 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #180 on: April 05, 2013, 04:33:32 am »
(For the post befoe this)

-End Narration-

End Of Day 12
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 04:37:23 am by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #181 on: April 05, 2013, 11:06:29 am »


The a day passes from our team arriving in the hospital. Yiski, Zill, Roland, and Shink are each in separate rooms. Ny-Lee and Jun'ko stayed in their respective lovers' rooms. BdrLine and his family moved into the break-room and stayed overnight. Paradox, not wanting to stick around the hospital, left and started wandering around Chang-ning.

A doctor entered Yiski's room to check up on his leg.

Well, how is it?

You should be fine to walk now, but I suggest you don't put too much strain on it.

Yiski nodded as he got out of the bed to stand. His leg felt much better without the bits of metal. He left his room to find the others and saw BdrLine with a group of people around him.

Must be his family.

Yiski walked up to them and introduced himself.

Hey BdrLine, this must be your family. He turned to the two older member assuming to be BdrLine's parents. Pleasure, to meet you. If BdrLine hasn't said already, I'm Yiski from Anvala, owner of a nice saloon, and father to Roland, who I assume you already know is engage to you lovely daughter, Ny-Lee.

Yiski then proceeded to shake their hands.

Ah, yes. BdrLine has said much about you and your saloon. You seem a purveyor and creator of fine spirits.

Roland's father? According to BdrLine, I thought Roland's father passed?

Yiski chuckled at the first comment.

Well, I certainly know my alcohols, but calling my drinks 'fine spirits' is a bit of a stretch. I should really tell you the time when BdrLine tried one of my Wild Wind Ales.

Yiski turned just to see BdrLine's reaction. His face was pleading with Yiski not to horribly embarrass him. Yiski grinned and took the hint. Before BdrLine's family could inquire, Yiski responded to the second comment.

He did ma'am, but I spent so much time with Roland since this birth that I consider him my own.

Well, I'm sure with a full day's rest, our young couple should be able to field a few guests.

Hmm... speaking of couples, I'm going to go check up on Zill.

Yiski leaves the family and asks a nurse for Zill's room. Yiski's given the room number and knocks on the door.

Come in.

Yiski walks inside and sees Zill asleep and hooked up to a few gadgets and Jun'ko sitting in a chair pulled right up against the bed and holding Zill's hand. Yiski frowns.

How is he?

« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 12:35:29 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #182 on: April 05, 2013, 11:36:18 am »

Jun'ko stayed by Zill all night. To her relief, it was uneventful after the doctors worked on him. He was stable for now. She stayed up for a good portion of the night, but had fallen asleep next to him and woke a few hours later. She had his mask around her neck, and fidgeted with it when not holding his hand. She had since left her's off, not worried about anything but Zill. Yiski came in and his face could of been happier. She answers his question.
He's stable. Doctors say he lost a lot of blood. They werent quite sure how he managed to stay conscious for so long with his levels decreasing like they did over the course of the battle.

Well if we know anything, he's stubborn in everything else. Death looks to be part of that. How are you? You dont seem to of slept much.

She sticks her tongue out but nods afterwards.
Better, but still worried. Something is eating at me though. Youre probably the best one to ask about it too.

Whats that?

When he was shot, and on the ground at the tower exit, i was crying over him and he said to me "Dont cry my love."

He said that? I havent known Zill to love anything since....Uh....Hmm.

Yiski thinks for a second but comes up empty.
I cant remember him loving anyone outside of family. He never did have the knack for relationships. *Grins*

Cant imagine why.

Her sarcasm makes them both smirk.
I know you care about him a lot. I will say that the fact he's in this condition after everything shows he cares about you too. He wont let anyone close to him die without dieing himself, or at least taking the brunt. He got that early on i think by losing his best friend in a raid when he was young. He'd rather die than see another person close to him fall.

Its so foreign to me, yet I can see the twisted logic. I havent had experiences like this before. I just want him to be ok.

-End Narration-

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #183 on: April 05, 2013, 05:57:18 pm »
*Yiski leaves Jun'ko and Zill to rest.*

Better go check on Roland and make sure his Ny-Lee's parents aren't eatin' him alive.

*Yiski learns where Roland is at and heads for his room. When he gets there, the door is open and he can hear talking from inside. He decided to listen in for a bit.*

*Roland had been fielding a few questions from Ny-Lee's parents about his parents, what he does for a living, and other general small talk topics. Roland wasn't feeling all that nervous until...*

So, how did you and my little princess get together?

Oh this should be good. Heh.

*The young couple lit up bright red which was impossible to hide. Neither of them wanted to tell that he was moderately drunken and emboldened to pull down her down into his bed and kiss her. Then a few moments later when they knocked each other over how he, then sober, pulled her down for another kiss.*

Well... um.. you see it happened when Ny-Lee was visiting BdrLineAzn in Anvala... and he wasn't feeling well so Yiski gave him something to drink. Sadly, I do not handle any of Yiski's drinks well so I went up to rest... and I went to wake him the next day... and and.. um...

*Ny-Lee's parents could see where this was coming from a kilometer away and decided for their sake to almost finish their thought.*

And you swept my sweet Ny-Lee into your bed for a little morning delight.

What? What!

*Roland and Ny-Lee both shook their heads violently.*

No, no, no, the first half is right, the second half I just pulled her down for a kiss.

*If the couple wasn't red already, you could probably see steam coming off their heads.*

Are you sure you haven't done anything with my little princess?

Trust me, at the risk of having her throw a few knives at me, they haven't done anything.

*Ny-Lee's father seemed to calm down while her mother held her hand up to keep her from laughing loudly.*

Well, what are you plans now?

Well, I will ask for your blessing to marry Ny-Lee.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 12:36:25 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #184 on: April 05, 2013, 07:24:16 pm »
*Having healed from the minor injuries. Papa and Shink decide to head to the closest bar, and Drink away some of the nightmares of the battles that had happened.*

"I'll have a Whiskey" *Shink says answering the bartender's question*

*Shink notice a couple of people playing cards in the corner*

"Hey papa. Wanna leave them nothing but the shirts on their back?"

*Papa just shrugs, and the pair wander over to the game and join*

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #185 on: April 05, 2013, 08:02:40 pm »
After a couple bottles of Chang-Nings finest the two started to really game the table. Their were five of them at the table, Shink and Paradox included. The game was just heating up, Paradox dealt and there were calls across the board. Two sixes on the flop, Dragon and star, and a three of serpents. Call, call, call, call, and call. Four of serpents: Fold, fold...

"Jesus I've never seen more women with beards before."

Fold, call, Raise. Back to the husky man, who went all in, Papa called.

Papa smirked, having a Six of soldiers in his hand... all he needed was a little luck.

Six of serpents.

Get fucked
Get fucked

Within seconds, the table was flipped and all five men had guns on each other.

"Listen here asshole, there's no fuckin' way that shoulda been possible."

"Ya ever heard of statistics?"

"That requires an education Shink, something which this man is obviously lacking"


They all cocked their guns in unison.

A stray bottle from the onlooking crowd hit the aggravated local, guns were holstered, and brawling began.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #186 on: April 05, 2013, 08:53:40 pm »
-Central Hospital-

*Jun'ko was still next to Zill, playing with his mask hanging from her neck. She looked at him, his chest the only movement on his body. Then she thought he flicked his eyes.*

*Zill's eyes started to open. He let out a low grunt. His pain was dull and constant. He started to move Jun'ko grabbed his hand.*
Dont move. For me. Youve taken enough of a beating for us.

*He stopped moving. When he spoke, it was low and weak.*
How....long have i...been out?

About a day. The doctors worked on you after your scene.

Serves....them right for...not telling me where.....i was.

Yea yea. They didnt know how you managed to stay concious so long with the little blood you had. It took awhile to patch all your leaks. *Grins*

*Zill just smirks with her. He see's his mask around her neck. He touches it, and then her cheek.*
Are you ok?

You worry me to near-death. I think i understand why you do what you do though. Its not you dont trust me or the others. You couldnt live with yourself if you lost someone.

*She smiles. A tear rolls down her face and Zill tried to sit up. She pushes him back down.*
Now what did i say?

Well i dont...want you crying

Why? I cant show my feelings?

Well yes. But you....dont need to be sad.

These happen to be happy tears. *Pokes tongue out*

*Zill feels around on the bandages he's wrapped in and sighs.*
They immobilized me...on purpose, didnt they....

Can you blame them? You acted like you hadnt left the battle. Now rest. We are headed home soon and you need every ounce of strength you can get.

Home. Hell my home...was destroyed...back at the.....tower.

*She kissed him. Knowing he was ok, Jun'ko got up to stretch and went outside the room. She saw Yiski sitting outside Roland's room and went over to him.*
Zill's awake.

He's not moving is he?

Not on his life. *Smiles*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #187 on: April 05, 2013, 09:30:05 pm »
*Yiski felt he needed a little fresh air and decided to walk around the hospital's central courtyard found at the entrance. Yiski took a deep breath.*

Feels good not to inhale dust, smoke, or gunpowder for once.

*Yiski eventually took a seat on a bench overlooking a man-made pond. Off the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a few Imperials approaching him. Turning his head verified his assumption. Three Imperial soldiers stopped in front of Yiski and handed him a letter.*

I'm gonna guess this is from the big man himself.

Yes, the Emperor's orders were strict to either hand this to either you or your compatriot captain.

*Yiski took the letter and saw the soldiers walk off. The letter bared what he assumed was the Emperor's seal. Yiski broke it and started reading.*

I hope this letter finds you in better health than our first meeting. Again we cannot thank you and your friends enough in aiding us in erasing a dark relic of the pre-world. Had you not interfered, it would have been chilling to know they could have accomplished their goals. As I understand, your team has lost both its vessels during the siege of Lu Tower. And so as a start of repaying our bottomless debt, you will find a Yeshan galleon and goldfish waiting for you in our docks when you are prepared to leave. Just present this letter to the dockmaster so he can point out which ships are yours.

Eternally grateful,

Emperor Xi

*Yiski whistled at the letter.*

Hell, we should fight world-dominating organizations more often. Bet Zill would love to hear this.

*Yiski got up and headed back inside.*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #188 on: April 05, 2013, 11:18:13 pm »
*Ny-Lee's father goes up to Roland and puts a hand on his shoulder.*
Son, for all the things you had done. And that you showed your worth out there, we are glad to give you our blessing.

*Roland looks up to him and a small smile forms*
Why thank you sir.

*BdrLine's and Ny-Lee's mother squeal out of delight*
*She goes over and hugs Ny-Lee*
My daughter is going to be married, so how are we going to work this out?

*Almost being crushed by the embrace, Ny-Lee manages to loosen her mother's grip*
Well we still need to plan it all, but i think we should do the actually wedding somewhere in the future. That and i want to go with Roland back to Anvala.

Well alright, it can give you two more time to prepare. Just remember to invite us, we don't want to miss this. *To BdrLine* So son, when is there gonna be a special someone one into your life huh? *smirks*

*Ny-Lee turns and answer her father*
I wouldn't dream of forgetting to invite you all. My big lovely family.

*BdrLine goes red by his father's comment, his younger brother sees this and goes on teasing him*
Yes Azn, looks like Ny is going to have something over you.

*BdrLine then shoves his brother a little*
Oh haha, so how about you huh, you have a secret girlfriend or something.

Don't you go there, I'm ready to go dating when i feel like it. And what you have 9 years over me and still no one

Oh its on

*The two brothers go on bickering with one another, they don't realize that they are being directed out the door by their mother*
*Once she feels that they are out of the room, she closes the door behind them, the two can be heard outside still*
So how long are you going to stay here then, we are hoping that you and your friends can stay at the manor for a few nights. We can maybe host a party for you all.

That sounds lovely mother, but i think it depends on our friends Yiski and Zill.

*The four continuing to chat among each other inside the room. Outside, BdrLine and Huan realized that they been involuntary kicked out, stops fighting with each other  and heads over to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #189 on: April 05, 2013, 11:26:35 pm »
*Yiski knocks on Zill's room door.*


*Yiski walks in.*

I see even death is no match for the mighty Zill.

*Zill wanted to laugh, but the substantial pain only allowed a few grunts.*

Well I've got some good news.

What is it?

We've got a ride back. The Emperor decided to replace our ships with the Yeshan equivalent.

Wow. Isn't that wonderful Zill? I mean sure it isn't your galleon, but at least we have a ship again.

Yeah, yeah, but doesn't good news follow up with some bad news.

*Yiski grinned.*

You're right, the bad news is we also get to keep our request for whatever we want from the Empire.

Wait... that isn't bad news at all.

Exactly. Seems like our luck is improving.

*Yiski was about to leave to head to Roland's room to give him the message, but turned back around to Zill.*

Another thing, how soon do you want to depart. Given your condition, I'd imagine you'd want to rest more, but having Shink and Paradox roaming the city can't be a good thing.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #190 on: April 05, 2013, 11:48:32 pm »
*When the table flipped, Shink Rushed the closest guy, and with two quick jabs knocks him to the floor. Shink spins around just in time to see a chair whiz by his head*

"Little help here Papa?"

*Papa was off in his corner causing wreckage wherever he went. Papa lunges into another group, and knocks them all out in quick succession. After all the patrons of the bar have been either been knocked out, or wounded so bad that they were no threat. At this time, a gunshot could be heard, and at the entrance to the bar was filled with peackeepers. All guns were trained on the pair (Maybe a little bit more on Papa)*

"Make one move that I don't like, and I'll riddle you full of holes. We're all going to take a nice trip down to holding cell"

"Well Papa...Got any bright ideas?"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #191 on: April 06, 2013, 12:06:43 am »
*Zill grunts again at the thought of Shink and Papa making a rukus in town.*
I cant be......bothered about Papa....and Shink will be fine....

Plus the doctors dont want him moving, so might as well stay one night. BdrLine and Ny's parents would like that too.

True. As much as I want to get back to Anvala, I think Roland deserves some time with their family.

*Yiski lets Zill rest and leaves the room. Jun'ko looks at Zill.*
Guess we better get comfy.

You dont.....have to stay.

*She gives him a glare.*
Oh sure, so you can try to start moving while im away. Nice try Admiral.

*Zill sighs. He just tries to get comfortable in his temporary dwellings, and Jun'ko is there to comfort him.*

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #192 on: April 06, 2013, 12:43:40 am »

Alright, I'll go run it by Roland.

Yiski leaves Zill's room and makes his way to Roland's. The door's still open and this time it's only Roland, Ny-Lee, and her parents.

Well, Zill and I have come up with a plan.

Are we going to leave immediately?

Naw, given Zill's condition we might be here for another day or two. Can't have Zill dying on us along the way home and Lilly's gonna stay with him. I'd imagine Shink and Paradox have landed themselves in a jail cell somewhere. Plus, I'd imagine you'd want to get to know your future in-laws.

Are you not going to come with us?

I'll probably head down to the docks and get some help refitting the goldfish armor to my specifications. Probably stay the night on the ship too.

There was a general look of shock on on the parents face.

No, no ,no... that won't do at all. I insist you come stay the night with us.

*sigh* Thank you Miss Liu, but I don't want to be a burden on you or Mr. Shen.

Nonsense, plus it will give us time to know each other. We'll be family soon enough and please call me Shen.

Yiski thought for a moment and Shen was right, Yiski was going to have to get to know them, at least for Roland's sake. Plus, Yiski did say they were staying a few days.

I guess I can always refit later. Okay. I'll come along.

Excellent. I believe our auto is still here.

Roland, are you okay to walk?

Yes, I should be fine.

Roland got up and attempted to put weight on his leg, but pain immediately shot up and he sat right back down again. There's a look of distress on Roland's face.

Son, you are in no condition to walk. Give me a minute.

Shen steps out into the hallway and hails down a nurse to fetch a wheelchair. Moments later, the nurse arrives with a wheelchair and Roland gets in. As the Yiski, Roland, and the family where heading out, Ny-Lee went to grab her brothers who were still arguing about who would get a girl first. The argument just made Ny-Lee roll her eyes at her brothers' idiocy.

As the group approaches the entrance, a doctor stops them.

I'm sorry sir, but he hasn't been cleared to leave yet.

Don't worry, I'll have a doctor waiting for him at our place.

Normally, doctors would still make a fuss, but almost everybody knew of Shen and Liu's prestige and influence within the capital. The doctor merely acquiesced and let the family proceed. Outside there was an autos waiting. It was surprisingly big for the average auto. Most autos could only hold four occupants.

Family must be big to need an auto this size.

A few minutes pass before they arrive at Shen's house, or to Yiski...

Dip me in Hellfire, this is a flakin' fortress almost!?

BdrLine chuckled at Yiski's apparent amazement. Yiski looked over to BdrLine.

How the hell did you give this up and end up at my saloon of all places?

The question made everyone laugh. The group exited the auto and there were a handful of servants waiting for them.

Welcome back sir and madam. Is there anything you need?

Yes, please call Dr. Yu and have him look after one of our guest. Also, please prepare BdrLine and Ny-Lee's rooms and two additional guest rooms.

The servants nodded and scurried off into the large manor. Shen turned to Yiski and Roland.

Please make yourselves at home.

Yiski mentally gave a chuckle.

Home, huh? To be home, I'd need a few barrels of Hellfire.


--END OF DAY 13--

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #193 on: April 06, 2013, 01:04:08 pm »


Roland woke up well-rested the next morning. It had been the first time during this whole adventure he'd been able to sleep without worrying about having to kill or be killed. He was especially more cheerful when he remembers getting Shen's blessing to marry Ny-Lee.

Roland yawns and stretches his arms feels and scans the room and becomes a bit lonely because Ny-Lee wasn't with him to greet him in the morning. He did spot, however, a pair of crutches and the wheelchair. Roland stands up and puts some very light pressure on his ankle. It still hurt, but manageable, so Roland decided to use the crutches.

Roland gets to the door and opens it only to see Ny-Lee walk right into him and taking the two of them down. Roland and Ny-Lee stare into each others faces for a few seconds. Roland gave a grin.

You know dear, we really need to stop meeting each other like this.

Ny-Lee giggles and leans in to kiss him. Another few seconds pass by before she breaks the kiss.

Then again, I think I could learn to love this.

I'm sure you would.

The two keep their positions for a bit until...


This caused Ny-Lee to jump up with Roland slow to rise, making sure he doesn't strain his ankle too much. They look at BdrLine with flushed cheeks. BdrLine gives a deep sigh.

For my sake, would you at least keep it inside the room and keep the door shut?

Ny-Lee sticks her tongue at her brother.

The three head downstairs into the dinning hall where they see Yiski, Shen, and Liu talking. Coming closer, the three can tell the conversation hinged around a little bit of small talk, but the bulk was on the engagement. Eventually, everyone was present with the exception of Zill and Jun'ko. Those two were still in the room with Dr. Yu looking over Zill's injuries. Dr. Yu had stated that Zill could potentially be fit for piloting within another day or two.

Another exception to the group were Shink and Paradox who, as Yiski guessed, were in a local guard barrack holding cell.

During the afternoon, Shen and Liu decided to get supplies to celebrate Ny-Lee and Roland's engagement and invite a few high-ranking guests. Yiski was "encouraged" to get fitted for a formal wear suit by Liu and Ny-Lee. After the fitting and alterations were done, Yiski looked at himself in the mirror.

By the merciful skies, I'm glad Zill's not here to see this.

Roland on the other hand took it all in stride.

My Ny-Lee, Roland does dress up really well. It's a shame I'm not a few years younger, or I may have gone after Roland myself.

Ny-Lee and Roland blushed. Ny-Lee more so from embarrassment.


By the time the evening rolled around, preparation for the engagement party were set and ready. Guests from all over Chang-ning were entering. The whole spectacle made Yiski's head spin a bit. During this time, Yiski heard some laughter from behind him. He turned to see Zill sitting in a wheelchair manned by Jun'ko.

Ha! I never thought I'd see the day the "Legendary Crimson Bolt" wear a suit.

Yeah, yeah, laugh it up now pretty boy. Soon enough you'll find yourself in a similar position soon.

Zill scoffed at the comment and looked to Jun'ko to mirror his thoughts. Consequently, Jun'ko did share in Zill's mental process and instead was slightly blushing. Zill thought...

Women and the idea of marriage. Flak.

The night went on with music, song, dance, drinking, and congratulations given to the newly engaged couple. The couple were bombarded by a constant wave of people talking to them. For a while, Ny-Lee was worried Roland wouldn't be able to handle all these people, but it dissolved when Roland was able to field all the different topics. Working in a saloon had its advantages.


--END OF DAY 14--

(Token post for Cogs today. Again, please come out and watch the Cogs' stream at today at 4 p.m. EST)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #194 on: April 07, 2013, 12:45:58 pm »


It was the morning after the engagement party. Yiski was the first to get up and stretch his arms out wide.

You know I could get used to sleeping in a bed like this, but nothin' will beat my saloon.

Yiski got dressed and left the room. Across the hall, he could see Zill and Jun'ko leaving the room too. Zill was still in his wheelchair, but could now manage to push himself to some extent.

Feelin' good enough to fly?

Even if I'm not, you think that'll stop me?

Nope, though I think someone else might think otherwise.

Zill looked up to Jun'ko who gave him a scowl look. Zill laughed.

Don't worry, I'll be much better once I'm up in air again.

The three then set out downstairs into to the main floor and found Ny-Lee and Roland waiting for them.

Are we heading out?

Seems that way. Where's BdrLine and your folks Ny-Lee?

My brother went to the docks after the party ended. He said he wanted to update our ships' engines to get us back to Anvala sooner. Mother and Father are out in town. They have an auto waiting for us.

Where's Shink and Paradox?

Well, Mother and Father got word the two of them ended up in jail. They were going to the jail to bail them out and meet us at the docks.

The sooner we get Paradox out of here the better.


The team arrived at the docks and saw BdrLine, Shink, Paradox, Shen, and Liu. Zill waved over to them as the approached.

The engines good to go BdrLine?

Yup. Everything is set. It should only take a few days to Anvala.

Liu went over to hug Ny-Lee.

Oh, I will miss you. Please contact us when you can, especially your wedding date.

I will Mother.

Shen approached Roland and shook his hand.

Take care of my little princess.

I will sir.

Liu then hugged BdrLine despite the fact he was covered in grease, dust, and oil.

Please, please contact us more often.

That's right son. Don't make your mother worried because she takes it out on me.

Liu gave her husband a sharp look, but Shen and BdrLine gave a small laugh.

I'll try.

During the goodbyes, Paradox was already on board the galleon when he yelled out.

Dammit can we please get going here. I don't ever want to come here again.

Eventually, Zill, Jun'ko, Paradox, and Shink were on the galleon, and Yiski, Roland, Ny-Lee, and BdrLine on the goldfish. Both ships named Then It Was Fixed Again and M'Naghten Returns, respectively. Yiski calls out into the radio.

Ready to hit the skies?


The captains then started their engines and left Chang-ning port. Soon the team could see the city in the far horizon behind them. It would only be a six day trip back to Anvala.


--END OF DAY 15--


(Zill, when you can, please lock this thread and unlock the main thread. Main saloon thread will be opened tomorrow. Sorry for two token posts in a row, but I have a lot of work to do.)