Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1469144 times)

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1290 on: April 18, 2013, 09:20:48 pm »
*Honeybadger comes into the bar tired*

Honeybadger: "Morning all."

*Honeybadger checks his watch*

Honeybadger: "Or rather afternoon. Next week."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1291 on: April 18, 2013, 10:18:05 pm »
*Yiski looks over to Honeybadger.*

"The hell have you been?"

*Honeybadger just looked round with a blank stare.*

"Did you not realize we had a raider occur just yesterday?"

*Honeybadger shrugs and falls over on the couch. Yiski just facepalmed.*

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1292 on: April 18, 2013, 10:33:46 pm »
*Homeybadger adjusts himself on the couch*

Honeybadger: "I'm sure it was fun, I've been busy digging up information about my ex. If I have to tell a story, might as well be not completely bullshit. Where is Liu by the way?"

*Honeybadger takes out his deck of cards and shuffles them*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1293 on: April 18, 2013, 10:59:20 pm »
*Liu sees Honeybadger on the couch and goes up to him*

"So if there is no more interruptions, the story of you and my sister Luli."

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1294 on: April 18, 2013, 11:02:27 pm »
Zill orders a WSW and Jun wants a Sake Bomb.
"You sure? Last time we ended up bed ridden for 3 days."

"I trust him. Plus then I have an excuse to have some of that Elixir of his." *Grins*

"Oh lord like you need more of that."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1295 on: April 18, 2013, 11:13:17 pm »
*Yiski laughs at Zill's expression, or lack there of. He makes a WHW and Sake Bomb for the two.*

"You know Zill you shouldn't worry. If you come down with somethin', you know I'm more than happy to make somethin' to fix you up."

*Zill shuddered at the though.*

"No thanks, I'll have better luck rushing a fleet of bandit in a squid."

*Roland approached Yiski.*

"Yiski, now that you have access to military supplies, is there a way I can get some tungsten?"

"Hmm.... yeah, the forge would have some tungsten. Also, they're forge is much better than the one I've got. I'll see what I can do."


*Unfortunately, Ny-Lee overheard a few things, got curious and approached the two.*

"Get what?"

"Um... I am asking Yiski to take me to the academy grounds for marksman training since Yiski has access to it."

"Can I join?"

*Roland and Yiski were trying to find the words to say, but both were coming up with blanks. Yiski shot a glance over to Liu who luckily picked it up as 'This is wedding related. Get her off.' Liu walked over to Ny-Lee.*

"Now, now, you have to help me with the wedding preparations."

"But I thought you'd taken care of them."

"And you'd work your own mother to death."

*Liu was being over dramatic, but it seemed to work and Ny-Lee gave out a sigh.*


*Yiski and Roland let out a sigh of relief.*

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1296 on: April 19, 2013, 12:40:18 am »
*Honeybadger looks at Liu and sighs*

Honeybadger: "I first met your sister when I was traveling around Yesha, this was when I was still a traveling Magician. We hit it off and well... Things happened. Anyway, I was pretty serious about your sister, but unfortunately I had to leave early. I had to recover some accounts from other people so here it goes."

*Honeybadger starts to explain*

(OOC: Yiski, please don't wrap this up I'll just make it a flashback. Also I have to play a match)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1297 on: April 19, 2013, 02:07:26 am »

As the night wore on in the Saloon, the alcohol starts to get to the many patrons as they figured that they had enough and start to head home.As people were filing out the door, Yiski turns to Roland and Ny-Lee.

"Since you two have been working all day since yesterday, I'll handle things down here and close up shop. Go upstairs and rest."

'Thanks Yiski, my ankle was acting up a little. Come dear lets get some sleep"

Roland extends a hand to Ny-Lee who takes it. Both heads towards the stairs going up to their room. No activities would happen tonight as once they hit the bed, both were knocked out instantly into a deep sleep.

The opposite can be said between Zill and Jun'ko. After drinking a few rounds, and Jun'ko blacking out a few times from the Sake Bomb. Zill, not wanting a repeat, goes over the bar and pours one of Yiski's 'Elixir'.

"Jun I think that is enough of the Sake. Here."

Zill hands her the drink, Jun takes it and drinks it down. Finally having enough for the evening, the two goes up to their rooms where the Elixir kicks in as article of clothing are tossed off in different directions as the two makes it to the bed.

For Honeybadger and his story, as he was to start to explain to Liu about him and Luli, he starts to get drowsy which in turn knocks him unconscious. Liu just shakes her head as everythime the topic comes up, some sort of interruption occurs.

She calls out to her son, who is still talking to a small group about his involvement in the battle.

"Come on Azn its getting late and i would like to sleep in a bed after that raid."

"Alright mother, I'm coming."

The two sets off back towards the docks to BdrLines hosue. Speaking of housing, as the night rolls on, Couldcurse left the saloon early as to find a place to stay. As he walks down the street away from the saloon, he come across an inn with open rooms and decides to stay the night in there.

Instead of the nice comfort of a homely room and bed, Wazulu is transfer from the triage tent to the hospital where doctors treat his wounds from his crash. Once patched up, he is transfered to a mobile bed and is placed in one of the avaliable rooms.

After the rest of the patrons that lingered around leaves, Yiski goes over and locks the front door. He sets all the chairs back to their original positions and heads towards his room. Once at his door, he looks back and gives one last look around and notices Honeybadger knocked out on the couch. He shakes his head and, not bothering to deal with it, opens and heads into his room and onto his bed.

End of Narration

-End of Day 72-

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1298 on: April 19, 2013, 02:21:52 am »
*coldcurse gets of the chair and grabs a wooden pipe out of his pocket*

"barkeeper, mind if i stay near the saloon?"

*coldcurse fills the pipe with tabacco*

"hmmm nothing smells better then some gunpowder tabacco"

*coldcurse stands up and walks to the exit of the saloon while he lights up his pipe, he leaves the saloon and gets outside.
he finds a bench next to the saloon to sit on, he looks up.
he then grabs a little photo out of his pocket and smiles.*

"i will stick around this place, dont you worry now"

*he puts the photo back in his pocket and smokes his pipe*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1299 on: April 19, 2013, 10:42:00 am »


Yiski, Roland, Zill, Ny-Lee, and Jun'ko wake up at the sunrise. Zill didn't get a lot of sleep last night because Yiski's elixir kept Jun'ko jittery even when she was asleep. When the upstairs' guest come down they see Yiski cleaning the bar's counter. Zill is the first down and first to greet.

"Morning Yiski. You plan on heading over to the Academy today?"

"Mornin' and yeah, I'll probably poke my head in. No point not checking on things for my first day. You ladies think you had hold down the saloon for another day?"

"Well, I did promise my mother I'd help her with some of the wedding preparations, so I'll head over to Bdr's place."

"Hmm... well I can't poor Jun to handle the whole saloon herself."

"No worries, I can have Zill keep me company."

"Say what now?"


Zill scratched the back of his head. He could avoid Jun'ko's puppy eyes and caved in and agreed. Yiski and the other chuckled at Zill's defeat.

"Alright, well Roland and I are headin' out to the Academy."

"You'll put in those requests right?"

"I'll see what I can do."

As Yiski, Roland, Ny-Lee head out. Roland gives a kiss to Ny-Lee. Roland could clearly see Ny-Lee would rather follow them for "practice," but the surprise had to be maintained, even at the risk of a few tiny lies.

"Have fun planning."

"I'll try. I wish I could go with you two."

"Next time darling."

"You promise."


Ny-Lee returned a kiss and they parted ways.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1300 on: April 19, 2013, 10:51:46 am »
Already regretting his defeat, Zill made sure things were in order behind the bar while Jun'ko straightened out tables. They made sure the piano was in working order, as Zill always liked music playing for the day. Jun'ko played a few notes and then suddenly a nice melody spawned from her playing.
"I didn't know you played."

"Back in Yesha I took lessons. Guess all that practice payed off."

"Well keep it up. This sounds much better right now than loud bar songs."

She giggles and continues. Zill leans on the bar and closes his eyes. Images of flight and Clear Skies run through his mind. Jun couldn't see it, but he was grinning. All the cares in the world left him.

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1301 on: April 19, 2013, 12:27:36 pm »
*But as the door of the saloon opened for the first time that day, those cares flooded back in with the wind, briefly drowning out the sound of the piano. In the doorway, a single figure- completely covered in bandages all the way up to his chin, Wazulu hobbled into the bar and crashed into a chair by the door. He hadn't adjusted to crutches well, it seems. Noticing others around him, he looked up, nodding to Jun'ko and giving a sloppy salute to Zill. It was only at this point one could notice the bold leather eyepatch cutting across his face and over his left eye, Anvalan Naval Insignia embedded in the middle.*

'Not sayin' the morphine is bad at the hospital, but I could use a drink or two regardless' he chuckled. 'Hit me up with a Hellfire or two, would ya?'

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1302 on: April 19, 2013, 12:57:18 pm »
--Near the Academy Armory--

*Roland and Yiski was at the Academy. Roland took the time again to look around the grounds. His last experience with the Academy weren't pleasant, but this time was different. When they reached the entrance of the armory, they were stopped by the guards.*

"Halt. No civilians allowed."

*Yiski mentally sighed. He forgot to ask the Council to make him a new symbol for his rank instead of using his old badge. As if on cue, another guard approached Yiski,*

"Striker Commander Yiski?"


"This was rushed ordered for you."

*Yiski was handed a small parcel and he opened it. Inside was a new symbol for Anvala which could now replace his Baronies' badge. Yiski smiled and flashed the new symbol to the armory guards.*

"Ah. We're terribly sorry Commander. You may enter."

"No worries."

*Roland and Yiski went inside the armory. If Roland didn't know any better, he could have sworn he heard Yiski giggle like a child in a candy store from all the equipment, supplies, and materials used to make all sorts of weapons. Roland tapped Yiski on the shoulder.*


"Oh, sorry Roland. Heh, old habits."

*The two made their way over to the forge. Luckily, there was nobody operating it so it was free for the two to use.*

"Go ahead and start up the forge like I showed you. Just mind the fact this is much larger, so be careful. I'm goin' to find some tungsten."

*Roland nodded and Yiski left to forage some tungsten and other materials. By the time Yiski returned with the necessary materials, Roland had the forge running hot.*

"Good job on gettin' it started and not burnin' yourself."

"Thank you, though I did have a few close calls."

"Well now, let's get this started and soon you'll have two wedding bands."

*Many long hours pass by as Yiski and Roland work on the wedding bands. The extreme heat caused the two to sweat profusely and the constant hammering and shaping of the bands were taking a physical toll on Roland's stamina though he was determined to get it right and finish it all. Another hour passes before the two stop and inspect the bands which have been sitting in a cooling pool. The bands were finished, but some detailing was needed before they were presentable. Yiski smiled and patted Roland's back.*

"Not bad. Not bad at all."

"I agree. I am surprised it came out this well."

"You do have a hell of a motivation to get it right."

*Roland smiled.*

"Don't think we're yet. Gotta polish them and put some details. No worries, that can be handled back at the warehouse."

*Roland placed the almost complete bands in his pocket and the two started walking out, but suddenly Yiski stops.*

"Something wrong Yiski?"

"No, it's just I got an idea."

*Roland sees a curled smile across Yiski's face and it meant one of two things: New brew idea, or weapon idea. Given their location, Roland knew it had to be the later. Yiski snapped out of his moment and looked at Roland.*

"Sorry, but go ahead back without me. I have a little experimenting to do."

"Okay, but please be careful."

*Roland left the armory and started his way back to the saloon. He shuddered for a moment thinking of what Yiski could create.*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1303 on: April 19, 2013, 02:03:33 pm »

Zill got Wazulu a Hellfire and made him sit at a table.
"The Hell happened to you? You look like you got in a fistfight and a Hwacha."

Jun'ko got up and fixed the table and chairs he knocked over before playing the piano again. The other few patrons just shrugged it off and went on with their chats.

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1304 on: April 19, 2013, 03:01:39 pm »
'Well, you know what Yiski said about never agitating the Hellfire? I may have shot a couple barrel fulls in order to escape a sticky situation in Hanat. That, and, er, you saw what happened to me and my Goldfish. Ha, in some ways I did get hit by a Hwacha. Besides that, how's Anvala doing? we're not expecting anything big soon, right?'