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Messages - treseritops

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General Discussion / Re: Do you use any custom keybinds?
« on: October 01, 2013, 01:11:32 am »
...And I cannot push more than 5 or so keys at once, or the keyboard becomes unresponsive.

I have to be really careful of this as well. For whatever reason (I've yet to do any intense research) I can't hold three keys and press a fourth usually. If I'm turning while trying to change altitude and talking to my crew (A+W+X) I usually can't change my throttle until I let go of one of the keys (usually chat). I think the same happens for map on Q if three keys are already pressed.

I agree completely. I think most players would agree that getting a lower level player into the sandbox for 20min would be a monumental achievement.

And as for the letting any level go in- I think that leaves it too open to abuse. (I suppose it always is) If another player and I both need that we could throw our avatar's in the sandbox together, come back in a few hours after work, etc. and we'd have it set! There will never be a perfect way to stop achievement abuse but oh well.

Yeah I gave up on the sandbox one. I was cruising through the achievements and then got to that one. I don't see myself ever possibly completing that. How many level 1-3 players would possibly see the benefit of practicing in sandbox? Honestly I have yet to really find a reason to use for it.

At a time when it seems more common to see lower level players readying up and asking to ready up in under 10sec of lobby time I don't see how anyone can get them into a sandbox.

General Discussion / Re: Spoted new awesom gun.
« on: September 28, 2013, 11:01:56 am »
A serious question: are you guys aiming to address some of the guns from the original Guns of Icarus? Or is that not really considered as important to the current gameplay? I realize magma≠electricity but I loved that tesla coil style gun. Sometimes I still have flashbacks to running around hopelessly in The Breach wondering what it was all for...

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: New Engineering Tools
« on: September 28, 2013, 10:47:41 am »
I've definitely found myself wishing that the buff hammer would give me the same 30% health to the balloon to which it gives the hull. Or same with the front gun on a goldfish, etc.

Perhaps keep the buff hammer purely a buff to a components main purpose- speed, maneuverability, damage, vertical movement, etc. and make a reinforcement hammer that just boosts the health to whatever component is being sprayed.

As for making this not instantly OP, I'd say leave buff hammer values alone, and make the reinforcement values less all around, or last less time. For instance- only give the balloon an extra 20% (only enough to outlast the double carronade, no more), or same with a gun, just barely enough to keep it up after an artemis/hwacha strike.

How we would make this a working concept in terms of what this tool supposedly is...? No idea.

Gameplay / Chem Spray needs a buff
« on: September 26, 2013, 02:33:33 pm »
Hey, so with the new Hades I've noticed fire is running rampant. (Which is really cool) The problem is there is no good way to counter it, other than "chem spray" which is really just an *awful* fire ext.

Cool Down- Fire: 3sec vs. Chem Spray: 5sec.

Ext. Power- Fire: everything vs. Chem Spray: 3 stacks

Prep- Fire: None vs. Chem Spray: 20sec

So you get a *longer* cool down for *less* ext power in trade for a worthlessly short buff. Either Chem Spray should have a short(er) cool down, or at least make the buff last a reasonable amount of time. Yesterday I sprayed the hull, ran over to tap the engines during kerosene and spray the balloon and by the time I got back the hull had run out, we got shot by a hades and all the ridiculous running around had been for nothing.

One stack of fire can ruin your buff. Takes 5 seconds to spray, if you continue to take damage from weapons you probably need a mallet hit which takes 7 seconds (12 total so far) and then you have to either respray and wait another 5 seconds to repair again (12 seconds of not repair the hull is awful) or you hit the hull again and have gone 19 seconds since your chem spray was applied and you absolutely *have* to spray in the one second gap or risk starting the whole ridiculous process again. (at that point if you respray it's been 7sec since you last repaired, and then 5secs of spray cool down= 12secs of hull damage, why even spray?)

That doesn't even begin to address the counting of time at hull vs. time running around fixing engines. A trip around the pyra takes about 7seconds so you will have surely lost your buff on the hull at that point (1 spray+2 repair circles=21secs) or you sit at the hull for 5secs first and let the engines take 12secs of damage before your next run. And the kicker is that your hull will go 14secs without repair at the end of every third trip.

If that was still not enough convincing keep in mind that this is assuming you are a hull/engines baby-sitter and *only* fighting fires on the hull. Imagine if one engine catches fire. The entire house of cards comes flying down. Even just adding in the cool downs of trying to make sure the engines stay sprayed would ruin your ability to just be a mediocre engineer (half of the engines down, letting hull hang by a piece of thread).

General Discussion / Re: Question for Pilots
« on: September 26, 2013, 02:03:47 pm »
Most: Junker
Least: Spire (flown it maybe once in the entire time I've played)

Also for all the Least: Mobule people- Get out and try it!

Not guaranteeing you'll love it, but at least half of you will. Basically you get three guns on the enemy at all times (if not then you need to switch to guns with better arc), kill first, repair later. It's a totally different style of gameplay and I'm still trying to get better at making calls in it (should we stay farther away, go in and brawl?) but I love it.

 Plus- every player gets a gun so it's easier to play with all engineer because no one gets stuck as "main". (Same goes for trifecta Junker)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: [TAGS] for lobby matches?
« on: September 26, 2013, 01:52:05 pm »
"Casual" shouldn't mean not do your best. That shame you feel when your actions have let down the crew will help you learn. Remember your mistakes and use that memory to become a better player.

I wasn't suggesting that we create tags of [Nobody is trying]. :p

And I realize that training of crew members isn't what this thread is referring to but I disagree about "shaming" them regardless. You should be aware of what mistakes you made during a match and learn from them, but I would never want crew on one of my ships to feel shameful about their performance. Even during the times where I know the only reason we are losing is because the gunners are missing a ton of shots, or shooting while the armor is up, etc. We'll get it right next match.

Feedback and Suggestions / [TAGS] for lobby matches?
« on: September 25, 2013, 08:42:08 pm »
Hey so last night I was on playing after work and was just in a random match and ended up on a team that was looking for a much more serious match. It's not like I was jumping up and down or anything but it was late, they said left side, I got on the right side because I was tired and I'm dumb and they got (justifiably) frustrated with me from that point on. I think it was fair of them to spend their entertainment time putting in the effort to achieve high results (most nights I like a challenge) but I think it's fair to not take the game as seriously in other matches as well.

Would you guys be in favor of a *unofficial* and *non-mandatory* suggestion to include a tag in your lobby name? If it said

[CAS] Treseritop's Game (Casual game)
[SER] Treseritop's Game (Serious game)

Or any acronym. I felt bad like I was ruining a match for them, and maybe it could help casual light-hearted players flock together, and let some of the players that would like to spend more time setting up, working on execution, etc. flock together as well without locking lobbies or being nazis about the whole thing.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: If you're here, who's flying the ship?
« on: September 24, 2013, 08:31:14 am »
Okay BUT... if i were to abandon a match and click resum would that count towards one? sometimes i make the unfortunate mistake of joining a ffriend from the social tab when the Game is about to start in 2 seconds. leaving me no time to do anything :/ NOW i know some people will say 'you should have prepared before' well sometimes you have to change your loadout to what the ship is, other crew etc.

I've done this a few times and still have 0 leaves. Seems like it doesn't.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: If you're here, who's flying the ship?
« on: September 23, 2013, 01:29:05 pm »
I wouldn't worry about it. Only if it is extraordinarily high will it ever become a problem. And it'll only become as much of a problem as the other players make it. I personally haven't flown with anybody that I knew to be a continual rage-quitter, but if there are some out there, you'll know and maybe ask them to fly on other ship/match.

I have had to leave a match as a captain once even (the dog threw up). But that's only once. I think most players will realize they leave much less than they would think (hopefully).

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Measurement Units
« on: September 19, 2013, 03:57:32 pm »
Don't mean to make this a math lesson but that is just the units for acceleration:

It's the correct way to label them.

Gameplay / Re: Team Setups
« on: September 19, 2013, 01:55:42 pm »
The biggest problem in answering this question is knowing what the enemy is bringing as well. (duh... I know...)

You have to counter the roles of the enemy ships. If there are two pyras than bring a balloon popper (I find squid to work better, much hard to kill than goldfish) and make sure the two pyras are constantly separated (one on the ground). The second ship choice is up to you.  (I like junker, or even mobula)

I could make a whole list but it would be mostly obvious examples like that.

Additionally, I think countering the enemy is more important than complimenting your teammate. I've played in a pyra/junker team and got my butt kicked by two goldfish because of the way they countered us. Technically two goldfish don't work well together (it did take a long time for them to win) but we were constantly down on the ground or without weapons, or both! If it came time to chase the junker can't keep up, and if the pyra can you still have the edge on maneuvering in a goldfish.

Feedback and Suggestions / Outline on text in game?
« on: September 17, 2013, 11:43:06 pm »
Hey, this is (hopefully) a really minor but easy suggestion- can we put a black outline on the text in game? It's really difficult to see the chat/score/who fixed or broke what text in game sometimes depending on what you're facing and how many blazingly white clouds there are.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Minigun fix
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:49:25 am »
Just get rid of the tracers.  I'm pretty sure if that was done most people would have an easier time figuring out how to aim the gun adjusting the crosshair for ship momentum.

But the ship momentum is kind of backwards in a way. A lot of times due to the bullets using the ships velocity you have to aim behind a target instead of leading it. If you're on the side of a junker making a maneuver you have to seriously stop and think about the way the "physics" of the gatling gun work. You won't lead the shots? You'll...follow them?

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