Author Topic: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online  (Read 1134190 times)

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1230 on: November 05, 2017, 02:52:42 pm »
A (woman, engineer to gunner): Don't come here with your inferior tools
B: Haaa, she said you have an inferior toooool! :D
Because I'm ten again

"Two mallets and a hull sounds like a great name for goio porn parody"

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1231 on: November 15, 2017, 03:12:52 pm »
Frostbound: I'm in a match where there's seven sub-lvl-10 people on the enemy team and only me on the other team and it's still underdog for them

Analus: true@story.bro

MightyKeb: your life is like spire, perpetually dying, but still not dead yet

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1232 on: November 20, 2017, 12:32:22 pm »
Huskarr: so any ship wishes?
Huskarr: I can also suck at other ships

Kestril: we all suck at lj until one fateful day
Kestril: when we hit a moonshining squid at 2k
Kestril: only then we are good at lj

*RandomName*: if you have querocen use it

Offline Aethelfrith

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1233 on: December 01, 2017, 10:30:09 pm »
"Mmmmmm, pop that s*** for RED!"

-An inebriated Guns Maxwell on the potential use of engineer stamina to rebuild things faster

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1234 on: January 03, 2018, 11:10:39 am »
*random lvl 40*: why did this ship suddenly get stacked?
Frostbound: you are lvl 40, you are not part of the stack

Frostbound: we dont make mistakes, we just have happy accidents. I wish I was a happy accident
Aayra: oh Im sure you were
Frostbound: no, Im not happy

MightyKeb: sorry I got cornered

JoneKone: if you turn the ship while everybody is shooting we cant hit anything
JoneKone: my 8 year ols don understands that
JoneKone: who btw was the captain of the other ship

JoneKone: Pyry speaks only finnish and bad english
Analus: *simplified english (US)

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1235 on: February 25, 2018, 02:09:22 pm »
MightyKeb: Frost you are gonna be gunner
Frostbound: I love memes

Frostbound: did you see that sick play when we spawned next to you
Frostbound: very skillful use of game mechanics

Urz: kill me irl pls
LefterisT: stay and suffer life like a normal person

Aayra: are you high, Keb?
MightyKeb: no this is my normal self

I need to protecc mlady. Tips fedora
Aayra: yeah literally white knight gunner - attacc and prottecc

Delorum: Wtf Huskarr I told you to bring double spanner and dual wield
Huskarr: but Im holding it with both hands so I can hit harder

AbbyTheRat: Rydr is one of the most highly skilled clan in game
Delorum: *suicides with a merc squid into terrain*

Skrimskraw to Strakha: Well hello, welcome to the clan, I am your clan leader, I am never here. And right now im on my alt account, because i got banned.

Loken Moon: can we change our pilot? We are suffering from autism
Stygimoloch: here, have a fidget spinner

OverlordGlaucus: I SEE YOUR LVL

Jewsername: bazinga
Frostbound: zimbabwe
Frostbound: sorry Im drunk

Aayra: someBODY
SapphireGold: once
Frostbound: Sapph spamming month old memes
Frostbound: Dissapoint.

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1236 on: April 01, 2018, 11:43:03 am »
*****NSFW warning******

Skrimskraw: I just dont get how 2 ships are attacking pyramidion and it doesnt die
Skrimskraw: what is our ally?
Skrimskraw: ............THE FUCK IS A MAGNATE??!!

MightyKeb: swipe me on tinder
Frostbound: Any boys on Omegle with the tag „crossdressing“?
MightyKeb: I want your index finger running sensually through your greasy iphone screen
Skrimskraw: looking for young grill must be dtf
RethBurn: find me on chatroulette

Skrimskraw: jack me off with a cheese grater
Frostbound: Im reporting this entire lobby

Captain Squarepants: you guys clearly need to speak to the Lord Jesus Christ, ive actually got some bibles if you would like
Skrimskraw: this is a protestant game, please take your jesus back to Israel

SapphireGold: /Cum
SapphireGold: *everyone cums*
Skrimskraw: are you okay sapphire?
Skrimskraw: like in real life
SapphireGold: /pleasehelpmeihavecancer

RethBurn: *notices bulge* OwO
RethBurn: I look at your face and smile, a bulge signifying confidence grows in my pants
Captain Thiele: fuck this lag


Aayra: P spawns a catgirl next to you to suck your dick
Aayra: try it
SapphireGold: p
SapphireGold: didnt work
MightyKeb: you need to be a CA
Frostbound: hello this is ca

SapphireGold: ok i have a deal for you mr ca
SapphireGold: ill let you block me
SapphireGold: if I can eat your ass
SapphireGold: was I too direct?
Skrimskraw: please leave
SapphireGold: shudup skræmsav

Aayra: report me daddy
SapphireGold: /report
Aayra: /arewedatingnow
SapphireGold: /yes
Aayra: /nice
SapphireGold: /press f for marry
Aayra: /f
SapphireGold: /very nice

Offline Fynx

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1237 on: April 27, 2018, 09:13:09 pm »
Huh, I'll share some old ones since I found them stashed in a file.

Aayra: Congratulations about the 12000 games Lue. And condolences to every single other aspect of your life.

Dementio: Your name is making my mumble crumble.

Ayetach: They swag and we potate.

Fynx: I ran out of cookies.
Tanya: I can help you!
Fynx: No you can't. You're too far away.
Tanya: Lets make it a guided cookie synthesis.

Lvl 7 minofish against a lvl 13 brawling junker.
Minofish wins.

Lvl 13 pilot: Now I hate pushcannons with a passion
Areus: Annoyance launcher 1, junker 0

Two pilots disconnected, crews request a pause.
Lueosi: We don't pause for these guys. They insulted my mother.

Castus Crios: I think it's an enemy junker there, spot it.
Castus Crios: Yeah.
Castus Crios: "Junker"
Castus Crios: Aptly named.

Lueosi: I need to pee. That's a good sign guys. I always need to pee before a good match.

Daniel: HELLO! How do you feel this BEAUTIFUL... SUNNY... night...?

Waiting endlessly for the match to start...
Lueosi: Christmas is at 24th of December.
Lueosi: Any wishes?
Fynx: I'd like a pony
Dementio: Death to humanity
Silent Marauder: Catgirl harem

corpsehatch: I'm a designated rydr punch bag.

Fynx: Who wants the hades?
Fynx: First one to take...
Indomitus: not me
corpsehatch: not me
Fynx: Seriously, you're awful
Indomitus: fine
corpsehatch: fine, I'll take it
Fynx: Akagin hades

Fynx: I need to pee.
Extirminator: Do you live in a house or a flat?
Fynx: In a house.
Extirminator: Use the window.
Fynx: But it's too far away.
Extirminator: Put lesmok in it.

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1238 on: June 24, 2018, 03:17:44 pm »
MightyKeb: So does any of you sometimes have these goio shower thoughts?

MightyKeb: Talk to me again, when you have a photo of a girl next to your dick
MightyKeb: I accept the pthotoshop too because, you know...

RethBurn: what is you favourite ocarina
Lockheart: eeeehm... the blue one.....or......the one of time

Corsair is like playing doomfist in overwatch. Someone gets next to the wall and you instakill them.
And then you do rising hydrogen.

MightyKeb: he protecc
MightyKeb: he attacc
MightyKeb: but most importantly
MightyKeb: he stacc

Frostbound: I dont have to play with low levels if I dont want to. Nothing says I have to. I can play with my friends too.
Aayra: are you saying we are your friends?
Frostbound: no fuck you. It was hypotethical. If I had friends, I would play with them.

Extirminator: if ryders get 2000 thumbs up we kick Daniel from the clan

*...canyons, silence, looking for enemy ships...*

TyberiusTheThird: *about lens array* First thing that came into my mind on this guns the word „gayray“. It tickles the balls of enemy ships until it gets too uncomfortable

Aayra: JOIN
Aayra: ME
Aayra: DADDY
Appetite Ruining Kebab: i will join on my own time
Appetite Ruining Kebab: which is right now

Frostbound: I would like to inform you, I am playing from the bed
MightyKeb: that feeling when you dont have a girlfriend, so you play goio in bed
Frostbound: goio is my girlfriend

Aayra: Daniel are you still hiccuping?
Dementio: it wont go away until the SCS is over...
MightyKeb: Just imagine something that scares you. Like mine mobula.

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1239 on: September 05, 2018, 05:37:35 pm »
Frostbound: every time someone makes a Marco Polo joke in this game, a puppy dies and a noob loads burst into gatling.

SapphireGold: Isla is 2/3 of an island

Corpsehatch: wow ryders are actually friends

Extirminator: ok guys Im gonna use the mosturizer on my face now hold up
*fading sounds while he leaves the pc*
Extirminator: ...Im not gay!!!

Kira Wa Nai (to me and Frostbound): like you know there are some people with very tryhard attitude to life. Like me.
And you two are just like eh whatever and dick jokes.

Offline GurasOguras

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1240 on: September 07, 2018, 08:36:10 am »
Aayra: How can people have fire tool on second (slot), I don't understand that.
Mighty Keb: They're like the GoIo definition of left handed.

MightyKeb: I'm going to switch channel and tell Frost and Aayra that I love them before I leave.
*switches channel*
MightyKeb: Hey Frost, Aayra...
MightyKeb: Fuck you!

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1241 on: September 07, 2018, 03:34:59 pm »
Delorum: Sundstrom is the only one I like to pilot with
Frostbound: Why? Is he the only pilot that can carry you?

Aayra (on judgement): Im just following you around watching you buff the whole ship alone. Im the moral support. Share some pain with me.
Frostbound: Im about to share some pain with you if you dont get back to the bottom deck now! GET OFF MY DECK, SLUT!

Kira Wa Nai: If you cant handle me at my magnate, you dont deserve me at my corsair

GurasOguras: *playing agains Spuds double banshee-carro junker*  all we need to do is doubletank the balloon...
....ok all we need to do is tripletank the balloon...Kira come top deck

Offline Tychon

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1242 on: September 28, 2018, 01:27:11 am »
Right i have one junker 5 harpoons and lochnigar. guess who's going whaling.

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1243 on: July 18, 2019, 04:03:50 pm »
*Kira trying to get the SCS team together*
Kira: oh my god how many dicks do I have to suck to get this team going?!

Kira: I will probably crawl back to bed
Aayra: why tho
Kira: I have a terrible russian accent so after my prayers to become thicc i became sicc instead

D.lo-res: Dio teach me how to pilot
Dionalli: why the hell would you think I know

SlyCrossFox: New York used to be New Amsterdam
Frostbound: *in a very sensual voice* did somebody say........Hamsterdam?

Frostbite: what is the CA?
Lore de Spades: come.asshole!

SlyCrossfox: This is my kind of coaching. Just suck harder!

Dolly: I love all of you!
SlyCrossFox: See this is the problem, there is too much love going around here
Dolly: Shut the fuck up.

freedom-man: what is a sundstrom
Kira: an alpaca

Aayra: I need to cook my food before we start drinking because when Im cooking drunk I always make a huge mess in the kitchen
Kira: because YOU are the huge mess in the kitchen

Kira: Pause please Guras is googling what yeet means

*silence for like 5 minutes, loading screen of graveyard rumble*
Analus: mmmmmmmm, skyball.......

Frostbound: Kira go to nearest Lidl and buy a mic

Kira: imma fry a schnitzel real quick

Frostbound: ah time for sniping, where is my alcohol

MightyKeb: Oh hey Kira I see that since the last time we spoke you switched from normal mic to german radio receiver from the 50s

Frostbound: Kira why havent you played Papers, please?
Kira:  no I have PTSD. I had to deal with eastern european bureaucracy enough
Frostbound: Aayra, did you play Papers, please?
Aayra: no one time I had to get my health insurance done for Denmark, I have PTSD too

WATERitsME: well this is  a dream team, one of us cant see, ally is metally challenged and the rest of us are drunk.

Frostbound: Chad detonator vs virgin hwaka

*to lobby with Pony´s Tears in it*
Frostbound: we would like to recruit that small horse from your team as our captain

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1244 on: October 13, 2019, 04:16:43 pm »
Aayra: how can you be bad at being a whore
Lore de Spades: I have standards

Aayra: Huskarr get bigger hands!

Ryansilky: Frost please swap, Im not a good captain
Frostbound: Stay
Frostbound: *sprays water*

Alien: remember the last match in Aerodrome  when they mirrored our builds and Daniels build was completely stupid?

Aayra: sorry if you are religious or something...?
Lore Do Spades: Pffft my dude fuck that hail Satan!

Ally captain: could you please give us one kill??
Aayra: *to crew*guys dont shoot, shoot only for disable
Frostbound: *fucking destroys the enemy with buffed loch detonator*

Frostbound: Did you know that the person getting detonated is called a detonant?
Tuxfanturnip: arent they the detonee
Frostbound: no detonee is the person using the detonator

Analus: CS: GOIO

Frostbound: it is the rule of iron fork.
Frostbound: team with most cakes lose the match.

Frostbound: Lobby: we want Canyons!
Frostbound: Zennoch: we have canyons at home
Frostbound: Canyons at home: *Alleron Affray*

Aayra: if you com here, Red can whisper in your ear
Blackhand: SOLD

Hungover Engie: Did you use that dc´d pyra as bait?
Analus: sorta
Hungover Engie: You sorta fuckers
Analus: language
Hungover Engie: Pardon
Hungover Engie: You sorta fornicators

FabianOZ: it is all fun and games until the clouds start speaking vietnamese

Analus: Brawling in my scrim, these wounds they will not heal

Bob on squid: technically this is a long range fight, the galleon is long range and they are the mothership. We are just a drone.