Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1469131 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1230 on: April 15, 2013, 10:40:48 pm »
*Roland looks over to Yiski.*

"Um... Yiski. How much planning did you and Liu do the other day?"

*Yiski recalled yesterday's discussion and how basically he acquiesced to everything Liu wanted, aside from the solved location. Yiski gives a sheepish grin to Roland.*

"Funny you should ask. You know I'm not one who knows much about weddins, so Liu basically chose everything."

*Ny-Lee simply facepalmed at Yiski's response.*

"So mother has everything planned already?"

"Seems that way."

"Do you know when she planning on having the wedding or for that matter, telling me?"


*Ny-Lee gave a sigh and slouched against Roland. Her back against his chest and her head turned up to see his. Roland chuckled and gave her a kiss on the forehead.*

"Darling, should we go see mother about the arrangements?"


"Shall we go?"

*Before Ny-Lee could answer, she could feel Roland shift his weight. She instinctively knew Roland's ankle was acting up.*

"No, I'm sure mother will come in some time today and tell us the details."

*The two sat at the bar and Yiski handed Roland and Ny-Lee a water and Frost Fire Ale, respectively.*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1231 on: April 15, 2013, 11:33:50 pm »
Zill downed the rest of his WSW. Steam emitted again and Jun'ko grinned again.
"You look so funny when you drink that."

"Well its too good to pass up for lookin' funny." *He smirks*

"Yea yea. Any more news?"

"None, which is good. I don't want news. That means they stay North."

"And you stay here."

"Aye. I'd like that a lot."

Zill ordered another round for them.

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1232 on: April 16, 2013, 12:00:20 am »
*Sky gets up and sits down next to Zill and begins to talk once again*

"So, now with the plane done. Any time your on a mission or job I can tag along and provide support for scouting and quick attacks. You may not be very trusting of me, but then again, I am not in a Goldfish this time. What do you say?"

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1233 on: April 16, 2013, 12:03:42 am »
*Minutes goes by as everyone talks among themselves and drinking, soon the door to the saloon opens and a smiling Liu comes walking in*
*She heads over to where everyone is at the bar and takes a seat*

*Ny-Lee seeing the mood her mother is in, assumes that it has to do with the wedding preparations turns to her*
"So mother, how did the planning go."

*In a cheerful voice Liu answers*
"Oh Ny, it went great. When i called the company that owned the ship, they were thrilled to know that our family is calling them. As far as the completion of the ship, it is already finished and furnished, all they need todo is run some test flights which would take a few days. When i asked about making early reservations for rooms, they were even more ecstatic about it. Right now, i've gotten first class rooms for all of us and the guest we are bringing. It will be five days total until the ship goes on the maiden voyage, but we will be the first ones on. Once there, i will have people help organize the for the wedding. Oh Ny this will be perfect."

*As Liu was talking, she was pacing around their area as she was speaking. It was hard for Ny-Lee to follow as her mother was speaking quickly as well from the excitement.*
*Eventually, Ny-Lee calmed her mother down as she hands her the Frost Fire Ale that Yiski gave*
*Once she had her sit down, the words that her mother said finally kicked in*

"Oh my Gods, I'm going to get married.... *she squeals* I'm going to get married"

*She goes over to Roland as she grabs his arms and hops around him*

*From where he is sitting, BdrLine just shakes his head and smiles at his sisters antics as he finishes up his Hellfire*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1234 on: April 16, 2013, 12:15:30 am »
Zill turns to Sky.
"Well, if you want to get yourself killed, by all means. If you crash into me with that thing you'll be scrapped of the side. Payment enough I wager for my old vessel."

Zill's radio goes off. This time its the Wall Commander.
"Admiral here."

"Ahoy Admiral. How goes your day?"

"Just fine there Crash. How's the Wall treating you?"

"Still strong. All flak batteries are good to go, and have ample ammo for a long siege. Shall I lock the gates per the recommended curfew?"

"Yes. I want all dark though. No need to tell them we are ready this time if they decide to try again."

"We will pop flares if anything arises. How long will this go for?"

"As long as it needs to. If someone gets upset, remind them why. To Clear Skies."

"Aye aye."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1235 on: April 16, 2013, 12:29:08 am »

Ny-Lee sudden realization of becoming a bride and wife sent her into a whirlwind of positive emotions. Sadly, Roland couldn't avoid being in the whirlwind, but smiled nonetheless and thinking to himself.

"As long as it is her, I do not care."

BdrLine shook his head, asked, and received another Hellfire. Yiski was grinning and laughing at Roland being dragged all over the saloon ground. Eventually, Ny-Lee let Roland sit down on account of his ankle, but he was quickly replaced with Jun'ko and the two girls were giddy and excited. Zill looked on with a smile, though nobody could see it.

"I wonder if Jun would be... naw, I won't even go there."

Zill shook the thought out of his head and replaced it with his upcoming mission. Reports were coming in more frequently of raiders hitting surrounding town more frequently. Reports also indicated the raiders maybe operating along with a few Arashi captains.

Eventually, Yiski closed the saloon. Skyraider went back to the docks to continue working on his plane. BdrLine and Liu went to his place. Zill and Jun'ko headed upstairs to one of the spare rooms. Ny-Lee started up, but noticed wasn't following.

"Are you coming Roland?"

"I will be up in a moment. I need to talk to Yiski for a bit."

Ny-Lee nodded and headed up and into the other spare room. Roland walked, with a bit of a negligible limb, to the bar and sat.

"So what is it you need?"

"I want you to teach me metal crafting."

Yiski raised an eyebrow.

"You want to learn metal crafting? I'm guessin' you don't wanna learn how to craft bullets?"

"I want to forge the wedding bands for my marriage."

Roland was giving the same serious face when he asked Yiski to talk about his parents. It was also the same face which got him as far it did. Yiski gave him a smile.

"Alright, but you're going to have to come up with a creative excuse to Ny-Lee."

"Why is that?"

"You'll probably want this a secret."

"Good point."

"How soon do you want to start?"


"That's a bit soon, but I think we can manage. I still have my metal crafting equipment in Zill's warehouse. I'll get the key from him in the mornin'. You just worry about makin' a good enough excuse."

Roland nodded and made his way upstairs. Yiski couldn't help, but have a giant grin.

"I've said it many times before, but he's just like Maria."

Roland enters the room and Ny-Lee is waiting for him.

"What did you two talk about?"

"Well, Yiski feels that I need a little more marksman training, so I will be with him tomorrow."

"Can I come along?"

"Sadly, no because who else will manage the saloon if Yiski and I are not here?"

"My brother?"

"Is he not usually busy at the docks?"


"They have a mission to ship out soon, so they will be busy with preparations."


"Are you even trying anymore?"

Ny-Lee pouts.

"Do not worry. I am sure Jun'ko would be able to assist you."

Ny-Lee huffed out a response.

"Fine, but you owe me."

Roland got into bed with Ny-Lee and kissed her.

"Of course. What did you have in mind?"

Ny-Lee grins and embraced Roland. Obviously, two weren't going to be getting much sleep for tomorrow.


--END OF DAY 69--

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1236 on: April 16, 2013, 11:41:46 am »


The morning sun rose and Yiski with it. Even though he was going to help Roland with general metal crafting, he still took his time in making sure the saloon would be functional and ready to open. Two hours pass by before everything is found to be operational.

During the two hours, Roland, Ny-Lee, Zill, and Jun'ko woke up, took showers, and met downstairs around the bar. Yiski pulled Zill over to the side and explained to him what Roland was planning. Zill gave a grin under his mask and handed Yiski a spare key to the warehouse where Yiski's equipment was located.

Zill gave Jun'ko a morning kiss before leaving the saloon first to make sure preparations were continuing smoothly.

"Ny, Jun, you two think you can handle the saloon for the day?"

"Well, I've helped out a lot and with Jun'ko with me it should actually be fun."


Yiski nodded and motioned Roland to follow him out. Roland turned to Ny-Lee and gave her a kiss.

"Be safe you two."

"We will."

With that, Yiski and Roland made their way to the warehouse, leaving Jun'ko and Ny-Lee to fend for themselves.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1237 on: April 16, 2013, 01:19:55 pm »
-Port Tar Barrel-

Zill made his way to the Port to handle things there. It was buzzing with life as boats and crew all made sure everything was ready at a moment's notice. Looking at the defenses, Zill found them lacking he found a senior officer and gave him orders.
"Get you platoon and have them set up some anti-air defenses on the perimeter. Shore up any weaknesses you find on the outer walls and fence."

"Aye, Admiral."

A quick salute and he was off. Zill went into his Galleon and contacted Matty.
"Admiral to Black Squids."

"Loud and clear."

"Status update?"

"A few raids here and there but nothing too potent. We did spot a large Republic Fleet contingent last night but they continued west. We followed them back towards Kian."

"I'll send out a group to Eilius to make sure they aren't wrapping around."

"Another thing, we saw a few Arashi flags among the Fleet. Not many but definitely a mercenary presence."

"Makes sense. They need all the resources they can get being snug next to the Guild. Thanks for the information. To Clear Skies."

"Black Squids out."

Zill leaned back in his chair, then looked at his map. He didn't like them sneaking west. However, it would makes sense as the mountain passes east of Anvala would really limit their movement. He wrote up orders for a recon team to station at Eilius. Once done he walked out and handed it to the courier.

Jun'ko was excited that she would be keeping the Saloon up with Ny-Lee. They quickly started chatting about marriage and the guys while no one was there.
"So, Roland any good?"

"What do you..."

Ny turned red.
"Oh, that. Well of course he is!"

*Chuckling*"Good, good. I can only imagine what it must feel like to be getting married soon."

"It's crazy exciting. It almost feels unreal."

"I bet it'll be plenty real when you get up on that alter."

Ny-Lee just stood it wonderment for awhile until Jun snapped her out of it.
"Easy there or you'll blow steam out your ears without a drink."

They both laugh and carry on.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 12:50:12 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1238 on: April 16, 2013, 01:39:34 pm »

Having arrived in port, and escaping the questioning eyes of the harbour master, Wazulu finally opened his cargo:

a small, innocuous black box. Opening it carefully with the key hung round his neck, he examined the contents inside.

- A note.

- An Anglean Military Uniform.

- A flintlock pistol.

Reading the note, his eyes widened, and he almost heard a whistle escape his lips. Reading the confidential notice at the bottom prompted him to pull out his tobacco, roll it in the paper, and have what could be his last smoke.

Smoking and smiling, he chucked a couple coins at a beggar, and asked where the Mercenaries were staying in town.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1239 on: April 16, 2013, 02:21:31 pm »
--The Docks--

"Righty ho, Men today we set off for Chaladon, keep your eyes and spyglass' out for bandit and republican ships. We are taking a more dangerous route, lets hope all goes well"

*start's engines*
*looks around checks for clear skies, and looks around to see zill on board his galleon, he tried to catch his attention but it failed*

"right we are almost set to go, i just need to get my flying coat on"

*Lockheart takes off his white longcoat, and puts on his old Firnfeld Battalion's "Commodore" jacket, it resembled the previous longcoat except with elaborate gold stitching and Proper Cuffs , he then put on his goggles and gloves and set the engine speed to "full ahead"

" i hope i get to taste that hellfire once more"

*lockheart flies out towards chaladon*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1240 on: April 16, 2013, 03:03:51 pm »

*BdrLine's House*

*With the increase of military personnel round the docks, and with Zill's warning him not to piss off the guards, BdrLine is in his room on his bed trying to think of something to do*
Hmm can't do any of my experiments or test for a while *sighs* think its for the best, don't want any misfires or explosions with all this going around... What to do.

*Then a idea came to him*
I almost forgot that the guys converted my warehouse. Maybe i can try my hand on that small race track.

*He gets out of bed and heads downstairs and out the door. His mother, who is at the kitchen eating eyes her son as he goes out*
Never the one to stay in one place

*She smirks as she brings up memories of Bdr when he was younger*
*Once Liu finishes eating, she places everything back and heads out the door to meet with her daughter at the saloon*

*Back to BdrLine, he nears his warehouse, as he gets closer, he can hear his usual group inside and the sound of small car engines running*
Today is a good time to stop by.

*He opens the door and he can see Tommy, Allen, and John in miniature carts racing along the track*
*He call out to them*
"I see you guys are working hard *laughs*"

*Allen, who is in the lead, spots Bdr and calls back*
"Hey we all need breaks sometimes right"

"Which is why I'm hear, stop the race and get me a cart lets see how i fare against you guys"

*Once all three cross the finish, John gets out and help move another cart on the track. As the was doing this, Tommy goes over to Bdr and explain to him how to work it. Once all four were ready, they line up to start.
*As they start their engines, BdrLine calls over to all of them*
"How about we make this interesting, who ever wins have to pay 10 silvers to him"

*The other agrees and after a moment and Allen counting down, once he says zero, all four of them goes off*


*In the saloon, work is slow as many of the regulars are out at the docks helping Zill*
*With the few people inside, Ny-Lee and Jun'lo manages without a hitch. Both of the ladies are just at the bar talking yo each other and occasionally getting up to hand someone a drink*

*Liu enters the saloon a few moments later and goes over and sits with the two*
*Ny-Lee notices her mother coming in*
"Hi mother, need anything today?"

"Oh no Ny, I'm fine. Just need to get out of your brothers house with all the work that is happening at the docks."

"Speaking of him, where is he."

"Your brother is off somewhere in the docks doing something, we all know that whatever he is up to it has to do with something crazy."

*Jun'ko chimes in with a comment*
"We all can imagine"

*The three of them laughs as the continue to talk*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1241 on: April 16, 2013, 03:39:12 pm »

*Yiski and Roland enter the warehouse. Yiski walks over to a table covered in a tarp and pulls it off. It reveals a full metal crafting set, complete with a smelter and mini-forge. Seeing it again brings a smile to Yiski's face.*

"Good to see that this is going to get used again. Even better that I'm not making bullets this time."

*Yiski then turns to Roland*

"So what material do you plan on using?"


"Hmm... good taste. Fairly malleable, durable, albeit expensive, but hell it's your wedding band. Alright, let's start you on the basics so you don't burn yourself or the warehouse down."

*Hours pass as Yiski teaches Roland the basics.*

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1242 on: April 16, 2013, 04:00:05 pm »
He walked into the saloon, going up to her, he lit up a cigar. He rested on the railing of the bar. He was holding a bouquet of white orchids in his large mechanical hand.

Finally Liu Zhao acknowledged his presence, "What do you want, ape?"

"Ta do nothin' more than apologize, ma'am." He said, his brogue slurring the words as he spoke.

She hesitantly accepted them.

and as quickly as she had grabbed them, Paradox started walking to a table where he sat down.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1243 on: April 16, 2013, 04:44:14 pm »

Ny-Lee and Jun'ko stood dumbfounded at Papa's apology. A small party of officers came in and they quickly dashed their thoughts to serve them. After finishing they get behind the bar and converse once more.
"So you ever going to marry Zill?"

"Oh, I don't know. With you two getting married, the thought has crossed my mind."

"He seems sincere. I doubt he's had many women in his life."

"That's true. Being an Admiral does eat up some time." *Chuckles*

"I still wonder what draws you to him. The mask can't be convenient."

"Its the eyes."

Ny-lee never though about that, and nodded. She never really noticed them and she felt kind of bad for only noticing the face.

-Port Tar Barrel-

By this hour, the men had set up flak and rocket batteries on the perimeter in case of attack. They were placing extra barbed wire along the fencing and shoring up and cracks in the outer wall. Squids with supplies flew in regularly, as three Galleons had set up shop in the large docks, along with seven Goldfish. Zill inspected as he went, and made sure resources were placed where needed. His personal radio went off and he answered.
"Recon team alpha reporting Admiral."

"You made good time Captain. Status?

"Eilius is quiet for now. We saw a few advance scouts but nothing major. We can hear distant fighting. I pray for Firnfeld."

"We all do. I take it that fighting is around Snowpeak?

"Confirmed. Wait a minute..."


"Clouds have moved on and I can see the Republic Fleet. They aren't messing around."

"Confirmed numbers?"

"Three troop transports, five Galleons, over ten Junkers, sir this is massive."

"If they continue to your location, retreat back home. We need all the firepower we can muster. To Clear Skies"

Zill had that feeling again.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 12:50:37 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1244 on: April 16, 2013, 04:49:59 pm »
The Clouds cover the sun at this point in Lockhearts trip, the sky is very grey, this bodes bad weather and could delay his journey some more...
Flying through clouds Lockheart ad his crew are doing fine, singing sea shanties until...

*Looks around*

Lockheart :"Nope Nothing but clouds, i can't make out where we are.... so much for clear skies..."

Crewman : Cap'n What's that?

*Lockheart looks around, then clears his goggles*

Lockheart: I cant see it from here can you.........Shit...

*Lockheart sees a armada of Ships in a break in the could cover, they are still and facing the opposite direction to him, they sport Republican flags*

"they haven't seen us, dampen all the lights NOW!"

*the ship slowly brings its 2 portside guns to bear in the clouds should the worst happen*

*lockheart turns on his radio*
"S.O.S this is captain lockheart does anyone read me..., republic armada northwest of anvala, can hold out or fight over"

« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 05:02:06 pm by Captain Lockheart »