*Zill, Shinkurex, Spoon, BdrLine, and Sunderland head out the door in a haste, leaving the rest to guard the Burning Skies from any would-be hunters. The remnants of the tar explosion still linger, and the docks appear abandoned.*
My vision is....still suffering from the tar....You guys will see them...before me...
*A new wave of emotion comes over Zill as they pass his Goldfish on their way in. The explosion took out all three engines, and the main engine support had seared off. Spoon spots the Dockmaster and they rush over. Zill picks him up by the collar and shakes him.*
Where did they take Yiski!.........Dont you for one second think......that I wont make you eat these Gatling rounds.
*The Dockmaster quickly replies*
They ambushed him as he came up. They chased him toward your warehouse. I swear thats all I know! *Weeping*
*Zill tosses him to the ground. The group races to Yiski's aid. Gun shots start to spray as the Bounty Hunters spot the group flanking their position. Yiski is inside Zill's warehouse with some loyal regulars who work on our ships at the docks.*
Into the fray! I'll be damned.....if I lose any friends today!