Author Topic: The Skies have no Limit  (Read 305021 times)

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #285 on: February 28, 2014, 12:42:24 am »
--Somewhere in Vyshtorg--

While the two of them really had nothing better to do other then see what they could find about the upcoming Yeshan diplomatic party, it was hard to actually learn anything when no one actually knew the detail other then the high ranking members of guild politics.

"I'm starting to wonder if we'll actually get anywhere with this."

"Could be a fair bit worse you know."

"I'll give you that, so, what should we do now?"

Lorena opened her mouth to speak, but instantly closed it, she had no idea what to do now, Dahlia also began forming a clueless face as well.

"I just realized I have no idea."

"So did I, want to see if we can link up with your dad? Maybe he's... learned... something...."

Lorena was confused why she just spoke as she did, following her gaze however she saw some familiar faces heading toward them.


--Vyshtorg Harbor--

Travis was busy maintaining their guns when his brother passed him a sandwich.


He took a bite of it.

"So, what should we be doing exactly."

"I'm going to assume we stay with the ship while they find us a place to stay, other then that I have no idea."

A plume of smoke erupted from below deck, followed by a distressed looking Phillip.

"She's hopeless, but at the same time she's not."

Travis was skeptical at that statement, his brother was obviously thinking the same thing and decided to ask for him.

"And why's that exactly?"

"She gets how to do it, she just doesn't understand why it works, I've tried explaining it, and well, that happened."

He pointed to the plume of smoke.


"Give me about an hour to do proper work on it."

Reynold sighed.

"Need anything?"

"If you can get me a few gears that would be excellent."

"Usual type?"

"Probably, I'd rather not try something I'm not familiar with."

He reached into his tool belt and passed them a few crowns.

"That should be enough."

"Alright, we'll be back, try not to let the ship get stolen."

Snide remarks aside it was probably sound advice, however the three of them gave a laugh at it.

"We'll be back in a bit, hold down the ship while we're gone."

"I'll do my best."

With those two off he looked back to the mess of a girl sitting on a crate behind him.

"Alright Amelia, lets teach you how to do proper repair work."

« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 12:53:04 am by Piemanlives »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #286 on: February 28, 2014, 03:10:43 am »

Capital Headquarters

Onboard the Comet the crew goes around the entire ship inspecting the components and items. On the radio, Ny-Lee dials in her brother's frequency but all she hears is static as no replies comes through. She tries a few more times, but the results are the same like the first, no answer. Shaking her head, Ny-Lee returns the headset back onto the radio and checks her watch.

3:50, about to leave soon. I'll try and contact him later on the way

Sighing, she looks out over the shipyard and sees the ships used for the diabolical plot. She sees four of her mother's trading ships, but instead of raw material and goods, ground troops are being loaded. Across from them five Yeshan Galleons float idle, waiting for the signal to rise. Four more Pyramidions will accompany them with their two making six in total. Making up the last of the aerial combat ships are four Junkers also in waiting. Nineteen ships make up this fleet, and Ny-Lee knows that she is in charge of it. Looking at the fleet, one would assume very precious cargo is being guarded with the amount of ships, but the real reason is making her sick in her stomach with disgust.

Soon horns blow from different ships as the controller gives them permission to depart. As every other ship has rose above the base's skyline, her ship is still docked as Syá rises before her.

 "YIA Comet You are cleared for takeoff. Good luck Captain with the Guild. If this diplomatic negotiations goes well, it will bring the Guild closer to us."

"We'll try. Rising up."

Inflating her ships balloon with gas, the Pyramidion slowly rises out of her berth and forms up with the others. Turning to the fleet's radio frequency, she addresses the other captains.

"Alright you all know the orders, all vessels set a course for Lu Tower. We are heading for the Guild."

Aye's can be heard from the other captains through the radio as the formation turns southwest to the newly remodelled Lu Tower.

Shortly after leaving the city limits, Ny-Lee motions to Pān to take the helm as she dials in Syá.

"Syá, you there?"

"Yes cap, I'm here. How are we going to stop this? There is way too many of them here for us to try and take them on. Plus I'm uneasy of the thought of killing our own people. Even if they are willing going about this."

"I know I know. I just need time to contact either my father or my brother. They may have something up there sleeves."

"Let us hope so."

Zhao Manor

Back at home, Shen is spending his time in the manor's library deep in thought. He is trying to find someway to expose the Tiger and the Deer and bring them to trial for conspiracy. As he rubs his temples, the door opens and Liu comes in.

"You'll get grey hairs faster stressing this hard."

She says with a smile as she sit by him. Shen returns it with a small smile of his own.

"I know, but it is the thought of it that bothering me. We need to stop them."

"I know dear, it is not like we didn't experience it before. But they will find a way, like they always have."

"I hope so."

The door opens again, this time one of their servants comes in with a message.

"Ah hello there Ting. Do you need us for anything?"

"No sir, I just here to inform you that the Emperor is here."

"Emperor Xi?"

"Yes ma'am. We let him in. He and his wife is waiting in the lounge."

"Thank you for the information. Tell him we will be there in a few minutes."

Giving a nod, Ting walks back out to inform the Emperor. 

Standing up, the pair looks at eachother with confuse faces.

"Wonder why Xi and Kayo are here."

"Beats me, but we shouldnt keep them waiting."

The pair then walks out of the library towards the lounge. As they arrive, they see two of the Emperor's Elite Guard standing by the door. As they approach, one of the opens the door to let them through.

"Thank you kindly."

Inside, Xi and his wife are talking with one another while drinking tea that was served earlier. Seeing the two enter, they stand up and greet each other. Once finished, they all take a seat around the table.

"Nice to see you again Xi. What has it been, a few hours?" *laughs* "So what brings you here?"

*laughs* "Nice to see you again as well Shen. But remember when I said that I'll plan the return ball for the two of you. Why not the four of us do it so that we can take out minds off the you know what."

"That is a splendid idea, especially since Shen is too stressed out. Plus i can catch up with you Kayo."

"I know, it's been way too long."

The four continues to talk with eachother and about plans for the ball which they settle on having tomorrow night. Outside the gates of the manor, a van is parked down the street where a few of the Tiger's agents are listening in. Standing in the middle of the van, Saull looks over the monitors.


"Nothing, they are just talking about some ball. They don't seem to know about anything."

"Just keep listening. I have a feeling that they do."


Somewhere in the City

The trio continues to follow Alex and Reagan through the streets trying to catch up to them. The two then slow down and stop in front of a building and proceeds to walk inside.

Finally catching up to where they were last seen. Althea, Courage and Charles look at the building and notices that it is an inn.

"Huh, Must be where they are staying."

Althea looks down at her watch and checks the time. Turning upwards, the sky is darkening.

"Looks like this is where we were staying as well. It is getting late and we are too far from the docks and warehouse. I don't want to be stuck out there roaming the streets in the night."

"Ok then. I got some money on me so we can share a room."

The three then enters the inn and checks in at the front. Once they pay for the room and recieve the key, the three heads up for the night. Inside, all three notices the accommodations. There are two single beds, which they are grateful as they don't want to sleep together with one another, but that is it for bed space. All was left was a couch.

They all look at eachother when Althea says.

"I call for one of the beds. No way I'm sleeping on a couch. You two...working out. Night."

Going over to one of the beds, Althea takes off her shoes and anything in her pockets before tucking in.

As for the duo, Charles and Courage glance at one another and to the remaining bed.

"How to settle this."

"Ro sham bo?"

"Best two out of three."

(Courage & Charles)
"Ro... Sham... Bo"

Eventually Charles wins it and happily takes the remaining bed. Mumbling a few curses, Courage grabs an extra blanket and pillow and lie down on the couch. 

End of Day 14

Start of Day 15

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #287 on: March 05, 2014, 04:24:11 pm »

Gareth, Lyre, Zardis and the rest wake up aboard the ship, having decided previously to avoid public accommodation. The first to wake up is Gareth, followed by Zardis, who follows Gareth onto the dock out of curiosity.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just strange."

"What is?"

Gareth waves his hand at the tall city before them, already awake and noisy.

"This, Vyshtorg, the capital of the Guild. I grew up always thinking of this place as hell, enemy HQ. But it seems alright."



Zardis ponders for a second.

"'Gareth'… hardly an Arashi name."

"No, I chose it to get by. Being an obvious Arashi doesn't get you far in the world."

Zardis nods understandingly, before looking back tot he city.

"Yeah, it's alright."

"You been here before?"

"I was born and raised here."


"Yup. I only moved to Yesha later in life. That's the reason I wasn't happy knowing what the Deer was going to do. It's my home they're taking over."

"But, 'Zardis Lang Dacrain'. Now that I think about it, the 'Lang' does stand out a bit."

"Ah, my mother was Yeshan."

"That must be difficult for you."


"You know, fighting against your half heritage."

"*chuckle* Take a wild guess as to how many damns I give about tradition and heritage."



"I'm starting to like you."

Offline Yiski

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #288 on: March 05, 2014, 11:57:34 pm »
--Crimson Skies Saloon--

The day started just as it has always done. Roland was unusually slow to rise and rubbed his eyes in a vain effort to fight off the early light. He quickly took in his surroundings and realized two things: First, he was in the saloon. Second, his wife wasn't with him.

'Where is Ny? Wait.... she did say she had to ship out again today. Or was it yesterday?'

Not remembering his wife had already departed, Roland splashed some water on his face at the nearby water basin and headed downstairs in the vain hope to see the Comet still docked.

"Look who's awake now, huh?"

"Father, you cannot blame me for being tired from my trip and to what I came back to, do you?"

"Heh, I guess things did get a bit out of hand right before closing?"

"That's an understatement. You just had to triple the reward. You're lucky the authorities didn't haul you off as well with all along with half of the patrons passed out and the other half wandering around drunk off their arse."

Yiski turned to Lauren and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck before turning back to Roland. The events of last night are in large part as to why Roland has forgotten his wife's immediate departure. Take Yiski's brews, add patrons, add stupid challenges and bets for stupid amounts of gold and you get... well... imagination is a wonderful tool now is it not?

"Now that I think about it, where's my daughter-in-law? Kinda figured she'd of shown up by now."

"Well, Ny said she had to leave today for another trip of sorts, though I do not know the purpose. I was going to head down to the docks to see whether or not she had left yet."

"Ah, then you'd better hurry. Don't let your father hold you up any longer."

"Right. I will return soon father... mo.. er... Lauren."

Before Yiski could say anything on the slip, Roland quickly made his way out and into the ever busy capital. Yiski turned to his wife who wore a concerned expression. He walked over and gave her a hug and light peck on her cheek.

"You're just gonna have to give him a little more time. You know?"

*sigh* "I know..."

--En route--

Even in the early hours, Chang-ning always seemed to be packed and busy with all sorts of activity. Even after living in the city for some time now, Roland still could not get over how rapidly the daily scene could change. One day, there are open markets selling an assortment of merchandise and goods, and within hours the same space could be used to hold open auctions, from selling scrap to galleons.

In his haste, however, Roland neglects some lessons which Yiski had taught him over the years while in Anvala. One of the most important lessons: Noticing when you are being followed.

"Report. Where is the secondary moving?"

"Toward the docks currently. Nothing noticeable in his behavior."

"Continue surveillance."


It took Roland a good few minutes to reach the docks where he knew the Comet was docked. Upon reaching where the Comet had made port, Roland noticed another ship had taken its spot. Confused, Roland found a dockhand.

"Pardon. Did the Comet get relocated or has it already departed?

"Comet? Sorry pal, we get a lot of orders and right now we're dealing with a large unloading order."

"I understand. Sorry to bother you."

Roland gave a polite wave to the deckhand before exiting port. Unsure of the situation, Roland decides to hail a carriage.

Destination: Zhao Manor.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 12:03:13 am by Yiski »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #289 on: March 06, 2014, 10:54:44 pm »

--Zhao Manor--

At the Manor, the whole complex is bustling as the staff goes about getting ready for the ball. Directing the controlled chaos, a planner hired by the Emperor looks over the many details for the night. In the main dining hall tables are being set with plates and center pieces, the ballroom is being swept and cleaned, to the kitchen fired up for the courses. Much work is being put in to make the manor spotless.

Out in the back lawn, Shen and Liu is sitting with Xi and Kayo under a gazebo. Tea is laid out in front of them on a table where the four occasionally takes a sip from their cup.

"Are you sure this is a little too much? Whenever we plan for an occasion, we never really went all out like this."

"Oh nonsense, this is the least we can do for the two of you."

"Yes, with all the work the two of you have done domestically and abroad, this is us giving thanks. Plus after the kidnapping we must hold one for your honor."

"Well it is a pleasure then. Got to admit, the planner you hired is making my staff work a little extra harder. I have to give them a few days off after this hehe."

"Oh Jia. Yes she is kind of a perfectionist, but once she sees everything is up to her standards, it is surreal."

"Who is invited then? For sure the rest of our family. But I didn't have a chance to make a guest list."

"Oh don't worry Liu, it is the usually guest who attend all the big venues."

"So I'm assuming the Tiger will be here as well."

*sighs* "I hate to admit it, but yes. He is one of the heads in the Senate, as well as the Deer."

"Looks like we have to stay quiet on the 'subject' when they are here."

"It will be one night dear, besides our children will figure out a way."


Zankief's Warehouse

Inside the giant warehouse, a few levels underneath BdrLine snores away on a table where scraps and parts are scattered around. Last night he was helping with Zankief's men go over their many mechanical equipment to past the time since he is not allowed to venture out into the capital yet.

Walking into the room, Archer and another of Zankief's men, Pavel, sees him and the work around him.

"Pops was right when he said that this guy can work on machines."

"Yeah, when we left him here last night, we were all working on the ships engines. Looks like he did more than that."

"Should we wake him? He may miss chow."

"Let him sleep it off. There is still lunch and dinner for him to grab a bit once he wakes."

Nodding, Pavel and Archer makes their way out and into the main floor of the warehouse where there is a small line behind a portable stove.

Inn, Somewhere in the City

The morning sun pokes it rays through the window of the room where Althea and the others are staying. Althea and Charles get out of bed well rested but that can't be said about Courage who stands up from the couch and cracks his back.

"Oh next time man, you are taking the couch."

"It was only for the night, it is not like we are going to stay here for a week."

"Yeah. Well we should head back to the warehouse, BdrLine may wonder why we were gone so long."

"Oh did someone miss her hubby.. *snicker*

"Courage, you are this close before something horrible will happen to you. Remember I still have Elite training."

"Okay, why don't we go downstairs and have some breakfast so we can defuse this situation. I know we are all hungry."

Giving a glare to Courage who scoot over behind Charles, the trio exits the room and to the dining room for food.

Offline Yiski

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #290 on: March 07, 2014, 11:54:33 pm »
--Crimson Skies Saloon--

Lauren and Yiski were busy operating the saloon. Even though the sun was at high noon, there never seemed to be a point where the saloon was not always filled to capacity. Surprisingly, the location of the saloon did very little to attract the constant river of pedestrians, guards, merchants, blue collars, and tourists. Like all new businesses, it had to get patrons by the old word of mouth. Initially, nothing made the Crimson Skies stand out from the many other bars and saloons in the giant capital. That all changed once Roland decided to take after his second father and brew whatever did not blow up (which were rare).

At first, those that passed by the saloon were frightened and those who regularly passed took extra steps to go different routes. Then came the brave patrons who did speak of the variety of brews. Soon, more curious souls ventured in just to see what new and strange brews were on tap. Eventually, the saloon's popularity grew and those who lived on the outskirts of the capital went out of their way to visit.

Since Yiski's return from his 'vacation', the saloon's popularity hit another spike. Those who once frequented Anvala felt a shiver of joy run down when word the Hellfire had been revived in Chang-ning. Now the Crimson Skies Saloon boast (and rightfully so) the largest varieties of custom created rums, whiskies, bourbons, ales, beers, ciders, and a few brews which are impossible to categorize.

Because of the saloon's popularity, Roland, Lauren, and Yiski had to hire full-time staff, something which still baffled Yiski to this day.

Yiski was taking a small breather in the back. He was leaning back in a chair with his eyes staring into the ceiling. Yiski closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


Yiski opens an eye to see Lauren standing over his. He smiles and tries to lean up to get a kiss in... only to have the chair slip out from under him and having his back slam into the ground. Lauren holds her hand up to her mouth to stifle a laugh.

*sigh* "Damn.... can't catch a break can I?"

Just before Lauren can answer, Hiro, one of the saloon's full time bartenders, enters.

"Um... boss? Do we have any more Hellfire barrels?"

"You know we always have an extra supply of five barrels."

"I know that boss, but... um.... we've seemed to have gone through those.... since yesterday."

"Did you and the others remind me to re-brew?"

Hiro started scrambling for words and before Yiski could start yelling at him, Lauren jumped in to rescue Hiro.

"Just head back out and tell everyone it's out. We'll deal with that later."

"Um... right.... I'll go do that... Uh... sorry to bother you boss."

Hiro exits the back, leaving Yiski to let out another heavy sigh.

"You plan on getting up?"

"Dunno. Kinda got comfortable now."

Lauren rolls her eyes and Yiski, reluctantly, decides to get up. He pats himself off and looks to the clock. It's been two hours since Roland left. A brief moment of worry came over Yiski's face which caught Lauren's attention.

"You worried about our son?"

"Can you blame me, knowing those bastards are still operatin'?"

Lauren then notices an idea struck Yiski. He looks to her with a smug expression. Lauren simply wore an expression of worry and confusion. Lauren knew Yiski would do one of two things: Grab his rifle and head out, or make a radio call and then grab his rifle and head out.

First thing Yiski does is grabs his rifle which get a sigh out of Lauren.

'Looks like we doing this ourselves.... wait.... what's that?'

Yiski then grabs a knife off a nearby table and jams it into the stock of his rifle. After a little fidgeting with the knife, a cover comes off the side stock to reveal a small note. Yiski takes the note out, replaces the cover, and places his rifle back.

"What do you have there?"

Yiski answered as he walked toward the radio room.

"Something just in case I lived this long. Dear, would you mind and shut the door behind you? Don't need any curious employee wandering in here."

Lauren nodded and shut the door behind them. Once at the radio, Yiski unfolded the note and started changing the frequency nobs. A few moments passed when Yiski did not do anything. Then Yiski starts tapping the microphone in what seemed to be Morse code. Then....

"I was wondering if I was going to hear from you again."

"Yeah, really didn't want to make this call, but you know."

"Am I to assume you'll be coming by?"

At first, Lauren thought she knew the voice. Then it hit her. It was Lance.

"No, not this time. I need you to look into something and watch over some of my family."

"It wouldn't happen to be your son and daughter-in-law, would it?"

"Always ahead of current, aren't you?"

"It's now I survive and make a living. So what is it you need to know?"

"Ny-Lee's deployment."

"Ah... now that is an interesting piece of information. While I'll charge my old rate to watch your kids, this info will come at a higher price."

"If your account's still the same, you'll see the payment sooner given my location."

"Very good. Well, it seem your daughter had been tasked with a negotiation with the Guild."

"What?! You have anything else?"

"Consequently, no. Since their main base of operations were taken out, the groups been quiet. Well, that is until these recent events."

"You're tellin' me. Anyways, I need you to provide overwatch on Ny and trackers on Roland."

"Understood. Those assets will be in place within my usual time frame. And for the record, it's good to see you're still alive."

At the end of the sentence, the signal goes bad and static fills the room. Yiski scrambles the frequency nobs before shutting of the radio.

"Overwatch and trackers?"

"Overwatch will provide eyes on Ny and intervene when necessary. Tracker will only keep tabs on Roland."

"Why not put overwatch on Roland too?"

"Because, if they try to mess with my son, I'm gonna beat the life out of them."

Yiski stands up and opens the door, and the murmurs of the room are filled with the roars coming from the main floor.

"You think it'll be enough."

"It'll have to. I'm gettin' too old for this."

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #291 on: March 08, 2014, 05:23:24 pm »
--Averna, Chaladon--

Julius, Alexander and Cecelia stood at the docks behind the Lockheart Residence, and stared at the newly fitted ships... The "Winter","Crown's Justice" and the "Yehshan Dragon" were all fitted with Julius' Custom made alloy plate. It gleamed bright, as the golden glow of the morning sun leaked out across the pale blue sky. Supplies such as; fuel, food and ammunition were being loaded onto all 3 ships along with a few Chaladonian Elites and Infantry. The Trio looked on as a captain approached them from behind, and slapped Julius on the back.

Captain Phoenix: " So, I presume the big ones mine?"

Julius Lockheart: " Finally phoenix it took you a while to show up..."

Julius Shook Phoenix's hand. Phoenix was a tall, well built man, with Hazel hair. He wore a Dark Green Bi-Corn and a Matching Elite's Pilot uniform with a Golden Cravat. On his Coat he wore a Badge, with a Embossed Red and Black, Counter-charged, outstretched phoenix.

Julius: "Where were you?"

Phoenix: " Oh you know, i was just indulging myself in my little hobby.. Cant a man have some peace?"

Julius: " So..., By that you mean shouting and New Garrison recruits till they cry, blood begins to pour out their ears and have to sign up for Counselling?"

Phoenix Laughed

Phoenix: " Pretty much yes, I don't have much else to do nowadays, with the Order on no offensive what-so-ever. The only action is seen by either: you or the patrols in the Sea of Devils. And I don't fancy myself a sea-farer. So when you asked for a co-captain, i obliged. But of course i presume you will be giving me command of the fleet, after all i am the more experienced pilot."

Julius: "I think not.*smiles* You'll be captaining the "Yeshan Dragon" my own little beauty. I don't want to see a scratch on her over this voyage, my life went into that ship. I'll be aboard the "Winter" with our main boarding party, cargo and such; with Alexander *gestures to Alexander* aboard the Crown's Justice", understood?"

Phoenix forced a salute

Phoenix: " Aye..."

Julius: " Good. Right, i think were about ready to fly for Cathedral... I hope you understand that we have had word from contacts elsewhere of a Baronies fleet heading North and some whispers of a war... in... *coughs* well... even our contacts don't know.... Just war somewhere, lets hope it isn't Cathedral... Furthermore, my father has informed me to keep our radio channels on open to all frequencies, should the need arise, so help our allies, defend our trade or anything else. Father just wants us to patrol to and from Cathedral and Dragontown... As our trade their is not only heavily Dropping from competition, but also dropping because of raiders in the Yeshan canyons.."

Phoenix: " Sounds good to me.. Lets be off"

Cecelia: " Erm, let me just check i have everything..."

Phoenix: " Come on woman, i want to get out there, i dont have time to make sure we have aren't missing a handbag.."

Julius: " *laughs* you have 10 minutes to check you have everything essential. It's harsh i know, but i want to leave before noon..."

Everything was fine after the 30 minutes they took getting final preparations and checks done till the fleet of 3 ships flew out west, the Lockheart banner of 2 Griffins, Burgundy and Ultramarine Combatant, trailing behind them.


Captain Oakenshield: " What do our sources say about Lockhearts whereabouts, Commodore?"

Commodore Kingcrest: " Actually sir, the data has changed. Lockheart now flies east with A Phoenix towards Cathedral.."

Captain Oakenshield slammed his fist on his desk, knocking over a empty wine glass.

Captain Oakenshield: " Plot a course to intercept. And be sharp about it!"

Commodore Kingcrest: " Aye sir."

Commodore Kingcrest bowed and left the captains quarters.

So... The Griffin flies west with the Phoenix, sadly the Raven catches all its prey. The Baronies will prevail.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #292 on: March 10, 2014, 02:21:20 am »

--Zhao Manor--

"Are you sure? We won't get in the way or anything."

"No no, go on and enjoy the day, your staff and I will handle the rest of the preparation. Besides, I want it to be a surprise when you all return."

In the main entrance room, the two couples are being escorted to the door by the planner, Jia. She wants the couple to enjoy the rest of the day before returning back for the ball. Also so she can finish with the final preparation work in secret to astonish Shen and Liu.

"Come on Shen, we should all go. Besides, once Jia makes up her mind, she won't go back. Ask my husband here."

"She is right, even if I am the Emperor, Jia did whatever she sees fit."

"Ok then, so where should we go?"

As they were exiting through the door, they see a carriage coming up the driveway and stopping in front of the steps. Coming out of the passenger side, Roland steps out and pays the driver. Watching as the carriage moves away, he turns and sees all four of them at the doorway. Waving, Roland walks to them.

"Ah hello there Roland, we were just about to head out. You look a little...tired. Had too much at your saloon? You know you could have called, we can send a driver to pick you up. But anyway, you need anything son?"

Yao Ling Pass

Since their departure from the capital, the fleet has been flying non-stop all through the night and into the next day. As they are about to exit the last city within Yeshan borders, all ships pass through the checkpoint leading in and out of the Pass.

Ny-Lee is near the radio and tries again to communicate with her brother.

"Hello Azn you there? Come on you lazy bum pick up."

*static* "Hey I heard that, you know that I'm just lazy at times."

"Ah it is good to finally hear you. Do you know how many times I tried to contact you last night."

Onboard one of the Galleons in the fleet, a pair of the Tiger's spies are watching Ny-Lee.

"Did you intercept the frequency?"

"I can't seem to get anything, it seems like she is using a secured line."

"Ok better report this to the Tiger."


Zankief's Warehouse

Just waking up, BdrLine rubs his eyes and looks around the room he is in.

Man, I shouldn't do an all night-er again. What time is it?

Taking out his watch, he sees that it is ten in the morning. Standing up, BdrLine stretches his back and leaves the room. Feeling hungry, he walks through the hallway trying finding the stairs leading back up to the main floor. Eventually he gets there with some directions from Zankief's men. Seeing that the cook is still there, BdrLine grabs a plate and gets in line for breakfast. Served, he looks around the warehouse and sees Zankief talking with Archer and a few others. Going towards them, he takes a seat on a crate as he eats and listen in.

"Ah Bdr, good to see you awake. Thought you would sleep in after all that work."

"That, it was nothing. So what you guys up too?"

"Well we are planning another way to get inside Slava's guild house again."

"Yes after nearly being found out, we need to get inside again."

"Well, I don't think this concerns me at the moment. I'll be off trying find something todo."

BdrLine finishes his plate and stands to leave. As he is about to walk away, he turns his back and puts a finger up.

"By the way, have you guys seen the rest of my crew? Did they come back last night?"

"Sorry Bdr, I haven't. But most likely they are fine, there hasn't been any reports from last night with descriptions of them."

"Ok then, just asking."

Turning back, he places the dirty plates with the others and goes to his ship. Climbing onboard, he walks to the main cabin to look over his rifle. Taking it out of the casing, BdrlIne rotates the weapon for any defects. Behind him, he hears a faint beeping and a voice coming through the radio. Wondering who it is, he places the rifle back and goes to the radio.

"?.. you lazy bum pick up."

"Hey I heard that, you know that I'm just lazy at times."

"Ah it is good to finally hear you. Do you know how many times I tried to contact you last night."

"Honestly I don't know, I was working all night fixing mechanical problems."

"You and... Nevermind, but I got some news."

"Ok, give to me."

She then explains to her brother about the fleet.

"Nineteen ships? Is that even enough to battle the defences here?"

"I don't think so, be we are coming there under the expression that we want to reach out and trade with the Guild. That's why there is four of mother's ships here."

"ok so, once they land, those troops will just cause chaos when the time is right."


"Ok, I'll go and tell Zankief. Call in again once you are in Guild borders."

With a click to silence the radio, BdrLine rushes off his ship to find Zankief. After a few minutes of searching, BdrLine finds him in the weapons room underneath the warehouse.

"Whoa, what's the rush Bdr."

Taking deep breaths, he explain the whole situation to him.

"Oh my, now we know what's coming."

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #293 on: March 26, 2014, 01:51:46 pm »
The dust cleared and the screaming stopped as the guns had finally fell silent. He lifted his hands off the helm, their trembling was more noticeable now before the sudden realisation came that the trembling was now his full body. The knees were the first to give way, slumping to the floor in a broken husk of the man he was 10 minutes ago. Was it really his voice that gave the order...

*Knock Knock*
*Knock Knock*
*Knock Knock*

It was the cold precipitation that awoke Grey from his all too familiar dream; the knocking seemed distant, his perception still affected by the drink he used to get to sleep. Standing up, he moved to the window, drew back the curtains and gave a short laugh to himself. He finally made it to cathedral but there was a long way to go yet - the first order of business was to contact his employer to tell them that his mission was a success.

''No sacrifice too great, No sum of money too high,'' Grey said to himself - out of belief or self reassurance was unknown. One thing he did know was that after today, he would have enough money to buy his new identity, new ship, and new life.

''Be right there!'' he shouted, looking through the peephole. It was just the maid. He back twirled the colt in his right hand back to the holster and opened the door.

''I will be out of your way in just a second. Just need to grab my hat and coat.''

He was not sure what he noticed first - the noise of the bullet, the thud from the maid hitting the floor, or the searing pain now running through his shoulder. Time seemed to slow, his legs were stiff for a fraction of a second before he ran full speed towards the window and jumped...


The unfamiliar streets of the cathedral confused him, so many twists and turns. He took a sharp left into a back alley market where merchant's were selling wares. He was quick and unseen like a thousand times before as he lifted a jumper and a hat.

''I need a doctor and quick,'' he whispered to himself. "Calm down...breath.'' 

His vision was blurring, his knees weak as the coldest floor hit him, the sound from the market became distant like he was falling.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #294 on: April 08, 2014, 12:54:03 am »
--Streets of Chang-ning--

Roland could not sit still and found himself fidgeting within the carriage. On paper, it should take between 20-30 minutes to arrive at Zhao Manor by carriage. Then again it's on paper. In reality, given the massive amount of foot traffic and carriage traffic, the trip takes more than an hour.

All the time spent in the carriage thus far was spent by Roland thinking about his wife. Consequently, any attempt by Roland to get an uninterrupted stream of thought going was always cut off by the constant chattering going on outside, not to mention the low rumbling roar of the carriage's engine.

During these attempts, Roland failed to notice the fact the carriage driver had accidentally taken the wrong route. When Roland finally did take a look out the window, he realized he was on the outskirts of the commercial districts. The area was very much in the opposite direction of where the manor is and very much sparse of any potential witnesses.

Before Roland had the chance to say anything, the carriage door swung open. Roland was greeted by a man. The man was short in stature, had sliver hair, a well-trimmed beard. One feature which stood out was the man had a distinctive scar running in an angle across his left eye and nose.

The man grabbed Roland and threw him out of the carriage onto the ground. As Roland looked up, he saw five other figures surrounding him.

"Well, today really isn't your lucky."

[Figure 1]
"Confirmation this is the target?"

"His look fits the given description down to the letter."

[Figure 3]
"This seems too easy for the amount of pay we're getting."

[Figure 2]
"Does it matter? We're practically in the cl....." *Crack*

The sentence was cut abruptly. As the others took a look at what happened, they found the cause of the unfinished statement: A missing head and the appropriate amount of blood and brain matter splashed against the carriage.

As the figures scrambled for their weapons and faced the direction of the shot, the scar-faced man remained unusually calm.

"Interesting, I did not expect him so soon."

[Figure 4]
"By Icarus! You said this was going to be easy!" *Crack*

Another figure fell with a fist-sized hole in his chest. The remaining figures took cover behind the carriage, hoping to get some cover from the incoming fire.

While they hid, the man started to calmly walk towards a good distance where the incoming shots were fired. After a distance, he turned to called over to Roland.

"I believe you should come join me here. I believe you and I know what is coming next."

Roland still laid belly-down on the ground nearby the carriage, still caught off-guard by the whole scene. By the time Roland was out of his daze, Roland looked around and noticed the situation. He then saw the man, waving for him to join him.

"Hurry now. I am sure you do not want his opportunity wasted."

Roland turned his head and noticed the figures taking cover behind the carriage, he noticed the two dead figures, he then realized who was shooting and what was coming next. Roland jumped to his feet and ran towards the man to what seemed within a few seconds in his mind.

By the time Roland reached the man, the man saw a single shot slam into the carriage. One second later, the carriage and anything within a five meter radius was engulfed by an explosion. The blast wave knocked Roland down again and only caused the man to waiver a bit.

After the explosion, silence overtook the area. Roland slowly got back up and saw how close he was to the man. This startled Roland and caused him to jump back immediately. Before Roland had a chance to get any farther, the man pulled out his weapon and aimed it at him. Roland stood frozen in place. Roland opened his mouth to speak, but was preempted.

"While I am sure you have question, I think it best to wait a bit. I do hate having to repeat myself."

Roland's eyes widened when he noticed Yiski approaching the man from behind, his Blood Bolt held firmly in his hands and against his shoulder with a stare which could sink a pyra.

"Afternoon Yiski. I have to say I am impressed by your response time."

"Funny how that seems to always be the case." Yiski looks glances over to Roland. "You alright?"

"He's fine... for now."

"Too bad I can't say the same for you."

"Really? I can only assume you have your infamous rifle pointed for my back. Given the type of shots fired, you are manually loading each shot. Aside from your single explosive shot, you only have piercing bullets and to shoot me at this range would also catch your beloved son as well, especially when I do this."

The man slowly approached Roland while keeping his back toward Yiski.

"I'd stop if I were you."

The man, ignoring Yiski, continued to approach until the barrel of his gun was mere inches away from Roland's face.

"Tell me. What do you think would happen during the negotiations when a certain girl learns her cherished husband has been murdered?"

Yiski did not want to think about it. His finger resting next to the trigger.

"In another twist, what would happen when she learns the ones responsible are the ones she is negotiating with."

Yiski pushed that thought out too. He kept his thoughts and concentration on keeping his rifle aimed.

A short moment of silence pass by.

"Nothing? Shame. Fortunately, my client wishes for your son alive, so I am afraid he and I will be going on a trip."

"Can't say I'll allow it."

Yiski's tone was cold and hardened. The man gave a chuckle.

"You know the file they have on you really does not do you justice. You are far more fearsome than any individual I have met. Yet, I am afraid you are in little position to stop me. You simply have no shot."

"Sure I do. Just stay still for a bit longer and keep yappin'."

"Really now. Even I know.... oh I see. That would explain all this."

The man used his free hand to reach into his pocket. As the hand exited the pocket, so did a small, rounded object.

"Well, my client will be unhappy with the result, but at least I can return with some renewed admiration for who you are Yiski."

Just before Yiski could respond, the man dropped the object. Upon impact with the ground, a large plume of tar smoke engulfed the area, including Yiski.

Yiski and Roland coughed and hacked as they attempted to wave their arms to clear out the tar, but to no avail. Roland then felt a hand grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the tar smoke. Still coughing and rubbing his eyes, Roland saw Yiski with a still firm grasp of his arm. Yiski coughed a few more times. When the tar cleared, the man had vanished.

"You good?"

"Ugh... I can still feel the tar in my lungs."

"Good enough."

*cough* "What just happened?"

"That's what I want to know."

"How did you find me? I mean, I could not have been considered missing."

"Look around."

Yiski made a hand gesture in the air and Roland caught a glance of a few figures before disappearing. Roland looked at Yiski with a confused expression.


Roland simply blinked. While he wanted to inquire, he knew he would get little of any details of their dealings. At this point, Roland seemed to have calmed down and took a look around of their location.

"How are we getting back?"

Just as the question ended, three military vehicles pulled around and stopped at a distance from the charred explosion. About fifteen soldiers exited and formed a perimeter around the two. Roland turned to Yiski who had a smirk on his face.

"Area secured!"

"Sir? Are you okay?"

"We're fine. And don't call me 'sir'. I'm civilian."

"All due respect, sir, we're aware of who you are and your affiliations."

"Doesn't mean you call me sir."

"By order, sir. Please allow us to escort you. We need a debrief of the situation.

Yiski sighed and Roland could help but internally laugh. The two entered a vehicle and headed off back inside the city.

A/N: I'll be honest, I don't know where exactly I'm going with this. The scenario popped in my head and I kinda figured I needed to put it down. If this doesn't quite fit into the whole mesh of things, blame Shink.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 01:23:26 am by Yiski »

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #295 on: April 19, 2014, 02:08:31 am »
--Near Thula, Northern Firnfeld--
   Patrolling the area, a man stood still, surveying the landscape. The icy hills and snowcapped peaks of the nearby mountains gleamed a soft orange hue in the light from the Sun on the horizon, slowly reddening as the Sun retreated below the horizon. Night was falling, the Moon rising. And yet, not all was dark. The sky gleamed, full of the jewels embedded in the backdrop of the Heavens. It seemed like a perfect night. Fate decided otherwise.

   In more temperate climes, the snow was long gone, however except for most of the year, except during the height of the “Warm season”, as Thula’s region had only two, the “Warm Season” and the “Cold Season”. Thula was wrapped in a cloak of white; a frigid and remote place. This was both a blessing and a curse. Being remote meant that Thula was sheltered from most of the political intrigue that went on in less remote places, but it also meant that the Townsfolk had to fend for themselves, mostly. Thula’s remoteness and relatively unknown nature led to complications.

   The man, a simple militiaman from Thula spotted something, a moving, man-sized silhouette. However, it did not seem to belong to any Human being. It was Avian in shape. The man Rushed back to town, to the militia garrison. There, he used the telegraph, contacting the only place near enough to provide assistance.

--Lord’s Leap, The Fjord Baronies, Baronies Military Headquarters--

An automatic telegraph picks up the transmission and outputs the telegraph’s contents onto a sheet of paper using morse code.

.--. .-. .. --- .-. .. - -.-- / --- -. . / -- . ... ... .- --. . / .- ...- .. .- -. / ..-. .. --. ..- .-. . / ... .. --. .... - . -.. .-.-.-
-- .- -. / ... .. --.. . -.. .-.-.-

.- ... ... .. ... - .- -. -.-. . / -. . . -.. . -.. / .. -. / .. -. ...- . ... - .. --. .- - .. --- -. / --- ..-. / ... .. --. .... - .. -. --. .-.-.-

..- .-. --. .

-. - .-.-.- / ..-. .. --. ..- .-. . / .-.. --- --- -.- . -.. / .... --- ... - .. .-.. . .-.-.-

A worker then translated the message.
Avian figure sighted. Man Sized. Assistance needed in investigation of sighting. Urgent. Figure looked hostile.   

The message was then brought directly to the King, he had dealt with a similar situation before.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 02:28:24 am by macmacnick »

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #296 on: April 19, 2014, 04:46:04 am »

Central Market

Taking the Emperor's personal vehicle and leaving Zhao Manor to wander around the Capital City as the party preparations take place, the four finds themselves in the Central Market. As the the driver finds a spot to park the vehicle, the couples exit and roam around the many stores and stalls of the busiest commercial district, while being flanked by four Imperial Elites, Chung being one.

Seeing the Emperor out in the public, many people give a bow and move out of the way to make room for the group as they walk. Some give him compliments, but many just simply smile at the man.

Noon rolls around as the couples enters a cafe for lunch. A bell above the door rings as it opens. At the entrance counter, a waiter turns and see who has entered and notice the prominent pairs.

Quickly moving away from the counter, the waiter goes up to the group and bows to them.

"Oh your Highness, it is a pleasure to have you and your wife, as well as you, Mr. and Mrs. Zhao. Please, let me lead you to your seats."

"Thank you my good sir."

The waiter leads them around the counter into the main dining hall. They can see that the place is almost full to capacity. Some diners turn to see who had came in and almost immediate stand up at who they saw. Seeing this, Xi with a smile motions them with a hand to sit and continue eating.

Once at the table, the waiter hands four menus to each of them as he goes back and continue his other duties as they are ordering.


As the "Diplomatic Fleet" pass the League city of Naufrage, the spies on board the Galleon is currently talking to the Tiger on the radio.

"You are telling me this now!! Why didn't you report this as soon as you can't intercept that transmission."

"Sorry Sir, we had technically difficulties as a sandstorm hit us as we left the Pass towards Sabbia. I think she may know of the plot, maybe others as well."

"Alright then, just keep a closer eye on her and her crews. And try harder to decipher that frequency if she uses it again! You understand me!"

"Yes sir!"


Back in Chang-ning, the Tiger disconnects the line and sits back in his chair. Moving a hand through his hair and down his neck, he pinches his noses.

She and her father must have know more than they let on. Most likely that Oxen of a Zhao must have told the Emperor as well.

Standing him, he slides the contents on top of his desk off in a fit of rage. Then a dark chuckle comes out of his mouth as a plan starts to form on how to keep the plan on track. Calmly, the Tiger walks out of his office towards his vehicle to be driven back to his home. There he starts to get ready for a ball.


Zankief's Warehouse

Finally returning to the warehouse, Althea, Courage, and Charles went their separate ways to rest and go about their own business. For Althea, she heads down the stairs into the lower levels to find BdrLine. As she search the different levels, she finally spots him sleeping on a bed with his limbs spread out in one of the spare bedrooms.

Crossing her arms and leaning on the doorway, Althea grins and roll her eyes at her boyfriend. She silently walks towards the sleeping form as to not wake him. Positioning herself at the side of the bed where his face lay, Althea gives BdrLine a kiss on his lips.

Stirring a little at the touch, BdrLine is still asleep and mumbles something.

"hehe, strawberries. Why yes Mr. Sunggles, I would like another slice of that cake."

Not the reaction she was looking for, Althea gives a confuse look at the sentence he said.

The heck is Mr. Sunggles? Why am I even asking who he is? Gah, Azn wake up.

Standing up, Althea then proceeds to push BdrLine off the bed instantly waking him.

With a startled yelp, BdrLine scramble off the floor and slices through the air with his hands in the hopes he hit something, not noticing who is behind him.

Why am I dating him again?

Shaking away that thought as well as his antics, Althea grins and taps his shoulder.

Feeling the touch, BdrLine quickly turns around to find out who woke him from his slumber. Noticing that it was Althea, he relax a bit and gives a nervous grin as he rubs the back of his neck.

"So rough morning huh?"

"Well, you can say that. I got a call from Ny and it's not pretty, I'll tell you later when Charles and Courage are here. It be simpler to tell it once. Speaking of the two, what did you guys find since you didn't came back last night."

"Nothing out of the ordinary, but we might have saw some people we know from Cathedral here. We followed them to an inn to get a closer look  but we didn't have a chance to really see as we left in the morning."

"If that's it for now, mind if I get some shut eye in? Been working all night."

"Well alright, but remember, you still need to tell me and the others to what your sister found out."

"Don't worry. Now if you excuse me."

Setting the bed again, BdrLine picks up the thrown blanket and makes himself comfortable. Sighing and another shake of her head, Althea goes down and gives him a quick kiss as she leaves him to his slumber.

Lord's Leap

The echoes of boots ring through the hallways as a well dressed man in a officer uniform of the Baronies clutches a piece of paper. After receiving the message, Major Melin of the 1st Royal Honor Guard eyes the passage, especially at the man-sized avian figure. Flabbergasted of someone sighting this figure that should have died with a certain group, he moves quickly through the halls to find King Greger.

Melin finds the King in his study where he is seated behind his desk with mountains of paperwork.

"Major, what is the meaning of this? This better be important if you just barge in here."

Going over in front of his desk, Melin gives a salute and then hands the message to the King in which he takes it.

"My apologies your Majesty, but this is of great importance."

As the King read over it, he places a hand over his chin.

"Hmm, how so?"

"Remember how I debriefed you on all my happenings after the Siege of Anvala and reinstating you as King. This maybe one of those experiments on which my allies have fought against and where I have blown up its main laboratory,"

"You can't mean to say that they are back. There has been reports from Cathedral that this problem has been taken cared of."

"But your Majesty, my allies have even said that they pop up even if they have been dealt with before, I don't want to take that risk if they are still out there."

"Very well Major, I'll send out our best scouts."

"Let me and a team from my Division handle this, as with all due respect, we are your best scouts before we were reassigned as your personal detail."

"Indeed you are. Alright then, since most of Firnfeld are independent cities, you'll have to check in with the regional militia. So how soon can you and your team can leave."

With a smile.
"At the end of the hour your Majesty."

"Live with Honor."

"Die in Duty."

Giving a salute once more, Melin exits the office to gather men for two ships.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #297 on: May 02, 2014, 02:29:43 am »
Lord's Leap

Moving quickly away from the King's study, Melin pulls out a radio that is hanging off the side of his belt. Turning a few dials, he speaks into the piece.

"Frey, you on?"

"Major. Yes I'm here. You need anything?"

"I want you to get the rest of the men who went with us to Izumi and to prepare the Squids. There have been an avian-size man sighting up near Thula."

"Wait, you can't mean that someone is creating more of those things? We blew up their lab when we were down there."


A turn of a knob later, the radio is Chang-ning as Melin places it back where it was originally. Still going at a fast pace, he finds himself at his office and enters. Opening another door, Melin faces a room full of different uniforms and a small wall rack of weapons. Changing out of his dress uniform and into snow gear, Melin goes to the wall rack and pulls out two pistols and holster them on either side of his body. Grabbing as well is his personal sabre and ties it off onto his right. Lifting up a pack that was on the floor, it is then soon stuffed with a few maps and ammunition for his side arms. With all things accounted for, Melin exits the room and out of his office to the awaiting ships out n the dock.

Staying by his word, Melin arrives to the docks in thirty minutes. Standing in front of two squids is a small group of seven men. One of them steps away to greet Melin.

"We are all set and ready to leave."

"Good. So just like last time. Just follow me."

"Roger. Alright, let's load up! We are on our way!"

With a quick yell to the others, the remaining six split off into groups of three and board both vessels. Jumping aboard his own, Melin gives a quick systems check and turns to the radio.

"Up we go. Full speed all the way, we'll head towards Glowwater then west from there."

Without slight hesitation, both Squids rise out of their berths and turn for north.

Vystorg, Zankief's Warehouse

Feeling well rested, BdrLine leaves his room to search for Zankief. Finding him on the actually warehouse floor, BdrLine ask if he can gather everyone in the building for an announcement. Nodding, Zankief goes over to a wall intercom and pushes the button.

"Hey is this thing on? *screeech* Ahhhh, damn. Anyways, to those still in the warehouse, stop what you are doing and head over to first room on the first sub-level, got an announcement regarding the situation we are in?"

With that being said, Althea, Charles, Courage, Gareth's group and as well as the rest of Zankief's men start to converge to the first sub-level.

Few minutes later, the room is mostly filled with a couple of stragglers coming in. But with a majority of the people in the warehouse inside, BdrLine stands in the front and gives them the information regarding the Yeshan "Diplomatic" Fleet. Once finished, questions are soon fired from the mass of people.

"Hey quiet and calm down for a second! Jeese. Look I know that this is a big deal, but what we need now is to get prepared and find a way to stop this thing. So first thing first, we need to re-infiltrate Slava's Guildhouse and find out what more does he know. From there, we'll take it step by step. Is that clear."

Scattered agreements can be heard from the group.

"Good, now go back to what you were doing before."

With the meeting over, the group quickly disperse. Out in the League territory, the said Fleet has passed Landmark and is now heading Southeast.


A hour before the ball is suppose to start of the ball, the Zhaos and the Imperial Couple arrive back to the former's manor. As they enter, the main floor is highly decorated.

The four take in the sight of just the single room they are in.

"Wow. I Jia can make this look good, I wonder what the ballroom will look like."

"She is one of the best. Now let's head up and get ready, the first guests will arrive soon."

Taking their gaze of the interior decor, they all head into their separated rooms and change their attire.

5 PM hits the Capital and soon the first of the many guests arrive to the manor. Many of the upper class of Chang-ning is attending this ball in the honor of the safe return of both Zhaos. And as expected, both the Tiger and the Deer are among the people in attendance. Throughout the night, both the Xi and Shen tries to avoid the two and talk to them minimally if given the chance.

The event wears on, but around midnight the majority starts to leave the manor. Standing by the entranceway, Shen personally thanked each one as they file out. As the last couple exits, Shen closes the door behind him and walks back to the ball room. Still inside and sitting at one of the tables, Xi and his wife is still drinking and talking to Liu. Walking towards them, Shen grabs and pours himself a glass and takes a set next to his wife.

"That was one hell of a ball I say. I got to thank Jia again for putting this up."

"Like I said, she does everything all out."

"Since the ball is over, when are the two of you heading home? It's a bit late, so if you want we can have the servants prepare a room for you."

Suddenly the lights in the ballroom turns off and doors can be heard closing. In one side of the room, loud yells can be heard as several thumps hit the floor as if they were pushed with the door closing behind them. During this whole time a familiar voice goes through the room speakers.

"I think it would be swell if his Majesty and his wife stay here for the night, maybe even more that a night. Along with the rest of the staff here."

"Is everyone ok? Ting you good? Jouf, Fa?"

"Huan, is that you?"

"Mom? Yeah it's me, also everyone who works for us. What's happening."

"I think I know."

As suddenly as the lights turned off it comes back on again as the Tiger stand near one of the doorways looking towards Shen and Xi. Behind him stands the Deer while being flanked by several soldiers.

"Admiral Fang, what is the meaning of this!"

"Oh just a precaution so that my plan will be carried out as planned. See I have a little suspicion that somehow a particular group of people manage to get word of it. It started to grow into more of a fact as my spies have reported back to me of secret meetings and encrypted radio frequencies."

"You send spies to watch over us!?"

"Ah, I didn't say whom I sent the spies on. But my suspicions are now gone with that simple statement."

"This is treason and conspiracy against the Empire."

"But watching our enemies grow while we sit back and try to diplomatically  coax new cities to join our great Empire. That I say is conspiracy. Your ancestor was a fool for driving a revolutionary group off our homeland."

"The Birdmen? You are part of that power hungry group of lunatics."

"No my dear, just a simple follower of one of their beliefs. See they wanted the world for themselves and to eradicate all of the six factions. What I'm doing is dominating and uniting all under our Veil. One by one, standing with the Guild."

"You won't get away with this."

"Oh yes I can, that is if you don't want your daughter to be blown out of the sky by my forces with her and her friends. Now I'll be off, there is a meeting soon that I have to attend in the Guild soon. My men will watch over you."

The Tiger turns away and heads out to the final open door. Those with him follow him out and close and lock it. Leaving the house staff, inhabitants, and Imperial Couple inside.

End of Day 15

Start of Day 16

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #298 on: May 02, 2014, 03:18:48 am »
For the past day the crew has been sitting around testing the waters of Vyshtorg, so far nothing has come up, with the captains daughter and their main gunner missing the crew is in a bit of a state.

--Somewhere in Vyshtorg--

Lorena sat up in the bed, she felt something was wrong but didn't know what, rubbing her eyes she gained a clearer vision of her surroundings. She was in a room, a nicely furnished one at that, she scanned the room looking for a clue of what happened last night, if there was one thing she couldn't comprehend, it was how she got here, or her lack of clothing for that matter. She felt a slight rustle on the bed, and turned to see Dahlia on the other side of the bed, she was, thankfully, still clothed. From the window the sounds of the city could be heard, a few small airships were soaring over head, trams bustled through the city streets, ferrying goods from market to market. Lorena spotted a set of clothes folded on a dresser earlier that she decided would probably be best get dressed in, spending a few moments to sort out exactly what it was she about to wear. Satisfied it wasn't anything too strange, yet rather dismayed by the inclusion of a skirt, thankfully a modest one that went down to her knees. Sighing she put on the ensemble on as she wondered where her actual clothes had gone to.

--Vyshtorg Harbour--

Standing aside the vessels gantry at the prow of the vessel, Alex and Richard disconnected their craft as the rest of the crew prepared to lift off, at the moment they had nowhere to store it however Phillip was using some connections he gathered over the years to secure a holding for it while they went about their buisness.

"Have you seen Dahlia or my Daughter around?"

"I haven't actually, wherever they've gotten I have no idea, think we should look for them?"

"We'll have to eventually, for now we can leave the ship to Reynold, he knows what to do."

"Should I give them a farewell present than?"

"And by that you mean?"

Alex was trying to remember the last time Richard recommended a "Farewell Present," he's pretty sure it ended with an explosion.

"I don't know, this wrench prehaps? They'll probably need it eventually."


They looked back to the ship, with their craft on the pier the crane looked empty and flimsy, though considering it's construction it could lift long beams with ease. The other thing they noticed was that it as backing away from the pier, though still within throwing distance. Richard took one look at them, stood as far over the pier as he could, and threw the damed thing with all his might. A moment later and signaled by a loud clang they strained to see Travis, yelling various insults and obsceneties their way.

"Well at least nothing blew up right?"

"I'll have you know that was not my fault."

"Lets just get to work alright?"

--Vyshtorg Harbour, Storage--

He and Alex had decided that splitting up might do them some good when it came to searching for information, with Alex scouring the higher socialites for information, Richard was listing in for anything around the docks. As he passed one of the warehouses something seemed a bit odd about, standing in front of it for a few moments he wondered if he shoulded check it out, deciding against it for the moment he left the warehouse alone as he continued his search for information.

--Vyshtorg, High Residential--

Alex was in a bit of a precarious situation, as socialtes typically knew the latest information, a bit edited and less concise, he decided to see if he could get into a party held by a well known industrialist in the city. However the only thing he could get in for was guard duty, which at least paid well. Sighing he sat down in his chair, it was lucky he was on duty in the ball room, at least with this he could have an excuse to listen in on conversation without a reprimand, after all it was his job to keep these people safe, which also begged a question, why hadn't the regular guard on staff for this? Wouldn't they be more trustworthy than a bunch of random's from the street or mercenaries who could really be working for skies know who.

"Oh did you hear the news? Apparently they found something in the north, no idea what it was, something about birds, but apparently it's gotten the Baronies all riled up something fierce."

"Why would they be concerned about a simple feathered creature?"

Lady 2
"I heard that it was actually some sort underground organization concerned with the destruction of the current order and then taking it over and putting their own system in place all the while assisted with dasterdly creations of their own design."

"You shouldn't believe everything others say."

Lady 1
"You must admit that statement is utterly ridiculous!"

He really couldn't follow the conversation very well, however as the second shift arrived to relieve him he saw a group of well dressed guildsman walk into the host's study. He looked about for moment before deciding to follow them in.

--Vyshtorg Harbour, Storage--

"Well it's now or never isn't it?"

He once again stood outside that strange warehouse. He really didn't know why he was so interested in it, but he got this feeling that something was slightly off about it. He prepared himself, and knocked on the door.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #299 on: May 02, 2014, 10:40:07 pm »
--Crimson Skies Saloon--

After yesterday's events, Roland and Yiski had the opportunity to debrief at a nearby patrol office. Yiski had given the details of the firefight, except for Lance's group involvement. Afterwards, the two were safely escorted back to the Crimson Skies Saloon to a very relieved Lauren.

After explaining, everything, to Lauren, Yiski found it best to make a few more discrete calls. Once new arrangements were made, the three went to sleep, unaware of the events transpiring.