Welcome Airship Captains and Crew, to the Spring Update!We have lot of new cosmetic options, balance changes, and more!Cosmetics:Crusader armor is now paintable instead of its balloon. Paint responsibly.
DyesSpring is in the air! And with it, some lovely Pastel colors that will be given out via events and quests.
DecalsMany new workshop decals. 12 new decals from Broken Hammer Games, 6 of which are full color.
BadgesNew badges for Sunday Community Skirmish for their 300th event! Two badges for Chaos (distribution to be determined by Chaos staff)! One badge for Crewcible!

FigureheadNew Iron Skull figurehead! Terrify your enemies or keep your crew in line.
Profile PicturesOne new Profile Picture:
Gem in the Rough. A lovely emerald Junker. Player submitted. Want to see more? Submit your own!
New VoicepackKestril’s over the top classic stereotype Pirate voice added! Be a scourge of the skies, matey!
And More!- Most costumes can now be used by any class. They must still be earned through class progression.
- The Workshop is now accepting colored decals.
- Wall Rose - An alternate armed version of Wall Maria that dislikes anyone being near it. Two large force guns will hammer any ship that gets too close. First use will be on the modified Scars of Lutessa map (see below). Image shows the new, more hefty wall model.
- Wall Maria - added end caps and more bracing, adjusted collision hitboxes, and added an internal device to discourage trying to ram through the wall. Damage taken reduced. Walls will be harder to kill now
- AI Emplacement tool adjusted. This is the tool used exclusively by AA turrets and walls. It will now put out fires and repair at a rate similar to the failsafe
- Boss Hades changed from chain to cluster Hades. Less dangerous mid to long range, more dangerous close range
- AI enemy extinguisher changed to prevent fire locking
- Adjusted Anglean Frigate mass and movement.
- Small adjustment to Anglean Corvette hitboxes.
- Duel at Dawn expanded 500 meters to a 4x4 grid from a 3x3 grid and new map image added. Wind removed and spawns moved further away from each other
- Crew AI have increased accuracy on guns
- Scars of Lutessa changed from Intercept to Assault with some trial changes. Players now start in the opposite corner and travel to the dam. This Assault will have AA turrets and Walls that block the path to the next base. This is a very challenging map. We will tune this map with live feedback.
- Shrike hitboxes changed to better fit the model
- PvE: Armor kit lasts until destroyed. Does not degrade noticeably over time
Fixes:- Clarified Tempest missile description
- 3v3 added to Misty Mutiny
- Adjusted Squid decal position, size, and rotation for better viewability
- Loading image and map for Batcave Returns cave map concept testbed
- Fixed misplaced flag on Valentine Crusader theme
- Fixed Embr theme axe misplacement on Spire and Pyramidion
- Fixed overlapping/misplaced lanterns/banners on Royal theme on several ships
- Adjusted ladders on all ships with reported consistent problems. Please report any other ladder issues.
Community:Want to contribute? We have a few ways to make that happen!
- Submit images for profile pictures. This can be done via Discord, forum, or email.
- Try out the workshop. Submit decals, hats, goggles, and voicepacks for vetting.
- Check out Discord to contribute to two new community projects, a ship theme and a new map.