(Fair Warning, Wall of Text

--Docks--*BdrLine's Warehouse*
*As both Ny-Lee and BdrLine enter, BdrLine is in a calmer state*
*Bdr's thoughts*
Can't believe I'm going to call them again. Man has it been five years? Well at least Ny is with me for this.*sighs*
*Ny-Lee lopks to her brother*
Ready?Yeah*Bdr then dials in to their families personal radio frequency*
*All that is heard is static, until a younger man voices appears*
Ny is that you? You know its been over a week and you haven't called mom and dad back. *Bdr puts a hand over the reciever and to Ny*
Is that who i think it is?Yeah, its "little" Huan *chuckles*
Hey I heard that, so whos with you Ny, his voice sound s familiar.*Bdr took his hand off the receiver and says to his younger brother*
Well i give you one guess, little bro*Silence is heard on the other line until Huan finally speaks*
Aan... is that really you?One and only.* Shuffling can be heard over the radio as Huan goes through the house trying to find his parents*
*Both Bdr and Ny can still hear him yelling over the radio*
MOM, DAD, you can't believe who is calling right now. WHERE are you guys?--Chang-ning--*Zhao Manor*
*A middle-aged woman comes from her room yelling back to Huan*
What is it that is so important that you have to yell?Quick get dad, there is someone on the radio, you want to talk to.*A middle-aged man comes out from the kitchen*
Is it the Emperor's Council? They know that i don't meet with them until next week. No, even more important..... gah just follow me*Both parents look at each other and at their son*
*sighing, both parents followed him to the radio room to see what is so important*
--Anvala--*BdrLine's Warehouse*
*After what seemed like 10 minutes, the radio comes back to life again*
Hey you guys still there?Yes Huan. So what was all that ruckus about?*A gasp can be heard through the radio, some more shuffling can be heard*
Azn... is that really you?Yes ma, its meOh my Gods, i can't believe... *some crying can be heard* Is Ny-Lee with you as well?PresentIs this why you left on a vacation, to find your brotherWell yeah mainly, but also to go out more, but yes to find him*more shuffling*
Well nice work Ny, so Son how has it been after all this years? *The conversation continues as all the family members recount all the past events that they encountered*
*From stories to gossip, the whole time they were just trying to catch up from all the pass events*
*When the topic of Ny-Lee and Roland pops up. their mother squells in delight knowing her daughter has a boyfriend, while their father just passes out on the floor.(He regains conciseness of course, but later he calls back to his son to keep an eye out, which Bdr agrees jokingly)*
*Eventually, they end the call, but now Bdr promises to keep in touch so as that no one will ever be i the dark any more*
*Ny-Lee to her brither*
So how do you feel now.Like a whole weight has finally been lifted. Come on lets go to the Saloon getting to know each other again is a lot of work*Both of the laughs*
Ok , same here*Both brother and sister now walks toward The Burning Skies*