Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1467865 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1275 on: April 17, 2013, 07:46:45 pm »

*As the battle in the east continues, BdrLine and his crew try knock the transports quickly out of the sky*

*Allen from the hawacha*
"There are too many ships out here, oh shoot, some are already landed and are unloading their troops. ...What the Flak?!? Are they shooting at us?"

*As the goldfish flies around the combat area, the soldiers already on the ground faces up and fires their rifles at the ship.*
*All around the ship, bullet shells are ricocheting off the armor making a ping noise."

*At the helm, BdrLine turns his ship at another transport to give Allen a shot*
"Don't mind them, rifle rounds won't damage us that easily, just focus on destroying the ones in the air. The less of them on the ground, the better for our guys."

*BdrLine call to the other two*
"One of you guys get on the mortar, see if you can lessen their ranks."

*John being the closest, hops on the gun and start firing towards the earth*
*Small explosions can be heard as the shells hit the ground*

"Nice nice, keep it up John"

*After a few volleys of shooting and reloading,  John loads in another round and starts firing. This time the explosions were much bigger and more devastating*

"Don't know how you did that with the mortar, but keep it up"

"Umm Bdr... that wasn't me."

*Tommy quickly see the cause of the bigger explosions calls up*

"It was those mines, the guys from the wall are shooting out the balloons so that it can detonate on top of them"

"Well one less chore for us. Allen keep shooting, Tommy get on the carro and see if we can help out."

*As the front hawacha keeps on spiting rounds out towards the floating troop transports, Tommy would get on the carronade and pop the mines balloon whenever they were close enough*

"keep this up, we may have this ended soon"

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1276 on: April 17, 2013, 09:40:50 pm »
*A long and uneventful flight happened. Finally Sky reached his target, a group of infantry moving towards the north like Zill said. He began his climb, then speaks.*

"Alright, approaching the targets, they were expecting an airship attack, not a single plane in range, we caught them off guard!"

*Once he hit a good altitude he began his dive, Iris comments*

"I hope you hit those targets! We'll have a lot of fighters on our tail in a minute"

*Like Iris had said, there were multiple dots were in the sky. They were enemy planes dispatched to handle an airship, but Sky's plane was much quicker than anything they had. Once the dive began, the troops attempted to spread apart in different directions, but it was to late. Once Sky was low enough, he dropped his one bomb and launched eight Hwcha rockets before he had to pull up, out of his dive. The force had been caught off guard and paid a huge price, there were only about one third of the force left by the time he circled around. However those dots in the sky became larger and larger as the retreated, Iris became concerned*

"They are getting close? Are you sure your going full speed?"

"No, I want them to catch up, I still have plenty of bullets left."

"Is that very wise?"

"We have a speed advantage, we can out run them in a fight. Also if they get on our tail your here."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1277 on: April 18, 2013, 12:52:07 am »

Yiski made it back to the saloon and saw everyone, minus Jun'ko. The other rushed to Yiski and inspected him. To their relief, Yiski was untouched.

"Where's Jun?"

"She's with Paradox on Jericho."

Yiski doesn't wait for more questions and heads for the bar wall and grabs his rifle off the wall. He walks back over and hands the standard rifle to Roland. Yiski starts out the door again. Roland speaks up.

"Yiski are you heading out again?"

"Yeah, we got reports of a few infantry units near the eastern wall."

Without more questions, Yiski rushed out the door and jogged to the eastern wall. It took a good few minutes to get near the area and already Yiski could hear small arms fire.

"Looks like a few breached."

Yiski double timed to the front line and saw the eastern defenders holding against the breaching troops. Yiski met up with a random defender.

"I can't believe you haven't gotten rid of them yet. Doesn't the academy teach you to shoot better?"

"Sorry, but they've managed to get entrenched cover."

The defender was going to ask who Yiski was, but one look at Yiski's Blood Bolt caused him to keep it shut. Other defenders were calling out the invasion forces' position. After a deep breath, Yiski popped from cover and started taking out the enemy's positions. The defenders would have eventually taken the positions, but Yiski's assistance made it quicker and with fewer casualties. Yiski walked over to a defender and asked for a radio.

"Zill, Paradox, BdrLine, Sky, the ground here is clean and the defenders have position over the breached wall and opening fire on the remaining ground forces. How are things in the sky?"

Zill responds first.

"Well, the city's batteries have basically torn the fleet the shreds. They've got three fully operational goldfishes and one beat up pyra."

Paradox is then heard.

"This piss poor excuse of an invasion is almost done. How about we rush them?"

BdrLine comes on.

"Well, last I see Lockheart and a few others are already doing that." Moments later. "And Lockheart's group is finished with them."

"Sky here. If things are over then I'm heading back to port. Gotta say my planes worked like a charm."

"Yiski, I'm guessing we'll all meet at the saloon."

"Damn right, I'll have cold one waiting for you all."

The battle was over and, once again, Anvala proves it cannot be taken. All ships return to port with the exception of the few fallen. Luckily, this invasion was relatively light compared to past attempts and the casualties were low.

Soon the moon was rising when everyone got to the saloon. As promised, Yiski already had cold drinks ready for everyone to take. The rest of the night involved the group acting out how scared shitless the enemy had to be.


--END OF DAY 71--

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1278 on: April 18, 2013, 10:17:55 am »


By the next sunrise, nobody had slept an ounce. The adrenaline from yesterday's attack still ran through everyone's body. The saloon was packed with everybody still drinking and celebrating. Roland and Ny-Lee did their best to assist Yiski who was also drinking. The saloon was open, but the correct statement would be the saloon never closed last night.

By the next day though, there were going to be a few hungover.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1279 on: April 18, 2013, 11:21:19 am »
After the battle was over and the smoke cleared, Zill called up the reserves to clean up the aftermath while anyone directly involved with the battle was given the next day off. He was at the Burning Skies getting pats on the back and congratulations. It wasn't his first invasion defense and it was all pretty normal at this point. Jun'ko came over and sat next to him. He didn't know how to feel about her blindly going onto Papa's boat despite his suggestion not to. She glanced over awkwardly.
"So, good defense out there. You coordinated things very well."


"You mad?"

"Mad isn't the right word. I realize you're a grow person and going to make your own decisions. It's more of me thinking if you plan to pull stunts like that every time I ask otherwise."

"I just wanted to help ok? I figured despite Papa's childish ways, his vessel was one of the safest to be on to help out. I was worried..."

"Yea and I was too. Point is, when I ask you to stay, its not because I don't trust you. It's because I don't know what's going to happen."

Zill ordered a WSW. Jun'ko just wanted a water.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1280 on: April 18, 2013, 11:42:26 am »
*as everyone is doing his thing in the saloon, Coldcurse enters the saloon.
Coldcurse looks a bit different then last time, his longcoat got some bulletholes and he has a iron leg, on his left side he wears a cutlass.
Coldcurse walks towards the bar, you can clearly see that he is not really used to his iron leg yet.
Colcurse looks at the barkeeper and laughs out of no reason*


*His laugh is so loud it can be heard by everyone in the salloon.
Coldcurse then stops out of nowhere and looks dead serious at the barkeeper, Coldcurse then says*

"Barkeeper i need a mix of moonshine and hellfire"

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1281 on: April 18, 2013, 01:11:10 pm »
After the smoke clears all the way through the path, lockheart finally sets off for the hq of the order of chaladon.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1282 on: April 18, 2013, 02:32:11 pm »
*Yiski stares at Coldcurse while making his drink. He hand it too him.*

"I don't know what hell is so funny, but oh well."

*The day continues to be a celebration, but part of it was interrupted when a few Council Elite Guards walk in and approach Yiski at the bar. Yiski greeted them by facepalming.*

"Well, since you came straight in for me instead of Zill, I'm guessing the Council wants to see me?"

"That is correct sir."

"Any chance I can refuse?"

"We have orders to bring you by force if necessary."

*Yiski sighs and comes out from behind the bar.*

"Roland, I'll have you watch the place."

"Of course."

*Yiski turns to the Elite Guards.*

"Alright, escort away."

*Yiski and the Elite Guards left the saloon for the Council Chambers. Zill then facepalmed over his mask.*

"Flak. I better go too and make sure Yiski doesn't do anything foolish."

*Zill downs his drink and follows Yiski.*

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1283 on: April 18, 2013, 02:51:24 pm »
--Skies of Anvala--

*Wazulu, having returned from his close shave in Hanat, wearily set the wrecked Goldfish on a docking path. However, due to the relentless use of moonshine to get him home, the engines quickly spluttered, and became aflame. In his fatigued state, he noticed the flames, but was too slow to turn off the fuel supply. Within a matter of seconds his left engine blew, causing a chain explosion in the main fuel tank and in the right engine. The Goldfish flipped onto its side, the balloon being shredded by the shrapnel and weakened from earlier damage. Wreckage streamed the market and side streets, walls being dented and people scattering. However, the main canopy, with Wazulu intact, but nigh-on dead, had unfortunately landed in the Council's Courtyard.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1284 on: April 18, 2013, 04:14:18 pm »
*As Yiski, Zill and the Elite Guards made their way to the Council's Building, they all heard the crash noise and rushed to the source. There, they notice the goldfish wreckage in the middle and saw guards pull out the surviving crew. Yiski and Zill saw Wazulu. Wazulu looked to be unconscious and taken away by a stretcher to the nearest triage center.*

"Well, damn, that's one way to come back."

*The Elite Guard turned to Yiski.*

"If you will proceed sir, the men here will deal with this."

*Eventually, they arrived at the Council's Chamber door. Two more Elite Guards were standing on each side.*

"The Council is ready for you."


*Yiski goes inside and Zill tries to follow in, but is stopped.*

"What? Don't I have the right to enter as well."

"Council wanted this meeting strictly with Yiski only."

*Yiski turned to Zill.*

"No worries Zill. I'm unarmed. It's not I can make that much trouble."

*Before Zill has a chance to say anything, the door shuts behind Yiski.*

*Soon Yiski finds himself in front of the Council. Initially, there was an awkward silence between them because the Council assumed Yiski would speak first. When no talking was heard, Yiski turned around and started walking out.*

(4)Ahem... you have not been dismissed.(4)

"Well, nobody said anything, so I assume you're wastin' my time."

(1)Apologies. Do you know why we called you?(1)

*There was more silence. Yiski was getting annoyed.*

"Possibly." *Yiski thinks back from his last meeting.* "Does it have to do with the supposed request I rejected?"

(5)It does. We have called you hear again to see if you are interested.(5)

*Yiski's patience varied day to day. Some days, he was like a saint, other days, he was like a squid on moonshine. Today, Yiski was in the middle of the spectrum.*

"Alright. I'll bite. What's the request?"

(8)We want to commission you for new weapons and ammunition.(8 )

"Don't you have people for that already?"

(2)Those we have hired do not have the same experiences as you do, or your love for experimentation.(2)

(9)As you can see, our defenses are in need for an upgrade.(9)

"True, but it's worked well so far. Though I think it's the first time in a long while since anybody managed to breach our walls."

(4)While our gunsmiths have done a decent job in improving Anvala's defenses, we are getting reports each day those who wish to take our city have also improved their capabilities at pace with our improvements.(4)

"Well, I have a few questions. One, would I have to abandon my saloon? Two, does this put me back in military ranks? Three, will I get paid?"

(7)To your first question, no. All we require of you are new designs for weapon systems as you find convenient. Second, your rank will be what you retired from the Baronies with, but your pay is based on a minor consulting fee.(7)

(2)In addition, you will be given access to the forge and armory as you see fit during your commission. Are these conditions acceptable?(2)

*Yiski thought for a few moments. While he didn't like being given military status again, he couldn't argue with the fact Anvala did need to up their defenses.*

"As long as you don't send me off on any mission, I'll accept."

*Council discussed Yiski's additional condition.*

(4)Very well, we accept your condition. Therefore by the power of this Council, we appoint you as lead gunsmith and give you the rank of Striker Commander.(4)

(1)We are pleased with your decision. It will greatly benefit Anvala and her people.(1)

"Sure. Anythin' else."

(4)No. You are free to leave.(4)

*Yiski headed for the door which opened and Zill was waiting nearby. Zill approached Yiski.*

"Well, you're leaving without chains on you."

"You honestly thought, I'd be arrested?"

"Well, I'm happy to see otherwise. So, what happend?"

"Short version. Well, I'm a Striker Commander again and I have to start making new weapon system designs to make sure we stay on top of our defenses."

"Hell, didn't think you'd accept being in the military again."

"I thought about having them take it off the table, but then again, dealing with the guards and folks at the forge and armory will be much easier if I can hold rank over them. Plus, I took the job on the express condition they never send me off."

"Not bad."

"I know."

"Time to drink?"


*The two laughed and made their way back to the saloon. It was going to be interesting explaining all this to the others.*

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1285 on: April 18, 2013, 04:45:40 pm »
*coldcurse quickly drinks his brew and slams some coins on the table*

"do you have a room for hire?"

*slams some coins on the table*

"my ship is getting repaired and i need a place to sleep"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1286 on: April 18, 2013, 04:58:25 pm »
*Roland turns to Coldcurse.*

"Sorry, but we do not have any room available. My fiance and I are in one room and Zill and Jun'ko are staying in another."

*As Roland heads back to the bar and makes another round for some people, Ny-Lee notices a worried look on his face.*

"Are you worried about Yiski?"

"I would be lying if I was not."

*Ny-Lee gives Roland a kiss.*

"I'm sure everything is fine."

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1287 on: April 18, 2013, 05:57:52 pm »
Zill was pondering the possibilities of Yiski being Striker Commander and grinned. He started thinking of previous ideas turned down by the then highest ranking officer in charge of the defenses.
"It's rather amazing they offered you that job knowing I would take full advantage of your station there."

"How you figure?"

"Well for example, for months I've wanted to have the Flak batteries painted to match the surroundings to keep them hidden better. That useless sack of hydrogen in there told me told me it would slow our response teams in case it got hit and denied it."

"Hmm, I think I'm going to enjoy bossing him around. Better yet, simply replacing him."

"For once the Council's fears helped us out."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1288 on: April 18, 2013, 06:04:46 pm »
*At the saloon, BdrLine was telling his account of yesterday's battle*

"... We were about halfway to the eastern wall, the transports we getting nearer and nearer, my crew and I thought we are not going to make it time. Then out of the clouds, a squadron of squids rushes them from behind and start to harass them. You guys should have seen the sight even scared me when they flew out"

*Ny-Lee is ping around the saloon trying to keep up with e amount of people, she passes her brother who was recounting his tale.*

"Really you got to get out and in to the thick of it."

"Well I was at the docks when the alarm sounded and my ship was ready to go, so we went up"

"At least this is all over, all we need to worry about now is my wedding. Speaking of which *To Liu who is sitting at the bar* mother, how are we getting to the ship?"

"It will be a while until the ship is ready, I can radio the company to see how long it will take. But don't worry about it I will handle everything."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1289 on: April 18, 2013, 06:18:35 pm »
*Yiski and Zill enter the saloon where they're meet with an "Hey" from the patrons. Yiski walks up back behind the bar and Roland approaches him.*

"Well, how did things go?"

*Yiski then explained to the group in attendance the following exchange between himself and the Council. (Post #1284). Roland was awestruck.*

"That is incredible Yiski, but I thought you did not want a military career."

"I know, but you're old enough now to take care of yourself and I'm only used for defensive purposes."

*Yiski smiles a bit while making himself a Hellfire.*

"Heh. Once the factions learn I'm back shootin' and makin' guns again, they'll probably start pissin' themselves. That should deter any future endeavors if this failure hasn't taught them already."

*The group laughed, knowing the truth behind his statement.*