Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468307 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #810 on: March 19, 2013, 12:58:45 am »

In keeping with his promise, Yiski kicked everybody out early so he could talk to Roland. Soon the only people left in the saloon were Roland, Ny-Lee, himself.

You sure you want Ny-Lee to be here?


Yiski gave a deep breath and started the story of how him, Micheal, and Maria met.
Well, you already know your father and I grew up together here in Anvala and joined the Academy when we could. Your mother, Maria,... she was there too, but as a medical student.

What was my mother at the Academy?

Well, when you get a lot of young kids together and keep them in close proximity to guns and other weapons, you're bound to have injuries. Hence, the need for a on-site medic. Well, your father and I got to know her very well, very quickly.

Roland and Ny-Lee sat intently, hanging on Yiski's words.
By the skies, I can still remember that day your farther and I laid eyes on her. We both thought she was an angel.

Well we wanted to befriend your mother quickly because we wanted to see who would woo her first. To do that we hurt ourselves, either through training, or beating the tar out of each other.

Roland's jaw dropped wide open. Yiski laughed.
Well, you can see who won in the end.

Yiski then went on the day Roland was born. His tone and pacing became somber and slower.
Well, I never did tell you what happened when you were born. You know I originally said your mother left you and your father, but that was a lie.

Yiski took a deep breath.
Maria.... your mother.... s... she died givin' birth to you. Docs did what they could, but some complications happened... And Micheal.... well... he never quite recovered from her death.

Why did you keep this a secret from me all these years?

Ny-Lee could tell Roland was angry and reached down to hold his hand. Roland took and he squeezed firmly.
Well, I ultimately made the decision to say she ran off because it was easier to explain to you when you were young. Lookin' back on it, I regret that decision.

Well what about my father? What happened to him after mother's death?

Well.... Yiski struggled whether to tell Roland his father was also the Crimson Bolt. you're father became a bit more reckless in his mission choices and eventually took on a persona to hide his identity. The Crimson Bolt.

Wait... you and father were the Crimson Bolt?

Yup. Basically, your father and I developed the name. We would alternate the use of the name when either one of us was out on the field to make it seem like it was one person.

Yiski took a pause to breathe.
Well, your father was killed as he was comin' back from a mission usin' the Crimson Bolt title. Guild ambush when you were about eight, but nobody knew the Crimson Bolt died in the attack. Yiski took another breath. Well, word had it the Guild was giving a bounty for info on the identity of the Crimson Bolt and find him or relatives to take out. Well, I couldn't let them come after you. So I used BdrLine's help to erase your father from being the Crimson Bolt.

So the bounty hunters which came after you...

Were after your father and myself. I decided to burden everything on myself.


Because you deserved a life that doesn't involve your father's past and you weren't raised to handle it.

Yiski looked at the clock and noticed hours had passed by.
Damn, it took longer than expected. If you have questions, then I'll answer those tomorrow. The two of you should head of for some sleep.

Roland couldn't wrap his mind around everything Yiski told him. Both Roland and Ny-Lee left the saloon.
Are you going to be okay?

I am not sure.  I knew Yiski sacrificed a lot to raise me, but I had no clue to the extent.

It's because he cares for you like his own.

I... I know.

The couple reached BdrLine's place where the two kissed goodnight. Roland walked alone back to his place trying to figure out why Yiski had kept all this a secret and what else Yiski was still hiding.


--END OF DAY 36--

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #811 on: March 19, 2013, 09:29:50 am »


Morning came and the sun peaked through Yiski's window. He grumbled. Last night had been a train wreck in attempting to talk about Roland's parents. Now that Roland knew the truth to both his mother and father, Yiski was unsure how Roland could rectify years of lies he told him. Reluctantly, Yiski got up.
By the burning skies, I guess I need to open up.

As Yiski walked into the front, he heard a knock on the door.
I'm going to bet 50 gold it's Roland.

Yiski unlocked and opened the door. Before him was Roland.
Damn I hate it when I'm right. Thought you would've taken time off to sort things out.

Roland stood silent for a few minutes looking at Yiski. Yiski felt either Roland was going to yell at him or possibly hit him. After a few more moments.
Thank you.

Now it was Yiski's turn to be speechless.
The hell. Thank you? For what? I lied to you your entire life.

Thank you for being honest with me now. I will admit I was angry about the lies you have told me, but with some understanding and help from Ny-Lee, I realized the reasons why you have kept these things from me. You were right. If you did tell me the truth when I was younger, I would not have understood the events completely.

Roland took another breath, closed in on Yiski, and gave him a hug. The first one Roland ever gave to Yiski. Though surprised and not in his nature, Yiski mirrored the hug.
And thank you for raising me. I never realized until last night how much I owe you.

Yiski laughed.
By the skies Roland, how many times I gotta tell you. You don't owe me anything.

Roland broke the hug and chuckled.
I know. Um... sorry about hugging you all of a sudden.

No worries, but don't make it a regular habit or Ny-Lee'll get jealous.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #812 on: March 19, 2013, 10:21:14 am »


Zill and Jun'ko went back to the docks after being promptly kicked out by Yiski for his own devices. As much as Jun'ko wanted to give Zill the watch, she had a feeling that a better time would come around, so she waited. Initially the night was good. Jun'ko nestled against Zill as they drifted to sleep. It wasnt meant to last. Zill's dreams took him on a journey back in time once again...

The air was hot, and the sand bit at everything it touched. It was a hot night in Sylka, even by its standards. Zill was very young at this point, nearly a teenager. He had his friends, but his best was Kyle. They were like brothers, and always talked about the ships that would fly over the town in slow motion. Zill knew he would be a pilot one day, and Kyle would be the best engineer ever seen. They would always sneak into the docks and "commandeer" a random boat docked there late at night, learning everything about it and shooting down "raiders."

This particular night was interrupted by a low roar. Zill though he had accidentally started the engines but quickly realized it was not his doing. Kyle was the first to spot one of the Raider boats. The attack on the town was unexpected, and a lot of people were in a panic. Guards were having a rough go at them, and a few boats took off in a flash to assist with the defense. Zill and Kyle first feared for their families, but realized it was too late for anything but direct action.

Zill took the helm of their "commandered" Pyramidion, and they were off. It wasnt their first time flying, but it was their first fight. Lacking in guns, Zill resorted to ramming with Kyle on repairs. The first kill didnt come quick, but Zill quickly learned the art to controlled rams. He caught a Squid off guard and drove it into a nearby building. They were determined to get the raiders out of the town. Unfortunately for them they were outnumbered and the fight turned sour. All felt lost until support arrived for the young duo. In the final face-off, the guards and random allies had won against the raiders. Zill went to congratulate his brother in arms, but quickly realized the price of their actions. In the moments before support arrived, Kyle was hit. Even through that, he managed to keep the boat alive. Zill called for help, but deep down knew it was too late. Kyle knew as well, and requested one last thing of his closest friend.

We both kn...know I dont have long. Say the pra....prayer.

With Kyle in his arms and a tear in his eye, Zill gave his brother in arms his final wish.

By the Skies we fly this day. Off into the Sunset to give chase. May the Winds stay at our back. Our Dusty Mistress be appeased. Our Mugs ever full. Onwards ye' Dogs, Into the Fray.

Kyle grinned, and drew his last breath. Zill tried with every ounce of strength to hold back tears, but it was no use.

When the others rushed to the boat, they couldnt believe their eyes. Two teenagers had manned the vessal and assisted in the defense. The loss of Kyle was felt by all who were there, but none moreso than Zill.

At this point Zill woke up. He sat up, and stared into the space before him.

Dammit Kyle, you crazy fool. Why did the Dusty Mistress have to take you...

-End Narrator-
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 10:30:07 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #813 on: March 19, 2013, 01:19:01 pm »
*Shortly after opening, the saloon started seeing some increased traffic. Yiski smiled, he knew it would happen since the Docks were running at full capacity and the warmer weather brought in more merchants and visitors. Yiski looked to Roland.*
Ah... this is lookin' like it's goin' to be a good warm season for us.

I agree, especially since the Docks were repaired.

*Yiski nodded.*
So, you and Ny-Lee have been datin' for a few days.

*Roland raised an eyebrow while cleaning a glass.*

Any future plans?



*The word of marriage about made Roland fumble and drop the glass. Yiski watched and laughed.*
Marriage? Do you not think it is too soon? Ny-Lee and I have only had one date.

Hell, your parents got married after two days of dating.

Really? Two days?

Yup. I was surprised too, but it somehow worked out for them.

*Roland started to blush.*
Marry Ny-Lee, huh.

*The thought had crossed his mind, but he felt it was far too soon to consider it seriously.*
I wonder how Ny-Lee feels about us getting married.

*The more Roland thought about it, the more he blushed.*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #814 on: March 19, 2013, 01:38:54 pm »
*Jun'ko was slow to get up today. She realized she was alone in the bed.*

Guess he started work without me. He never lets me sleep in....

*Jun'ko quickly got herself ready and went out on the main deck. Zill was sitting on the railing in front of the helm and saw her. He hopped down and surprised her. She screamed and went crazy on him.*

Holy flak that wasnt funny!!!!! I nearly died!!!!

*Zill can only laugh.*

That was something to see. Im sorry to make you jump out of your skin though.

*Jun'ko takes a breath.*

Like I could stay mad at that. I give you credit for managing that drop.

No kiddin'. Im surprised I didnt fall over.

*They both can feel the warm air of the warm seasons coming in*

Get yourself dressed for a day at the Saloon. Its a good day to celebrate life and the Skies.

Hehe Very well my Admiral.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 01:40:50 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #815 on: March 19, 2013, 02:05:33 pm »
*Storms into the Saloon , and in his best imitation of Sunderland yells...*

"This is a holdup! Hand over all your plushies or the place goes up in flames!"

*Unfortunately, no one found this funny... Disheartened, Shink goes to his table, and orders a WSW.... *

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #816 on: March 19, 2013, 02:17:50 pm »
*BdrLine's House*

*Ny-Lee is still in bed sleeping after staying up with Roland, while Yiski talks about his parents*
*All is quiet in the house , as birds are chirping outside until...*


*The sudden explosion rocked the house a little which resulted in Ny-Lee falling out of her bed*

*From the outside, Ny can hear her brother screaming out an apology and some sort of an explanation to what caused the explosion*
*Ny-Lee in her thoughts*
 REALLY, can't a lady get some sleep out here!?!

*She pushes herself up, changes from her night garments to her day clothes and head down stairs to her brother*

*When she reaches outside, a hole can be seen from her brothers warehouse*
*Inside of that hole is BdrLineAzn all covered in soot and hair raised, with tools in his hands. Behind him is Tommy and Allen*

*Nervous chuckles*Umm hey Ny... I can explain everything. You see, we were trying to make some new gasoline for engines, and well when we added it to an actually engine... it sorta blow up hehe

*Ny-Lee just gives herself a face palm and just throw her hands up in exasperation*
Why do i even... you know what i just head to the saloon. I don't want to stick around more with this going on

*Ny-Lee leaves the guys about their business and to the saloon*

*Back to BdrLine, he call out to his sister*
Well alright, i just see you there later

*To Tommy and Allen*
Comeone lets fix this place... again*sigh*

*After a few minutes, Ny-Lee arrives*

*She sees the place packed with people, and heads to the bar*
*She sees both Yiski and Roland*

Hey you two, so its pack today huh?

*She goes up to Roland and pecks him*

So you feel a little better after yesterday.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #817 on: March 19, 2013, 03:00:25 pm »
*Jun'ko emerges from the Galleon chambers and Zill can only stare. A thin white shirt with red underneath to cover, a long flowing dress and knee-high boots. She twirls on front of him.*

I can feel you staring through that mask of yours. What do you think?

I dont think ive seen anything more beautiful.

*She blushes and takes his hand.*

Come on, lets go. Im itchin' to dance.

*They makes their way to the Burning Skies and make an entrance.*

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #818 on: March 19, 2013, 03:25:01 pm »
*Sitting by a cracked window looking out across the "creatures" below*
This is just crazy... crazy I tell you... aaa shit.. What has happened to Anvala? What was that thing yesterday?
*Looks around the room* I need to get out of here

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #819 on: March 19, 2013, 03:25:57 pm »

*Roland and Yiski stare at Shink.*
Shink, you're no Sund.

*Roland nodded and gave him his requested WSW.*
*After a few minutes, Ny-Lee arrives*

*She sees the place packed with people, and heads to the bar*
*She sees both Yiski and Roland*

Hey you two, so its pack today huh?

*She goes up to Roland and pecks him*

So you feel a little better after yesterday.

Yes, I am much better today. Thank you.

*Roland remembers what Yiski said earlier.*

*Roland shakes his head.*
I really do not need this right now.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #820 on: March 19, 2013, 03:42:28 pm »
*Zill and Jun'ko make there way up to the bar. Patrons along the way go silent with one look at Jun'ko. Zill's gaze quickly dashes many of their hopes.*

Damn Yiski this place got popular. Must be the finished Port. Ahoy Roland. How's Ny?

We'd like a WSW and Sake gentlemen. Oh and some music would be lovely!

Ah I can get that goin'.

*Zill stomps the ground to silence the patrons.*

Whats it take for an Admiral to get some music around here?

*Suddenly that old piano gets manned, and a guitar and violin join in. Soon enough its a band.*

There yea are Sweetheart. By the Skies I want to see you dance all night.

*Jun'ko begins to twirl and sway to the music.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #821 on: March 19, 2013, 03:46:47 pm »
*Yiski facepalms and fixes up a WHW for Zill and sake for Jun'ko.*
Dammit Zill, I wish you'd stop commandeering my saloon!

*Watching Zill and Jun'ko dance brought a thought, albeit a bad one, to Roland's mind and asks Ny-Lee.*
Care to dance my lady?

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #822 on: March 19, 2013, 03:51:10 pm »
*Zill shouts to Yiski*

You cant deny the good time and wealth of business my friend!

*Jun'ko's dress is a blurr as she dances along with Zill.*

Oh live a little Yiski. Hop on that bar I know you dance!

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #823 on: March 19, 2013, 04:02:00 pm »

*Ny-Lee blushes at the comment and accepts*
*She and Roland heads to the dance floor*

--Somewhere in Anvala--
*A group of guards are now on the lookout for Spoon*
*Each of the are equipped with tranquilliser darts and rifles*

*The two guards who were on the BdrLine chase are amount them*

What's with people going crazy this week huh? First it's BdrLine, now.... this guy

Don't ask me. We are just here to keep order. And the damaged he cause yesterday. This does deviently need order

Ugh let's just get this over with and find him. Once we get him, it's the hospitals problem now

You said it... hey you see that over here?

*the group stops and turn to where the guard pointed to*
*It was a calm alley way where there was nothing out of the ordinary, until Spoon crashes out of a window screaming words that the guards couldn't understand*

Looks like it's our man... QUICK AFTER HIM!

*A chase erupts around the city as the guards were chasing Spoon*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #824 on: March 19, 2013, 04:18:47 pm »
*Yiski gives Jun'ko a deadpan stare.*
Heh... you're kiddin' me. Granted I could probably dance better than Zill, but that's not much of a standard to beat.

*Yiski watches Roland and Ny-Lee dance.*
Plus, I'm sure Roland will do enough dancin' for the two of us.

*Dancing with Ny-Lee, Roland tries to do better and does, even if marginally.*