Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468785 times)

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1260 on: April 17, 2013, 12:26:30 pm »
-Then It Was Fixed Again-

Zill looked on as one lone battery managed to score hits on the now stationary Republic Fleet. He shook his head and laughed.
"I'll be damned if that isn't Yiski's gun. It'll give em something to think about."

Just then, Papa's transmission came through and he responded.
"If you look high enough you'll see me above City Center. Might as well park yourself about mid way between the Wall and the Center. I don't need your glorified cow of a boat blocking my view."

He didn't say anything about Jun'ko. In all honesty, he was glad she manged to coerce Papa into taking her. He looked through his spyglass again and noticed something odd. The formation they were in didn't appear right. Their large force of Junkers were positioned behind the main battle line, broadsided. Suddenly they started firing on the Republic Fleet. Zill couldn't believe his eyes. Once the fighting began, Crash called him up.
"Looks like some issues in the ranks if you ask me."

"No kidding. I won't stand idle with it though. Any battery with a firing solution is weapons free. All wall vessels will hold fire until my instruction."

"Aye. Time for the fireworks"

A few moments pass, and suddenly Anvala roared. Flak flew over the rolling plain and started making the mess of the already messy fight. Zill grinned and put down his spyglass. He called Matty.
"Anything yet?"

"We had some approaching Arashi vessels but they seemed to of stopped."

"The mercenaries are fighting the Republic out here. I think something went wrong on their end."

"Well I can't complain about that. They are in range, if you wish us to fire."

"Have the rear batteries have their go. The less raider abroad the better."

"Sounds good."

Zill listened closely, then heard the distant fire muttled by the main Wall's barrage.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1261 on: April 17, 2013, 01:04:46 pm »
*radios in on the anvala frequency*

"jesus yiski, good company, good ale and a good shot what on earth next?!, i counted 4 bodies fall from that shot and the second hit the top light gun dead on"

*raises one leg and rests it on the side of his ship, sighs... still on radio*

"its been a long night for us gents aboard the "Yeshan Dragon", we've been on shifts making sure they dont move any more. anyway we are still hidden and i bet i can take out at least 3 galleons, i spent my life savings to modify this ship to what it is..., these junkers dont look like they'll last too long..., just give me the order to attack and ill swoop in and get the 3 blighters at the front"

*Lockheart walks towards the former engine room that had been modified into a proper captains quarters and paces the width of them anxious to be called in to attack*

"Lockheart out..  for now"

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1262 on: April 17, 2013, 01:27:49 pm »

*Still floating idle at the Center Gate, BdrLine raises his Goldfish a little to see the action*
*Once he gets a good view he cuts off his engines and looks over the railing at the battle*

"Isn't this a sight to see"

*On the main deck, the other three are also watching the sky battle*
*John calls up to Bdr*

"Yeah, glad we are not on the receiving end of those flaks"

"So any word on if we are going into that mess?

"Naw just heard form the radio for all ships to hold positions"

*Just then, they hears explosions from the east, all four turns away from the western battle to see what was happening.*
*Coming from the east are troop transports as well as assortment of ships. The explosions came from some of the ships hitting what looks like floating dots in the distance*

*The main body of the formation stop as they notices the mines and starts to destroy them from the air*

"Oh Flak" *He goes over and radios Zill's ship* "Zill you want to see this, out in the east, they brought in troop transports and are shooting something out of the air. By the looks of it they may get pass through."

*As Jun'ko left with Paradox, Roland, Ny-Lee and Liu are in the basement hearing the muffled sounds of the flak cannons*
*As they sit around wondering what is happening, Ny-Lee turns to Roland*

"This almost reminds me of Lu Tower"

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1263 on: April 17, 2013, 01:44:46 pm »
Papa hears the city's defenses firing

"The city's cannon choir has decided to serenade us, ensign load up those flak cannons and shoot into the mass of enemy ships."

He extends his hand out to Jun'ko "Now, for the grand tour..."

He lead her about, they headed back through the crew's quarters "The ship was meant to accompany trade vessels, but due to it's fairly large size crew stayed on board during trips."

He lead her through the dining area, into the stairwell "Upstairs we got storage, ammunition, food, ect... Downstairs is what ya wanna see..."

"EeeeEeEEe can I?" She ran down the stairs

"Calm down, we got the entire bleedin' raid, lass..."

He followed her and when she came into view she was gawking at one of the cannons. The gunner didn't even notice her.

"What are these?"

"Maelstrom heavyflak, the typhoons successor... moderately bigger, increased range to around 4.1m if ya got the gods on your side..." He said moving to the center of the deck.


"NO SIR" They fired in unison, the sound of the updated flaks shook the ship and left Papa and Jun's ears ringing

"Hahaha never gets old..." All Jun could see was the movement of Papa's lips and a muffled bassy voice complementing it.

Whether or not the gunners hit or not was debatable, there was too much visual noise from the battle that was already happening to be able to tell.

Jun, still in shock and partially deaf was met by the tugging of Papa trying to guide her back upstairs.

Once they arrived back on deck they were both given spyglasses, they watched the fighting together while listening to the rhythmic firing of the flak beneath them.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 01:47:05 pm by Papa Paradox »

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1264 on: April 17, 2013, 01:53:34 pm »
*radios papa's ship*

"i recognise those shots anywhere, where did you get the maelstrom's, anyway all 4 shots hit, the first 2 hit the ship yiski hit, their front is severly deformed, the other 2 hit a junker on the back lines..., all in all those 4 shots, 6 dead"

* a voice can be heard faintly through the background of the radio "sir we have movement"*

"shit, hold on this frequency the front 3 are lining up their broadsides at the city walls"

*gets out the spyglass*


Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1265 on: April 17, 2013, 02:44:48 pm »
--Crown Peak--

*Yiski noticed the three ships were within 2-3 kilometers and preparing to fire.*

"Start loading me up double time."

*Yiski lined up his shots again and started firing in quick sessions. Within thirty seconds, Yiski managed to fire off twenty rounds, only a handful missing their marks. Along with the other defensive fire, two of the three ships went down. The third ship, a pyramidion started laying down mercury fire in order to knock out any of the entrenched guns. Another few volleys from Yiski and others ended it quickly, but the pyramidion managed to take out two of the hundreds of batteries.*

*With the downing of the three vanguard, the rest of the fleet decided to move in.*

"Now the fun starts."


*Roland to Ny-Lee*

"It is like Lu Tower, but this time we are on the giving end. That and a difference of a few hundred batteries in our favor."

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1266 on: April 17, 2013, 02:58:20 pm »
-Then It Was Fixed Again-

Zill get's BdrLine's frequency and looks over with his spyglass to the rear Wall. Sure enough, troop transports with escorts were beginning to blow through the mines. The batteries were picking off some boats but not enough.
"Bdr, change of plan, get back there and support the coming wave of defense. By the time you get back there, you'll see what I mean."

Zill radios Matty.
"Matty, you're clear to engage the enemy. Stay fast."

"Aye Admiral. They won't know what hit them."

"Rear Wall, come in."

"Admiral, we're getting hit hard."

"I can see. Get your ground forces behind the gate and have the Galleon begin its rounds. All batteries are to fire, and you have reinforcements inbound. Keep me updated."

"Yes sir."

Zill turned back to the main event. He saw three Galleons lined up on the Wall.
"So it begins."

They opened fire, smacking the Wall directly. It held, and the Anvalan Galleons opened fire on them along with renewed battery suppression. They lifted up but to only delay the inevitable. They continued to pound the Wall with little effect. Their movements made their shots inaccurate. Zill then looked past them to more troop transports. One had fallen and was being evacuated. Another four were still there, supported by more smaller Fleet vessels. They began to approach, and Zill gave a call.
"To all Goldfish, lift out and engage troop transports. I don't want any Republic dogs in here today."

On que, fifteen goldfish rose from behind the Wall, and proceeded to approach the coming wave.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1267 on: April 17, 2013, 03:06:00 pm »
*radios in*

"nice shooting!, shall i move in?"

*looks at the convoy*

"i mean, like i say this is a HEAVILY modified Galleon. I have 5 heavy guns.... 2 typhons on each side  on the bottom deck, one Yeshan hwacha that can rotate 360 degrees on the top deck, and more light guns, crew and engines. its not pretty to look at but it kicks the hell outta any ship... also i have my secret weapon..."


Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1268 on: April 17, 2013, 03:44:42 pm »

*BdrLine Off the radio with Zill*
"Roger that"

*He turns to the others*
"Well tally ho, we are about to go in"

*Looking at the mass of ships coming from the east, John gulbs*
"You mean us and your goldfish against that?"

*As BdrLine starts his engines again and turns the bow towards the formation in the east he calls down*
"Hey even though I'm crazy, I'm not that crazy. We are going into that hell of a mess is that Zill has somethig up his sleeve. Allen get on the hawacha and start loading the heavy rounds we need to quickly knock them out. Tommy and John brace yourselves*

*Allen hurries to the front gun and starts the loading process while the other two goes around making final checks around the ship*

*BdrLine then puts the ship into full throttle as he races to meet the coming transpor*
*Halfway there, he sees that the enemy are not slowing down from the groud batteries*
Flak we may not make it. ...The Hell? ...Damn them came out of nowhere

*As the situation looks grim and the eastern wall about to be overrun, a group of squids come out of the clouds hitting the transports from the rear*
*BdrLine calls down*

"Here's our help guys. Allen start shooting once we are in range"

"Oh Roger that"

*As the squids are harrassing the enemy formation, BdrLine and his goldfish arrives in the thick of it and starts firing in at the closest transport from the wall*
*BdrLine goes over and changes the frequency to try and talk to the officer in charge*
"Looks like you guys gave them a scare. This is the Goldfish Starlight we are here ready to assist. Right now I going for the closest ships near the wall, radio me if you ned some backup"

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1269 on: April 17, 2013, 04:20:14 pm »
*sees the squids that are in to attack*

"Oh, i see how it is, you dont trust old locky..."


*The cloud the "yeshan dragon" was hiding in... lights up*

*Draws his sword and stands at the front of the ship as it turns to bring its front on the fleet*


* a Dragon figurehead shoddily roped to the front of the galleon fired flames out of its head and unleashed hell on the galleons infront of it*


*the hwacha on the top deck slowly turned towards the front and fired at a galleon further back*

"Excellent work men, lets give them hell!!"

*points sword forward*
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 04:30:11 pm by Captain Lockheart »

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1270 on: April 17, 2013, 04:41:30 pm »
---Sky's Private Airstrip---
*Sky and Iris had to make many improvements to get as much ammo into the plane as possible, now they both were inside the plane about to take off, Sky attempts to radio Zill*

"Zill? Are you there? I am on the runway about to take off! Anyone else who gets this message send it right away to Zill!"

*Sky sets down the radio and talks to Iris*

"All systems go?"

"Roger that!"

"Get ready for a fight, if that message gets through to Zill we'll be in the air soon enough."

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1271 on: April 17, 2013, 04:42:13 pm »
--Skies over Hanat--
*Wazulu, overhearing the action on the radio, mutters on his way home*

'Oh Bloody hell Lockheart, even in airship battle you have to go and swing your sword around. Bloomin' Pansy's getting more kills than me at this rate...'

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1272 on: April 17, 2013, 06:09:00 pm »
--Crown Peak--

*Yiski lets some garrison forces take over while he takes a look at the current battle. Consequently, Yiski can't see any ground movement from the east. What Yiski can see are at least eight more ships still operational, including the three galleons. The remaining fleet was now within two kilometers. Yiski turns to Frank.*

"So did the Council ever okay the manufacture of my anti-armor flak rounds?"

*Frank called over to a group to bring up a crate. Yiski opened it and smiled at the contents.*

"See, the Council isn't always useless."

"Consider me impressed, but I still hate they're guts. Load them up!"

*While a loading crew was prepping the heavy flak, Yiski pulled out his scope to determine the range of the galleons. Yiski called over the radios.*

"Alright, we gotta deal with those galleons. They're givin' too much cover for the ground troops."

*With that Yiski hopped on the heavy flak and called over to the loading crew.*

"Double time! Firing!"

*Yiski fires a fast as the crew can load. Within two minutes, Yiski lost count of how many rounds he unleashed. Keeping track of his shots, Yiski guessed he landed 90% of his shots among the three galleons. Along with the concentrated fire, the three galleons ignited and exploded in mid-air.*

"Holy flak Yiski, you really still have your touch."

*Yiski didn't respond, but he got off the gun and started heading back down to the city. Frank was puzzled.*

"Where are you going?"

"My saloon, reports say the eastern wall may have a few infantry units. I'm goin' to clean up."

"You're unarmed."

*Yiski grabs a standard issue garrison rifle.*

"Not anymore."

*Yiski then make his way back into the city.*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1273 on: April 17, 2013, 06:52:46 pm »
-Then It Was Fixed Again-

Zill looked on as Lockheart dove into the enemy formations. He shook his head as the Goldfish support was still 2km out.
His funeral.

Zill then got Skyraider's call.
"Take off and engage inbound ground forces in the northwest. Need to break their will."

He then turned his attention to the east. The Squids were doing their work, but the transports started unloading early.
"Rear Wall, this is Admiral."

"Go ahead."

"Shoot down the mine's balloons so they fall on the incoming ground forces. Brace the gate."


They were in the crux of the battle now.

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1274 on: April 17, 2013, 07:03:20 pm »
*Sky hears Zill orders and immediately takes off, this time taking a lot more runway and takes awhile to fully turn around, then he talks*

"Alright Iris, safety off, we are going to engage ground forces, but we may encounter enemy air along the way. Any enemy planes behind us engage."

"Understood, just keep it steady"

"Oh and also, we'll be doing a dive on these ground troops, so be ready to not blackout."

"Oh boy, diving on infantry?"

*Sky picks up the radio and says*

"I'll be there soon, Skyraider, out!"