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Messages - treseritops

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Fix the Squid
« on: October 18, 2013, 02:44:04 pm »
The squid is supposed to be harder to fly though. If you want to fly an easier version of the squid then use a goldfish. It'll do more damage, has more hull but is still pretty quick and agile.

The squid is a gambling ship. The right captain calls the right shots and will absolutely control the match. The less experienced will get it right about half the time, and got shot down. The new captains will probably suffer a miserable fate.

Plus, I think having to use kerosene is perfect because it means your engineers have to be working hard as well. On a pyra there are times where two or three of the crew are standing still kind of waiting for the engagement. On a squid I run like a crazy person for the entire match, and that usually equates to a win.

The squid is *really* hard to use, but it's invincible, literally invincible in the right hands.

This could probably just repurpose the "C" button for in lobby. Captain chat in game, crew chat in the lobby?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Please, Remove Profle's Leave Count
« on: October 16, 2013, 12:06:18 am »
For what it's worth it seems like the leave count is doing its job, even in your case.

It tells us either you rage quit, have a weird internet connection, get bored, or anything.

Does that really matter and is it fair to you? Yes and no. :/ If you were on my ship and you said that there was a 50/50 chance you randomly disconnect (even if you're making it back in most of the time) I'm definitely not going to want you as the main engi or on hull. In that sense the leave count has done its job, it just isn't necessarily fair to you as a gamer. I think overall it is more fair to the crew.

Gameplay / Re: The Mobula
« on: October 13, 2013, 11:29:38 am »
I've played against the two mobula metas (2 arts on outside and either two gats below+mortar or gat/flak on bottom+merc up top).

The really wouldn't say there's any Mobula meta at the moment, and if there is I'll be damned if it has a merc on top.

It's not as textbook of a meta as the gat/mortar meta on a pyra or junker but it seems to be the most common of successful mobulas (mobuli?).

As for the merc that's Romankar's mobula. I included that because it was maybe the first real mobula load out that worked so well. It doesn't seem as popular now but for a month or so that was one of the primary ways of loading a mobula for long range.

Gameplay / Re: The Mobula
« on: October 12, 2013, 08:40:17 pm »
The mobula is anything but broken. It's a fantastic high skill/high reward ship. Right now the squid and mobula are *perfect*.

I've played against the two mobula metas (2 arts on outside and either two gats below+mortar or gat/flak on bottom+merc up top). You can't get anywhere near it without it taking out your guns, and if it has the merc some of your health will be gone as well.

In stark contrast I've flown the exact same load outs and had nowhere near the amount of success. There is a feel you need to get, I would miss a few calls here and there (should have stayed further back, should have gone for the _____ instead of the _____ ship) but that's why it was only "okay" for me.

Same goes for squid (although that's unrelated). You can put the same load out but the real strength in the ship is the gut of the captain.

Gameplay / Re: The Spire.
« on: October 11, 2013, 12:53:26 am »
I purposefully kept this separate so that I didn't write a whole essay but the focus of the spire's cannon needs to be on piercing. The lousy arcs and limited amount of loadout choices dictate the way a spire can behave.

If we change anything it needs to be focused on bringing the engagement time to a shorter end. Down to killing in 15 seconds or less. Double gatling gun, or change the arc of the gun mounts so that a hades can double up, that's all up for debate but at least we have a benchmark.

Gameplay / Re: The Spire.
« on: October 11, 2013, 12:49:26 am »
So the math suggestion got buried and I'm just now getting around to crunching for everyone's reference. Please feel free to make corrections as needed.

Spire hull armor- 500/10dmg=50 shots of gatling. 50/5shots per second=10seconds to take down armor.

hull health- 750/90dmg=9 shots of mortar. 9/1.82shots per second=5sec to finish off the hull. (not sure about the primary and secondary damage and how to count it).

Point is under ideal conditions the spire needs to kill a ship in under 15 seconds.

The two most common and most difficult ships for a Spire to kill would be Pyra (everyone flies it) and Goldfish which has the most total hull of a commonly flown ship (1500).

It takes a Spire 8 seconds to take out a goldfishes armor. (400/10=40/5=8sec) and then another 7-8 to bring the hull down. (1100/90=13/1.82=7.14sec)

For pyra it gets messy. It take 65 shots to take down the hull armor. That's a minimum of the full 12sec of the magazine, a 4-5sec reload, and then one more sec of firing for a grand total of 17secs. Add in the 4.4secs to bring the hull down and you get a whopping 21.4 seconds to kill a pyra vs the 15 to kill a spire. The spire has been dead for 2seconds before it can even get the hull down on a pyra.

All these numbers assume no gunner misses a shot, and no engineer repairs but its better for crunching.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Please Make Gunners Useful
« on: October 10, 2013, 01:10:18 pm »
I don't play this game to run around and hit stuff with hammers and wrenches and watch little bars go up.

...I want a leg to stand on when I say I won't be the third engineer on a crew, I'm gonna be the one putting holes in the enemies hulls and balloons.

First off that's just selfish play. Sure, I'm not always in the mood to be main engineer but I'm *always* in the mood to be a team player and if that means playing a few matches as main engineer I'm glad to be part of a team and contribute something pretty meaningful.

Secondly, not trying to be condescending but you're a level one captain. You're relatively new to the game. You have to realize that bringing an extra two ammo types so that you can get an extra 10% dmg, or whatever buff it has is nowhere near worth the disaster of when you're gun goes down, or catches fire and you have to stand there waiting for an engineer to put your gun out.

The extra ammo types you bring as a gunner offer a marginal increase in efficiency in "putting holes in the enemy" in relation to the significant increase in flexibility you have as a gungineer.

Honestly you just need to captain more and actually try engineering. You can't have a grasp on ship dynamics or comment on how important it is that you shoot when you haven't spent any time learning about the other roles.

Gameplay / Re: The Spire.
« on: October 09, 2013, 08:21:22 pm »
I know it's math but I think a great way to approach this would be the average time it takes to kill a spire, and the average time it would take for a spire to kill a ship (assume best possible loadout).

I haven't unlocked any of the medium weapons (I think?) and I'm missing most of the ship stats (especially Spire) but that could be an easy way to decide what would be "OP". If it only takes an average of 15sec to kill a Spire (Pyra does it in 13, squid in 18, etc.) than we need to equip a Spire to kill an average ship in 15sec.

That way the game changing factors are piloting, ammo types, and engineer loadout. Which I think we can agree is how it should be!

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship feature/point: Toolbox
« on: October 08, 2013, 10:16:50 pm »
I think that having to leave is part of the balance unfortunately.

However, perhaps there could be a tool cooldown? You drop your buff and pick up an ext. and can't use it for ____sec. That way you don't have to abandon match, can still swap you loadout in the same amount of time, and it doesn't encourage engineers/gunners to carry every piece of equipment.

Gameplay / Re: The Spire.
« on: October 08, 2013, 12:46:18 am »
I think the things that separate the Spire and that are helping/hurting it are that it is the medium gun glass cannon (as opposed to the light gun mobula), and it is the forward facing long range (as opposed to the side facing galleon). It also turns quickly (swiveling) as opposed to the galleon.

The spire is just a fairly specific tool. I think it's great for long range where if you need to back up or get out you can without having to lose arc. Less guns than galleon for better *choice* of maneuverability. Not necessarily better, but at least gives you the choice.

It can be great for fighting a squid because it can turn easily if a squid pulls a fly-by.

I think the spire with the flak buff is getting there. Honestly I believe some douche talented captain will "figure out" the spire and start destroying us similar to how the squid has suddenly come into its own. They'll need a teammate probably but they'll be dangerous nonetheless.

General Discussion / Re: Business ADvice
« on: October 05, 2013, 09:51:56 pm »
Don't get me wrong, I love Muse, I think the work they do on this game is *incredible*.

But... do you really think a small match-style game like this has much in common with a game produced by a massive company like Blizzard? Do you think they don't update often or work around the clock because they are lazy or don't realize it's possible?

On top of that, what do you and I know about video game development to even judge whether or not Muse or Blizzard truly does a good job with its resources? I'm sure there is some neckbeard somewhere that has used unity before and would tell us all about if Muse had just done _____ that everything would be all peachy or some ridiculous notion.

Gameplay / Re: Chem Spray needs a buff
« on: October 03, 2013, 01:05:05 pm »
It should have a longer repair cooldown if the effect is increased. 30 sec for a 9 sec cooldown maybe?

That technically makes chem spray worse (or at least those numbers). 30/9= ~3secs of buff/sec of cooldown vs. 20/5= 4sec buff/sec of cooldown.

The underlying problem is that the time it takes to use chem spray (not repairing the hull/component) negates its usefullness. I truthfully don't know the math for fire damage but the idea is that at some point chem spray *is* useful (let's assume the hull was about to absorb like 20 stacks of fire and that does more than 250dmg/5sec) but while I don't know the exact number I'm sure the number is at least 10+.

Gameplay / Re: GUNS and GUN SKILLS Balance v1.3.2
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:47:30 am »
The problem really becomes when there is no foreseeable counter to them. (excluding more carronades)

I spent all night trying different set-ups (a lumberjack/merc/artemis spire seemed the best, followed by a regular mobula build) and in the end it never mattered. Team with the most carronades wins. I'm not truly convinced of the carronade having a poor downward arc because there was never a time that we could simply get underneath or try anything fancy. This is especially foolish if you consider that should you fail in not being low enough you have only placed yourself closer to the ground.

It really is the new mercury. We would have Puppy Fur (lvl 10 squid) and literally any captain (level 2-3, new players) beating two level 4-6 captains 5-0. Maybe 5-2 if we had a particularly good set-up/teamwork/spawns.  I started to wonder whether or not Puppy could beat us 2-1, honestly.

It does take a good amount of skill to use a squid like that, or to keep the carronades on target in a pyra, but it's almost an identical amount of skill to using the mercury cannon pre-nerf. 

The Pit / Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« on: October 01, 2013, 09:40:37 pm »

And I'm not going to call myself any sort of saint, but I'm definitely not the only one that can end up being very hostile to players that do other things than instructed by me as a pilot. Even as a crew member I've had fallouts with players that were not following captain's orders or captains that were consistently making bad decisions or ignored some very important calls from their crewmembers.

But I still do not feel that the game in structure is welcoming to new players.

Behavior you just described is one of the chief problems in the structure that is "not welcoming to new players".

The fact that players feel like it is appropriate or justified in being "very hostile" to other people at any point is truly asinine. Treating another person differently based on their skill level, or style or play is unacceptable. Consistently making bad decisions?  Next time imagine if you were actually in a room with this person playing a board game perhaps, or a game of soccer/football. Even if they were making poor decisions based on their skill, or just less interested in the game at hand it wouldn't give you the right to be rude or have a "fallout". Find another lobby, make sure you are playing strictly with friends, or ask the player to join a more casual lobby. 

God forbid every new player doesn't buy the game with a $300 mouse and gaming computer looking to memorize the metas, reach tournament level and become a professional GOIO player. Instead of lamenting every casual player that enters the game why don't we take some responsibility for the way *we treat newer players as well* regardless of what their goals are in game.

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