Can we come out and say what everyone is thinking but hasn't actually said?
I'm not thinking that.
Honestly I think I've been less frustrated with match maker then I was with the old match list. It isn't prefect, but it does a decent job for where its at. It is a bit different then I expected it to be..
I also certainly find a lot more games now then before. I can play a game in the time it use to take to find a game... So that alone is a nice change. and yes I have fun in most of the lobbies (from either system).
Maybe its cause I play mainly engi, and not pilot/gunner so I don't have to deal with a lot of things idk. I can see a lot of issues with match maker for pilots, and some for gunner that engi doesn't really need to deal with.. Maybe I am having better results then others and.. my luck will run out haha- or my standards to have fun are lower..
Also I feel all the people saying "I need a custom game to have a fun experienced lobby" .. Its always been that way really. It was rare to find an actually balanced high skill lobby with the match list. You had to plan for it and manually set it up to do it most of the time.
As for just fun lobbies (no experience required), idk that depends on you I guess. I can't decide whats fun for someone else.
Basically, I don't think match maker is a lot different to the match list, its a change sure but the outcome to me isn't much different. Regardless if I play with friends or random lobbies..
The biggest change is instead of picking a lobby I want, a lobby is picked for me.. but then I can always leave and try again if its really bad.. So I can still pick.. Sorta like the match list where I remember just jumping from game to game down the list, trying to find one that didn't suck.. Sometimes not finding one at all.. Though I've opted to leave once in maybe 20 games since the hotfix with match maker for a better lobby.
I am not trying to arguing your point of view/opinion btw, and I know a bunch of people who agree with you an that's fine, muse should be aware there are people who feel how you do.. So they can try to address everyone's issues/concerns and make things something most people are happy with.., but if we are just saying how we feel about it match maker currently "but didn't say it", then I can say to right? Even if it's a bit different..
Also I want to add.. I wasn't for match maker before - from the start when they said they wanted to do it, but when I decided to play again after a vacation, and learning they did it.. I decided to play with it, with an open mind and not be to judgmental about it.. and I think they proved it can be a good thing, imo.
I think it needs work in some areas, but they can't improve it instantly.. I hope in a month or two its improved and I hope match maker leads to more new people sticking around...
If it does make the community grow, then match maker will be their best update. If it doesn't then.. history will laugh at you muse.. maybe.. I really hope match maker is giving new players better and more experiences then the match list did.. If they stay we will have a lot more experienced people to play with in time..
Anyways that's enough opinion from me, I will put my suggestions for how to improve match maker in there own topics, as they come up if they don't already have one.. or maybe an email..
I wish I could just make short posts..