Author Topic: The Wall [v1]  (Read 476614 times)

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #255 on: February 11, 2014, 03:37:32 am »
I start researching on how to build a time machine to bring the Wall back to it's former undamaged glory. (Muahahahaha)

Offline redria

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #256 on: February 11, 2014, 02:51:03 pm »
*coldcurse still holds his gun and scratches his head. He finds her sudden change somehow weird and random.*
Redria do you mind if I test if its really you, because you changed you're mood really quickly.
*before redria can say something, Coldcurse shoots her in the foot.*
"Holy fu... why?! Why would you do that to me? Jesus... Hold on"
I limp to the edge of the ship and jump off again, respawning again on the main deck with a healthy foot.
"Will you quit shooting me? I've been on these ships before. I know I can't get off until we dock, so I may as well make that happen sooner. Now. Where do you want me?"
*Coldcuse scratches his head and look at an AI crewmember who passed by. He shoots the AI crewmember through the head and kills him without any emotion.*
I want you to take his spot and grab a harpoon.
*Coldcurse goes back to the helm and flies towards the wall.
I nudge the body to the edge of the ship and push it off with my foot, leaning over a bit to watch it fall. I giggle a little.

I head to one of the harpoons and load in lochnagar, because I'm a terrible person.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #257 on: February 11, 2014, 06:52:56 pm »
Lululz I'm at college so no wall for you today xD sorry
« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 06:59:57 pm by Oliver Colt »

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #258 on: February 12, 2014, 06:36:06 am »
Lululz I'm at college so no wall for you today xD sorry
Are the wall minions marching in the general direction of this college?

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #259 on: February 12, 2014, 10:22:51 am »
Cheesy, stop breaking the Fourth WALL.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #260 on: February 12, 2014, 11:05:26 am »
Lululz I'm at college so no wall for you today xD sorry
Are the wall minions marching in the general direction of this college?
No they're headed to Puerto Rico xD

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #261 on: February 12, 2014, 03:41:31 pm »

You set up a requisition post and give armor to whoever comes by. You're sure you can leave the armor there and people will just take it themselves, so you can now leave the post to do other things. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 74/100

You head to the laboratory and pick up some of the armor that Pieman made. You put it on and gain extra defense from all attacks! You then run back to the mine-launcher and finish working on it. The Wall trows a rock at you, but your armor protects you from most of the damage.

Stuff: Robot.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 4
HP: 74/100

You walk to the harpoon and cut the rope while redria is still on it, then you shoot her in the leg. As you're about to turn your ship to follow her, she appears back on deck! Her leg is not bleeding, for some reason... Understanding the situation, she asks you: "Where do you want me captain?". You can't believe this is her being so helpful. "Do you mind if I test if it's really you, because you changed your mood really quickly" you say, and shoot her in the foot again. She protests and jumps off the ship, re-spawning on the deck seconds later. Well, I guess you'll have to stick with her. She asks you what she should do now that she's part of the crew. You kill an AI and tell her to take its place on the harpoon. You turn your ship and fly it towards the Wall. The Wall sees you approaching and throws a brick at you, but it doesn't hurt you much.

Stuff: Baby sign (98 HP).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 1
HP: 79/100

You set the crystal on the ground and run away. A huge ice fortress is now in its place, and everything within 10 meters from it is now frozen. You go to the workbench that is inside the fortress and start making an ice crystal sword (Your HP maxes out to 100) (The ice crystal sword is now in your stuff). The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the ice fortress.

Peeps: Armoured Husky Titans (100 HP).
Stuff: Ice crystal sword.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 100/100

Coldcurse cuts the rope from the harpoon, then shoots you in the leg and you begin falling, but right before you hit the ground you spawn back on Coldcurse's ship. You realize you can't leave the ship so easily and decide to ask him how you can help. He doesn't believe it's really you, due to your change of attitude, and shoots you in the foot again. You yell at him and jump off the ship, and re-spawn in it without the bullet injury. Coldcurse sees you really are stuck with him so he shoots an AI and gives you his place in the harpoon. You push the AI off the ship with your foot and giggle, then load the harpoon with Lochnagar. The Wall throws a rock at you and it hits you in the head.

Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 9
HP: 64/100

Gryphos Felldawning:
You go to Mordor to begin building Grond. You go in your ship since you've heard you can't just walk in there. (You'll be in Mordor in turn 20). The Wall can't attack you because you're so far away.

Ongoing action: Flying to Mordor.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 45/100

Cheesy Crackers:
You start researching how to build a time machine to bring the Wall back to full health. All you learn from your research is that the GM doesn't believe time travel to the past is possible at all, so I guess that's not happening. The Wall minions arrive to Puerto Rico but they can't find the GM, it looks like the GM doesn't live there at all! The Wall can't attack you because you're behind the Llaw.

Stuff: Smart moving wall minions (in Puerto Rico).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 63/99

The KillStealer is now finished and ready to be deployed! (The KillStealer is now in your stuff). We will still have to wait until the Wall has 3000 HP or less to see if it actually works. The Wall attacks you for not posting this turn.

Stuff: KillStealer.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 9
HP: 63/100

Other Damage:
2069 from Firing Range (512 from catapult, 421 from cannon, 1136 from wrecking ball).
1400 from Robot (700 to max HP)
4934 from Bomb Factory (811 from bomb factory, 681 from bombs in the catapult, 2241 from bombs in the cannon, 1201 from bombs in the mine-launcher).
1847 from Impact-mine Mine-launcher.
271 from Ivy.
441 from Mold.

The laboratory:
Speeds up the creation of new weapons and gadgets and other sci-fi goodies.
You can upgrade weapons here for extra damage.
Has a really sweet bathroom (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The fort numero uno:
Gives +15 defense to anyone staying inside of it.
Holds up to 3 people.

Status: Finished.

The catapult:
First siege unit of the game.
Effective attacking cities.
Can be used by many people in one turn (only one shot for each person).

Status: Finished.

The Llaw:
+1 Culture output for every Wall.
-5% Accuracy for everyone directly attacking the Wall.
Allows research to commence on upgrading the Wall's arsenal.
Deals damage to the Wall for every construction turn.

Status: Finished.
Inside: CheesyCrackers.

The other Wall:
Defense bonus to anyone behind it.
Allows to use long range weapons without losing cover.
Holds up to 6 people.
Producing: +1 Culture.

Status: Finished.

High energy kinetic rail-cannons:
Deal damage to the Wall... I don't really know what kind.
Can be used by many people in one turn.

Status: Finished.

Bomb factory:
Produces bombs that get thrown at the Wall automatically every turn.
Has expansions for other existing weapons.

Status: Finished.

The hospital:
Helps recover more HP each turn to anyone inside it.
Has a really good cafeteria (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The wrecking ball:
She came in like a wrecking ball.
She never hit so hard in love.
Can be used by many people in one turn.

Status: Finished.

The firing range:
Shoots every long range weapon placed inside of it.
Holds up to 5 weapons.

Status: Finished.
Inside: The catapult, the wrecking ball, the high energy kinetic rail-cannons.

Impact-mine mine-launcher:
Throws impact-mines at the Wall automatically.
Is a cake related thing.

Status: Finished.

Ice fortress:
Heals Jawjee, Coldcurse and the Husky Titans when they're inside.
Deals damage to anyone else inside it.
Has a workbench to make weapons.

Status: Finished.
Inside: Jawjee.

The Wall:

HP: 910810/998900
Status: Meh
Producing: +1 Culture
Perks: Incendiary Pebbles II

It's turn 19! You should consider dealing some damage to the Wall yourselves xD Also Coldcurse, the CoC extra damage offer is still up ;D

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #262 on: February 13, 2014, 04:28:15 am »
*Coldcurse refuses to do the CoC option. maybe later.*

Coldcurse orders all crew + AI + Redria to aim for the wall with the harpoons.

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #263 on: February 13, 2014, 08:03:15 am »
Well.... GM, you suck...
I recall the wall minions to help me research this time machine even though it apparently isn't possible

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #264 on: February 13, 2014, 10:20:05 am »
again uses anti-mortar™ to decrease the wall's damage resistance.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #265 on: February 13, 2014, 11:12:31 am »
I begin developing Tunnel Machines to tunnel under the wall to deal damage.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #266 on: February 13, 2014, 11:13:13 am »
Well.... GM, you suck...
Hey I told you to do some research before! It's not like my location isn't everywhere (a thread in the lounge included) (probably also my profile?) (I know at least my Steam profile has it) xD

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #267 on: February 13, 2014, 11:26:11 am »
Whilst flying to Mordor, I radio everyone and tell them that precisely what I'm doing would be a terrible idea under regular circumstances.

Offline Jawjee

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #268 on: February 13, 2014, 02:01:27 pm »
*Jawjee does the same thing as before, except this time he runs along side the wall, using his sword to cut horizontally about 500 meters of the wall, huskies hitting the wall right after he's done.*

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #269 on: February 13, 2014, 03:55:40 pm »

You order your crew (redria included) to shoot the harpoons at the Wall. You get 5 good shots and deal a lot of damage to the Wall. You get a radio call from Gryphos telling you that he's in Mordor building Grond, and how insane that'd be under regular circumstances. You ignore the message and continue with your stuff. The Wall attacks you with a brick but it doesn't hurt you a lot.

Stuff: Baby sign (98 HP).
Damage dealt:  2722 (118, 274, 690, 742, 898 from harpoons).
Damage taken: 1
HP: 78/100

Cheesy Crackers:
You hear Gryphos on the radio saying that he's in Mordor building Grond, and how insane that'd be under regular circumstances. Then you call the wall minions and start researching the time machine with them. They don't seem to be that smart, but they do realize that time travel to the past is impossible. Come on Cheesy, even they understood that. The Wall can't attack you because you're behind the Wall.

Stuff: Smart moving wall minions.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 63/99

You use AntiMortarTM on the Wall and it increases the damage that can be caused to it now. You get a message from Gryphos on the radio telling you that he's in Mordor building Grond, which would be insane under regular circumstances. The Wall throws a rock at you for being distracted, but your armor takes most of the damage.

Stuff: Robot.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 4
HP: 65/100

Still in the laboratory, you start making a tunnel machine to use it under the Wall and damage it. (The tunnel machine will be ready for use in turn 21). You get the radio message from Gryphos telling you that he's in Mordor building Grond, and that it'd be insane under regular circumstances. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Ongoing action: Making the tunnel machine.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 74/100

Gryphos Felldawning:
You arrive to Mordor and tell everyone how crazy this idea would be under regular circumstances. You get out of your ship and start building Grond. (Grond will be ready for use in turn 21). The Wall can't attack you because you're so far away.

Ongoing action: Building Grond.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 45/100

You charge towards the Wall with your ice crystal sword and your Husky Titans. You get a good hit with your sword, followed by the Husky Titans hitting the Wall as well. The Wall throws a brick at you and it hits you in the head.

Peeps: Armoured Husky Titans (100 HP).
Stuff: Ice crystal sword.
Damage dealt: 1452
Damage taken: 10
HP: 90/100

Other Damage:
1383 from Firing Range (806 from catapult, 251 from cannon, 326 from wrecking ball).
1600 from Robot (800 to max HP)
7766 from Bomb Factory (2279 from bomb factory, 1529 from bombs in the catapult, 1529 from bombs in the cannon, 2429 from bombs in the mine-launcher).
327 from Impact-mine Mine-launcher.
380 from Ivy.
1010 from Mold.

The laboratory:
Speeds up the creation of new weapons and gadgets and other sci-fi goodies.
You can upgrade weapons here for extra damage.
Has a really sweet bathroom (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The fort numero uno:
Gives +15 defense to anyone staying inside of it.
Holds up to 3 people.

Status: Finished.

The catapult:
First siege unit of the game.
Effective attacking cities.
Can be used by many people in one turn (only one shot for each person).

Status: Finished.

The Llaw:
+1 Culture output for every Wall.
-5% Accuracy for everyone directly attacking the Wall.
Allows research to commence on upgrading the Wall's arsenal.
Deals damage to the Wall for every construction turn.

Status: Finished.
Inside: CheesyCrackers.

The other Wall:
Defense bonus to anyone behind it.
Allows to use long range weapons without losing cover.
Holds up to 6 people.
Producing: +1 Culture.

Status: Finished.

High energy kinetic rail-cannons:
Deal damage to the Wall... I don't really know what kind.
Can be used by many people in one turn.

Status: Finished.

Bomb factory:
Produces bombs that get thrown at the Wall automatically every turn.
Has expansions for other existing weapons.

Status: Finished.

The hospital:
Helps recover more HP each turn to anyone inside it.
Has a really good cafeteria (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The wrecking ball:
She came in like a wrecking ball.
She never hit so hard in love.
Can be used by many people in one turn.

Status: Finished.

The firing range:
Shoots every long range weapon placed inside of it.
Holds up to 5 weapons.

Status: Finished.
Inside: The catapult, the wrecking ball, the high energy kinetic rail-cannons.

Impact-mine mine-launcher:
Throws impact-mines at the Wall automatically.
Is a cake related thing.

Status: Finished.

Ice fortress:
Heals Jawjee, Coldcurse and the Husky Titans when they're inside.
Deals damage to anyone else inside it.
Has a workbench to make weapons.

Status: Finished.
Inside: Jawjee.

The Wall:

HP: 894170/998100
Status: Getting wrecked :0
Producing: +1 Culture
Perks: Incendiary Pebbles II

ITS TURN 20 W00000000000000000000000 *party* XD