Author Topic: The Skies have no Limit  (Read 305098 times)

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #300 on: May 03, 2014, 12:42:01 am »
--Four Kilometers South of Thula, Northern Firnfeld, 11:30 PM--
    “King Greger, that foolish King of the Fjord Baronies is onto us. Eliminate the loose end or you shall be eliminated.” The voice came from a figure with a peculiar silhouette, one which resembled a cloaked man who was twisted and mutated into a human-avian hybrid.A mercenary trembled, mentally debating, but grudgingly complied, partially out of fear, partially because he had no choice. “Yes, sir.” The mercenary replied. “The loose end is a militiaman from the nearby town of Thula, assigned to patrol the town’s boundaries. Ambush him, and eliminate him quietly, using this knife, guaranteed to kill quietly, then hide the body, so as to make it appear he got lost in a blizzard.”
     The mercenary obliged, and headed up and outside through a hidden exit through a maze of tunnels in a nearby cave, with any wrong turn leading to certain death by means of concealed traps. The mercenary sneaked into Thula and then into the Militiaman's house, finding him asleep, and killed the man quietly. Fortunately for the mercenary, the man had no wife, but unfortunately, the Mercenary could not sneak the body out and then hide it in the snowdrifts, and as such had to leave him dead at the table he was sitting at, and left the knife used in the murder in the body.

    "You failed me. Even a partial success is a failure. The loose end was eliminated, but now they have a new lead." The cloaked figure's anger was vividly apparent. "You shall be eliminated for being a liability." The figure whipped out a knife similar to the one used in the murder, and plunged it into the flesh in between the mercenary's ribs, and twisted. The mercenary let out a bloodcurdling scream, and then collapsed. Dead.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 12:44:49 am by macmacnick »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #301 on: May 03, 2014, 02:39:54 am »
East of Northlake

The two Squids race along the skies over the mountainous and rugged terrain of the Baronies. Gentle snow clouds roll in from the northwest as flurries of snow start to drop. A traveling merchant would have stop and gaze at the sight of the falling snow, but not so much as the group onboard the two small vessels.

Gripping the helm, Melin has placed goggles over his eyes and a thick face guard to protect him from the wind and snow of his fast traveling ship. Around him, the three remaining crew members tie down any loose materials or keeping an eye out for potential enemies.

Turning to the radio besides him, Melin calls the second vessel.

"Frey, better batter down any loose items, I feel like this may turn into a blizzard soon."

"Copy that. If it does, are we still keeping our course?"

"Yes, stay on coarse. And besides, we have dealt with worse weather than a simple blizzard."

"That's because we had to fight in one. Remember when we were out on patrol 3 years back."

"Hey we survived. But the Squids can handle it. With the speed we are going, we should be exiting the borders in a few hours and halfway to Ulavaar by noon."

"Roger that. Frey, out."

Chang-ning, Imperial Barracks

After being dismissed by the Emperor last night before the ball, Chung and the rest of his detail return back to the main compound where all the Imperial Guards are trained and housed. This morning, he wakes up in bed having a slight feeling that something is off. Rising and changing into a fresh uniform, he exits the room and out of the Officer's Quarters.

Walking quickly along the training grounds, he gives quick salutes to his fellow Guardsmen as they pass him by. Some turn to look as to why the Lieutenant is in a hurry, but shrugs it off and continue along with their day. In a deep thought, Chung finds himself at the main office building and enters to go find his Commanding Officer.

Sitting in his room, Colonel Szeto is behind his desk looking over a newly arrived notice. A knock pulls him from his trance and looks at the silhouette behind the window.

"Come in."

The door opens and in comes Chung who gives the Colonel a salute. Returning it, Szeto gestures to the chair in front on the desk. Chung complies and takes the seat.

"What is the pleasure of this visit Liuetenant."

"Well Sir, and sorry if this comes out as unusual, but for some reason I have a feeling that something is amiss."

"Hmm, go on."

"For starters, why hasn't I or any of the men under me have been called back to our post, or any of the other Guards here. It looks like none of us has been called back by the Emperor."

"I can see your doubts. I was wondering as well why there hasn't been anyone at his Highness's residence or even with him in general. That is until I got this notice from the Tiger."

At the mention of the Tiger, Chung leans in as he listens about the notice.

"It states that for the time being, the Imperial Guard will be cycled out with one of his companies in protecting his Highness. We are to continue working and training as usual. But given on how much free time to many of the Guardsmen, I'm giving liberty to all as a well assured break. So I suggest Lieutenant, just head out into the city and enjoy yourself a bit."

"Why yes sir. And thank you."

Chung stands from his seat and gives a salute to the Colonel. Szeto returns it and watches as Chung leaves the room and exits the building.

He returns back to his room and changes out from his uniform into more casual clothing. As he finishes putting on the clothes, he looks to himself in a mirror.

Wow, long time since I've been in civvies. Guess this will not get me noticed as I go and find what in the Gods is happening to the Emperor.

With one final look, he grabs a small bag and heads to the entrance and hails a carriage to bring him to the residential area near the Zhao Manor.

 Vystorg, Zankief's Warehouse

With the morning meeting still freshen in people's minds, a good amount of workers head to the sub levels of the warehouse and prepare weapons for the worst. A few are on the actual floor of the warehouse going about the usual routine.

Working with them, BdrLine, Charles, and Courage help lift cargo onto several ships docked in the hanger. Watching from afar, Althea has a clipboard in hand and oversees which items go to what ships. Behind her, she hears a knocking from the door leading to the streets. Wondering who can it be and how none of the other workers seems to notice, she walks towards it and opens to see a familiar man.

"Yes, how can I help you. Need any cargo to be lifted or ships to be repaired."

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #302 on: May 03, 2014, 12:47:56 pm »
--Vyshtorg, outside Slava's guildhall--

The guildhall stands like a palace hidden amongst the crowded buildings, the only open area nearby being the courtyard in front. On the rooftop of a building bordering the courtyard are Gareth and Michael. Gareth looks through a spyglass, scanning the great guildhall.

"I thought we were only supposed to make a move on that Zankief guy's orders."

"Hold your horses, I know. Just a bit of recon."

Gareth flicks the spyglass to a stronger setting and focuses on the grand open double doors.

"Looks like there's just one way in."

"Yup, all the guildhalls are like that. One way in, one way out. Easier to guard from thieves."

"Or Yeshans."

"If the Yeshans were stupid enough to attack openly, definitely. But I really don't think they're gonna go in guns-a-blazing. This is a covert operation. They'll be using stealth. Go in silently, kill the upper crust, supplant them quickly and subtly enough to avid open confrontation from the populace."

Gareth lowers the spyglass and looks at Michael.

"It's what I'd do."

"Did the side of your brain get burned up with your face?"

Michael ignores that and points at the courtyard.

"Who's that?"

Gareth raises his spyglass again. In the courtyard a man in long flowing clothes and laden with jewellery walks out of the guildhall, flanked by a  few servants and bodyguards.

"I think that's the man himself, Slava. Where does he fit into this, do you think?"

"Well, if he was so paranoid about being spied on, I think he knows something."

"You think he's with the Deer and Tiger?"

"It's not impossible."


Meanwhile, Lyre and Zardis are sitting on a bench by the courtyard's fountain. Lyre notices Slava exit the guildhall.

"Who's that man. Looks important."

"Slava. He practically runs Vyshtorg. His guildhall would be the most logical place to usurp the guild. And I have a sneaking suspicion he won't do that much to stop it."

"What makes you say that?"

"Slava has a certain reputation for being a bit closer to the Empire than most Merchants would approve of. And it's known that he's a personal friend of the Deer."

Both of them quickly shut their mouths as Slava passes within earshot, only continuing when he's away again.

"In fact, the more I think about it, the more I'm certain he's in on it."

"We need more to go on than that, though."

"How about this. In a few days Slava's hosting a mass conference in his guildhall. Every worthwhile name in Vyshtorg will be present."

"How do you know this?"

"Just some snooping. Anyway, pay attention. The nature of the conference hasn't been stated, when it usually is in such cases. What an opportunity for the Yeshans to take out half the Guild's aristocracy."

"Alright, so let me get this straight. We're going to be fighting Yeshans, to save the Guild, all the while one of the Guild's most powerful Merchants tries to stop us."

"Don't say it won't be fun."

Offline Yiski

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #303 on: May 03, 2014, 06:04:22 pm »
--Crimson Skies Saloon--

Despite all the excitement from Roland's near-kidnapping, life went on as it always has. Saloon opens, patrons roll in, work to be done, and drinking to be had. Under normal circumstances, a normal individual would be having panic attacks about yesterday. Then again, these individuals are not 'normal' under any sane definition.

The saloon began to settle down after the post-lunch rush. This allowed the owners and employees take a small and much needed breather.

"Is it me, or does this just keep getting harder?"

"It does take some getting used to. I know I was exhausted when I started out."

"How did you manage?"

"Keeping his complaining to nothin'. I swear you kids don't have the stamina anymore."

The comment startled Hiro as he turned to see Yiski behind him. The surprise gained a chuckle from Roland.

"Father, I seriously doubt anyone had your stamina then, and now for that matter."

"What? You tryin' to say I'm gettin' old?"

"Yes he is dear."

Roland became a little flustered.

"Mo... Lauren! Ahem... anyways, I still need to stop by Zhao manor and see if they have any info on Ny's deployment."

Roland quickly turned and was about to leave, but not before Yiski grabbed Roland's arm, stopping Roland.

"Woah now. Let's not forget what happened yesterday."

"Which is why I'm going on foot this time."

"Honey, don't you think that puts you more at risk?"

"Exactly. You're not headin' out without me lookin' over you."

"Do I not have... assistance?"

Roland made sure the last word was just spoken loud enough for Yiski to hear. Yiski nodded and whispered back.

"You do, but they're last resort. Plus, you think I'll stand by knowin' you're in danger?"

Before Roland could answer, he motioned Yiski to take the conversation into the back out of the curious ears of patrons and employees.

"Am I to assume you'll be following me armed?"


"You're going to carry Blood Bolt in the open?"

"Nope. I'll be carrying these pieces on me."

Yiski unfastened his coat to show Roland two holsters underneath each arm, both holding revolvers. Yiski then refastened his coat.

"Not a fan of one-handed guns, but these will do."

"Are they modified?"

"Haven't got the chance yet. Now, you still goin' try to get me to stay or we headin' out?"

Roland sighed. He knew once his father made up his mind, very little would chance it. Roland nodded and started back out the main floor of the saloon. Roland gave a hug to Lauren, followed by a kiss from Yiski.

"You two be careful now. The last thing I need are more grey hairs from you both."

Roland turned and gave a smile to Lauren before exiting. Without turning, Yiski just waved.

Next stop, Zhao manor.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #304 on: May 04, 2014, 05:36:44 pm »
--Over the Dust Coast--
Aboard the "Winter"

Lockheart: " How far are we from Dragon Town?"

*over the radio*

Phoenix: " About... erm.. maybe a 1 day voyage if we floor it, or we can spend 1 day getting to Cathedral and starting the Patrols there. Aaand that does save the risk of losing our Engines and 50% of our ships..."

Lockheart: " Well. I'm not a genius bu-"

Phoenix: " You got that right!"

Lockheart: " ...I'm no genius, but i say we start at Cathedral, what do you say Alexander?"

Alexander: I don't plan on losing all the time i put into arming these ships... Cathedral it is- *to a crewman aboard the "Crown's Justice"* oh, what?... Ah, thank you. *back to Lockheart and Phoenix* "Well, it seems like our long range radio is in range of Vyshtorg should we encounter trouble, but as we say, lets begin to plot course North towards Cathedral"

Lockheart: " Agreed. Report back to your radios at 10 hundred hours sharp for the Evening report"

Phoenix: "Whatever"

Alexander: " Aye Aye"

Lockheart Switches of his radio and Pulls his feet of his desk where they were resting. His chair falls forward.
The Captains cabin was lavishly decorated in Red carpet and walls with some Carved Wood Paneling. A Map Lay sprawled out upon the Captains desk along with a sextant and other navigating tools. Lockheart sighed, then got up from his chair and walked towards his drinks cabinet and grabbed a glass and a decanter of Whiskey. He took them out of his cabin to the main deck, where his crew were doing a multitude of things, from simple rigging maintenance to playing dice and cards with each-other. The Afternoon sun was still hot as the small fleet glided on over the endless dust below. He took the drinks up to the helm where his First mate Ryan Whitlock was stood at the helm, with Navigators Fadeshade and Ludvig Blucher Sat on the fence next to him. the three stood to attention.

Lockheart: " At ease gents. How fares the day?"

Ludvig: " Too quiet in my opinion."

Fadeshade leaned back against the mast at the rear of the "Winter".

Fadeshade: " Too Loud in mine.."

Ryan: "I'll give you a sensible opinion. Fine. Its just an average voyage, made even more mundane by the small talk of these two"

Ludvig gave Ryan a glare.

Ludvig: " Ha. That's all your getting, a singular Ha."

Fadeshade: " Still too much"

Lockheart: "Remind me again why i brought you all"

Ryan: " Because we are YOUR men, your true men, not bought with gold nor promises of land. Only loyalty and honor binds us-"

Fadeshade: " And a small hope at some land and gold."

Ryan: " Yes... Just a small hope"

Lockheart rolled his eyes.

Lockheart: " Anyway, i brought some Whiskey for you."

Fadeshade rose immediately and grabbed the whiskey and glasses and set them up on a table.

Fadeshade: " Anyone up for a bit of a competition?"

The men grinned and took places round the table, minutes turned to hours and the hours passed into the evening. The Whiskey bottle was empty. Along with others from Lockhearts cabinet.

Ludvig: " you know he wont like it"

Ryan: "precisely, go-on fade"

Fadeshade got up and took the bottle and walked over the the starboard side, stuck a finger out to measure the wind, then threw the bottle at "The Yeshan Dragon" It landed just by the helm. Faded shouting could be heard.


The rest was lost in the wind.

From below deck a bell started to ring.

Crewmember: " Captain! Captain!"

The crewman pounded up the steps.

Crewmember: " Sighting of a downed convoy sir!, Our Trade ships.... They lie on the floor.."

Lockheart was snapped out of his inebriated state and took the helm, and opened the radio. Although the first thing to greet him was Phoenix's Curses. He simply said " Were going down"

The 3 ships slowly descended towards the dusty floor... Lockheart and a small squad of men leaped down and started to walk towards the wreckage of the Ships.. Cargo lay strewn all over, crates smashed and their contents already becoming buried in the sands. The squad spent 2 hours searching the wrecks looking for survivors, and scavenging cargo. No survivors were found... No Corpses either only bloody spots on the ships. And the faintest of trails in the dust.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #305 on: May 05, 2014, 12:59:39 am »
Outskirts of Ulavaar

What has been calm, snowy weather hours ago, the blizzard rages on thought most of the Firnfeld region. Battered but unaffected by the growing storm, the two Squids continue their flight towards to Thula, just reaching the Ulavaar city's limits at an earlier time then expected.

Seeing the small skyline, Melin grabs the radio and tries to talk over the storm.

"Radio tower, can you hear me, I repeat can you hear me. This is Major Melin of the Baron Military, reporting in to the region's militia to investigate a sighting at Thula. Please respond."

Screeching of winds and the hard fall of snow continue around him as he waits for a message. Soon a faint and static reply come through but Melin can hear enough to understand the massage,

" Maj.... Continue with.. ou....cours.... Will relay bac.....Qinqaachi of.....presence....od luc....blizzard."

"Roger, out."

Turning a few dials, the second Squid is now on the line.

"Frey, we good to go. Start heading north."

No response comes through as Melin looks towards the second ship. On the deck he can see a swinging light acknowledging that Frey has heard the message.

Nodding, Melin turns the helm and race through the sleet.

Chang-ning, Upper Class Residential District

Getting dropped off at one of the district's local park, Chung pays the driver and starts walking toward the direction of Zhao Manor. He didn't opt for going all the way to the manor as it may raise suspicion plus he doesn't know who would be at the gates to greet him.

Finding the street that the manor is on, Chung pass a few gates leading up to different homes. Seeing the familiar entrance of the front gate, the first thing Chung notices is that it is not the usual manor security guards that are in the uniforms. Instead are completely different men standing guard at the gate house.

As Chung pass by the gate, he keeps his head down so that they wouldn't see his face if they recognised him. The people at the gate just eyes him as Chung moves along and thinks nothing of the man.

Rounding a corner, Chung takes a peak to see if he was followed. Sensing that he is in the clear, he runs his chin.

Must be some of the Tiger's men in those uniforms. So if they are watching the front, there maybe more on the compound and in the building. Something must have happened last night after the ball. I need a way in though.

Walking down the street that he is on now, another park comes to view. There is some more activity happening here then the previous one as there are people in lines behind different food trucks. Taking out his watch, Chung sees that it is eleven and that it is almost lunch. An idea pops into his head as he walks towards a truck where there is no line and the staff are getting prepared.

A cook sees him coming.

"We're not ready yet, come back about 15 minutes. We'll be good then."

"Actually I'm not here to order, but I know a group of people that would appreciate some food soon."

"hmm, how big is this group then."

"I would say up to fifty."

"Ok, I'll think about it. Where is it at anyway."

"Zhao Manor"

The cook gives Chung a surprise and skeptical look.

"The Zhaos. Where they have a full staff to wait on them. Yeah, very funny buddy, but I highly doubt that they have no food for a group that size."

Remembering the conversation between the Emperor and Shen about how once the ball was over, Shen will give the staff a few days off, Chung uses it to his advantage.

"Well I know they are understaffed at the moment."

"How do you know that."

"Well I work for them, so after the ball last night. Master Zhao gave the majority of the staff a few days off for the hard work. That included much of the kitchen. Come on, think about the money you will get from the people there."

Pondering if the offer was real or not, the cook turn to three others I. The truck.

"Hey guys, don't start cooking yet. We are going to a different location."

Satisfied that the cook bought the story, Chung ask the cook if he can ride with them to the manor. With a nod, Chung gets into the back when the vehicle starts and drive off the park.

Soon the truck finds itself at the front gate where the "guards" look at it with some confuse faces. Pulling up to the gate house, the cook rolls down the window to speak to one of them.

('Guard' 1)
"State your business."

"Well I've heard that there is a group of hungry people here and we are here to serve."

('Guard' 1)
"I don't think that is necessary, we are perfectly content here."

Besides the first "guard" another one pulls him to the side.

('Guard' 2)
"Come on let the guy in."

('Guard' 1)
"What! Why?"

('Guard' 2)
"Since we've been ordered to watch over this place by the Tiger, the only food we ate are some of that generic military crap. Let's get some real food."

('Guard' 1)
"But what if he snoops around."

('Guard' 2)
"Its a food truck, I highly doubt they know a thing of what's happening."

('Guard' 1)
"I guess so."

With the conversation over, the first guard turns to the gate switch and let's the truck in. Inside, the truck parks on the main driveway where dozens of men are waiting, having heard from the gate house.

As the "guards" are distracted, Chung exits the back of the truck and looks for a way in.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #306 on: May 19, 2014, 01:19:06 am »
Firnfeld, Thula

The blizzard is still raging as the Squids sight the northern city. As they approach the docks, Melin notice a small group of lights near a few empty berths. Taking a closer look, he sees that it is a group of militiamen from the city waving their lanterns to the ships.

Taking the radio in hand, Melin calls to Frey.

"Frey, looks like we found a welcoming party. Prepare to land."

Nearing the empty berths, the group on the docks split up to help quicken the pace on strapping down the Squids. The wind continues to howl as it batters the airships. Ropes are thrown as the crew and those on the ground tie down the military ships.

Shutting off the engines and retrieving their weapons and personal bags, both crews disembark their respective ships to meet the militiamen. A man with what looks like a gold bar on the cover that he is wearing approach the Barons. Giving a quick salute, he turns to Melin.

"Major, my name is Lieutenant Nuk. We got word that you should be arriving soon, and with the blizzard going, we were dispatch to help land and bring you to your quarters on base."

"Why thank you Lieutenant. And speaking of blizzards, mind we get out of this one?"

"Why of course. If you can follow me. Once you and your men are settled,  I'll take you to the Commander regarding the sighting."

Trudging through the ankle high snow, the large group follows Nuk to the militia base.

Chang-ning, Central Headquaters

After leaving the Zhao Manor yesterday, the Tiger, and Deer are preparing to board the Tiger's personal Galleon. Flanked on either side are two Imperial Junkers ready for take off.

On the Galleon, the Tiger goes to his cabin and turns on the radio.

"Captain Zhao, status on the mission."

A few minutes of silence can be head until Ny-Lee's voice comes through.

"Tiger sir, didn't know you would check in with us. The fleet has just pass Landmark and soon we'll be entering Guild territory."

"Good, good, now to ensure that this plan goes smoothly, there is a slight change of plans. The Deer and I will be traveling to the Guild Capital to meet with one of the guild masters, so you you will be not meeting with him. But you will still lead the attack, and to keep your loyalty on my side, I have your family and a few others hostage."


"Oh don't think I have keep an eye on you and your family. And now I know of the secret radio transmissions and that you have beforehand knowledge of this plot. So if you don't comply and follow my orders, well let's say it doesn't end well for all of you. Now once you reach the capital, hold until we arrive."

Before she can reply back, the Tiger ends the line and exits his cabin to the bridge. He then mentions to the helms man to depart. Soon the three ships rise and put there engines of full power to catch up with the fleet.

Anvala, Burning Skies Saloon

Sitting at one of the tables, the three: Tommy, Allen, and John drink a few mugs as they wait for the afternoon rush to come by. Not much has happened earlier in the morning except a handful of people coming, and the three takes this time enjoy before the coming chaos.

"Ahh, why can't work in the saloon be like this? All calm and not that many people to serve."

"Well we had three pair of hands to help us out and that currently they are out on another sort of crazy adventure."

"Oh how I wish that I can go out and see what they are up too."

"Oh I've have experienced a part of it when I was at Cathedral. No fun."

"Well look at the time, almost one. We should get ready."

"Arggh, why can't we hire more people? Besides here, there is also Bdr's docks. We re undermanned and over worked."

"Hmm, since I don't know when they are coming back, I don't think it will hurt to hire some more help around here. I mean we have some ownership of the place as well. I'll put a notice out tomorrow"

"Good, gonna need a rest."

Clearing their table, the three starts to set the bar and unlock the door for afternoon, waiting for the rush.

Offline Yiski

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #307 on: May 28, 2014, 07:05:00 pm »
--Chang-ning, En route to Zhao Manor--

As Roland walked openly down the street, Yiski did his best to walk along the edges. While Roland was wearing his normal clothing, Yiski wore a dark brown cloak with a hood over his head. While Yiski's attire should have drawn some attention, he was not the only one wearing a cloak. Sandstorms and duststorms were common during this time of year, making it common for visitors and residents alike to wear some protection (though all the sand and dust being tracked in made it a nightmare for the city's cleaning crews).

As Roland walked, he thought back on his attempted kidnapping and the conversation between the man and Yiski.

Why are the Birdmen still active?
Rather... how do they still exist?
If they're still around, then...
Then Ny-Lee is in danger!
But... what can I do?

As he thought more, the questions got more complicated and complex. Before getting any deeper, Roland mentally shook his mind loose.

I'm sure things will be fine. I just need to get to manor first.

After a good, long walk, Roland found himself in view of Zhao manor. As Roland got closer, he saw things which did not seem right. Before Roland had a chance to figure those out, a hand reached over, grabbed Roland, and pulled him to the side.

"Gah! Please do not surprise me like that!"

"Sorry, but you looked like you we're spacin' out on me and this doesn't look right."

"Odd. I got the same feeling too."

"Hold here a minute. Gonna do some quick spottin'."

Yiski ventured out into the middle of the street which runs along the front gate of Zhao manor. Despite all the people passing by, Yiski got a few good looks of the manor grounds. Consequently, the manor's entrance sat farther back and was obstructed by numerous trees. Satisfied with the initial view, Yiski went back.

"What's going on?"

"There's a few armed men roamin' the yard and a few others just watchin' the main gate."

"Are they city guards?"

"Based on the uniforms, pretty sure those are royal guards."

"Why would royal guards be patrolling the manor?"

"No clue, but the ones I did see were armed to the teeth."

"Well, it would make sense if the Emperor were inside."

"Dunno. Something still feels off."

"I could just walk up and ask for entry. After all, I am family."

Yiski gave Roland a hard look. Yiski almost lost Roland once this week. And based on his gut feeling, Yiski knew that idea would not end well.

"Or we could sneak in."

"Do you think that's necessary?"

"Better safe than sorry. Now, you wouldn't happen to know of any secret entrances to the manor, would ya?"

"Not that I have been told."

"Damn.... well, let's try and get around back."


Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #308 on: May 30, 2014, 01:44:17 am »
Chang-ning, Zhao Manor

Locked in the ballroom of their very house and under watch from the Tiger's men, the Zhao's sits together with the Emperor and his wife at one of the tables use during the ball. Scattered among the remaining tables are the manor's staff as they worry about the predicament they are in. The worried tones can be heard as Shen looks around the room.

"What are we todo... Fang has us in a corner."

"I knew I should have acted earlier, now we are all in danger."

One of the doors suddenly open and everyone in the room turns to find two guards rolling in a large cart.

"Alright chow time. Don't even know why we are feeding you all, bunch of traitors to Empire. Especially you, your Majesty"

"Is that the way to treat your own Emperor! Just locking him up is treasonous."

*Turns to Huan* "It's alright my boy.
*To the Guard* "Just know that you, the Tiger, and all the rest affiliated with him will get what you all deserve."

"Hahahahaha, if that will even happen. Currently you are in here while our plan is in motion. So good day."

The Guard and his partner exits the room as the first guard continues to laugh.

As the guards walks away from the ballroom, creeping along the many halls of the manor is Chung. After sneaking out of the truck he came on earlier, Chung manages to sneaks pass the many guards as they are distracted by the food truck. He walks trough the front door and starts his search and investigation.

As he roams the manor, he spots the two guards who delivered the food to the ballroom. Chung quickly hides behind a corner and watches as the two guards pass by.

They came from the direction of the ballroom. Hmm with the lack of the actually staff and the space that room provides, they maybe all in there.

Listening to the fading footsteps of the guards, Chung rounds the corner once he feels the hallway is clear. Nearing the main entrance to the ballroom, Chung slows his pace and spots two more men standing guard by the door.

Damn, I should have know it wouldn't be this easy to walk on through. How to distract them...

Quietly, he removes his pack and opens it. Rummaging through the small bag, Chung pulls out a pistol and a magazine full with tranquilliser darts. Loading the and cocking the weapon, Chung moves from his hiding spot and rushes the two.

"What the..?"
"The Gods?"

As they were about to raise their rifles, Chung quickly empties the clip and spread the darts between them. The men drop like dead weights as the darts take effect.

Inside the ballroom, nothing much changed since they brought in food, only a few got up and served themselves. Suddenly everyone hear thuds outside the door. Stopping what they were currently doing, the
Are group watch as the door open with Chung standing under the doorframe.

"Ah Lieutenant, I'm glad to see you."

"Much wise Sir. But I don't think formalities are important at the moment. If they are keeping a schedule on watches, the next one will be coming in the next half hour. We need to get out of here now."

"The only exit is through the main gate, and I doubt with the amount of guards here we will all get out unspotted."

"Well not exactly."

"Excuse me Mr. Zhao?"

"Mr. Zhao, are there other routes out of here?"

"Yes, there is a room leading to an underground tunnel in my study next to the radio room. I had it built a long time ago if there was an emergency where we need to run. I'm guessing this is a good time to use it."

"This is a very good time to use it, Mr. Zhao lead the way I'll try to cover you."

Picking up the weapons from the unconscious guards, Chung hands one of the rifles and the pistols to the security staff. With Shen leading the way, Chung stands by the ballroom doorway watching for any movement as they exit the room. With the last one out, Chung follows the rear of the group.

Arriving to Shen's study, he goes over to his desk and opens a box that sits on top. Pressing a hidden button, a wall slides open showing a ladder leading down.

"Okay just go down the ladder and follow the tunnel, it will lead you to a garage with several vehicles. Take them and go back to your families and stay low."

An alarm somewhere on the property rings and shouts can be heard outside.


One by one they climb down the ladder and into the tunnel. Running the straight path, the large group spots the vehicles and start to fill them.  In one of the carriages, Chung helps the Emperor and his wife in to the vehicle. Entering the same carriage, Shen and his family joins Xi. Chung is about to question Shen, but is cut off.

"Lieutenant, takes us to the Imperial Barracks. It will be the safest place for all of us at the moment and rally the rest of the Imperial Guards."

"On it."

Going to the drivers side, Chung starts the engine and pulls out onto the road. Quickly he drives to the Imperial Barracks as back in the manor chaos ensues.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #309 on: May 30, 2014, 02:26:02 am »
-- Vystorg, Zankief's Warehouse--

"Yes, how can I help you. Need any cargo to be lifted or ships to be repaired."

Richard hadn't been expecting her, though he didn't really know her, he'd seen her hang about the inn. Regaining his composure, he took a brief look at the warehouse from the doorway. A few workers were milling about, loading boxes and crates, a couple sat on top of their completed loads and shared a drink between them. There was an air of apprehension about the place though, as if they were expecting something.

"I suppose you can actually, mind if I step in for a second?"

--Vyshtorg, High Residential--

Alex followed the Guildsman, acting nonchalant about the fact he was obviously following them, a few of them would look back at him nervously, eying his weapons carried on his belt, it was times like this he wished he had invested in a rifle but that wasn't the issue at hand here. They hadn't stayed in the study for long, apparently the guildsman hosting the party seemed to want some semblance of privacy and led them deeper into his manor. Soon the leader of the group had them clustered around an ornate doorway, opening the door he invited his fellows inside, all the while eying Alex suspiciously. He merely saluted him and took a position at the door, this seemed to put the other man off balance a little bit and quickly shut the door behind him.

"Well it was worth a shot."

Alex sighed, there was a bench across from the door and he decided if he was going to stay he should probably have a place to rest for the time being. Sitting down he waited for the men inside to finish their business, however as he waited a young man entered from his right.

"Excuse me, I'm looking Guildsman Romanov, is he in there."

"He's in there, do you have business with him?"

"Message just arrived for him."

Alex eyed him for a moment, for him this was a perfect reason for him to enter the chamber, even if he couldn't get anything meaningful from the attempt.

"I'll make sure he receives it."

"Sir, I'm supposed to verify he receives it."

"And I can't let you enter that room."

"And you're a guarding the outside, did they not let you into the room?"

"Can't very well prevent someone from coming in from the inside can you?"

The messenger sighed. He looked down at the envelope he was holding and back to him.

"Very well, take it."

He passed him the envelope and left. Alex looked down on it for a moment, wondering what the message could be. Deciding against from opening it he walked over to the doorway, held in a breath and knocked on the door.

--Somewhere in Vyshtorg--

Lorena was still at a loss to do, Dahlia was still asleep, whoever owned the house was nowhere to be seen, and she still couldn't find what happened to her clothing. Sighing she stood from the window overlooking the street below. She looked at Dahlia who was laying comfortably in bed, she shook her awake, needing someone to talk to, the silence was beginning to drive her mad. She stirred and slowly sat up as she rubbed herself awake.

"Mmm... What? Where are we?"

Lorena sighed.

"I was hoping you would know."

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #310 on: June 02, 2014, 12:23:49 am »
 Vystorg, Zankief's Warehouse

"I suppose you can actually, mind if I step in for a second?"

Not shown on her face, Althea is feeling apprehensive and suspicious as to who this familiar stranger is. Stepping aside and leading the way in with her clipboard, she turn to him.

"Why of course. If you don't mind I can give you a small quick tour."

Receiving a quick nod, Althea leads him around the floor ground.

"As you can see, we can accommodate at least six airships in this warehouse. We have an onsite machine shop to help repair and replace any components. Besides repairs, we also conduct shipping and storing wares for our clients. Currently we are loading a merchant vessel that is heading for the Burren."

Leading the stranger to the airship that is currently being loaded by BdrLine and the others, he moves closer to observe the working men. With him distracted for a second, Althea pulls out a pistol that was hidden in her vest, cocks and aims at his head.

"No sudden moves. Now I just want to know who you are and are there others with you. Are you affiliated with the people that I saw a few days ago heading to an inn? It's a bit suspicions that you are here the same time as us and that you were able to find this warehouse."

From the airship, BdrLine hears the coming of voices and thought nothing of it and continue to tie down crates.

"Archer! Any more?"

Working a crane, Archer looks to the shipping floor and finds that it is empty.

"Nope, we are all done here. You guys can take a break."

Smiling at hearing the word break, BdrLine swipes his forehead and is about to walk off the ship when he heard a gun being cocked and a female voice. Recognising it as Althea's, he briskly goes to the side where he heard the sound. He is greeted with a sight, on the main floor, Althea has one of her pistols pointed at the back of the head of a man.

"Whoa, Althea what is going on!"

Not taking sight off the man, Althea replies back.
"Just a little interrogation. You can help if you want."

Not wanting any blood spilled, he jumps down from the ship and lands on the floor. Running to the pair, he slows down as he takes in the man.

"Wait, I know you. From Cathedral right?"

Firnfeld, Thula

With his men and himself settled in their assigned barrack, Melin and Frey is lead by Nuk to the base's mission room. Standing in the middle of the room waiting for the two is a grey haired man. Wearing a simple but worn overcoat, a dull single star can be seen on the collar. As the three enter the room, they give a crisp salute to the man who render them a return.

"Hello gentlemen, thank you for responding this quickly. I am Brigadier General Hayes. Please sit."

To Nuk
"Nuk, you are dismissed. Go and make yourself warm."

Quickly saluting the general, Nuk exits the room. With the door close, the three take a seat around a table in the room.

"Thank you General. I am Major Melin and this is my second, Captain Frey. And as for our quick arrival, after receiving your message, it arouse great attention."

"I would believe so. I heard many rumours from months ago, and the most recent ones that there have been dealings with this type of nature. And with the classification of the official reports that this is of high importance."

"Yes, and not wanting to disclose any information until it is relevant, they are very dangerous."

"Very well."

"So General, to start off, can we interview with the soldier that made the sighting. We want to have a first hand account."

"That's going be a little difficult."

"How so?"

"We did send word for him to report back to base to talk to you two. So far he hasn't arrived and we can't seem to contact him."

"Hmm, maybe its the blizzard that is raging. It did made communication difficult and the rising snow on the ground will make it difficult to travel."

"Could be, but I have nothing else for the two of you at the moment. When the blizzard pass, we'll make a trip to his home. Just have you and your men make yourselves at home"

Nodding to the man, Melin and Frey stands and salute the General before returning to their barrack.

Chang-ning, Imperial Barrack

As the vehicle drives through the main gate of the main base for the Emperor's Guards, a few startled men jumps back from the speed at which the vehicle is going. Coming to a complete stop, a small crowd start to converge around it, a few with weapons drawn. Running down the steps from the administrative building, Colonel Szeto pushes pass the crowding men.

"What is going on here!!"

Coming out of the vehicle, Chung opens the door and leads out his passengers. Seeing who was inside, the startled faces of the people around them goes to one of surprise.

"Your Majesties, Mr.'s and Mrs. Zhao, this a surprise. I'm sorry, but I thought the Tiger's men were suppose to protect you for the moment?"

"Protect? Bah they imprisoned us and others. Colonel, get whatever men you can get that is still loyal to me, we are going to arrest the Tiger and Deer."

"Yes your Majesty I can get men to rally behind you, but there is a problem."

"What problem?"

"The Tiger and Deer has left for the Guild earlier in the morning. Currently it is his subordinate that is in charge, he is at the Tiger's Office in the Imperial Palace."

"If he already left, he doesn't know of our escape.... Jam all radio transmissions going out the Capital, we'll make sure he still doesnt know. Go now!"

With a salute, Szeto and the men around them quickly go out to follow out their Emperor's orders. With the men going about, Chung leads the five inside to a protective bunker.

As the Emperor's men is mobilising, Saull is at the Tiger's Office on the radio. He smashes his fist at the desk as he hears the news.

"What!!! How did you let a whole household staff of people escape!! Never mind, get all of our men to go out on the streets to search for them, use force if nessecary. I'll call the Tiger."

With a click, Saull switches his channel to the Tiger's Galleon.

Sir, sir, can you read me? We have a situation. Sir?"

All that he can hear is static. Furious, he continues to bash the receiver.

Flak it, they already jammed all outgoing transmission.

With a huff, he gets up from his seat and exits the office. Outside, an armoured car is waiting for him as several trucks with the Tiger's soldiers can be seen in the background going out to search for the Emperor.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #311 on: June 24, 2014, 04:37:31 am »
-- Vyshtorg, Zankief's Warehouse--

"Wait, I know you. From Cathedral right?"

Thankfully a friendly face, he gave a sigh of relief.

"Bdrline, I was wondering when we'd run into you. Reagan sent us as soon as the news came in."

He tried to squirm away from the gun barrel but Althea kept the gun trained on him. He was a bit desprate but he didn't want to look suspicious.

"Come on, a little help would be appreciated!"

Bdrline sighed, what the hell kind of mess was this anyway?

"Put the gun down."


She sighed.


She lowered the gun but she kept staring at Richard with a highly suspicious, if not predatory look. Richard seemingly relieved and exhausted at the same time came to sit on a crate nearest to him.

"Listen, me and Alex are searching around for information regarding the guild's meeting with Yesha in a few days. The only thing we managed to gather from a few ranking guild members we encountered was that there was some suspicion regarding the meeting, yet no one seems to know what to do. You guys seem to pretty set up here, anything you know would be greatly appreciated."

--Somewhere in Vyshtorg--

Lorena and Dahlia wandered down stairs, locating the kitchen they cooked up a simple meal, they apparently missed breakfast by a large margin. Dahlia sighed, she didn't know what to do, especially about her love life, that man from Cathedral sprung into her mind again, she remembered how nervous she felt about that confrontation and how she ran from the situation.

"You alright?"

She looked up from her meal.

"I guess so, just not feeling it right now."

Lorena looked at her, she wasn't herself, she'd been acting a bit skittish since the race and frankly was beginning to bother her.

"Alright, tell me what's wrong."

"Promise you won't laugh?"

She sighed.

"I promise."

"My love life is a mess."

Lorena mentally, and physically slapped herself.

"Oh Dahlia, what am I going to do with you?"

"I'm serious!"

She slammed the table between them.

"I mean, I don't really know what I'm doing, I don't know how to express how I feel, I'm a nervous wreck when I'm near someone I... well... you know..."

Her face fell towards the table.

"What am I doing with my life?"

Lorena walked over to the other side of the table, hand on shoulder she gave her shake.

"Don't worry about it for now. We have bigger fish to fry, so save it, you can worry about it after we thrawt the Empire's plans."

Dahlia sighed.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Lorena moved to hug her however some movement at the door stopped her from doing so. She heard a pair of voices, voices that seemed eerily familiar. It was when they entered the kitchen did she show any surprise.

"Oh no, you?!"

Before she had a chance to do anything two sets of arms wrapped themselves around her. Dahlia seemed heavily amused by the entire scene.

"Oh Lorena dear, it's so good to see you! You've gotten so beautiful these past few years!"

"What are you doing here alone anyway? Where is your father?"


She managed to force them both off her, though not really exhausted, she looked incredibly flustered. Dahlia tilted her head at the pair, they were a bit odd, but Lorena seemed a bit too close to them to be simple strangers.

"Lorena, who are they?"

The three of them remembered she was in the room.

"Oh, right you wouldn't know them would you?"

She moved out of the way to let them sit down.

"Right, Dahlia, might I introduce Marcus and Janice... Henley, my grandparents."

"You know, you never answered my question."

"Dad's somewhere around here, we kind of got... separated."

"So wait, I thought the Captain came from Firnfeld, if your his parents, what are you doing in the guild?"

The couple exchanged a look.

"The story is bit more complicated than that. You see we're actually from Yesha."

"Let's just say that our son managed to fall in love with the wrong girl."

"Her family was none to pleased and decided to heckle us nonstop about it for years! I think they hoped to take her back and imprison him. We finally had enough and decided to leave the Empire and visit. That was only a few years ago, Lorena was still a sweet little girl!"


"Anyway we decided to visit her father up in Firnfeld before moving on, we owed him that much."

"And then we came here."

"But why?"

"Ah, you see I'm a craftsman and a sculptor, my wife is a wonderful painter, so we came here. The guild is quite vivid with brilliant artists you see, so we thought it was only natural, so for a few years now we've managed to live comfortable life."

"I see."

"Anyway, we shouldn't keep you, your father is probably worried sick about you."

She gave Lorena a kiss on the forehead. She squirmed a bit under the attention. Marcus left the room a quickly came back with a bag.

"Here, these are your things, though I'd give em a wash."

"Thanks, you know, how did we get here anyways? I don't remember anything."

"I wouldn't expect you to, you were incredibly drunk at the time."

"Were we? I don't recall that."

"Trust me, you would have done something stupid if we hadn't stepped in, like running off into the sewer and causing mayhem."

"Sounds like the time Preston got drunk."

Dahlia giggled at that statement.

"Anyways, when you see him, give him our love and tell him to visit sometime."

"I will, thank you."

--Vyshtorg, High Residential--

Alex opened the door, the guildsmen were all sitting around the table, many were deep in thought yet the leader was talking.

"I see no reason to come unarmed to this coming meeting, though that might be a little insulting."

He then noticed Alex enter the chamber.

"Excuse me, but this is a private meeting, if you need to do some guarding, do it elsewhere!"

"Romanov sir?"

One of the men sitting at the table sat up.

"Yes, that's me, what is it?"

"Message just arrived for you."

"Let me see!"

He snatches the envelope from his hand and tears it open. The others try to catch a glimpse of what it says.


"It's nothing, nothing at all, excuse me."

Everyone watches as he leaves the room, Alex, deciding he's outstayed his welcome gives a brief salute and walks out the door, not having learned anything.

--Somewhere in Vyshtorg--

Lorena and Dahlia walked along the street, her grandparents, having sent them on her way had given them lunch so they wouldn't go hungry.

"You know, you don't look Yeshan."

"That's because my grandparents are from Paritus."

« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 04:40:40 am by Piemanlives »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #312 on: July 03, 2014, 02:01:46 am »

Tension rise as Tiger troops, under the command of Saull, search the streets for the missing Emperor and company. The entire capital is on end as citizens are being detained without cause or reason for the location of the individuals. Underground in a bunker beneath the Imperial Barracks, Shen and Xi is coordinatating with Szeto trying to rally men who still loyal to the Emperor. 

Half a world away, with knowledge of Alex and his crew in the city as well, BdrLine has explained the current situation to him. With a bigger insight of what is going on, Alex and the others go on with their part time jobs to gather anymore information. With the many preparation taking place, the warehouse has become a somewhat a command center. Now the group can do is just wait until the arrival of the ships.

Up north in the frozen Firnfeld, the blizzard rages on disrupting travel both on ground and in the air. Melin is stuck in his room writing up connections for this investigation. Still in the safety of his own hideout, the mutated Birdman sits as he waits the storm out.

 End Narration

Start of Day 18

 Vystorg, Zankief's Warehouse

Sitting on top of the ceiling, BdrLine watches the city skyline trying to get his mind at ease. The past few days went by in a blur getting things prepared. To get some time away from all of it, he goes to the only place where no one else is crazy enough to follow.

Listening to the breeze, he hears an exceptionally loud group of engines fills the skies. Looking up, he notices a large group of airships bearing Yeshan markings, some with his mother's trading company.

Oh flak, hear it goes

Going over to a pole, he slides down and enters the warehouse.

After landing in the military docks, Ny-Lee dons her finest uniform and departs her Pyramidion, leaving her worried crew behind. Waiting for her at the bottom is an automobile ready to take her to Slava's Guild house. Entering the vehicle, it starts as it drives out of the base.

As soon as the vehicle arrives to the Guild house, she is greeted with a large entourage of guildmasters and their security. Exiting, Ny-Lee comes face to face with an older gentleman.

"Captain Zhao I presume."

"Yes, I am."

"Ah let me introduce myself. I am Master Slava. I hope your trip was a pleasant one. Why don't we come inside to discuss terms.

"Greetings Master Slava, and it was a pleasant one. But there is a slight change in our meeting."

"How so?"

"I'm here to inform you that the Tiger and the Deer are coming to take my place in the negotiations."

"Hmm I see, very well then. Please come in anyway, we have a feast prepared. Be a shame for it to go to waste."

Following Slava, the entire group enters the building.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #313 on: July 03, 2014, 03:20:35 am »
--Zankief's Warehouse--

Gareth looks up from stroking Roc to see Bdrline rush in.

"What's up?"

"They've arrived."

Everyone freezes in place for a moment, and silence settles, only broken when Zardis launches from his chair to his shotgun, which was leaning against the wall.

"Then let's go!"

Gareth looks from Lyre to Bdrline.

"I suppose? But surely we need some kind of plan of action. We can't just charge in there, guns blazing."


"We can't."

Michael is leaning against the wall, fondling a spyglass.

"Slava's guildhall is a fortress. One way in, one way out. There's not exactly any way we're going to be able to sneak in there. It'd have to be the front door."

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #314 on: July 03, 2014, 05:04:22 am »
--Somewhere in Vyshtorg, 1 hour ago--

Alex and Richard were sitting in a bar, things were as usual slow, most of their contracts had been completed, netting them a nice bonus from this entire mess. The rest of the crew was waiting with their ship, during the time here they managed to do an overhaul on their vessel, mostly repairing the damage they took outside Cathedral. For now they contemplated their next move.

"Richard, what exactly do we know now?"

"Other than the fact that Slava is a traitor? Nothing really."

The two of them sighed, the wait was really getting to everyone, for now they were waiting to see if any jobs would be posted in the ensuing hours of waiting this day would probably imply, like every single day before hand. Though the fact that he learned his parents were living in the city was a bright spot, at least they had that. He'd probably have to go say hello but he didn't want to endanger them, so for now they did nothing, at least, till a courier entered the bar.

"Excuse me, where can I find the owner of this establishment?"

The man cleaning glasses behind the counter looked up briefly to see who was speaking, before looking back down at his work.

Bar keep
"That's me, why? Need something?"

"A large order has been placed, you've been called up to supply a portion of it."

Bar keep
"Who's the client?"

"Guildsman Slava."

The bar keeper set down the glass quietly.

Bar keep
"What's the order?"

"6 barrels of your best wine. He's planning a meeting of some kind soon."

Some murmuring in the background arose as he placed the order on the counter.

Bar keep
"Not gonna be cheap."

The courier glanced back at the bar patrons.

"I think everyone here knows he can afford it."

He sighed, it would take a while for another shipment to come in, but as long as the price was good. He took a look down at the placement order, signed it and handed it back.

Bar keep
"It'll take some time to bring it up there, so tell him not to expect it so soon."

He muttered something under his breath as the courier left, probably just condemning Slava to a less pleasant version of the afterlife. He took off his apron and set it on a stool behind the counter.

Bar keep
"Oi, Margot, keep an eye on the place, got a delivery to make!"

A women serving drinks to a rather rowdy table turned to look at him, hand on hip, with eyes rolling in his general direction.

"Don't take too long! I doubt I can keep these men from proposing to me for much longer!"

The owner just rolled his eyes at her. Richard looked at Alex for a second, as if sensing his intent he shouted over to the owner.

"Excuse me sir? Do you need help with that?"

The owner turned back to him, he raised an eyebrow as he scanned the two of them. Thinking it over he leaned on the counter.

Bar keep
"Yeah, feel up to it?"

"More than you'll ever know."

They got up from their seats and followed him into the bar's celler, a few workers were loading the barrels into a transport, they were, fairly large barrels. Sighing in resignation the three of them mounted up the truck and drove off.

--Vyshtorg Harbor, Present--

Reynold was as always in charge of the ship, however looking at the veritable fleet of Yeshan ships made him feel inadequate to the task at hand. Alex of course told him not to contact him, the news would probably spread on its own and it would have probably reached him in mere moments. They decided to split up the crew, Reynold, Phillip, Amelia, and Preston would stay with the ship, Alex and Richard would act on their own, though if they needed to contact them in anyway they would. That left Dahlia, Lorena, Reagan and Travis to work with Bdr and his group. To be honest he didn't feel comfortable doing this, though he knew they could, Amelia was finally getting the hang of being an engineer, this was mostly due to the fact she was tired of getting grime on her face when something blew up on her.


He heard the voice far before he actually saw her, after a few moments she pushed through the crowd and onto the ship.

"We're planning our next move, be ready for anything."

Reynold looked at her for a moment before motioning to the radio set he finished setting up that morning.

"Oh, well, they could have intercepted it."

Reynold shrugged, it wasn't that important.

"You should get back to the others, we can handle ourselves, stay safe."

"You too."

She gave a brief salute before running back to the warehouse, behind him he saw Preston climb down the ladder.

"Engines clear, we're ready when you are."

He nodded.

"How you holding up?"

"Mostly just stiff, it doesn't hurt anymore really."

Again he nodded. This is going to be an interesting day he thought as he drank from a canteen.

--Zankief's Warehouse--

"Slava's guildhall is a fortress. One way in, one way out. There's not exactly any way we're going to be able to sneak in there. It'd have to be the front door."

Dahlia entered the meeting out of breath. She hated running, she looked to the others and nodded before collapsing on a chair. The others hadn't really noticed her, though they gave her a nod anyways. Lorena entered the room with a mug, probably coffee. She sat down next to Dahlia as she thought about it.

"So what do we do?"