Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1466006 times)

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2130 on: June 20, 2013, 11:40:39 am »
--HMCS Duck Pharaoh--

N-Sunderland stood on the deck of his ship, busy returning it to prime condition and preparing to fly it away. As he finished work on the engines, a group of elites boarded.

"Well, it appears the days of 'Permission to board, sir?' are gone."

"We have orders to impound an Anvalan Pyramidion-class vessel matching this description."

"Bullshit. This thing isn't even Anvalan... And why exactly is it being impounded?"

"Lieutenant N-Sunderland, you are under arrest for sabotage, insubordination, and dangerous use of firearms."

"What the flak? Sabotage? Dangerous use of firearms? I just saved this city, and this is how the council pays me back? Well, there isn't anything I can do to resist."

Sunderland looked down to the sides of the ship. The elites had already tied the Duck Pharaoh down. The ropes were all attached to a point in front of the ship, minimizing manoeuvrability if he were to attempt an escape. He looked back to his deck, and eyed the cloth he had been using to clean the engines, sitting about thirty centimetres in front of his foot.

Sunderland nodded to his gunner, and began walking towards the elites.

"All right, I'm coming with you. It would be pointless to-"

Sunderland stepped on the cloth, pretending to trip and falling back. The elites didn't realize the ruse, and were momentarily distracted.

Sunderland's gunner tossed him the flare gun, and he fired it in front of the elites.

"Can't see a flaking thing! Lieutenant, put an end to this resistance or we will have to use force!"

Using the moments that followed, Sunderland ran to the helm. He couldn't get the ship off the ground with all the ropes anchoring it.

The flare was loaded with heatsink, however, and it had two more shots. Sunderland took aim, and fired at the two principal ropes that held the iron spike in place.

It fell off, wiping out the anchoring in front of the ship. Sunderland spun the ship around, knocking the still stunned elites off.

The HMCS Duck Pharaoh took off, heading up North to Kian.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 12:02:29 pm by N-Sunderland »

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2131 on: June 20, 2013, 01:13:36 pm »
Even though the fact that the attackers finally had been robbed of their air support they'd still put up a fierce fight. The remainding battle on the streets of Anvala had been horrenously merciless, bloody and brutal, and the events of yesterdays horrors still rolled before the eyes of Spoon as he walked up her streets. Gunfire, explosions, blood in masses, the sudden flashes of bayonnets, and the terrified screams of the unlucky ones caught on their recieving end.

He'd found his way back to the Asylum, and standing in the entrance he shuddered at the thought of him spending so manu of his days in the hell-hole. The place was still abandoned and after a whole lot of searcing he finally found the lockers containing inmates previous belongings at the time they'd been locked in. After grabbing his belongings, including his 'ol Dustrider coat, his sergeant cap, bag and other things he set out on the streets again. This time setting for the Saloon.

The place was deserted, but left unlocked as someone before him had breached the door (guards perhaps). After looking around he found a note, apparently adressed from Yiski to BrdLine. He decided not to open it, but instead to settle at the bar, grabbing a bottle of Hellfire and resting.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 01:38:18 pm by Sgt. Spoon »

Offline Surette

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2132 on: June 20, 2013, 03:56:25 pm »
He couldn't be sure when exactly, but at some point Surette noticed the explosions had stopped. The roar of engines had subsided. The Baronies had been defeated, for now at least. The battle seemed like it had dragged on forever. He tried to force a smile, but he couldn't help but think about all that was lost--both in terms of lives and the city itself. He knew he wouldn't go down as a hero, but he was satisfied with the support fire he was able to provide. His contribution might have been small, but he felt proud knowing he did what he could to lend a hand to his new friends. He hoped they were safe now, wherever they were. He wasn't entirely sure which ones made it out alive.

In addition to his new friends, Surette's thoughts turned to his old friend. Plasma had mentioned something about Cathedral to him at one point, and he knew he couldn't stay in Anvala any longer. He hadn't lived there long, but looking around the city from the helm of Serenity, it was time. He stopped off at his small apartment to collect his possessions, what little they were, and took off for Cathedral.

"It's always nice to have a fresh start," Surette thought, as the wind blew through his hair. He hoped that he'd cross paths with the others again someday, if nothing else to thank them for some excitement in his life. He also wouldn't mind a Hellfire or three. "Full speed ahead," he yelled, as Anvala faded behind him and the skies opened up.

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2133 on: June 20, 2013, 07:27:03 pm »

Spoon woke up of his slumber by hitting his head in the counter. He raised his head and once again looked around him. Next to him was the bottle of Hellfire, now empty. He once again took up the wanted poster he'd found the other night, studying the picture of his long lost brother carefully. If Badger had been here, could there be a chance that he was still in the city? He had to find out. Before leaving the saloon he took a last look around, remembered the note and, with great curiosity decided to take a look at it again. After reading it through he sat there for a moment, then grabbed a couple of bottles of Hellfire and White Steam whisky, and headed for the door. With a sort of smile on his face he was now ready to find his brother.

He headed out on the street and started questioning people and showing them the poster. Had they seen this man? Did they know where he was? Had they heard anything? No one seemed to know. After a while he got a bit annoyed, surely someone knew about this? But then again, as a wanted felon he might have a reason to hide. Spoon manned up and approached a pair of guards standning nearby.

"Hello good sirs, do you have any information about this man?" *Holding up the poster*

"Hrmm *studying the poster* oh ya... wanted felon...  *looking back at Spoon* Hey haven't we met you before?"

Spoon (now realising it's the same guards who took him to the Asylum):
"Err I don't think so... Eheh.. About the poster"

*looking at the poster* "Oh right, the commander issued a warrant for their arrest a few weeks back. Didn't take too long till they got caught. *turns back to Spoon*  urm yeah, and during their capturement they endured various injuries resulting in... Well.. Death. I think they were buried somewhere outside the wall in that direction *pointing with rifle*

Spoon was speachless. Without a word he turned back, mumbled something to the guards and walked away. He hadn't seen his brother in years and had gotten used to not seeing family, but deep down he always thought he'd be back someday. A day when his history would be long forgotten and he'd be able to return home.

These sudden news pierced his heart as he staggered away in the direction that Nelson had pointed out. His mind flew wildly and the thought of his brother overwhelmed him. When he finally reached the graves he could  enduringly realise the significance of the matter, and spent a few hours just sitting there, pondering over his life.

He didn't want to stay here any more, but needed to get out of the city. As he got back inside of the wall he went to the docks, and there he found a vessel willing to bring him with them, for a price of course.

As the ship took air and started it's flight to the south he turned back for a (perhaps last?) look at Anvala.

until next time...

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2134 on: June 21, 2013, 12:56:25 am »
--Somewhere in Anvala--

The sun shone through the building that BdrLine was hiding during the ground battle. After patching his wound from stray cloth that was lying around the building, he limps down the stairs and out into the streets. Just like the failed Guild attack, the whole city lies in ruins as smoke rises above the skyline and damage buildings can be seen left and right. All around him, city defenders are rummaging through the rubble and picking up the dead and wounded. nearing the docks, he notices that his friends have survived the battle are now inspecting their ships for a return home.

From under the main engine of the Dawn Break Niko sees his best friend limping towards his ship. Jumping down onto the ground, he whistles over for Melin and Zankif, who hears the sound and sees to where Niko was pointing at. The three moves towards him, as the four stands in front of each other, they all exchange pats on the back and shakes hands with each other.

"So this is now over. Can't believe we survived this, a whole Fraction against one city. So what you guys going to do now?"

"Well, me and my men are going back to Vychtorg and my warehouse. I bet my dock workers are running around like headless chickens not knowing what todo."

This got a few laughs from the group. Melin then spoke next.

"Earlier I have received word from Lord's Leap. The resistance and my men has taken back the Capitol and Gregor has been reinstated as King. And here's the best part, for me and my men's participation and loyalty to him, he is reorganizing my Division to be his personal battle group. We are now the 1st Royal Honor Guard, job to protect the King and the Principles of the Baronies."

"That's great, so I'm guessing Niko that you and your cousin are heading back home as well?"

"Yeah, I already have my share of exploring outside the borders, no pun intended there, time to go back and sleep in my oversize bed."

Zankif raises a hand for a high five as Niko goes over and complies. BdrLine and Melin just shakes their heads.

"Hey before you guys leave, lets head to the saloon for a drink."

"I'm down, that whole battle got me rather quenched."

As the four heads out the docks and towards the Burning Skies, what BdrLine didn't notices a certain young female Elite down in the underground shelter where the wounded are kept looking for a certain wounded Yeshan. After searching through the various rooms, Althea worries for the worst and spots a doctor.

"Do you anything about a Yeshan that was brought in here yesterday? His first name is Azn but is usually called byt BdrLine?"

"Yes hold on for a minute, let me check."

The doctor looks trough papers on a clipboard as he searches for the said person. As he near the bottom, he looks up to Althea with a confused face.

"We had a soldier in here matching your description, but it appears that he has disappeared."

"What? He is not d-d-dead is he?"

"Oh no, we would have record of his death as the staff makes rounds checking on the conditions of the soldiers. But somehow your friend just vanished."

Stunned, she looks at the doctor for a moment until he spoke.

"I'm sorry, thats all I know"

The doctor then leaves Althea in the middle of the hall as he continues to check with others in the shelter. She leaves the underground for topside again as she is deep in her thoughts.

First the Commander, then the Rear Admiral, their respective crew are gone. Now the one man who, out of all odds, stole my heart is now gone. No notes, hints, nothing. Why, why, why?? *she goes to a wall and starts punching it* Its the damn Council's fault, if they hadn't have their heads up their end, now of these people would be gone. Now I won't tell him how I feel now.

Her rage starts to calm down as she lay her head on the beaten wall. Althea is now holding back tears as many important people that she knew, granted it was short, were gone. As she was about to walk away and help with the other guards and defenders, she hears a familiar voice, she turns around and sees BdrLine limping as he walks with three of his friends towards the Saloon.

Althea looks on in wonder as that he is still in the city, but is soon turn to rage as the emotions she had felt just for him. As the four enters the famed saloon, she follows quickly behind in anger.

As BdrLine and others passes through the door, they are laughing out of merriment as the reminisce of their old adventures and mishaps. The four going to the bar, they failed to notice an angry female entering behind them until.


Niko, Melin, and Zankif turn around as they see BdrLine on his knees on the floor rubbing the back of his head and an angry Althea cracking her right hand knuckles. Sensing the hostility was towards their friend, the three moves to the back of the counter for safety and for amusement. As Zankif and Niko watches on, Melin notices an open note addressed to BdrLine and picks it up and read it.

Back to the two, BdrLine gets up on his feet, still holding the back of his head, and turn to face Althea who has her arms crossed and tapping her foot.

"...OW.... What was that for? I'm already wounded as it is."

"Well if you had stayed with the medics, this wouldn't be happening is it now."

"I didn't want to miss the action, plus a lot of people I knew were fighting out there and I don't want to feel useless if anyone of them died."

"YOU were injured, you could have died out there, you would have been another lifeless corpse. *her voice starts to crack* You would have been gone forever, and I... I wouldn't have a change to say... to say what I felt."

She breaks down in small tears as BdrLine watches her onslaught. Having realized what she had said, he goes to her and embrace her in a tight hug."

"It's alright, there are time when you don't have to be an Elite. But I'm here now, I'm here now."

*Muffled* "First the Commander has disappear, then the Rear Admiral, also both of their crew. And when I heard you were missing as well, I couldn't take it, everyone I knew is leaving, and I here left behind."

From the counter, Melin finish reading the letter and a small smile appears on his face as he looks at the second document that were attached to it.

"Umm BdrLine, speaking of Yiski and the others, he left you a note."

BdrLine and Althea looks at each other confused, as they both walk towards the bar and receives the papers.

It reads:


If you find this letter, then Zill and I are long gone from the city. Don't worry about us or about Jun'ko or Lauren, they are also with us. In short we are on vacation, a long vacation. We may not come back to Anvala with the Council and all that. But don't worry about us, you know that we can fend for ourselves anyway. It doesn't means that we are gone forever, we have means to stay connected, and I'm sure you'll find a way to contact us as well, don't, let us enjoy our new found freedom for awhile. Also, since you are the only one I know who would be crazy enough to stay in this city, attached to this letter is the deed to the saloon, it is yours. But if I find out that anything has happen to the place, I will find you and strangle you as it still has meaning to me.

Anyways, Clear Skies,


As the two finish reading the note, they turn it over and sees the deed to the place. The five looks at the document in amazement as they couldn't believe that BdrLine has inherit the famed Saloon.

In a happy cheer, Niko goes over to congratulate his friend.

"Bdr, this is amazing. Besides your docks, you know have this place. So whats the first thing you are going to do?"

"How about a ittle vacation."

Everyone then turns to him and stares at him.

"A vacation, really, when you have a new place of business. Now I am wondering if you are sane."

"It's not like I'll be closing this place down, I'll have one of my mates, Tommy, Allen, or even John run this place while I'm gone. Won't have the same character without everyone, but this place has already gotten a name and will always have people coming in. Plus I think someone else needs a vacation as well."

He the eyes Althea, and soon the other guys follow his gaze towards her. She looks between the four of them and puts her hands up defensively.


"Althea, how long have you been training and working?"

"Since the Academy... and?"

"And that gives you enough sick days to go on an extended vacation *awkwardly* with me... if you want?"

She ponders for a moment as she looks to the ceiling and BdrLine waiting in anticipation.

"I don't think the Council will.... *BdrLine heart sinks at the start, ahe puts a finger up to stop him* mind if I'm gone for a few months, I mean I do deserve it."

His heart soars at the answer as he grabs her around her waist and spins her around. The others cheer for the both of them until something came across Niko's mind.

"How about the Council, they will still be around and imagine the laws they will implement afterwards."

"Elections for their seats won't happen for a long time, and I doubt they will give them up... wait a minute I just thought of something, Melin see if in the back there is a barrel of Wild Wind Ale, and Niko see if there is also an empty one of Anvalen Reserve No.3. We will do a swichiroo."

Confused, they are do as they are told and brought out the respective barrels. going to the WWA, BdrLine pops open the top and ask help to lift it and pour it into the empty Reserve. As he and Niko pour in the contents, Althea watches on still confused.

"Before anyone of you guys ask, there is a paragraph that states 'if anyone of the members can't preform their duty, they are to be removed from their position and elections will be held to replaced the member.' This here will be a 'gift' for their outstanding leadership from the previous days."

Ohh's can be heard as the two finishes filling the Reserve barrel and topping it off. Then they hail a courier to deliver the barrel to them with a note stating that the men were 'grateful' for them.

The night goes on as soon the saloon is filled with cheerful men after the hard fought battle. Soon in the morning, BdrLine writes out a note for Tommy, Allen, and John stating that he is going on a vacation and that they will watch over his docks and work the saloon. On board the Dawn Break, BdrLine and Althea waves out to Melin and Zankif as Gang raises the ship out of the docks, as he and the four other Yeshan mercenary ships leaves for Chang-ning.

On the main deck, BdrLine looks over the railing as he watches his second home fade from view. Even if the city may feel different coming back, Anvala will always standout to him even with his other misadventures that may soon to come.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2135 on: June 21, 2013, 10:37:39 am »
Shink is busy getting Not My Fault ready for a long voyage. Maybe a trip back to his Anglean village for some well needed R&R. He was a bit sad that he was leaving, but he felt that now was a good time. He says his goodbyes to those who remained (with as little property damage as possible), and heads out into the skies. as he is leaving, one of his engineers can be heard cussing loudly about the balloon. Shink hands over the helm, and goes to see what the problem was.

"What's going on over here?"

"the mixture is strange. don't know if it's danger- STOP DONT TOUCH THAT"

Shink was examining the balloon component that handles mixing the, and decided to try his hand at seeing what the problem could be. This mixture was so dangerous, that the slightest spark would make the whole thing go up in flames. Unfortunately, Shink had some static electricity built up in his body, and that is all the mixture needed. The balloon instantly erupted in flames, and in no time Not My Fault was in a nose dive. Shink had just enough time to hear the engineer say:

"This is why we don't let you repair things"

Not My Fault crashes into the terrain. There were no survivors.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2136 on: June 21, 2013, 10:48:16 am »
Days had pass since the failed invasion by the Baronies and nobody in Anvala knew where or how Yiski and Zill disappeared from the city.

Simply put, it was the easiest thing to do when you relocate the Gauntlet's defenses and have nobody watching the Western Gate. Lauren's skill with a squid made it easy for her to swing around to the gate without drawing attention and pick up Yiski. By the time the two had cleared the then empty Gauntlet, Zill and Jun'ko were waiting with his junker.

Now how Zill managed to slip away from the fleet was an entirely different matter and one which Zill never explained, much to Yiski's annoyance.

Eventually, Yiski and Zill followed through on their plans to take their girls to the beach. Initially, they went to the city of Talu along the Storm Islands. While the first two days were enjoyable, the next three days were miserable.

"Told you. There's a reason why it's called the Storm Coast."

"I know, but we're on the Storm Islands."

"You honestly think that makes a difference? Plus, the island just makes the entire area a coast, so I'm still right."


Once the storms did let up to allow for safe travelling, the four made their way to the city of Truth Lake.

--Weeks Later--

Eventually, Yiski and Zill went their separate paths to pursue a new angle on life.

Lauren and Yiski traveled all over the word (making sure to avoid the Guild and Baron held cities for obvious reasons) to visit cities which Yiski never got the chance to do since he's either been stuck on a ship or stuck in the saloon. Consequently, they couldn't stay in a given city for more than three or four days. Lauren and Yiski was wanted by Anvala for desertion and there was a hefty price for their return to Anvala.

Fortunately, whenever they were discovered, Lauren's ability to maneuver and pilot a squid made it next to impossible for any would-be bounty hunters to catch or keep up with her. Add the fact there's a mercury rifle on the back of the Kyllo and a legendary gunner, and soon bounty hunters would stop pursuing once they saw the rear of the squid... which was always.

Zill had taken a more proactive approach to life. Instead of actually relaxing and vacationing further, Zill became a privateer of sorts. The only ships which he would target would be Baron and Guild merchant vessels. Occasionally, Zill would target other factions, but avoid Yeshan ships like the plague. He knew he had good friends in Yeshan lands and would like to keep them.

--4 Months Later--

Zill's avoidance of targeting Yeshan merchant eventually led him near the northern Yeshan territories. The northern part of Yeshan lands were littered with canyons making it easy to get lost for many merchant vessels. The canyons along with the rolling clouds made it seem the canyon itself was alive and seem like the paths always changed. This made it the perfect hunting grounds for a pilot of Zill's caliber.

As a merchant pilot, Hampster the IV wrote in his journal,

I had a dream, more of a nightmare, where I was late for an important commitment. I wanted to take a shortcut that looked suspiciously like the Canyon map. As I approached the canyon entrance I get this premonition of danger, as if something terrifying and evil was lurking around the next bend. In spite of my tardiness I linger for a moment. I know Zill waits for me in the skies ahead. I know his gunners don't miss, I know his engineers will allow him to shrug off damage that would kill a lesser crew, and worst of all I know his tactical placement will be perfect.

Eventually the my fear of being late overwhelms my fear of Zill and his Merry Men. I push forward cautiously, my eyes searching for every ambush point, fixating every hint of the sharks I know lurk in this canyon. In spite of my diligence the first warning I get is the crack of cannonade smacking my balloon. Zill is on me, his guns tearing my ship to pieces. I try an wheel around to put up some sort of defense but Zill just dances to my blind side. I hit chute vent and throw my engines into full reverse, trying desperately to pass under Zill's guns and give my beleaguered engineers a break. My maneuver is for nothing, Zill is still on my blind spot, still shooting, and laughing at my feeble attempt to break contact. I feel like a bull in the final minutes of a bull fight. I lash out blindly trying to at least scratch my tormentors but every move I make is met by a masterfully executed counter. I feel my life blood leaking away but still thrash about violently hoping upon hope that one of these movements will catch Zill off guard.

I tell my self Zill is only human, he has to have a weakness, he has to mess up some time. This is a lie of course, Zill is a remorseless killing machine. Like a shark he is the apex predator of the medium in which he swims. He can smell weakness a mile away and has studied his prey to the point he knows how they will react before they do.

Death eventually embraces me and I am hovering over my shattered ship, Zill idly swims through the debris cloud, a casual flick of his tail swats aside a piece of wreckage. I look closer at this "wreckage" and realize it is one of my crew. His cold dead eyes stare into me as if he is asking "why did you lead us here?" and to that I have no answer.

Eventually, Zill's impressive capture and profiteering rate caught the eye of the Yeshan government who was willing to unofficially make Zill an official privateer for Yesha.

At first, Zill did not accept. Not because Zill rejected the offer, rather he mistook their military ships' approach to him as a sign the Yeshans did not want him. It took months before a fair Yeshan fleet could corner Zill and present him with the offer.

Zill's answer was simple: "Do you mind? I'm working."

--1 Year Later--

Jun'ko, Zill, or anybody else hadn't heard of any news regarding Yiski. Eventually, sightings of him were non-existent and his friends wondered whether he was still alive. This was especially true for Roland who wondered for the past couple of years whether he had lost another father. Luckily for him though, running the most popular saloon in Chang-ning didn't give him a lot of time to worry.

Years since his forced arrival in Chang-ning, Roland managed to use the money left by Yiski to open a large saloon and named it the Crimson Sky Saloon. The saloon was located in the always busy shopping district and was probably twice as big as the Burning Skies and had even more variety of drinks, except for the ones only Yiski could brew. Even Zill stopped by a few times to pick up the slack left behind by Yiski.

The lack of Hellfires didn't discourage Roland from attempting to learn the recipe himself though. Even after numerous failures and saloon evacuations, Roland still tried and still failed. Of course, it's not to say his failures were in vain. Each failed Hellfire brew turned into a new type of drink which always was a hit with his patrons.

After another failed attempted which filled his saloon with smoke and steam, Roland came out from the back and snapped his finger in disappointment. His wife, who worked alongside him, gave him an 'at least you tired' kiss on the cheek.

"I'm surprised we still have patrons given how often you fill it with smoke and steam."

"You get used to it and besides it gives us a lot more to drink!"

The patron, along with many others, raised their mugs and cheered. Ny-Lee and Roland smiled and cheered along with them.

"You know," *sipping on his failed brew* "I think I am getting closer. It is starting to get that kick."

"I'm sure you'll get it one day and I'm sure Yiski would be proud."

The thought caused a melancholy expression to wash over Roland's face. Knowing how much he missed Yiski, Ny-Lee hugged her husband tightly and getting 'awws' from the patrons. This caused Roland to laugh and Ny-Lee to stick her tongue out at the saloon.

During this exchange, Roland failed to notice a lone cloaked figure entering the Crimson Sky. The figure approached and managed to find a seat in the middle of the bar. The figure didn't bother Ny-Lee, Roland, or the patrons because this time of year, dust storms were active and it was commonplace to see a fair number of cloaked individuals. Roland approached the figure.

"Welcome friend. What can I get you?"

"A Hellfire would be nice."

Roland was surprised. Nobody in his saloon knew what a Hellfire was let alone have anyone ask for it by name. At first, Roland assumed it was Yiski, but a sudden realization came to Roland that Yiski didn't have a low, gravelly voice like this person did.

"I am sorry, but I have to ask. Are you from Anvala by chance?"


"Were you a patron of the Burning Skies?"

"Been years since I've heard that name. I walked in here because the name sounded familiar. Thought I get a taste of my former home. Now about that Hellfire."

"I am sorry to say that I never learned the recipe from my father."

"Well, he sounds like a shitty father."

The sudden insult angered Roland and was about to request the figure leave. However, Ny-Lee and the patrons preempted Roland with her drawing her sidearm at the figure along with a few patrons.

"Do not insult my father-in-law. He was a kind and caring and would think you know nothing about him."

The figure slowly got up from his seat with the guns rising with him. The figure turned to Roland and sighed.

"Now is this any way to treat a shitty father who forced you to live here for the past eight years?"


The Figure took down his hood to reveal an older and rugged Yiski with sand and dust packed into his hair. Roland stood in shock as Ny-Lee rushed in for a hug and immediately getting sand and dust on herself. Yiski smiled and gave a loud whistle which was Lauren cue to enter. She approached Roland with a wave and a smile. Ny-Lee then jumped off Yiski to hug Lauren who was also covered in sand and dust. Roland was still standing in shock.

"What? Don't tell me you thought I died."

"No, but how? I couldn't recognize your voice."

"Just flew in an hour ago. It would have been tomorrow, but Yiski here wanted me to power through three dust storms."

*clearing his throat* "Yeah, but you can't say it wasn't worth it." *coughing* "Now how about drink?"

Roland hands Lauren and Yiski glasses of water which the two down immediately. Yiski started speaking again with the tone Roland was accustomed to.

"Ah. Much better. Now how about I show you how to make a Hellfire?"

Roland nodded and the two headed for the back. Lauren shook her head catching a giggle from Ny-Lee.

"If it's not guns, then alcohol."

Lauren then was immediately pulled behind the bar where a very giddy Ny-Lee was staring at Lauren intently.

"What have you two been up to?! I want to hear!"

Lauren pulled her hands from under the cloak and started rubbing them. Ny-Lee looked at them and noticed a small band around one of Lauren's fingers. Ny-Lee's eyes went wide as she looked back to Lauren. Lauren smiled.

"Well, to start, Yiski and I got married..."



Well, cheers to the end of the most replied and most viewed thread on the forums. I would like to thank everyone who has supported and posted here for the last four months since the saloon's opening.

The Burning Skies will continue to live on (hopefully in Adventure Mode) or in the subsequent sequel thread.

To those who have kept up with all the posts, congratulations for staying with us and be happy (or sad) you have to read no more.

Thank you for reading and look forward to the sequel.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 10:03:09 am by RearAdmiralZill »