Author Topic: The Skies have no Limit  (Read 304677 times)

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #255 on: January 28, 2014, 12:19:01 pm »
Lockheart stares up at the Bartender. And smiles.

Lockheart: " I knew i recognised that face! Your Plasma right?, took the finishing shot at the Burning "Wyvern" if i can remember corectly?"

Lockheart takes a long gulp of his drink.

Lockheart: "That was a goood fight. Ha! So, what brought you to Cathedral?, and what happened to Everyone else?"

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #256 on: January 31, 2014, 05:35:36 pm »

--Wild Winds Inn--

" I knew i recognised that face! Your Plasma right?, took the finishing shot at the Burning Wyvern if i can remember correctly? That was a goood fight. Ha! So, what brought you to Cathedral?, and what happened to Everyone else?"

Plasma makes a mug of his own and leans on the counter to remember the battle that took place months before.

"Yeah, and I remember that moment. That Galleon did take a beating, hehe, it just needed a well placed merc shot and a ramming Pyra to take it down. "

He takes another sip and continues to answer Lockheart's question.

"Well after the battle, I gave my registration and had my reasons to leave. Mostly because I don't want to deal with the 'Council' and how they run things. But the others? Hehe, looks like Zill and Yiski gotten bounties on their heads, I don't know exactly where they are, but all I know that no one will get those bounties. I believe Spoon is still here, maybe still upstairs. Oh and BdrLine was here earlier, but he and his group left yesterday. Currently they found out some sort of covert plan to take over the Guild by some Yeshan leaders.". 


"By the looks of it, you ran into some rough trouble. Care to tell what happen?"

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #257 on: February 01, 2014, 02:26:32 am »

The day rolls on as Plasma and Lockheart chatter amongs themselves at the Inn. As the sun sets, Lockhear bids farewell to Plasma to check up with his ships and crews. Plasma and the others with him at the Inn then starts to set the dining room back and ready for night and guest to arrive who are staying.

As for the others in the city, they soon head in for the night. But for those who are traveling through the air on their various mission, there is no rest for the wicked as they watch vigilant in the areas surrounding them.

End of Day 12

Start of Day 13

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #258 on: February 01, 2014, 03:42:27 am »
--Landmark, Mid Morning--

Their ship docked the next day, out of sight in one of the cities older docks. After a quick change of clothes, Reagan, Edwards and Walker disembarked the ship, hopefully fitting in with the local populace the three of them entered the main streets.

"How long do you think till they arrive?"

"A day or two? Maybe later this evening."

"We can only hope huh?"

"Alright, we should probably find a place to stay, preferably near where we left the ship, Reagan, you get hold up in the docks and keep a watch for their arrival, Edwards with me, let's find an inn."

The three of them went their separate ways as they made for their destinations.

--Outskirts of Landmark--

The fleet had risen early and made for full speed straight for Landmark as soon as they were able, Commodore Gates ordered his crews with the skill and patience expected of him. Lieutenant Ashikaga came up from below deck as the city drew closer in sight.

Lieutenant Ashikaga
"Soon, we'll have time to rest, soon."

Commodore Gates
"Worn out like the rest of us eh?"

Lieutenant Ashikaga
"More so, I spend most of my night's worrying something else will go wrong."

Commodore Gates
"Well, at least we'll have a fair bit of down time while we're in the city, probably have time to find a place to have a bit of shut eye."

"Sir, estimate 50 minutes till we're within city limits."

Commodore Gates
"Thank you, as you were."


With a smart salute he went back to his duties. Gates felt old again, older then he had during his time in Firnfeld, it happened on occasion, at times he felt like the old man who didn't know when to give up. He climbed a ladder and sat looking towards the city.

Commodore Gates
"Maybe after this I should retire, take up residence in some sleepy town, live out the rest of my days in quiet peace."

He'd had his fair share of battles, maybe it was time to step down.

Time passed and soon the fleet began docking procedures as they drifted down towards the city.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #259 on: February 01, 2014, 06:12:29 pm »

Early Morning, the " Yeshan Dragon " and its 2 Squid scouts were moored up at the docks. The early morning sunrise washing the ships with a soft yellow light. The Brass colored hulls of the Squids gleaming. The Shadow of the Galleon was cast on to the Dock along with the mimics of all the other ships moored up...

Lockheart: " How long till were ready to sail NOW, Fadeshade?"

Fadeshade scratched his stubble...
Fadeshade: " Well, considering its been 5 hours since we were meant to set off. I'd say anytime soon but your chief engineer insists the engines wont be able to take the Kerosene without them draining and cleaning them all again Now... So maybe" *he checks his Pocket-watch* " It started several hours ago so i'd say in 15 minutes time... and even if they don't finish we'll leave anyway..."

Lockheart: " Good. See to it that they are as clean as possible for a entire, kerosene fueled, Journey to Averna... I'm cutting a several day voyage to a 2 day voyage, and it doesn't come without its risks..." * Glances out to the waking city* " I'll go sign our leaving with the Dock manager."

Lockheart jogs down the gangplank towards the Dock Manager as he did his rounds in the morning.


Just before Noon still morning, Adrian Lockheart sits in his walled garden at the back of his house. The Grey stone wall of his neighboring house taking one side of the Garden, His own house occupying 2 more with the 4th left open to the high sky, looking out over the plains of Chaladon the bright green fields, and dense forests. It was high up since Averna was partially built on a Great Black rock that has thrust out of the ground like a spear. At the open side there was a set of steps leading down the half mountainside, half House foundations. To a set of 4, large arches carved into to rock. Decorated with fancy masonry, inside each of the four, one of the 4 Family airships sat. 3 of them Ornate Galleons painted White and Grey with Silver and shiny Steel trimmings and decorations, the figureheads of them eagles with outstretched wings. There sat the " Black Storm" , " Frost Bringer" and "Hoarfrost".

The fourth ship was Longer and Wider than a Galleon but, shorter in height. It boasted 2 heavy guns on each side on the Bottom deck and on its extremely shallow middle deck, 3 mercury field guns on each side poked out of Gun slots on each of the ships sides. On the Raised Sterncastle there was another Mercury gun on either side and on the Raised Forecastle there was a Hwacha on a turntable. The Manticore heads replaced with Eagles heads in Silver. Wings embossed on the side of the Ammunition loaders. It was the "Winter" the pride of the families fleet. Each private dock secured by Heavy Iron Doors only open-able from using either a key in the guard-post by the stairs or Adrians Study directly. Outside of those there were Private docks for Lockhearts trading ships, escorts, military vessels and Guests. It was empty today, but expecting Arrivals.

Adrian: " Alexander get over here!"

Alexander appeared from behind a green curtain of a Willow tree. Sword in hand.

Alexander: " Yes Father?"

Adrian: "What time are we awaiting our guests?"

Alexander scratched his chin. " I told them 1 O'Clock sharp, you have around 2 hours yet.."

Adrian: " Yes but i like sitting in our Garden... Its peaceful.."

A Servant interrupts the two.

Servant: " Sir, a telegraph arrived from Gerris Townsend late last night. " The servant produced the Telegraph and passes it to Adrian. " It reads that your son is safe, and just encountered some bandit trouble. He will have set sail for Averna early this morning using Kerosene to half journey times to 2 days... Master Julius also requests that you dispatch word to his Wife immediately to tell her of his return."

Adrian studies the message with his own eyes before placing it on the table beside him.

Servant: " Will m'lord be wanting any telegraphs or couriers dispatched?"

Adrian patted his belly " yes, yes... send a courier to Cecelia immediatley telling her of Julius' arrival.. Thank you. You have my leave to go.."

The servant bowed and was on his way to the door when he turned.

Servant: " Oh, And will His Lordship be taking his guests in the Parlour?"

Adrian: " No, I think i'll receive them here in the Garden.. Bring out a few more chairs. And get the cooks to ready some Tea and a light lunch.. I don't know how many i should expect."

The Servant nodded and left, as did Alexander, he went back to sparring at the other end of the garden. Adrian sat sipping tea in his chair as the sun carried on to rise in front of him.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #260 on: February 02, 2014, 03:08:27 pm »
--Skies over Storm Coast--

Gareth and Michael stand on the bow of the Griffinheart and look out ahead at the Abyssal Gulf, while the others are busy with a card game on deck, excluding Hector the engineer, who's at the helm.

"So, Gareth, ever been to Vyshtorg?"

"I'm Arashi. What do you think?"

"Fair point. What about the Vastness in general?"


"Raiding mission?"


Michael chuckles to himself and looks back at the big game. It appears that Lyre's won the round, and doesn't hold back with the trash talk.

"What about you?"

"Vyshtorg? Yeah."

"What? How did you get anywhere close?"

"I'm not actually Arashi, you know."


"How long have we known each other?"

"Like five years. And you've only just decided to tell me you're not Arashi."

"You shouldn't have assumed so. I'm actually from Dampfstadt, just east of Dragontown."

"Well… It's good to know that."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #261 on: February 02, 2014, 11:43:19 pm »
Skies over Storm Coast


After many hours of uninterrupted flying, BdrLine and crew sets eyes on the coastal town of Albys and the Gulf beyond it.

At the helm, BdrLine looks on at the scenery and visualise what happened months before.

*to himself* "Same route as last time, but a new mission now."

(Voice from behind)
"Come again?"

At the sound, BdrLine turns and sees Courage with an quizzical expression as he must of heard part of what he said.

"Ah Courage, your turn for the helm?"

"Yes it is, but what about last time?"

"Ah just the last time I've been on this route."

"Was it one of those adventures with the Admiral and Commander?"

"Zill and Yiski? Yup, another mission where it can change the out come of our known world."

"Why is it that your lot at the saloon gets the craziest assignments?"

"Don't look at me, we just happen to stumble upon them, but here, it's your turn now. Got to call Zankief that we are just across the Gulf."

"On it."

As they switch places on the helm, BdrLine heads inside the cabin and start up the radio equipment and calls Zankief of their position.

Skies over The Wastes, en Route to Ho Tower


With no other incident, the twin Yeshan Pyramidions are close to Yeshan airspace. An hour out from the city tower, Ny-Lee radios the Capital Headquaters again.

"Headquaters, come in. This is Captain Zhao. We are nearing Ho Tower, over."

"This is Headquaters, I see you guys made it back. Alright, we will dispatch two Galleons from the Tower to escort you back to the Capital. Over."

"I copy that, Captain out."

Cutting off connection, Ny-Lee places the receiver back and walks and leans on one of the ribs near the bow as she takes in the sight. Out in the distance, she can see the massive single tower and smiles as she knows they are almost home.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #262 on: February 04, 2014, 12:51:18 am »

Kirk lands the VSS Pastryprise in the specified docks, then disembarks from the ship to follow a figure clad in Chaladonian Nobles' garb. Kirk then follows this figure into a hallway and to a parlor.
End Narrator

Alexander Lockheart
Captain Kirk, I presume?

Why yes indeed.

Both Kirk and Alexander seat themselves.

Alexander Lockheart
So, what do you think of Chaladon?

Quite Impressive. How did you manage to keep this place unspoiled by the age of Dust?

Much work, along with the fact that Chaladon was isolated from the beginning.

So, what exactly was I invited here for?

Ah, Yes, that, I had some questions for you that could not be securely relayed through unsecured communications channels.


Ah, why did you come here?

We've been getting that a lot.

Alexander looks confused.

...There're more of you people?

Yes, a large amount more; Collectively, we are referred to as Cakes.


Yes, it refers to our history of baking, along with preserving the ancient art of Crii'c'et. These days, we also have at least one trademark weapon type onboard our ships at all times: fire weapons. We came to Chaladon; another Envoy went to Cathedral.


The expansionists in the Yeshan Empire have gained power, and their desire for expansion grows. Our ancestral home, the Bakery in the mountains, is threatened by Yeshan expansion. If they expand, they will force us to practice certain Yeshan values which we do not agree with.

So, you're saying you want to get Chaladon in an alliance with you people?


Well then, I guess making an alliance with you wouldn't hurt.

Could we also setup a trade outpost here?

I will have to decide upon that matter. For now, farewell, return to your envoy, and tell them to land at the city docks. I shall arrange for you and your comrades to receive accommodations.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #263 on: February 04, 2014, 03:35:30 am »
--Landmark, Upper Residential--

Alex stood outside the manor house, it wasn't necessarily large per-say, but it was still fairly wealthy, here and there a few servants could be seen lounging on break while their fellows muttered under their breath about how the market hadn't gotten anything new in, others were cleaning the windows or sweeping the courtyard. Next to him Amelia sighed, she didn't really want to go in, for all she knew this plan could blow up her face, like so many others she had hatched before. She looked to Alex who just nodded at her, sensing her predicament, he decided to take the first step towards the door, not wanting to be left behind she scurried after him. Soon they reached the door, both of them stared at it for what seemed like an eternity, however on the other side the sounds of frantic movement made their way to their ears, before long the door slammed open and a women, who by the looks of it wasn't that old, stepped outside and began examining him. She eyed him for a while before turning to Amelia, before letting out a rather charming and warm smile.

Madame Lockheart
"Oh it's so good to have you home dearie! Come in, and bring your friend with you!"

The two of them looked at each other, shrugged, and followed her mother into the manor.

--Landmark, Cloud Walker Inn--

Richard waited by the docks while the Captain went on an errand with their guest. At the moment he was filling out some paperwork, a few forms which would be needed for the requisition of medical supplies and munition, it wasn't that he couldn't get them elsewhere, but due to the Militia's connections here in the city he decided to make use of the requisition system and get the supplies that way.

"Well hello there."


Richard turned to see an impossible sight. Though he realized something was off the moment he noticed she was in her guards uniform.

"I need to talk to Alex, where is he?"

Richard took a moment to compose himself.

"On an errand, you can tell me though, I'll track him down if need be."

"It concerns the Empire."

For a moment Richard thought The Empire huh? Alex will definitely want to hear this when he gets back.

"Alright, let's hear it."

"Let's fill you in then..."

--One Lengthy Explanation of All The Events Leading Up To This Point Later--

Richard sipped his coffee, and was frankly terrified of what he heard, though he did his best to keep a hold of himself in public.

"So wait, you want us, to go to Vyshtorg, to prevent the Empire, THE EMPIRE OF ALL THINGS, from taking over the Guild!?"

Well, he did try.

"You won't be doing it alone, a few others from The Wild Winds are on their way as we speak, you guys will have to hurry if you want to make it."

"I still don't understand why us of all people?"

"Even though you'll be arriving late, we still need more people, how you'll fit into all this is up to you, but this isn't just about Cathedral here, this is about the world."

"Ah, there's the idealistic officer who joined us years ago, I wondered where she went."

"This is no time for jokes Richard."

"I know, I'm terrified of the prospect, I don't know what to think, though, this still isn't my decision, if the Captain gives the order I'll follow it, though this isn't what we signed up for, and I doubt we'll be much help, with our ship damaged, all of us are exhausted from our travels."

He sighed, this was still too big to ignore, he would definitely have to talk to Alex about this.

"I'll ask him about it, thank you for telling me Reagan."

"If it makes you feel better, I plan on coming along, Walker approved it this morning."

"He's here?"

"He'll be taking over the flotilla on it's flight back."

"Alright, I'll go find Alex, you grab your kit and head over to our ship's berth, number 153."

"Got it."

With that the two of them went their separate ways, elsewhere Phillip again felt that feeling of dread.

"So, it begins doesn't it?"

--Lockheart Manor--

Alex was rather uncomfortable in the high class residence, of course he didn't want to offend his hosts, Amelia was reminiscing with some childhood friends about her travels, the young girls giggling about as they swapped stories about young men they'd become acquainted with, snacking on some delicate baked goods. Amelia's mother led him into the parlor, a man, around her age was seated at the table.

Madame Lockheart
"Please sit."

"Thank you."

He felt out of place but he respectfully took a seat opposite of her as she moved to join the older man.

Madame Lockheart
"Now, allow me to introduce myself, I am Guinevere Lockheart, this is my husband Alvus, the head of the household."

He rose and extended his hand, Alex Mirrored him and took the hand in a full shake.

"Now tell us, what did our daughter do to put you up to this?"

"I assume you're used to her antics by now?"

"Oh no no no no, we love our daughter, but she can be a bit strong headed at times. Even as a child she content to roam the streets alone rather then attend a lovely tea party with her friends. Of course if that's what made her happy..."

She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Of course we'd always have a "caretaker" on hand in case she got into trouble. Now tell me, what do you think of her?"

"Excuse me?"

"Obviously you must have some opinion about her. She makes quite the impression sometimes."

Alex thought for a second, he realized he didn't have feelings for her, other then those of fatherly affection. He thought again, this time however he got something, he thought she was a driven person, not the kind to give up easily, she was rather childish at times, though he didn't feel anything romantic, which wasn't odd, considering. He sighed and stretched himself a little.

"She's obviously a very smart lady, though a bit childish at times, she pulls you along and expects you to follow her, but all in all she's a rather interesting person."

Giggling came from the adjacent room, the three of them turned, Amelia and the others were still talking about something, then the door bust in and Richard came running in.

"Captain, I've been looking for you!"

--Moments Earlier--

"Where did he say he was again?"

He had finally made his way to the upper class region of the residential district, high class men and women dressed in fine clothing strolled along the roads, he stopped a few times to ask directions and finally found himself in front of the Lockheart Manor. A servant came running up to him.

"Excuse me but you can't come in."

Richard look the young man up and down.

"Oh I'm pretty sure I can, I have important news."

"I'm sorry but you must wait."

"I see."

He walked away from the door at a brisk pace, however after he reached a few meters away from the door he quickly turned, stared down the servant, charged straight into the door.


"Alright, what is so important, that you felt it was necessary to kick down that door?"

Richard looked to Alvus

"Terribly sorry sir. But Captain this is important!"

"Well get on with it."

"Well I ran into Reagan and..."

--Another Long Explanation Of The Current Events Later--

"Get to the ship, I'll meet you there."

"Aye sir."

Richard quickly bounded through the former doorway, Alex looked to the Lockhearts.

"I'm so sorry about the mess, but I gotta go."

"I understand, though do refrain from kicking in more doors please?"

"I'll do my best."

He took Madame Lockheart's hand.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, now I must-"


Behind him Amelia came running up to him, instead of the dress she was wearing, which he assumed now resided in the satchel at her side.

"Let me guess, you're coming too?"

"Well of course I am."

"Uhg, fine, don't expect me to fill out the paperwork, I'll see you back to the ship."

Nearly an hour or two later they found themselves in the air again, heading east as fast as they could, it would take a day and a half at least to make it. The crew didn't question his decision, Richard had already explained the situation to them, Reagan and Amelia found a nice quiet place to bunk, Alex took the helm, and the rest of the crew full-filled their duties to the best of their ability.

Alex looked over a chart.

"If we book it we'll make Sabakumura by midnight, Richard, how are we for fuel?"

"98% on fuel, we'll be good for a while."

"Right, lets just hope we make it in time to make a difference."

Back at Landmark the crews of the flotilla Dispersed to review their new ships, among them, Commodore Gates strode upon the deck of a new vessel, with 3 medium gun hardpoints on either side, CMS Cathedral's Pride was an impressively armed vessel. Nearly a third longer then a galleon, with better accommodations for the crew, heavier armor and a number of redundant systems, she would be a terror to the dock crews back home, but boy, would she be worth it.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #264 on: February 04, 2014, 11:18:56 am »
--Lockhearts Fleet--

The fleet had a rather Uneventful journey. Apart from the engineers who were working all the time to keep the engines clean, and from exploding.
The small group of ships had made good progress towards Averna.

Fadeshade: " Captain, this is actually working... apart from,.. well one engine explosion aboard the " Lord's Will ", the fleet is fine. We should make it to Averna by Evening.."

Lockheart looked to his right where he saw the Goldfish, the "Lord's Will" listing to the left slightly and smoking a bit.

Lockheart: " Marvellous"

A few more hours past and a few noxious kerosene gas clouds drifted from the engines... But eventually the Fleet Made it back to Averna by Nightfall. The City was lit up and still busy about its usual business. Chaladonians never rest.. Lockheart thought to himself. He and his fleet Docked at the Higher docks. As soon as he disembarked, 2 Chaladonian elites Walked up to him out of the shadows of the tall buildings around him.

Elite 1: " Captain Lockheart?"

Lockheart: " Yes that's me, now whats this abo-"

He was cut off as the Elites grabbed him by the arms and hauled him off into the City... A few Minutes passed before he was taken to a large house with more Elites outside. They started shouting insults at him from the dark.

Miscellaneous Elite: " Theres the turncoat! "

Miscellaneous Elite: " Do you have no Honour?..

He tried to shout out against the shower of insults that he had no idea of what was going on. Until he was pushed through a door; his head hitting it slightly as it gave way, and the warmth and light inside washed over him. Before he new it he was Blindfolded, and further quickly, and brutally pushed through the house.

Two flights of stairs.. how high are we going?, WHERE am i most importantly He thought to himself. Just then another door opened, into a room warmer than the previous, he could hear a fire crackling somewhere. He was moved to a warm leather arm chair where he took rest from all the dashing and climbing..

His blindfold was removed.

Cecelia: " So... Where was my telegram?"

They both smiled, Lockheart partially out of relief. She sat across a table, laden with food and plenty of Wine.

Lockheart: " Oh.. Did it not arrive... The-erm... Pff, i didnt send one..."

A flash of anger went through Cecelia's eyes. But she repressed it.

Cecelia: " Well, why...*sigh*, Not? hmm?" *with hints of anger*

Lockheart lifted up the side of his shirt, revealing his wound.

Lockheart: " Circumstances..."

Cecelia's expression immediately turned to that of a little girl, after she found out her puppy had gone missing.

Cecelia: " Oh, no.... Not again.... Why do you have to risk your own life. And mine too? You know i wouldn't be able to cope without you. Not that you dont cope well when your off for months at a time. Near who knows where, doing who knows what..."

Julius immediately sensed the anger creeping back into her voice, he leaned over the table and kissed her on the lips, before she could start throwing accusations at him.
It was a Feeling Lockheart had waited for. To be home. To be with his family, his wife. He loved adventuring but it had its Costs and risks. But to him, it compared nothing to the embrace of his loved ones.

The previous squabble was soon forgotten as they dined, discussed the ruse set up to frighten Julius ( to which of course he denied all claims he was scared out of his wits). And Julius began to recall his story of the ambush he encountered. ( But of course exaggerating the details). After Lockheart had found out that he was in Cecelias house they both went to sleep together in the Attic. With the view overlooking the city. They slept unaware of Captain Oakenshields soon-to-be arrival in Chaladon...

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #265 on: February 05, 2014, 11:41:38 pm »


Night has fallen, and the return party with its escorts arrive to see the lights of the Yeshan Capital glowing in the dark. At the bow of her Pyramidion, Ny-Lee stands with Roland and her parents as the look on at the sight.

"Finally a familiar sight."

"Yes it is. Glad we are home again."

"I'm glad as well, but home maybe the more dangerous situation."

"Ah yes, the Deer and Tiger problem. I'll try and have a word with the Emperor silently about it."

"Maybe Chong can help you arrange the meeting, he is one of his bodyguards."

Shen turns and looks to the mid-deck and sees the Lieutenant chatting with his men and back again.

"I suppose, it will be easier to find a secluded place. I'll speak with him later."

From the help, Pān calls out to the others on deck.

"Almost there, twenty minutes until landing procedures. Better start getting ready."

"Alright. Well you guys should start and organise your belongings, I assume there will be a greeting once we land."

Nodding their heads, the three of them return to the rear cabin to gather their belongings.

Twenty minutes later, and a few manoeuvres, the two Pyra's are docked in the main base of the City. The escort Galleons are then set off back to Ho Tower to resume its patrolling duties.

As both crews start to file off the ship, parked right in front of the berth are a few trucks and a stretch car waiting for them. Stationed in front of the vehicles are a few high ranking officers of the Tiger and the Emperor Xi himself.

Walking towards Ny-Lee's ship, Xi stands in front of the vessel as the crew stands at attention and gives a firm salute. Saluting back, Xi walks forward and shakes both Liu and Shen's hands.

"Ah, I'm so happy to see you both back in good healthy."

"Well you can thank all of them for making it happen."

"Also some others helped as well." *wink*

"Yes of course, and don't worry Mrs. Zhao won't forget to thank him and his friends as well."

"So, Your Excellency, may I ask the convoy?"

"The stretch car if for ourselves to bring you back to your mansion. The trucks are for the crews to be debriefed."

"Is our daughter riding with us."

"She will have to be with the others, but once it is finished, she will meet you back home."

"Alright, well I guess we should head home now, I hope Huan has been alright without us."

"I think he will be fine, I bet his is well protected while we are gone."

"Why yes, after your kidnapping, I dispatched some of my guard detail to your home to watch over any other family members."

"Thank you again your Excellency."

"It was my pleasure. I guess we should be going."

Nodding with agreement, Both Shen and Liu follow Xi to the stretch car. Having a brief word with eachother, Roland quickly pecks his wife and walks towards the car as well entering it. With all four inside, the stretch starts ups it's motor and drives away.

For the rest of the crew, the Emperor Elites that accompany them move into one of the trucks, while both crews of the Pyramidion file into the other.

As Ny-Lee as about to enter the truck with the rest of her crew, she was tapped on the shoulder. Turning around, she notices that it was the head Tiger. Quickly she stands to attention but was dismissed by him.

"Ah Captain, good work on rescuing your parents."

"Thank you Sir."

"Oh it would have been horrible if something were to happen without one of the head Ox not at the Senate meeting."

"Excuse me Sir, but my I join my crew so that we can do the debriefing."

"My apologises, I forgot. There is no need for the debriefing for you. There is another matter of importance. If you may follow me to my vehicle, we can discuss this in my office at the Imperial Palace."

Looking back to the truck, Ny-Lee eyes everyone inside. Everyone from both crews knowing of the secret plot just tilts their heads forward for her to go. Nodding, Ny-Lee turns back.

"Very well Sir."

"Good, come now.

With him leading, the to reach the car where the driver opens the back door to let them in. Once in and seated, he moves to the driver side and starts the engine. The car then drives off to the Imperial Palace.

--Strech Car--

Exiting the base, the long car then heads on to the main road leading back to the City. Inside, Xi removes his cap and pulls back his hair.

"Ah finally I'm away from that damn Tiger. His presence seems that of wanting power."

"I know how you feel Xi, try making new policies with him and his other officers wanting to go on a warpath."

"I'll bet it's an uphill battle for you."

"But it's been a good one with my husband in the Senate. Is it it that three more cities peacefully volunteer to merge with the Empire."

"Why yes, but with the ongoing want of forcing cities and people to join by the Head Tiger, it almost doubles back. Always sending troops to occupy areas."

"Well speaking of the Tiger Sir."

"Oh no need for the formalities. Call me Xi, anyone party of the Zhao Family is a friend to me."

"Well Xi, there is something you need to know about the Tiger,"

"And also on the Deer."

"Oh how so."

Shen, Liu, and Roland looms to each other.

"Well I think it's best if you and I speak along in private. Maybe have a room secured by Chong."

"The new Second Lieutenant of my Guard? Hmm if it is this important that we need a private room, I can wait and ask later what this is all about."

"Thank you Xi."

"Enough of this seriousness for now, we should plan a ball for your return."

"A ball? Honey it's been awhile since we attended one."

"I suppose so, but I'll let you do the planning."

"haha, I wouldn't dream of letting you two plan one after all this. It will be my honor todo so."

The car continues to drive on as the four talks with one another.

Skies Over Albyssal Gulf


"Wow, can't believe how dark it is here."

"You got that right, I can't figure out where the sky meet the water."

It is almost ten o'clock and the two ship convoy are overhead in the middle of the Gulf. BdrLine is currently at the helm while the three others are looking over the port side on the main deck.

"I'll bet these waters are even dark in the day."

"Got that part right Courage."

"Oh, how so?"

"Well, this Gulf is so deep that no one can see the bottom."

"Hmm we can find out now."

"Hey! Wait!"

Charles moves behind Courage and grabs him on the collar of his shirt and belt line of his pants. He then proceeds to bring the top half of Courage's body and leans it over the railing.

"Knock it off you two before I knock both of you off."

She then grabs Charles and pulls him back, bring Courage up as well.

Rolling his eyes, BdrLine sets the helm and grabs the radio and dial in Zankief.

"Hello, anyone there."

"Um hello? Who is this?"

"Wait, who are you and where is Zankief?"

"Pops? Oh you must be the one we are expecting. Well his is out with his ship to meet you at the coast."

"Alright, well send him a message that I'm half way across the Gulf."

"Got it, I'll send it right away."

With that, the radio dies out and BdrLine continues to fly.

--End of Day 13--

--Start of Day 14--

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #266 on: February 06, 2014, 12:07:50 am »
--The Craters, North East of Sabakumura, Early Morning--

The skies were still dark as they reached The Craters, a location typically not marked on any map however a few were known to mark it, Lorena was manning the helm at this point, everyone else was sleeping soundly, well, besides Phillip, who apparently having some issues and was constantly repositioning himself in his sleep. She left the helm for a moment to look below the ship at the Craters themselves. Below her a massive circular ridge line rose from the desert floor, on the outer reaches of it shattered buildings could be seen scattered about, what ever caused it must have been big, she walked back to the helm and put them back on course for Vyshtorg.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #267 on: February 06, 2014, 03:52:07 pm »
-Vyshtorg, Slava's guildhall courtyard--

Slava sits on his usual bench, this time passing the time by feeding the pigeons. But he isn't at peace. There's concern and a hint of anger on his face.


"Dostoy, good."

Slava beckons to the seat next to him and the servant, "Dostoy", takes a tentative seat.

'I can trust you, can't I?"

"Of course. I've served you for five years."

"Yes, yes. Well, I'll cut to the chase, then. You know Lygor?"

"The cook? Yes."

"You saw him the day before yesterday?"

"No, but I remember him on the register."

"Strange, because apparently he wash't here the day before yesterday, or yesterday itself."

"You don't mean?"

"There was a spy in my guildhall yesterday. And now that Lygor is here… There are two Lygors on the register today."

--Chang-ning, Tiger's office--

The Tiger enters the room with Ny-Lee in tow. He takes a seat in his chair and beckons to the one opposite him.


Ny-Lee tentatively obeys. There's a moment of silence as the Tiger stares at her with his fingers steepled.


"I'm not one for formal niceties, so I'll cut to the chase. I'm planning a mission."

"What kind of mission?"

"…We're going to take over the Mercantile Guild."

Ny-Lee doesn't risk a harsh word or outburst.

"You need not know the reasons, all you need to do is carry out the act. What do you say?"

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #268 on: February 07, 2014, 12:12:05 am »
While Kirk was Having an audience with Alexander Lockheart, Mac was having an audience with Cathedral's government regarding permits for opening a shop. The permits were for setting up a bakery and flame-related weapon shop in the Market district of the city. A Building with much room had already been purchased for the shop, all Mac needed were the permits. At present, Mac is explaining the motives behind his desire to set up this shop.
End Narrator

--Cathedral, Government Audience Chambers--

Official 1
"...So this shop will sell what exactly?..."

"Pastries, Baked goods, other Cake-related miscellaneous items."

Official 2
"Anything else?"

"Oh, only a 'few' flame-based weapons — handheld along with Ship-mounted."

Official 1
"So, it'll be basically a Bakery-Weapons depot mix?"

Mac sighs, "Yes."

Official 1
"But why?"

Mac releases a larger sigh. "To support my people back home; to spread the news of Cake about, along with the ideals."

Official 1
"This Audience is now concluded."

Official 2
"Please exit the chamber, you will be notified whether or not you received the permit tomorrow."

Mac proceeds to exit the chamber as directed, and then goes back to his warehouse to tinker.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #269 on: February 09, 2014, 03:29:14 am »

"Let me spend the rest of this day with my family, but around 1600 I'll have my ships ready for departure.

The Tiger thinks about the current proposal as he scratches his chin. Giving a nod, he places his hands on his desk.

"Very well, but 1600 sharp and not a second later."

"Yes Sir."

"Alright you are dismissed."

Standing from her chair, Ny-Lee gives a crisp salute, which he returns, and exits the room. Ny-Lee then speeds walk down the hall, bumping into several aids along the way. As she exits the main building, she sees the car that brought her to the area waiting for her. The driver, giving a slit nod towards her, opens the back door for her to enter. Heading to the driver side, the driver starts the motor and drives her back home.

Inside the office, the Tiger leans on one of the arm rest on his seat with a hand over his chin. With his free hand, he press a button on a speaker that his on his desk. A male voice comes through the other end.

"Yes Tiger Sir."

"Saull, I need you to take surveillance on a few people."

"The people in question Sir?"

"I need you to watch for any suspicious activity by either Captain Zhao and her father. I have a feeling that they may know something."

"Yes Sir, I'll prepare a small team."

"Good. Oh and one more thing, keep an eye on the Emporer as well. Don't want him to do anything...drastic."

"Right away Sir.

Zhao Manor

A few hour drive later, the stretch car pulls up to the Zhao Manor driveway. The damage from to the front gate and surrounding pavement has been cleared and reconstructed. Standing watch is not only the family's personal security, but the Emperor's Elite Guards as well.

Stopping in front of the steps to the manor, the doors open and out comes Huan who is in his sleepware.
Shen, Liu, and Roland steps out of the car and the former two rushes to meet their youngest son. Inside, Xi smiles at the reunion and looks to Shen. Xi gives him a nod acknowledging that he will set up a meeting to discuss recent events. Nodding back to him, Shen then ushers those around him to head into the house as the stretch car pulls out of the driveway.

Starostrog Coastline


Slowly the sun rises to the east as the team spots the coastal city of Starostrog. Hovering lower to the water, the two ships hide in the morning fog as BdrLine calls Zankief.

"Zankief, you there? We are here off the coast."

"Bdr I hear ya, but we may have a problem. Since the last time you came, the Guild started to send surface ships out again to patrol the coastline. They are not as big as ships from the Great War, but a round from one of their turrets can heavy damage an airship, given the shot."

"Oh, hmm. Ok, stay put, I have a radar system on my ship. I'll try and navigate around."

"Good liuck then."

Switching the frequency from Zankief's, BdrLine dials in to Gareth."

"Gareth, better stay close we are gonna fly our way in."