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Messages - Skrimskraw

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The Signal Tower / Re: redria7 streaming goio!
« on: December 11, 2015, 11:04:11 am »
if you wanna help redria, then spread his link out when he is streaming. only way to support ;)

General Discussion / Re: New ships
« on: December 10, 2015, 04:50:17 am »
i want 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1 where everyone individually pilots a training dummy and will have to pilot, repair and gun alone.

General Discussion / Re: Gush
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:56:32 am »
thank God for Vet lobbies

General Discussion / Re: Gush
« on: November 30, 2015, 05:15:31 am »
There is a difference between being new and willing to learn and being a crap player.

If you are new and willing to learn, then veterans will teach and give you advice.
If you are a crap player, no one will help you.

What is a bad player?
A bad player in this instance is a player who joins a multiplayer cooporative game and refuses to do teamwork. He will insist on taking certain roles and not listen to any advice. It is normal for other players to shun such behaviour because it is ruining their own experience in playing the game.

and example is left4dead. You want to play on the hardest difficulty with a few of your pals, but you need 1 more player. some guy joins and you greet him and start the game. the new guy proceeds to go off on his own, disregard all Things connected to team Work and repeatedly die. this isnt fun for the 3 other players and therefore they will not play with the new guy again.

General Discussion / Re: Dumb Pub Stuff
« on: November 29, 2015, 07:34:24 am »
must have been a challenge to beat a team thats missing 4 players.

The Lounge / Re: The game you mostly play
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:16:31 am »
People complain in fallout 4 that they are confined to one specific role, the concerned parent.

But you are also confined to one specific role in the witcher 3, Geralt the stoic Witcher.

I don't think that either of the game deserve the praise they are getting, and are not material for game of the year. (who cares about game of the year anyway)

The major problems about fallout 4 is pretty obvious, bad performances, the perk system, the conversation wheel etc. etc.
Its obviously a console port only deserving at maximum 7/10 until thats fixed.

The major problems about witcher 3 is the combat system, its basicly just dodge, hit, dodge hit etc. People say it gets repetitive very fast and it isn't that great to begin with. Witcher 3 also suffers from many bugs and repetitive sidequest stepping which has become a "quality" stamp in many rpg's these days.

But in the end its what people personally like playing. People playing fallout 4 on a console might have a better experience than I have, aswell as people who enjoy open world with immersive backstory to the world enjoys the witcher.

Me personally I like immersive backstory, but I don't really enjoy open world. Fallout New vegas had a good lenght and open area for me, but both witcher 3 and fallout 4 seem to be just to large. I mostly enjoy a story that follows a certain rail, but changes depending on what choices I have made, like dragon age origins did. And i Know dragon age origins isn't considered the best, but back then it was pretty amazing and new how things changed depending on your choices.
Everytime I see a game with a main quest and 600 different sidetracks I actually get scared away because I don't know if I will ever finish it.

From what I heard the best roleplaying game this year is Undertale so im gonna check that out at some point.

I just want to go back to Game of the Year award. If you have any respect for video gaming you should stop caring about this award.
Just like any award the title released closer to the award date are more likely to receive it, and release problems such as bugs etc. aren't counted as negatives.
It's what the big developers want, you to not give a fuck about the bugs or bad controls.

The Lounge / Re: The game you mostly play
« on: November 18, 2015, 02:06:49 pm »
we all know you only like life and alcohol for the graphics skrim ;)

Hahahahahaha. Yet another moment I detest myself for not saving link for the image of a lemon being squized on the burn.

then you would probaly be able to decipher what the hell keb just wrote.
read the sentence 10 times, still doesnt make sense.

The Lounge / Re: The game you mostly play
« on: November 18, 2015, 01:33:21 pm »
my game is better than yours

Community Events / Re: An SCS idea.
« on: November 12, 2015, 10:16:48 am »
so what you are saying is that small teams need motivation to play, basicly handing out a handicap and making competitive casual?
I dont know how that would work since competitive is the opposite of casual.
honestly if you want to play on a team in competitive isn't that enough motivation?

your best bet is the stickied thread for clans to team up, but even then I'm almost 100% sure that no one will use it, since this is normally done through player on player interaction on steam.

Lets just face it, the competitive scene is slowly fading, and there are no competitive players who wants to get in on it.
All the veterans have burned out or are burning out at the moment, they wont come back and even if they do it wont be for long anyway.
They are still around sure, but they dont participate.
Making it all casual and helpful to new teams isn't the solution, but rather the death of competitive
Teams should be expected to give their best and practice hard to be able to compete and not just be handed a handicap where they can feel secure and have fun in a casual enviroment.

I'm not saying that your suggestion will not work, maybe it will attract new teams and players to try it out, but it would effectively be the death of competitive, due to the lack of actual competitive spirit.

the playersbase isn't big enough to divide into skilled and unskilled, thats the main problem. You could easily have some event that allowed random players to play an scs like event and let that be the kickstart for them to enter competitive play, by either joining or creating a team.
For this to work you would need the following: organizers, streamers, casters and most of all players.
goio supports around 150 online on average during the day, could you inform them all about this and make them participate? I don't believe because nothing have worked since day one of goio's release.
Competitive have always been scheduled through the forum, and new players do not use the forum. This is why no new players join competitive unless they are recruited ingame.

I can guarantee you, that if you put in effort to try and get new players/teams into competitive you will be wasting your time. If they want to compete they will seek it themselves like any other team has done.

Community Events / Re: An SCS idea.
« on: November 11, 2015, 05:39:51 pm »
I'm surprised there's no organized thread for pair up requests, you can make that right now if you wish considering you dont need any sort of authority to ask around for teams. The only problem I can see is that us forum geeks aren't the majority of current GOIO population and you'd need to reach out to people who are looking to form teams and make them aware that a forum exists for this game, be it advertising etc.

make one. have a mod sticky it and then its done ;) no need to burden scs with it.

Community Events / Re: An SCS idea.
« on: November 11, 2015, 01:39:30 pm »
why would  a team/Clan signup for something if they cannot play together?

Why subject your own team to mixed teams if you can fill 2 boats yourself.

and more to the point

how hard is it for a team with 4 players to contact another team with 4 players and make a mixed team for scs.- I honestly dont get how hard this can be? a leader or organizer should be fully capable of putting Work into his own team, rather than having 8 player teams forced to split up into mixed teams.

also i dont see your point in how this would affect the current decline in event participation.

specially when the current belief is that the cause of this is:
the age of goio
the constant player retention after ever sale (this goes for most multiplayer games these days)
new teams believing that they can be competitive without giving an effort. - 8 players per team, they dont practice and they split up because they got 5-0'ed to a team that actually is a competitive team.

furthermore the amount of Work that the organizers have to put into this is immensely larger than anyone seem to believe. Any event organizer in goio knows how much time you have to put into this.
ranging from  organization to being in contact with various parties to making it run.
Just the notion of them also having to team different ships up with eachother and dealing with the blowback from people WHO dont like flying with eachother. - and if the teams themselves have to mix up, then good luck they Arent gonna bother trying to find someone to teamup with ;)

Thomas is currently working on something for mixed teams, i´d give that a go before changing scs into this.

The Lounge / Re: Anime Discussions?
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:16:46 pm »
baited :)

I think the general idea was to make teams interested in participating, but it didnt change anything so I guess its not working.

I backed, but after a while I just decided to see it as a donation to muse, I no longer have any expectations for what is being made, but in a sense you could say you were lied to, but bubbles is willing to refund you if you dont like the changes that was made.

personally I feel like Coop and adventure have gotten too much attention, skirmish is good, was good for a long while, but now its boring after 1000+ hours. sure someone can claim they can get more then 1000 hours out of the game, but not me i need a lot more content added for it to be interesting Again. Adding 2v2 versions of 3v3 maps for me is not a "new" map or "new" content, and the lack of new ship since mobula years ago is not either. The new weapons have been interesting but somewhat useless or not enough to break game balance.

Dont get me wrong, goio is a fucking good game, one of the best I have played and I will tell any new player to try it, but for me Im just tired of the same ships, same guns etc. maybe I will come back for Coop and hopefully it will have double the current content.


Skrimskraw - To be honest doing silly stuff with you was fun, but talking about sexual intercourses with Guras' sister was filling me with so much anger that I wished nothing but for you to be at the other end of the Hwacha. Thanks for being that target, teached me how to disable ships properly with as little effort as possible using liongun. No hard feelings!

Always nice to be hardcore dissed on the forums, I dont even know you and dont think we have been talking a word to eachother at any point? As for Guras sister, i dont think I have ever insinuated that I wanted to have intercourse with her, but as a friend of guras and per clan fun I have made a joke or two about his sister, just as he has made a joke or two about my girlfriend. So I dont even know where you got that from, since you and I never talk?

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