Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1469215 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1245 on: April 16, 2013, 05:00:56 pm »


*A few cinders and sparks manage to jump high enough to avoid any of the protective gloving and land on Roland's shoulder. The extreme molten bits cause Roland to jerk back. Yiski places a cold wet cloth on the spot.*

"Good thing I had you change clothes. Would've been hard to explain the holes in your clothing to Ny-Lee."

"I just hope these burn marks do not raise her suspicions."

"True, given she's probably seen every part of your body."

*Roland immediately blushed causing him to lose some concentration and makes more sparks fly.*

"Come on now lover boy, you gotta concentrate."

*More hours would pass by.*

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1246 on: April 16, 2013, 07:05:54 pm »

--Blizzard Coast Inn--

*Wazulu enters, garnering the stares of everyone in the room. A burly man, beard floating somewhere in his drink, turned and faced him*.

'You look a little soft to be of these parts- who th'bloody hell are ya'?

Bollocks, i hadn't thought about a cover...

'Err, I'm........Rear Rear Admiral Lockheart, Anglean Republic Navy. I assume your the leader of the Mercenaries to accompany my unit?

*The man was quickly startled, and his two colleagues behind him turned in the sight of formal authority*

'My greatest apologies Cap'n I-'

'Admiral. Anyway, I don't have time to chat idly. I'll need you other patrons to clear out, understood? Unless you want seven tonnes of Flak Cannon at dawn tomorrow you'll comply.'

*the patrons edged along the walls to the door, leaving all but Wazulu, the barkeep and the three Mercenaries*

Bloody Hell, I'm not half bad at this lark. Now, onto the operation.....

'Mercenary, come look at this map- we'll discuss our battle plan to take Anvala and your formation in the fleet'

*The Mercenary leader, approaching* 'Hold on, I thought me and my boys were to play with your Anvalan friends, while you blokes with the Heavy guns flanked them by surprise- there was nothing about us flying into the guns of Anvala!'.


'Plans change, Merc, surely that won't affect our deal'.

'Like hell it will!' *The Mercenary reaches for his sword, his comrades motioning to reinforce him a second or two later. Oddly enough, as Wazulu notes their approach, he spies a couple of bottles of Hellfire behind the bar, and wonders how the hell they got there*

Eh, Plan B then. Gonna strangle that Council strategist.

*With a quick move Wazulu elbows the leader in the jaw, following by reaching for his sword arm, twisting it to not only disarm him, but to break the bones. A quick snap can be heard. Holding the Leader as a shield, Wazulu pulls out the pistol, levelling it at the Leader's head*

*Both laugh, and pull out their own weapons nonetheless*

'Bloody Lockheart, seems he was right about honour', Wazulu muttered.

Well, only one card left to play

*He turned the gun forward*

*The Mercenaries were confused: it seemed as if this man wasn't aiming at them, but rather the shelves behind the bar....*

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1247 on: April 16, 2013, 07:23:06 pm »
*All of a sudden, Sky walks into the door quite quickly, he asks in a paniced voice*

"What is going on here? I'm seeing troops moving all around the city preparing defenses, are we going to be under attack?"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1248 on: April 16, 2013, 08:04:50 pm »

Jun'ko rushed up to Sky to look past him through the door. Troops were running about, and crewmen rushing toward the Port.
"Flak. Everyone get to your homes. It looks like a raid coming in!"

Everyone save for a few souls left in a hurry. Jun turned to Sky.
"I guess the Republic Fleet wants a crack at Anvala."


Zill was about to head out when he received a distress call.
"This is Admiral Zill. Do not fire on them. You won't last. Can you tail them for me and keep me updated Lockheart?"

"Sure thing. So much for my big haul."

Zill got on his radio.
"Black Squids."

"Got you loud and clear Admiral."

"Matty, they are going to hit us from Eilius. I want your guys watching our back though the mountains. Mistress forbid they try something smart."

"On our way at full speed."

"To Clear Skies."

He then contacted Crash.
"Wall, this is Admiral."

"Go ahead."

"Focus the northwest. Republic Fleet headed toward Eilius and could be here by nightfall. Seal the City."

"Aye. We're ready for 'em."

"To Clear Skies."

Zill raised the Port alarm and got on the horn.
"To all personnel, raid is inbound. Get your boats up and proceed to the northwest walls."

The men scramble. Engines started flaring up and the Sky lit up with boat lanterns as they lifted out for the walls. Zill flagged down some men and prepared his Galleon. He then singled out another Galleon pilot.
"Captain, support our east wall with Black Squid Squadron."

"So they do....."

"No time for idle thoughts captain."

"Yes sir!"

Zill again got on his radio to the City Center Garrison.
"All personnel, sound the alarm. Incoming Republic raid. Any willing man or woman is free to join a designated defense levy, and will guard from any ground incursions. All turrets are to be manned."

"So it's true then."

"It is."
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 12:49:23 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1249 on: April 16, 2013, 08:31:48 pm »
*Sky runs out the door, and says one last thing*

"I am not about to be invaded without a fight!"

---Sky's Private Airstrip---
*A few minute pass before Sky meets Iris on his private airstrip, Sky commands Iris*

"Quickly, put as many Hwcha rockets onto the plane as possible! I don't care if it cripples the planes maneuverability! We could be raided!"

"Yes sir!"

*They both begin to put Hwcha rockets into the rocket pods and load the duel machine guns, along with start the engine.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1250 on: April 16, 2013, 08:41:17 pm »

*Roland and Yiski heard the raid sirens go off.*

"Skies, whose the idiot trying to take Anvala now?"

"Yiski should we head back to the saloon?"

"Yeah, we'll call it day for now."

*Yiski and Roland cooled down both the smelter and forge before covering it up again. As the two left the warehouse, Yiski looked out into the distance from the port.*

"Skies, no faction has managed to even breach Anvala's walls let alone its defenses. Oh well, it's their death."

*There was truth to what Yiski thought. Anvala didn't have any nearby cities, making an infantry approach visible. Even if infantry made it near Anvala, they would have to scale the mountain the city is built into and its towering walls. Invasion by air was even less probable. Anti-air batteries were littered around the walls and there were entrenched batteries in the mountains. Any unauthorized ship within two kilometers would get decimated with extreme prejudice. Simple rule of thumb: Nobody takes Anvala, ever.*

*While the two were moving through the streets back to the saloon, what they didn't see was panic or fear, but organization. While raids and possible invasions were rare, all citizens knew the drill. There wasn't any congestion of bodies and soon enough, the two found themselves back at the saloon.*

*Ny-Lee approaches Yiski*

"What's going on? Sounds like we're under attack."

"We are."

"And why are you so calm?"

"Ny, this is a city where the best gunners are created, like myself. We also have people, like myself, who make the best weapons and munitions. Anything unfriendly within two kilos is dead."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1251 on: April 16, 2013, 10:57:12 pm »

*As the race is drawing to a close, Allen was in the lead and was about to cross the finish line when an air raid siren rang throughout the area*
*All four streak to a stop as the siren continues*
*They all looked at each other before scrambling out of their carts out to the door*

*As they made it outside of the warehouse, the siren keeps on ringing as people and supplies are being moved*
*BdrLine was the first to speak*
"An air raid... REALLY NOW. This was a day for me to relax"

*Tommy was looking at the many people that were passing them. He says to the group*
"Well we should start helping out."

*All four of them agrees and they set off to where they spot some crates of ammunition laying around with people taking them to the northwestern part of the city*
*As they went back and forth carrying the crates, BdrLine spots Zill as they return back to the port*
"Hey guys, how is my Starlight doing since i was gone?"

*John answers*
"After your engines exploded from the dragon pepper incident, it took us awhile to repair the engines, but she is all good and ready why?"

"Just follow me."

*BdrLine leads his group up towards Zill. As they approach him, he is seen going back and forth talking on his radio to directing personnel around the port*
*Bdr tells his guys to stay back a little*

*To Zill*
"Zill i know you are busy directing all of this, but me and some of my men are willing to go up in the air and fight. Right now my Goldfish is all set and ready to go, unless you have something else in mind for us."


*As people are going about helping prepare the cities defense, inside the saloon is a bit calmer*
*People that were left inside continue to drink, as the siren sounds outside*

*Ny-Lee then goes back and sits next to her mother and to Yiski*
"So what are we going to do now? If fighting does happen where do we all go? And more importantly where do I go to help?"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1252 on: April 16, 2013, 11:16:32 pm »

Zill looked over BdrLine a second before responding.
"I need you on the Center Gate. Put yourself right over it. You'll have plenty of support, but nothing gets through it. I know you understand."

He climbed onto his Galleon and lifted out of Port.

-Then It Was Fixed Again-

Zill flew high to see if any vessels were on the horizon. Nothing yet, though it wouldn't be long. Something was also bothering him about their approach. While a large Fleet could easily come and hit from the northwest, Anvala had many guns pointed that way. The eastern pass was less defended, but was much harder to traverse. He gave a call on his radio to his personal armory.
"This is Admiral."

"Yes sir. We are arming up as we speak."

"Detach a platoon for the eastern gate, and have them plant the new mines."

"They are prototypes though..."

"I know. You have your orders leiutenent."


He parked his Galleon up high over City Center. Every gate (there was three) had two Galleons and a Pyramidion on them. Long range Goldfish hovered over the walls, and Squids sat ready behind the wall. Heavy Flak batteries littered the wall towers and mountainside. Zill looked up into the night Sky, hoping Jun'ko was alright. He said his prayer.
By the Skies we fly this day. Off into the Sunset to give chase. May the Winds stay at our back. Our Dusty Mistress be appeased. Our Mugs ever full. Onwards ye' Dogs, Into the Fray.
He took a deep breath, and could smell rain and diesel. It was going to be a very long standoff.


Jun'ko knew the Burning Skies would be a safe bet for her, so she didn't wander off. She still wished she was up with Zill. She was sitting in a corner, fidgiting.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1253 on: April 16, 2013, 11:19:04 pm »

*Yiski grabs Blood Bolt's scope off the gun and turns to Ny-Lee.*

"Right now, you just need to stay put. Raid sirens go off when there's a probable chance of it happening. Usually we have a day or so to prepare. If shells do start going off, there's a cellar underneath in the back room."

*Roland to Yiski*

"What are you going to do? You are not in the military anymore."

"Heh. True, but then again, I am a Striker for a reason. Now enough debate, you all are going to hold down the saloon. I'm going to meet up with the northwest garrison."

*Yiski heads out of the saloon, leaving Jun'ko, Ny-Lee, and Roland to start prepping. As Yiski moved through the city streets he notice most people have already taken cover in raid shelters all over Anvala. Eventually, he spots the northwest garrison. They've set up an array of batteries which could tear through any fleet at any range. As Yiski got closer a watchman stopped him.*

"Halt, only military personnel allowed. You need to find cover."

*Yiski looked at the watchman. He seemed a little older than Yiski.*

"Pal, I hope you realize who you're talking to."


"Striker Yiski."

*The watchman is still not convinced. Yiski sighs to himself and pulls out a small pouch which is always by his side. He reaches in and pulls out an old Baronies Military badge. Even though his badge has no authority, his merits under the rank had far reaching influence.*

"Former Striker Commander Yiski."

*The watchman eyes got bigger upon seeing the badge and convinced it was genuine. He called down his superior who immediately recognized Yiski.*

"Yiski, I didn't know you rejoined the military?"

"I didn't Frank, but I figured a lot of your gunners haven't tasted a raid for a while. Also figured it couldn't hurt to have someone who can actually hit his targets."

"You kidding me, you're always welcome. Now let's find you a nice heavy flak to use."

*Yiski and Frank headed up to the top most battery positions were the heavy flaks were set up.*

"So, who's the idiots tryin' to hit us this time?"

"Apparently a medium fleet from the Republic. They've been raiding a few places north of here."

"You really think they'll actually come near Anvala?"

"No, but if they do get close, it never hurts to have some target practice, right?"

*Yiski laughs in agreement.*
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 11:28:22 pm by Yiski »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1254 on: April 16, 2013, 11:56:44 pm »

*As Zill boards his Galleon and leaves the port, BdrLine rushes back to where Tommy and the others were*
"Alright you guys come with me, we're going in the air."

*As BdrLine starts running back to his docks towards his Goldfish, Starlight, all three of them look at each other before running to catch up to him*
*Few minutes later, all four arrived back to BdrLine's docks*

*They go to what looks like a shed over an area where a ship should be. As they pull the door open, inside sits the Starlight. Reason why it is inside a shed as the goldfish has seen countless experiments from BdrLine and company which leads to much explosions. Because of this Bdr added the work shed above where she sits to make the necessary repairs*

*As of now, the airship looks pristine and combat ready as Bdr's group has maintained her while he was away*

*BdrLine to the group*
"Okay Tommy, Allen, start loading up ammunition on board for the Hawacha and bring heavy and burst we may need it. John here help me bring in the ammo for the side mortar and carronade"

*As the four goes about loading the respected ammo on board, BdrLine checks all the systems once he finished loading*
* Satisfied, he opens the back hatch and goes up to the helm and calls down*
"Ok Allen, since you are the better shot out of the three, you are on the 'whacha. Tommy John wacth the systems and try yo get the side guns if you can"

*All three complies to Bdr and goes over their posts. It not before long that BdrLine takes his ship out of his docks.*
*Once he clears the shed, he turns towards the center gate and holds positions as per requested by Zill*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1255 on: April 17, 2013, 12:14:48 am »

Jun'ko stood up and started helping with getting Burning Skies ready for a raid. Zill was on her mind the entire time. Ny-Lee noticed. She knew it was about him. She just went up and hugged her.
"It'll be ok. Its Zill, not some sailor."

"I know. He just does so much for everyone, and I don't want him coming back like he did from Yesha."

"I know it's easy for me to say it'll be ok with Roland here, but this will pass."

"Yea. I just don't know what I'd do without him at this point."

-Then It Was Fixed Again-

Zill confirmed that everything was in place. The only thing left was the mines, which were being deployed. Matty rang his radio.
"So we have a medium Fleet back here, mostly comprised of Arashi mercenaries."

"I knew they would try to be smart. I have a surprise for them, just don't wander too close to the Gate. You also have a Galleon back there."

"I hope that surprise is good. One Galleon won't hold alone."

"The batteries will thin them down. If you have trouble let me know. Everyone is facing northwest unless I told them otherwise."

"Can do. Don't get yourself shot."

"It would only be an improvment friend. To Clear Skies."

Zill felt the slow trickle of rain start beating metal gun barrels and his misk. Far off, he could see flashes of gunfire hitting Eilius. They wouldn't last long. He got on the radio.
"Lights out. Advance flares hit when they enter range."

In an instant, Anvala went dark.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 12:48:18 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1256 on: April 17, 2013, 12:32:30 am »

--Crown Peak--

There was one advantage Anvala had was extreme defense. Being built into a mountain made only air assaults the only method to invade or raid. Add a few batteries in the hundreds littered and dug into throughout the Crown Mountains and it become no-man's land.

Yiski and Frank found themselves at Crown Hill. It houses the most forward batteries of Anvala a little north of the Wall. There were still enough trees and vegetation to hide multiple batteries, making them invisible even with high-grade spyglasses.

When the two reached the battery positions, Yiski got on a radio.

"Zill you there?"

"Yiski? How are you... you know what? I don't care how. What is it?"

"I figured I'd give you some support by joinin' the battery positions at Crown Peak."

"Really? You sure that's wise?"

"Haven't I been anythin' but?"

"Just don't get yourself killed."


The sun had just set for the city, but out on the hill, the sun was still just up and giving a hint of light. Yiski pulled out his scope and surveyed the direction the Republic fleet was coming in from. Reports had them coming in from Eilius.

"Well, I don't see anythin' yet."

"They probably won't come in till late night or morning."

"I'd be suicide to come by mornin'. Easy pickings."


Meanwhile, Roland, Ny-Lee, Jun'ko, and Liu were shifting supplies and equipment into the cellar. The four had managed to set up a few bunks for the night. While the four are sitting out in the main floor, Ny-Lee embraces Roland.

"How do you think this'll go?"

"Given our defenses, I doubt the ships will get close enough to do any real damage. We may not have as many ships, but we make up for it with all the batteries scattered throughout Anvala and the Crown Mountains."

All parties sat and waited for the inevitable attack. Yiski was right about one thing, the Republic was going to make a night attack. Yet as nature intervenes, a storm front moved in causing delay of the Republic's fleet.

The morning was going to be a field day.


--END OF DAY 70--
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 12:51:24 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1257 on: April 17, 2013, 11:50:13 am »

The morning wasn't pleasant for a number of reasons. First, Anvala was high-alert for an impending raid. Second, last night's storm left all the defenders soaked despite wearing raincoats. Yiski was definitely not happy with the rain.

"Skies, I wish they'd come already and fail so I can go back to my saloon to dry off and warm up."


A radio message came over.

"Attention: Republic fleet is four kilos away. About fifteen ships spotted. Majority are pyramidions. Four galleons loaded with heavies."

Yiski pulls out his scope and manages to spot the incoming fleet. Yiski then takes a seat at a heavy flak and adjust the guns angle.

"Alright ladies, go ahead and load me up with lesmoks."

"Yiski, you do realize they're four out."

"I know Frank, but it's me shooting."

"Bet you ten silver you'll miss."

"You're on."

Yiski corrects angle and accounts for all environmental factors (rain, gravity, wind, humidity, etc.). A garrison unit turns to Yiski.



Yiski lets out the two shots and it could be seen by everybody as it roars across the empty plain. Off in the distance, two explosions go off on a pyramidion in the middle of the fleet. Yiski pulls out his scope again to see the damages to the pyramidion. Both front guns were down. Yiski smiles at Frank.

"Pay me."


Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1258 on: April 17, 2013, 12:03:03 pm »
Paradox sat there smoking... waiting.

“Hey, I know you a little too well to know you’re gonna be in that fight. So what are you waiting for?” Jun’ko asked, sitting down at the table he resided at for most of the night.

“Well lass, I’ve fought for many a faction over the years, one learns to adopt certain prefight rituals... mine is a smoke.”

He offers her one, she declines.

“So while they’re up there preparing you’re here, sittin’ on your ass smoking?”

“Well when ya put it like that, it makes me seem insincere...” Papa said taking a long draw of his ‘Anvalan Reserve No. 9’ cigar

“Stop leading me about, what are you waiting for, Papa?”

“Well I’m pretty sure that’s the first time, you ‘ave called me that lass. I’m waiting for a squid to take me to the Wall of Jericho.”

“I’m coming.” Jun said in an assertive fashion.

“If only I could count the amount of times I’ve heard those words leave a woman’s mouth on my account.” He said, laughing at his own juvenile humour.
Even she couldn’t resist laughing, Papa decided to add his conditions “Well, if I do this for ya, I want ya to keep that burnt up midget of a boyfriend off my back...”


“Ya, that’s the one... anyway keep him off my back and the odd side sexual favour...”


“Well, can’t blame me for trying, off we go then...” He said laughing, even Jun taking part in his bizarre humour. He arose from his seat and offered his arm, she accepted and hooked her arm through his, and they left the saloon in a camp stride.

The sun cracked over the city, the rain subsided, Jun and Papa’s conversation concluded, and the squid arrived in the front of the saloon. They boarded and set off for The Wall of Jericho.
“So how pissed on a scale of ‘one to Yiski murdering a school yard’ is Zill gonna be when he finds out I’ve whisked you away onto my ship during a raid?”

“Uh, I dunno: Zill murdering the council?” She said in after genuine consideration.

“Well he hasn’t done that yet, so I guess I’m fine for now.”

The squid pulled up beside The Wall of Jericho and a plank was extended from the side of the mammoth ship, Papa extended his hand to Jun helping her onto the plank. Once across they made their way to the bridge area, they were both briefed about the storm and the quiet night.

“Jun have you ever heard of a storm before the storm?”


“The worlds sense of romanticism has gone wonky again, lass. Helmsmen, tell the gunners to use lesmock for long range and if they even manage to get troops on the ground to load incendiary or anything else of the face melting genre.”

“Everytime I think I know who you are Papa you do something really fucked up...”

“I’m ever the sociopath m’dear, s’why they call me Paradox” He said taking her hand and kissing it whilst taking in the scenery. Continuing his thinking out loud, “Helmsmen open comms to the Admirals ship.”

“Aye sir, whenever you’re ready...”

“Hey there boyo, I got a surprise for ya...”

“Oh captain, my captain” Jun said chiming in, cringing while doing so...

There was a long pause before a response: “Papa what have you done?”

“She used her feminine wiles and is now present on my ship...”

Jun punched him in the shoulder only to remember that it was metal, she took her hand back a held it in pain.

“... anyways where do you need us?” Papa inquired, barely holding in a laugh from the previous moment that ensued.

*OOC: looks like i missed yesterdays wall-o-textorama so enjoy*

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1259 on: April 17, 2013, 12:03:41 pm »

*Wazulu woke up with one hell of a headache. He shoved the still burning body of the Mercenary Leader off him, and tried to steady himself in the snow for a few minutes. The Inn had become pillowing smoke, none of the structure was left behind*

Bloody hell, that stuff always had a kick.

*He quickly felt around the man's pockets, realising it was morning. Mercifully, he found a radio, intact and already barking it at him. It seems the Mercs went to combat without him. Fearing the fate of Anvala, he improvised*

'Err, Hey! It's Me! The..Cap'n'.

*A man on the other end answered- the static seemed to be help mimic the man's voice. Wazulu could hear the distinct sound of two flak shells landing nearby*

'Kaathe, where the bloody hell are ya?'

'Some Anglean representative just jumped me and me boys- we got 'im, and interrogated 'im. 'Pparently the Angleans ain't gonna pay up. and 're just gonna throw us at the Anvalans like cannon fodder- finishing the rest of us off after th' siege'.

'Bloody hell, let me get this on th' broadcast- we'll hit the Angleans before they hit us in the backs!'

'Aye, right. Good luck, and to Clear Skies- I managed to commandeer an Anvalan Goldfish too, I'll join you in battle'.

'Aye Sir, to Clear Skies.'

Well screw me sideways, this is gonna be one messy fight.