Author Topic: The Skies have no Limit  (Read 305019 times)

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #270 on: February 10, 2014, 01:15:45 am »

The crew called into port for a rest before continuing on towards Vyshtorg, stopping at an inn they ordered food and figured they'd do an odd job or two to gain some extra crowns. Eventually everyone gathered back at the inn to grab a meal before they departed, the sun was slowly coming over the horizon and it was time for them to leave, Alex pulled aside their newest crew member for a little chat.

"You'll be serving on my ship for the foreseeable future, so, what can you do exactly?"

He stared over at Amelia, who was sitting on the other side of the table drinking a coffee. She looked back at him, took another sip of coffee, and placed it on the table.

"I'm not entirely sure I understand the question.

"I'm fairly certain I clearly stated why I need to know this."


She took another sip of coffee, around them meals were being shared and conversations struck up. A few guildsman walked in and took a seat at the bar, talking about some recent news, from the looks of their clothing they were fairly high in the echelons of guild society. Amelia snapped her finger in front of his face, gaining her attention, he turned his head.

"Yes? Did I miss something?"

"I thought of something I can do."

"And that would be?"

"Well, does having good eye sight count?"

"Well that would depend, what does that bottle say?"

He pointed to a bottle halfway across the inn. She stared at it for few seconds before speaking.

"Gronder...Northhost? Hoaus?...Special Ale."

Alex stood, walked over, looked at the bottle and called back to her.

"NorthHaufman, well, I guess that's close enough."

He reached into his satchel and tossed one of his spare spyglasses.

"For now you'll work as a lookout, safest thing I can have you do for the moment, though you will need to talk to Phillip about the basics of engineering, rule 1 aboard this ship, you have to be able to fix things in a pinch."

"Isn't that just smacking something with a hammer?"

"Why yes, yes it is, only when you have no choice."

They joined the rest of the crew at the table.

"So Captain, what exactly do we do when we reach Vyshtorg?"

"I assume we link up with the others and figure out what's going on."

"Probably won't be that simple, we have no idea exactly how the Yeshans are planning on well... you know."

Reagan pulled up a chair and set a plate of waffles on the table.

"Sadly he's right, we have no idea about how we're going to do this, I doubt any of us have any contacts in the city, and considering how large this is, letting on that we know about this probably is the best way for us to find ourselves shot. So Reagan, any bright ideas?"

"Simple, Yesha is sending a diplomatic envoy, due to arrive sometime in a few days."

"And you know this how?"

She pointed to the group of guildsman at the bar.

"They're talking about it, apparently Yesha is attempting to "Reach out" Skies Above know how this'll turn out."

"That means we should get moving then, everyone finished with their meals?"

A round of agreement went around the table, throwing their payment on the table, they rushed back to their ship and took to the skies once more.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #271 on: February 10, 2014, 01:42:54 am »

"Aye aye."

He puts down the radio and takes the helm from Hector.

"So what's happening?"

"I'm honestly not entirely sure, but lets see what happens."

Lyre calls over from the bow.

"Slipping past Merchant borders, brings back memories, doesn't it?!"

Gareth waves to her.

"That it does."

He turns to Hector.

"You're Arashi, right?"

"Serenity Bay."

"People really need to start telling me this stuff."

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #272 on: February 10, 2014, 01:48:45 pm »

Captain Oakenshield: " Excuse me miss. "

Woman: " Good afternoon sir. How may i help you? "

Captain Oakenshield: "I wish to inquire about a patient you have under your care.."

Hospital Secretary: " Well sir. I can fetch the records for today, if you give me a moment. *ehem* please, have a seat"

The secretary gestures towards a row of seats. Outside the sun was High in the sky, over Cathedral. Oakensheild had arrived in Cathedral a day earlier. After deducing that after the Ambush. He would find Lockheart in the nearest City. He had checked most places and asked most people. But to no success, till' the penny dropped in his head that Lockheart may be in the Hospital..

Secretary: " Here we are sir..."

She opens the record book.

Secretary: " And whom would i be looking for?"

Oakenshield: " A Chaladonian... Erm, Tall, Brown hair... Name is Lockheart.. erm.. Julius i think."

The secretary checks the logs of patients in and out for today. Then shakes her head.

Oakenshield: " Nope, no one by that name here?"

Secretary: "Afraid no-"

Her eyes light up as she glances back a few pages.

Secretary: " There was such a man here... 3 days ago."

Oakenshield curled his fingers into a fist and slammed it into the desk, and mouthed a silent curse.

Secretary: " Anything else you require sir?"

Oakenshield was about to leave when.

Oakenshield: "Actually yes, do you have any inclination to his current whereabouts?"

The Secretary nodded and headed back into a room behind the desk to re-appear after a few minutes.

Secretary: " Yes, there was a telegram here.. He left it, will you be needing it?"

Oakenshield: " Yes, thank you."

He reached out for it, but the secretary snatched it back.

Secretary: " And who might you be?, i cant give out personal pieces like this..."

Oakenshield: " His... Employer...."


Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #273 on: February 13, 2014, 01:07:00 am »

--Zhao Manor--

After being dropped off at the doorstep in front of her family's manor, Ny-Lee opens one of the grand doors and enters. Exhausted from the trip and her meeting with the Tiger of the following plot, she walks up the stairs to her and Roland's room.

Back downstairs, Huan walks out of one of the halls and sees his sister going up the stairs. he starts to wave to her.

"Hey sis... Oh alright. Glad to see you back and all."

As he finishes his sentence, Ny-Lee enters and closes the door behind her with a noticeable bang. Confused, he walks towards the dining hall to find his father. As Huan enters, he sees both his parents enjoying a morning meal together.

Coming up to them, Huan takes a seat across the table from his mother.

"Hey there son. So who was at the door?"

"It was Ny. By the way she went to her room, she seemed pretty tired."

Both parents exchanged knowing looks and turn back to their youngest son.

"Huan dear, why don't you come help me look through what your brother bought for us from Cathedral."

Shrugging, he stands up with his mother and exits the room.

"Alright then, but you may want to send some back. I know you don't want to hear anymore about the kidnapping, but there maybe some bullet holes here and there from the gun fight that took placed"

Seeing that his wife has his son distracted, Shen stands from his place at the table and walks towards the front of the manor to the stairs. Quickly taking the steps by twos, he arrives to his daughter and son-in-laws room. Shen then knocks.

"Who is it? Roland dear, if it is you, I have a bad headache. And no offence I don't want to see anyone right now.

"Not your husband, it is your father. From the sound of your voice I take it the Tiger talked to you?"

Steps can be heard from the other side of the door as Ny-Lee opens it.

"Sorry dad. But Zardis was right."

"Then it is all true, he and the Deer are in this. I must talked to Xi now."

"The Emperor? He doesn't know yet?"

"Not yet, we already plan to meet with one another. Hmm, when are you scheduled to leave."

"4 PM today."

"Nine hours then, hmm."

"Also, I persuaded him to let me take my crew and ships."

"Alright then, brief them of what you of what's happening. I'll go and talk to the Emperor about this."

"How about Azn?"

"Try to contact him, but make sure to have a secure line. We don't need anyone to figure out that we know."

"On it."

"Good, I'm going now to see if Xi is available. And Ny dear, got some more rest, handle things when you are ready."

Giving a nod, Shen kisses the head of his daughter and briskly goes down the stairs. Talking to one of his servants, he ask them to call the Emperor to let him know that he is on his way to meet him. Outside, his car is pulled up to the driveway where Shen gets in to the driver side and goes off to the Imperial Palace.

Little does he know, 30 yards be hind him, another car tails him, while a small team survey the Zhao Manor.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #274 on: February 15, 2014, 11:07:44 pm »

"So how are we going to get in without attracting attention?"

"Our traders permits should keep us inconspicuous for a time, sadly that means we'll be known by our real names while we're here."

"I guess we could do worse, we should probably pop into customs after we land this tub."

"I'll have you know this is our tub."

He turned and spoke to Phillip who had his hands full coordinating with the ground crews.

"How long till we've landed?"

"Give or take 30 minutes cap, a lot of ships are docking or taking off as we speak. So we're to wait here until our spot in the queue has opened."

"Roger, keep us posted."

Richard got out a set of papers from below deck and handed them to Alex.

"Here's our vessels registration and our proof of ownership, one of several copies, you know, for a guy who hates paperwork you sure love extra copies."

Alex shrugged.

"For something important like this it's always important to have multiple copies stashed elsewhere, on different persons, and on board the ship, never know when someone may try to steal the ship."

"Don't remind me..."

"Wait, what happened?"

"Oh nothing."

"Oh it was something alright."

"Captain, incoming tugs."

"Well it appears we're docking."

Two guides came up along either side of them, vessels recognizing their authority moved out of the way as they guided them down towards the busy harbor below. As they flew closer, dockworkers could be seen clustering on the nearest pier, finally reaching a sufficient altitude, ropes were thrown across as they guided them closer to the pier before securing the vessel in place. Reynold and Travis drew out the boarding ramp and stepped onto the docks, Alex, along with Richard followed suit. The rest of the crew was left onboard as they wondered what they should be doing, Phillip spoke up as Alex signaled to him from across the pier.

"Alright, we need to find some lodging while we're here, Reagan, can you and Preston take care of that?"

"Sure, anything specific?"

"Nothing especially trashy but not exactly overdone, I'll leave you to it."

"Alright, come along Corporal."

"Uh, alright."

The two of them made their way off the ship, Amelia fidgited in the corner a little bit, keeping her set of tools close at hand, Lorena and Dahlia shrugged.

"We'll go and take a look around the city, we'll meet you at whatever inn Preston finds."

"Just be careful ok?"

"We will!"

The two of them waved back as they left the ship. Phillip looked to Amelia and sighed.

"Alright, lets teach you how to jury rig an engine in the middle of combat."

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #275 on: February 16, 2014, 03:44:47 pm »

Julius Lockheart: " Oh, no you dont"

Alexander Lockheart: " Try me!"

Alexander lept at Julius, sword clasped in both hands over his head, Julius parried the blade to his right, and pushed his brother mid-air with his free hand. Sending him tumbling next to him. Alexander quickly turned the fall into a backwards roll and lept up, sword ready. This time Julius Struck, hard and fast. Alexander ducked and weaved, under Julius right cut, then left cut. But he wasnt quick enough to stop it when Julius brought the blade over his head and brought it down on Alexanders shoulder.

Alexander: " Ow!, Yeild, I yeild!"

Julius: * Chuckles * " I bet you do. Well fought though, we shall spar again on the morrow..."

Alexander: " *Sigh* Do we have to"

Julius: " Yes, keeps your reflexes sharp."

Alexander: " Fine. Hmm, that reminds me. Want to help me and Kevan fix the last Engine on the "Winter"?. I mean, by right. She's yours. But... you dont seem to care about her, and she's a fine ship. We've been fixing her for a month now, are you actually going to take her out?"

Julius: " Oh, yes... I have plans for that beauty"

Julius left, and got on his day clothes. And called for a Carriage. Then Cecelia came down the stairs.

Cecelia: " Good Morning"

Julius: " Morning, want to join me for a trip down to the Glass Gardens?"

Cecelia: " Well, considering i'm left here, when you go Adventuring. The Gardens arn't as special as they were. But whatever, i mean you may slip off again..."

Julius: " Ha. Ha. Get in the carriage."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #276 on: February 17, 2014, 01:05:28 am »
Starostrog Coastline


The two ship convoy steadily glide over the water as BdrLine listen to the beeps on his radar. The rest of his crew stands watch across the deck for any sign of Guild naval ships.

"This is eerie, can't see through this damn fog."

"Well if we can't see them, they can't see us. Be glad that is a good thing. Bdr, how are we?"

BdrLine looks back to the ships radar screen and see a few dots.

"Well so far I see at least two ships on the radar. We are about a good 7 to 8 kilometre away from both of them."

Nodding, Althea continues to look through the fog until she sees a silhouette in the distance. She goes over and nudges Charles and point in the direction she saw the ship.

"You seeing what I'm seeing?"

"I hope what you are seeing is wrong."

He brings his binoculars up to his eyes and try to focus more on the ships weaponry.

"From the books I read about ships used in the Great War and after, this one looks like a small Destroyer. Maybe packing 30.5 centimetre turrets as its main weaponry."

"*mumbles* 30.5 centimetres.... That is bigger then our Heavy Falk on board!"

BdrLine listens to the conversation and thinks back to the battle at the Tower.

At least it is not a super weapon that can knock out three Yeshan warships out of the sky in one shot.

Shaking his thoughts out, he looks to the direction where Althea and Charles are looking.

"How did that ship not get picked up by my radar?"

"I don't know Bdr. Maybe you need to update it. Looks like we are still unseen, they haven't shot at use yet.

Unbeknownst a few sailors on deck on the Destroyer is a having a slightly similar conversation.

(Sailor 1)
"Rodin, you see this."

(Sailor 2)
"Slightly, but I do."

(Sailor 1)
"What are two airships doing all the way out here. Shouldn't they be on the route leading to the checkpoint?"

(Sailor 2)
"Yes, yes they should. Hmm if they are all the way here... Must be Arashi Raiders. Go and tell whoever is in charge at the bridge that we got two hostiles."

(Sailor 1)

The first sailor takes off towards the bridge as the second one tracks the two airships.

A few moments later, an alarm sounds on the Destroyer as the crew prepare for General Quarters. Soon the front two turrets start to move and aim at the general direction of BdrLine and Gareth's airships.

Back on the Starlight all four hears the alarm from the Destroyer. They exchange glances as BdrLine grabs the radio and tells Gareth.

"Gareth, punch it. We need to get to the coastline fast!"

Four reports then sound as shells whistles past the two airships.

"Bdr, what do we do!"

BdrLine quickly release his special fuel mix into the engines fuel line and looks to the Destroyer's direction.

"Althea get on the port side merc and try to hit something."

Going over to the Anvalan field gun, Charles and Courage helps load in the weapon."

"Let's see how big of a punch this baby can do."

Althea then look through the scope and aims at one of the turrets barrels. She fires and watches as the round flies and pierces through the armor plate of the turret.

"One barrel is out. Looks like it melted the firing mechanism on that side of the gun."

"Huh, Yiski's rounds can penetrate through that kind of armor, glad he made these for the Guard force."

"Not out of the woods yet, incoming another barrage."

Instead of three rounds coming towards the two ships, seven rounds past them as the Destroyer has turned to face its broadside, allowing to fire all eight turrets. One round flying between Bdr's balloon and hull.

"That was a close one."

"Bdr, we need to get out of here. Two airships can't stand against that firepower, and their shots are getting closer."

Looking around him, all that BdrLine can see is fog.  He looks at his radar to see how far land is to their location and turns back to them.

"Ok I'm turning us so that we can go deeper into this fog. It helped us for a while, let see if it can help us again."

He then turns his airship so that the tail is facing the Destroyer. Going at full speed with his engines injected with more of his special fuel, the Goldfish speed forward as Gareth quickly follows behind. Salvos from the Destroyer keeps coming until the naval ship is out of view. 

Giving a sigh of relief, BdrLine look as see the shores of the Guild and the skyline of Starostrog. Back on his radio, Zankief's voice comes through.

"Looks like you guys had a warm welcome."

"A little too warm, they were serving hot lead for breakfast."

"I can tell, I overheard their radio chatter. But I see that you guys made it, we are just a few clicks away. Hold on so that we can lead you guys in."

Coming in from the city's direction, a Junker and Pyramidion comes into view.

"Welcome back again Bdr, I see that you missed the Guild. Haha."

"Very funny, I'll be happy once we land."

"Alright alright, just follow my ship."

"I see you still have that Pyra after the siege."

"Wardog? No way I'm letting this baby rust away, she seen so much and taken so much. But come on, we'll catch up later."

As they formed up with Zankief, BdrLine and Gareth follow behind him as he leads the way to the Guild Capital unseen from Guild forces.


Around noon, the four ships arrive to his warehouse where all the ships land inside. Debarking from their ships, BdrLine greets Zankief and introduces him to the others.

As the lot walks to the underground portion of the warehouse, Archer come running up to Zankief.

"Ah Archer, perfect timing. Here let me introduce to you one of my closest contacts."

"Sorry Pops, but we may have a problem."

"Oh, how so?"

"Slava, maybe on to us spying on him. As I left from his guildhall, I noticed two men were following me."

"Did you lead them here?"

"No, I went to the other part of the city, opposite of here. Once they felt like they were going nowhere, they left. That's when I ran back here."

"Um may I ask who is this Slava character?"

"Slava is a prominent merchant here in the Guild. He has halls across the Guild and everywhere else, even one in Firnfeld."

"So why does this seem like a problem?"

"Well Archer here overheard that the Tiger and Deer has contacted him and are sending something here at the Capital. We continued to spy on him hoping to figure out more."

"Okay we know that it is going to be a takeover. So I assume warships, and the good ones that the Tiger can grab."

"Ok, we will figure this out more later. Here I got the papers and materials ready for you lot downstairs."

Nodding, the group follow Zankief down stairs to get organise.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #277 on: February 17, 2014, 01:32:06 am »

Alex and Richard exited the customs department, a few documents in hand clearing their entry into the city.

"Well, we're free to roam the city, however we can't stay here and do nothing, we need to figure out a cover, else people may get suspicious."

"We're traders, more importantly we're equipped to do salvage work, so I say we use that to our advantage."

"Doing what exactly?"

"I haven't thought that far yet."

They passed by a warehouse with a group of people entering it, they payed little to mind to it.

"Well here's an idea, we can probably check around and see if anyone has need of salvagers in the local area, you and I can stay on the ground and see what we can learn about the oncoming "Reach Out.""

"Well it's a start."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #278 on: February 19, 2014, 01:08:00 am »

Imperial Palace

The drive from his manor to the Imperial Palace took longer than expected as the roads were filled with traveling vehicles on the way to the inner part of the city. Eventually Shen passed throw the crowded streets and found himself in front of the massive building. Finding a place to park his car, Shen lock it and makes his way up the small flight of stairs to the main entrance.

Inside the lobby was busy as aids, officials, and employees roam through the corridors. Walking up to the center desk, Shen ask one of the many receptionist.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?"

"Hello, is the Emperor free at the moment? I request to speak with him."

The receptionist then opens a cabinet under the desk and skims through the different binders and folders. Finding the right one, she takes the binder out and looks through the different time and dates.

"I'm sorry, but by the looks of it, he is currently in a meeting. If you can give me your name, I can pass on to his secretary to put you in."

"Shen of the Zhao Family, but please, this is important. I need to see him, where is the room that the meeting is taking place."

"Oh Mr. Zhao, sorry I didn't recognise you. Welcome back from your ordeal, but I'm afraid that I can't do that."

As she finishes her sentence, down in one of the corridors, a influx of voices can be heard coming towards the main lobby. Walking out was a group of officials and representatives with the Emperor in the middle. 

Seeing that he is out, Shen moves towards the group.

"We'll discuss more in the next meeting...Ah Mr. Zhao what a pleasure to meet you here. Everyone as you all know that he and his arrived last night  in great condition after their ordeal."

Shen is then crowded as the people in the group goes towards him with handshakes and compliments.

"Thank you all for the kind words gentlemen, but your Excellence, may we speak in private, there are things that we need to discuss."

Picking up the tone in his voice, Xi gives a small nod.

"Gentlemen, we will meet again next week to discuss more on the subject. Now if you excuse us, I have other matters to attend to."

Giving a bow, the rest of the group disperse and go on their way as Shen and Xi goes to another hallway towards Xi's office.

As they walk, Chong comes up behind the two which surprises Shen,

"Whoa, where did you come from?"

"My Elite Guard remember? They are always around to protect me, even if you don't see them. But I'm glad you came, I was about to call you. Chong, got the room ready?"

"Yes your Excellence. Once inside, no one can see or hear the two of you speak."

"Nicely done, here we are."

The three stands outside the doorway to Xi's office. He opens the door and lets the others in. Shen looks around and then to him.

"No offence to you Xi, but I don't think this is secure enough."

With a small smirk, Xi walks to a bookcase and pulls one of the spines. With a few clicks, the entire casing swings open.

"I know, that is why I have this. Chong, get some of your men and guard the doorway, tell them I'm in a very special meeting and can't be bothere at the moment."

"Right away."

Chong then walks out the room and closes the door behind him.

"Well come on, you said there is something that I need to know."

Going inside the secret room, Shen goes in and finds that it is a slightly bigger room then the one before. Closing the bookcase behind him, Xi goes up to Shen.

"A personal study of mine, I had it installed awhile back when I just want to get away from the stress. Now shall we talk."

Xi then leads Shen to the table sitting in the middle of the room. Shen then tells him of the secret plot orchestrated by the Tiger and Deer, and how his daughter and son are in the mix of it.

Walking out of the building towards his car, Saull picks up the on board radio and calls the Tiger

"Sir, there maybe a problem."


Burning Skies Saloon

"Hey Allen, where in the world is John?"

"I don't know, but I'm gonna kill him when he gets back. There is too many people here for the two of us to handle."

Inside the Saloon, the main floor is crowded with dock workers and others from various parts of the city. The only two working is Allen and Tommy with John missing from the action.

"Did everyone get the rest of the day off? It's only noon for Pete's sakes. Yeah hold on I got you drink."

Tommy moves behind the counter and grabs several mugs from the racks. Going to the taps, he fills each one with Anvalan Reserve."

*under his breath* "Good thing Zill had those barrels underneath his warehouse, be disastrous if we tried to replicate Yiski's drinks."

Once top off, he pass the the mugs to the various customers at the bar. Allen moves through the crowd and leans on the counter towards the Tommy.

"We really need more people, or at least have Bdr and the others back."

"At least it is not like the Festival, remember it was only the three of us running this place and doing repairs."

"We need to hire people now."

The door then opens and comes through John. He then navigate through the swarm of people to Allen and Tommy.

"Where were you? As you can see we needed help."

"Whoa, hold on, I got a very good reason why I wasn't here."

"Ok, go on..."

"Well I was on my way here from Bdr's docks when I got side tracked a bit."

"Oh how so?"

"Well there was this lady."

Both Tommy and Allen face palm themselves after heating those words. With a roll of his eyes, Tommy grabs and throws an apron onto John's face stopping him fro continuing his story.

"You are here, just help us."

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #279 on: February 19, 2014, 02:08:18 pm »
Cecelia: " But the gardens are that way!"

Lockheart: *Smirks* " I know, I know. But what else is here i have interest in?"

Cecelia: " Oh, no. Please. Not the Order. Its so boooooring"

Lockheart: " Too true. However, i have a order to pick up from Octavian Noye. The head Smith. Since my last ambush, and recent events. I want to make sure Averna, Our Trade, and most importantly, our lives. Are safe."

Cecelia: * sighs * " It's never just a normal day out with you is it?"

Lockheart: " Always a adventure"

Lockheart checks outside the window of the carriage and realizes they are close by. He signals to the driver. And they come to a halt.
The two step outside onto the Stone path below. The Large complex where the Order of Chaladon was located. The Research, Engineering, Financial and Government buildings, all close together. Chaladons Parrot Sigil flew from banners on street lamps, and the Buildings themselves. it was just reaching evening, and the sun had begun to fall. The people here were mainly Nobles, with a few Commoners, going about their business.

The Pair approached the Blacksmith's building. Where Octavian was waiting.

Octavian: " Good Evening Sir, Madam. Here to pick up your order, i presume?"

Lockheart: " Yes, of course. I trust it wasn't too weary of a task?"

Octavian: " No, sir. *smiles* Not terribly different from all the other orders we receive..." *Looks over Lockheart's Shoulder* " I see you brought a carriage... Anything else to carry all this Alloy plate?"

Lockheart: " yes, a few days ago i docked my fleet up here in the Higher Dock. So, all we have to do is move the plate from here down the street... Erm.. Do you have a trailer we can borrow to transport it down?"

Octavian: " Yes sir, right away. We'll get it down to the dock for you. Of course * rubs fingers together* for a bit extra..."

Lockheart sighs and hands Octavian a small sack of coins.

Octavian: " Much Obliged "

The Alloy plate, was thick, and a shiny silver colour. It took half a hour to transport it all to the dock. And a further Half hour for Lockheart to load it aboard 3 of his Galleons.

Octavian: " Thats the last of it" *claps hands together* " Well, its heavy duty stuff, that. Should do ya well. We tested it against some o' those rounds you said you got from that. Gunsmith in Anvala... Well. They certainly proved a task and a half. But our lads had fun shooting rather that Smithin'. That plate there should hold up against any shot, that you encountered. Except the one for the Mercury Gun, and the Heavy Flak. We couldn't do anything with that im afraid."

Lockheart: " No problem. I'm not expecting to go up against those rounds but the sense of security is a great deal to me. Thank you. And say thank you to your boys aswell."

Octavian: " Aye, sir... But if you see that... er. Yuri or whatever. Give him my regards. And ask him if he has any time to teach me to do anything like that. Your lucky i didnt sell the rounds to the Order Officials. They'd pay me buckets to reverse engineer that and give 'em a whole new arsenal. "

Lockheart: " You have my thanks. And i'll see what i can do. If i ever see him again."

The two shook hands and parted ways. Lockheart and Cecelia boarded the " Yeshan Dragon ", with the plate sat below deck. Them and the 2 other Galleons. The: "Crowns Justice" and the "Landed Knight". flew back up the Black rock, towards Lockhearts private Docks where they moored up and unloaded the plate. Alexander came to greet them.

Alexander: " Ah, ha. So you did order something from Octavian!"

Lockheart: " Yep. Its a very very strong alloy... I want you to install it on the " Winter", " The Crowns Justice" and "Yeshan Dragon". Its custom built for all of those ships."

Alexander: " Gladly. Looks good. I'll do it, on one condition."

Lockheart rolls his eyes.

Alexander: " You take me to Cathedral, AND you take me with you for at least 3 months on your ship. Since i dont have mine anymore..."

Lockheart: " You shouldn't of rammed it into the Docks"

Alexander: " Look, do you want me to fit your precious ships or not?"

Lockheart: " Fine..."

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #280 on: February 20, 2014, 09:34:42 am »
-Chang-ning, Yesha-

After Shen's departure to the capital and his wife's follow up meetings with military officials, Roland decided to head off towards the saloon. Part of him wondered how worried Yiski had been since he and the others went off without so much a word. Another part wondered if the saloon was even still standing. Roland was more worried about the latter rather than the former.

After having one of the maids at the manor handle transportation, Roland soon found himself at the familiar sight of the Crimson Skies Saloon. He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing the place still stood.

'At least dad, didn't blow this place up.... yet.'

Roland entered the saloon and immediately noticed two things. First, the saloon was insanely packed. Sure, the saloon had a healthy number of patrons when the it first opened and grew steadily over the years, but never did he see the place nearly crowded like sardines. Second, the saloon had gone quite and all patrons eyes were on him. The only sounds Roland could hear was the city outside.

[Familiar Voice]
"Well, if it isn't the prodigal son!"

The voice was instantly recognizable as Yiski's as he made his way towards the entrance and gave Roland a long-awaited, body crushing hug. Once Yiski released, Roland was met by another, equally crushing, hug from Lauren.

"Good to be home dad and Lau... er... mom."

*kisses Roland's cheek* "We missed you."

"Good to see you're back in one piece. Where's my daughter at?"

"She's in a meeting with military officials. I think it is a debriefing of what we went through."

"Huh.... I guess that's to be expected. Well, come on. I hope you didn't forget how to run a saloon."

"And don't forget to tell us what happened while you were gone."

Over the next few hours, between handling all the patrons and making sure none of the stills were going to erupt, Roland recounted the adventure of rescuing Shen and Liu from the further remains of the Birdmen. Hearing that name again....

"You're shittin' me? Them again?! These bastards keep poppin' up like roaches."

"Yes, it actually came to a surprise to all of us."

"Good thing your father didn't know this, or he would have taken off after you immediately."

"Damn right I would've. Which reminds me... why didn't you ever contact us about the incident?"

"I suppose the panic the kidnappings caused just made us react instinctively."

*smirking* "Come on dear, be easy on him. After all he does take after both of his fathers."

Yiski sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.

"Heh, I suppose he does."

The three share a small chuckle. Roland takes a short breath and looks back out towards the sea of patrons.



"Why is the saloon so packed? I have never seen this."

"Well.... I might've started re-brewin' White Steam Whiskey. And I might've started a bet that those who can resist its effect that they would get twenty gold coins."

Roland just stared at his father for a few moments.

"Good news. Nobody's won yet and we're makin' lots of coin."

Roland sighed and gave a chuckle knowing full well nobody was ever going to win that bet. Even after some time away, it seems like nothing has changed.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #281 on: February 23, 2014, 04:08:29 am »

Zankief's Warehouse

"Well, take a look."

The group enters the large room and see various papers and equipment scattered around a few tables. Zankief goes over and picks up an identity book and toss it to BdrLine. He opens it and looks through it.

"It was easy to do your Bdr as you already came through here a while back. Had a harder time for the others in your group as we didn't know how many and what gender. So we made quite a few more. And if you guys find an alias that you like, give it to my men so they can put in last minute information."

"Hmm, Walker, I like this one. Elegant, yet simple."

"Hey Charles, look at this one. You look like a Casey haha."


Zankief motions for the others to come to the table and look through the other booklets and papers.

"These looks almost authentic. Still, I wonder why you gave me Carmichael as a last name."

"Oh, that's just to mess with you a little. You should have thought of one instead of letting me and my team make one for you."

As the others continue to look, Zankief takes Bdr to look at the rest of the equipment.

"So if there is anything else that you guys need, don't hesitate to ask me. Oh before I forget, ammunition is a few levels underneath, so don't worry about running out."

"Alright, since I got my papers I'll head out and see what else i can dig up."

Althea overhears him and walks to the two."

"Actually Bdr hun, I think you should stay here for now."

"What, why?"

"I think it may raise suspicions if a Yeshan if found snooping around guildhalls."

"I think your girl is right Bdr, can't risk that happening until we find out more."

"Then what am I going to do then?"

"You can help me and my men around here. With your knowledge we can improve certain things."


"Good, I'll take the other two and we'll be off into the city. Charles, Courage, come on."

Dropping off there papers to Zankief, the three goes back upstairs and out  onto the streets of the Mercantile Capital.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #282 on: February 25, 2014, 08:55:45 pm »

Alex and Richard ran into Reagan and Preston as they wandered about the streets.

"So did you two find anything?"

"Nothing yet, but we did find an inn we could stay at for a time."

"Do we need to worry about finds?"

"For the most part? Probably not that much, I've managed to requisition some from Cathedral, it won't be enough for long but it should keep us off the streets for a while."

"I'm going to find us a job, maybe even set ourselves as civilian contractors, a city this big will need someone like us somewhere."

"Check construction, salvage equipment is equally useful there."

"Richard go check on that, Reagan, show us that inn you found."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #283 on: February 26, 2014, 02:20:14 am »

Imperial Palace

As Xi listens to Shen about the recent events starting with the meeting of Zardis to the secret plot between the Deer and Tiger, he stands up and circles around the hidden room.

"Currently, my daughter is set to leave later today to lead the attack group."

"This is troubling. I know we haven't been on good terms with the Guild lately, but a hostile take over. Almost as worst as the Birdmen."

"So what do we do? We can't go out and arrest them as we don't have any solid evidence."

"Hmm, i don't know what to do. If we warn the Guild, they may start a war with us. We can't arrest them, like you said, we don't have any evidence. You daughter maybe on her own for this."

"Well not exactly."


"My son also knows about this as well, he and a group of others are on their way to the Guild, heck they even may be in Vyshtorg. We were going to contact him later if either of us has found something."

"Alright then. I just hope they figure out something."

"Same here as well. Where do we go now?"

"I still have to plan for your return ball, I need to do something to clear my mind after all this. I'll just meet you at your manor later."

"Okay then."

Shen stands up from his seat and is about to exit the room when Xi calls back to him.

"Shen, one more thing. Watch your back, if I know a thing about this current Tiger, he'll maybe watching you. Gods he'll maybe watching me as well."

With a quick nod, Shen turns and walks out into the normal office and knocks at the main door.

"Chong, we are done in here. I'm leaving but the Emperor is still here."

From the other side, Chong answers as he acknowledges. 

"Understood Mr. Zhao."

Shen then opens the door to let himself out. Standing guard on either side of the doorway, Chong and another Elite stand guard.

"Also, might want to keep an extra eye out, the Tiger maybe watching me and my family, and to extent, the Emperor as well."

With that, Shen exits the building to his vehicle and drives home.

Zhao Manor

Giving time to rest from from her latest mission and meeting with the Tiger, it is around one in the afternoon and Ny-Lee rises out of bed still in uniform. She goes over to a mirror and checks herself with some disgust.

I really need to clean myself.

Going over to to the room's bathroom, she undresses and starts the shower. She quickly bathes herself, washing out the dust that was collected. Finishing, Ny-Lee grabs a towel and turns off the shower. Back in her room, she changes into a new uniform and packs a few extra articles of clothing for the next assignment.

Fresh and clean, Ny-Lee exits the room and heads towards the stairs. At the balcony viewing the main door, Liu comes in and sees her daughter coming down.

*smiles* "Finally someone is awake. I see you already for the next trip."

At the foot of the stairs, Ny-Lee goes over and hugs her mother.

"Hi mom. Yeah, I just woke up thirty minutes ago."

"Well when you came home earlier this morning, you brother did say you were very tired."

"Oh I was, from thinking about this whole mission and meeting with that Tiger. Urrgh, sorry I just don't what to think about right now. So looks like you went out, meeting with your trading company?"

"I was going to meet with the board, but instead the Deer was waiting for me at the office. Here let's go to the kitchen and I'll tell you about it. Plus I'm betting that you maybe hungry."

"Hehe, just a little."

Going down one of the hallways, the two find themselves in the kitchen. Liu then opens cabinets and gather some ingredients for a sandwich. As she prepares two, Liu explains the meeting to Ny-Lee.

"So as I said earlier, the Deer was at my office waiting for me. He asked me if he can used some of my bigger transports to help move supplies as an offering for the next meeting with the Guild."

"Most likely the one I'm going."

"Yes most likely. I asked him why my company, since I don't do any trading within Guild borders after my company beaten out their completion in this region. Told me it would be a sign of good faith in having the largest trading company on this side of the world to open up to the Guild again. I was hesitant for a bit, but I had agree eventually, he wouldn't back down."

"I have a feeling that it is not goods they are putting in those transports."

"I got it as well."

Liu finishes with the sandwiches and hand Ny-Lee one. The two then eat while discussing the matter.

As it nears two o'clock in the afternoon, Ny-Lee checks the clock in the kitchen and to her mother.

"Looks like I have to go. Gods I wish I didn't have to do this."

"I know, but we need to stop them. But do warn your older brother, he needs to hear about this."

"I won't."

With a peck on the cheek to her mother, Ny-Lee exits the manor and calls for a driver. As soon as the car pulls up, she enters and tells the driver to go to the Capital's base.

Capital Headquarters

It is three o'clock when the car arrives and drops off Ny-Lee inside. Walking, she heads towards her ship and it's sister. Standing in front of the two Pyramidions are Syá and the rest of the crew. Giving a brief salute to everyone, they form a circle around Ny-Lee.

"So I'll bet that they already briefed you guys now what is going on?"

"Yes ma'am, it is going to be tough though."

"hmm? How so?"

"From the list of what units they are bringing, all of them, besides us, are loyal to the Tiger."

"they have a whole regiment for this."

"I knew they were going to put something else in my mother's ships."

"Wait, how did they get those ships

"Well the Deer wore her down enough for him to use them. If those troops are seen rushing out those transports once they land, this will discredit her and her company."

Fang, another crewman for Ny-Lee's ships speaks next.

"That's right, I remember that your mother only does humanitarian aid and merchandise trade."

"Cap, what do we do then?"

"Just prep the ships, I need to call Azn."


Zankief's Warehouse

Sitting and leaning back on a chair, BdrLine stares at the ceiling fan as it goes round in a circle. Sitting besides him, Archer looks over the floor plans to Slava's guild house.

"So bored. Archer, what am I suppose todo if I can't go out there yet."

"Well Pops said to go and help out or engines around here."

"I'll do that later, and when did you guys start calling him Pops? Wasn't Boss before."

"Eh, he said it sounded too business like, he needed something that has a ring to it and still sounded authoritative like. So Pops."

"It sorta suits him."

Placing the seat four feet back onto the ground, BdrLine, lays his face down on the metal table."

"Guys have a range down here? I need to shoot something."

"Yeah, downstairs across the armoury." 

Perking his head up from hearing there is a gun range, BdrLine stands up and heads upstairs to the main floor of the warehouse where the ships are stationed. At his Goldfish, he retrieves his rifles and heads back down two floors to where the range is located. He then practices shooting at the targets that are set up.

Somewhere in the City

Together in a group, Althea, Charles, and Courage roam around the city taking mental notes of where certain things are located.

"Dang this place is even bigger than Cathedral, we may get lost in a place like this."

"Almost the size as Chang-ning as well. Might need some transport if we need to get around."

"Yeah, so how long have we been out? Might as well head back."

"Well we got here at noon,... It is already five now. We should."

As the three turns around and start to retrace their steps, Courage notices a pair of people in the crowd. He nudges to the other two and points to their direction.

"Do you guys recognise them?"

"Yeah, they were at the inn back in Cathedral."

"Wonder what they are doing here."

"Want to check them out? We have time."

"doesn't  hurt to ask."

They proceed to follow and catch up to them.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #284 on: February 27, 2014, 11:33:13 am »
--Over the Eastern Ridge, Over Angleforth--

Captain Oakenshield: " Commodore!"

Commodore Kingcrest: " Aye sir?"

Captain Oakenshield: " Whats our progress on Averna?"

Commodore Kingcrest: " Were currently over Angleforth, safe in Baronies air space. We make for Blackcliff, then Serpents Point. After we fly across the Black Channel to Amida, over the Old Route. Landing in Amida. Estimated arrival.... 2 days hence."

Captain Oakenshield: " Good, once we reach Amida, we can fly down to Averna and give that man whats coming to him. It'll teach him to never break a oath with me, or mine..."