Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1467886 times)

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1380 on: April 24, 2013, 01:05:14 pm »

Lockheart was walking towards his family house, a big impressive stone building. just for the occasion of visiting his father he was wearing his firnfeld commodore "war room" jacket. as he approached the house from the street 2 guards stood at its gates, they recognised him and opened the gates, as he walked through the slammed behind him. As he was walking towards his house he was brushing dust and dirt of of his clothes to make himself more presentable. He  had adorned his jacket with his second lieutenant badges and shoulder pads, and his commodore cuffs and badges, he pauses outside the front door.

"well, here goes nothing"

*opens the door to be greeted by his family, his mother, father, brother and sister.*

"Good morning all" *he says with arms outstretched*

*his mother runs up and gives him a hug, over her shoulder he can see his wife, Cecelia, he breaks out of the hug gently and walks towards her*

Lockheart: "long time no see, how are you?"

Cecelia: "oh im good, apart from the lack of husband for 2 months"

Lockheart: "I know, im sorry..." *sighs*

"how can i make it up to you?"

Cecilia: "maybe a nice dinner at..."

Adrian Lockheart (father): "woah, hold on you forget why you came, hiring that fancy escort wasn't cheap!"

*lockheart sighs*

"Sorry darling, just hold on for a hour i promise"

*lockheart and his father walk off into adrian's study*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1381 on: April 24, 2013, 01:36:24 pm »
--City Center--

*Since Yiski gave them the day to themselves, the couple decides to walk around the City Center*
*As they passed the bank, there was a hole where the entrance was with guards surrounding it, off to the side, what looks like the owner is talking to a construction foreman about repairs*

*The two looks on as they walk passed the building*
*After a few minutes of walking, Ny-Lee turns to Roland*

"You think Yiski would be alright by himself today?"

"Yiski should be fine, if not, i assume he is still in bed. Let's think to much of it, he did gave us a day to ourselves"

"I guess your are right, think we can gte some of that ice cream that we had some time back?"

"Anything for you dear"

*Ny-Lee blushes as Roland wraps an arm around her as they walk towards the restaurant*


*Since the events of yesterday woke BdrLine up earlier then usual, he is back in bed in a deep sleep*
*In her room, Liu is getting ready for the day, as she exits the room, she notices her son is still sleeping*

Always in bed *sighs*

*Liu opens his door, and sees BdrLine still lying down.*
*She goes over and opens the blinds on his window*

*The sudden light hits BdrLine's eyes as he grunts and rolls over to the other side of the bed*

"Mother is there anyways that i can sleep in for once?"

"Nope, come on we need to pick up your tuxs at the tailors"

"Five more minutes"

*Liu, not amused, goes to the foot of the bed and grips the blanket, with a tug, she pulls him off the bed and on the floor*

"Now that you are awake, go and get dressed"

*She leaves the room and closes the door behind her*
*Getting up, BdrLine grumbles to himself as he gets changed*

*Once done, he goes downstairs where Liu is waiting and they leave for the City Center*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1382 on: April 24, 2013, 01:41:31 pm »
-City Center-

Jun'ko and Zill are walking through the center courtyard ignoring the damage inflicted by the robbery. The two get stares as they walk by, as Zill usually isn't a common sight in the center, much less with company. Many Elites salute him, and Jun'ko wraps around his side as they make for a nice restaurant. They enter, and the hostess immediately recognizes him.
"Oh my. Hello Admiral Zill. It's been awhile since you've graced us with your presence."

"Lets just say I was persuaded."

He glances to Jun'ko who is practically glowing at this point. The hostess nods and shows them to the best table in the building. On the third floor, there was a balcony overlooking the center courtyard. There was a table prepared for them, and Zill ushered Jun over to it. They ordered their food and enjoyed the view. Jun'ko was just peering into the courtyard.
"I can see why you protect this place."

"Good to know I'm not that crazy."

*She giggles*"When it's not under attack or being robbed, it even seems peaceful. I never though I'd be able to enjoy a meal like this."

"It's fancy for sure, but I could never live in this district."

"How come? Why turn down what is rightfully yours?

"It might be mine by right, but that doesn't mean I like it. I grew up on very little, and while it was tough at times, I loved my life. My friends and family were all I needed to keep going."

"You never really do talk about your past much."

"With good reason. While I like to talk about how good it was, in reality it isn't too great. War changes people."

"I can see that. My past was of your average girl trying to make it in the military."

"Funnily enough, I never planned on being an Admiral. After the Baronies tour, I wanted something like what Yiski had. Not a Saloon, but just a simple life out of the military. Our Dusty Mistress had other plans it would seem."

The food arrives and is delicious. Many hours pass as they eat, talk, and dance as Jun'ko insisted they "show the old, rich stiffs how to dance."

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1383 on: April 24, 2013, 03:13:38 pm »
Lockheart walks into the office, 2 walls were lined with books and scrolls. Adrian sits behind his desk, lockheart fearing the worst, nervously sits in the comfier looking of the 2 chairs on the opposite side of the desk. Adrian pours glass of whiskey for both of them, lockheart then takes a swig.

Lockheart: "so, what is it you wanted?"

Adrian: "well, first of all, its good to see you have got over that bad habit of yours of avoiding anything i ask and getting straight to it. The matter for which i have called you is one of a fairly serious nature, you see for the tynneson family, whom we have had several nasty encounters, took to violence to resolve feuds between us. You may of noticed the amount of guards in the street."

* Adrian drinks some of his whiskey*

Adrian: "they have requested that we settle our minor feuds, *sighs*..... with a duel, you can rope in whoever you want to be your second......, i know its not a situation that i should put upon you, but your brother is about to head out to take out some bandits. Sadly its a matter of no choice, get your second and meet our foe on the dunes at 12 hundred hours. Now off with you to find your second DOUBLE TIME, QUICK MARCH!"

*Without questioning his fathers request as he knew it would be futile, he marched out*

Adrian: " oh and one more thing... you wont be flying that hunk-o-junk galleon of yours.."

Lockheart: "but she has 5 heav..."

Adrain: "no buts, you will be sporting the families finest ship, my goldfish, the aesterium"

*lockheart walked out of the office pondering his options, he got outside the office where cecelia was waiting for him*

Cecelia: "well, are you ready for that meal we have been waiting for?"

Lockheart: "sure thing darling, im starving for some of chaladon's finest... now where do you reccomend?"

*Lockheart gave cecelia a quick peck on the cheek before they linked arms and started walking out towards the city center. Lockheart lit his pipe up*

Cecelia: "hey, i thought you quit!"

*she snatched the pipe from his mouth and emptied the tobacco onto the street, lockheart sighed*

Lockheart: "i guess i forgot, im sorry. anything to make up for my absence"

*she smiled, lockheart stuffed the pipe into his jacket and the two carried on walking, lockheart received several welcome backs from citizens as he walked by, he hadn't been into the center of city for a while and the people recognized his family of great importance, later lockheart almost lost his bearings, but he had cecelia to guide him, they eventually reached their destination and they got the finest seat in the finest restaurant in chaladon. they enjoyed the rest of the night together talking over lockhearts escapades and then the small things lockheart had missed while he was away.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1384 on: April 24, 2013, 03:25:55 pm »

Yiski and Lauren sat in awkward silence while drinking. The tension was thick. Yiski finally broke the silence.

"You never did give me an answer."

"I know."

"Do you have an answer now?"

"Would it make a difference?"

"Now? Nope, but the closure would be nice."

"Anything else you want to ask while I'm here?"


Lauren knew exactly what Yiski was asking about which were a lot of things. Why did she fake her death? Why did she come back after eight years? And why did she become a criminal?

"Well, do you want the simple or complex answer?"

"Let's start simple."

"What happened eight years ago was an effort to protect you."

Yiski mulled over her answer for a bit. It was certainly plausible. Lauren was the only other person aside from Maria who knew Yiski and Micheal were the Crimson Bolt. However...

"Okay, I'll buy that for now, but why didn't you give me any sort of contact that you were still alive? You still could've come back, especially since the time I came back to Anvala."

"The Guild was still looking into your identity. I couldn't risk it."

"Bullshit. If you haven't heard recently, the Guild found out."


"About a month back, a couple of Guild mercs set up an ambush for me. As you can see, they failed. Apparently, the Guild knew my identity a few years after your 'death'. No worries though, things are in place to prevent it from happenin' again."

"I guess I messed up."

"Yeah you did. So, want to explain why you were robbin' the bank?"

"Well, being a dead woman, it kind of makes it hard to make a honest living. I was forced to join up with the group yesterday just to survive."

A knock came at the door. Yiski asked who it was and the response were the Elites from yesterday. Lauren looked to Yiski.

"Well, what are you going to do? Harbor a fugitive, or turn me in?"

Everything in Yiski's mind told him to turn her in, but then why did he find himself motioning her to hide out in the back? Before opening the door, Yiski cursed himself. He knew in the near future this would all come back. When, Yiski did open the door the Elites asked him for a report of yesterday's incident. While Yiski didn't have one written up, he orally relayed the information, leaving out specifically Lauren's involvement. Satisfied, the Elites left and Yiski closed and locked the door. Lauren came out from the back.

"Well, what now?"

"No clue."

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1385 on: April 24, 2013, 07:26:24 pm »
-- Somewhere off the coast of Turk --

*The intercom clicks on-board the ship*

Captain: (Intercom) "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now approaching Sky's End, please be prepared for landing in about five hours."

*Honeybadger stands up from the card table after a hand and goes toward the port bow*

Honeybadger: I forgot what I saw in flying these things...

*Honeybadger begins to check his pocket watch, but is interrupted by a loud bang on the other side of him. He is flung back and hits the ground hard, as he picks himself up he sees a junker with its broadside facing the ship. The junker extended long planks reaching to the ship Honeybadger was on, they wanted to board*

Pirate Intercom: "Surrender your goods and empty your pockets, and we might let you live."

*Honeybadger lifts himself up*

Honeybadger: "Oh yeah, this is what I saw. Quite frequently..."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1386 on: April 24, 2013, 08:23:22 pm »
--City Center--

*After a few minutes of walking, Roland and Ny-Lee finally rounds themselves at Cafe Frostbite*
*Inside, waiters and servers are preparing for the food rush, luckily for them, they are the first in line.*

*At the front desk, a waiter sees the couple walking towards him*

"Hello, table for two?"

*Roland answers*

"Yes please."

*The waiter grabs two menus and leads them to an open table*
*He hands both of the the menus*

"If you excuse me, I will be back to take your orders"

*As the waiter leaves, both Ny-Lee and Roland look over the entrees*

*Off in another part of the center, Liu and BdrLine walks into the tailor shop that they were in a few days ealier*
*The bell on the door rings and a employee sees them enter*

"Greetings, how may I be of service."

"We had fittings made a few days back, two tuxedos and a wedding gown."

"Ahh I know which ones you speak off, do you have a receipt?"

"Oh yes I do, hold on for a second"

*Liu opens her purse as she rummage around for the receipt*

"Ah here you go"

*She hands over the paper to him, the employee takes it and looks over it*

"Wait here while I fetch the clothing"

"Thank you"

*A little while has passed as the employee returns with the articles of clothing*
*He hands them to BdrLine who carries them*

"Is that it ma'am?"

"Why yes thank you again"

*The two then leaves the store with the clothes in tow*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1387 on: April 24, 2013, 11:57:27 pm »
Zill and Jun'ko enjoy the rest of their day roaming around the City Center. Zill only got into disputes twice, and Jun was happy he was at least trying to remain civil. The first time was when another Council courier wouldn't leave them alone. The poor guy didn't stand a chance. Next were some Elite guards who mumbled a few words about Jun'ko under their breath. Zill taught them a lesson in humility through brute force. It made him happy that he could still best Elites.

They ended the day heading off to the Saloon for a drink. When they got there it was dark.
"Oh no, is he ok?"

"Probably. Its a rare thing, but he doesn't always open. There's always a reason for it though, which is what bugs me."

"Should we try to get in?"

"Not after its become a giant bunker. I'm not worried about him. He can handle his reason. Lets off to the Port for a grand finale."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1388 on: April 24, 2013, 11:57:48 pm »


The air of silence between Lauren and Yiski persisted with only a few spare words spoken in between them to break silence only to fall back to it. Yiski was still conflicted about his decision earlier to keep Lauren out of the report. Realizing the problem wasn't going away or being solved anytime soon, Yiski looked over to Lauren who was looking at Blood Bolt.

"I'm surprised this rifle still works?"

"Yeah, she's seen a lot of action as of late."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Everything. Leaving you. Faking my death. Returning to you under the current situation. Having you lie about harboring me."

"Well, I guess the good karma couldn't last forever. You know Roland's gettin' married soon."

"Wait? Roland? Micheal and Maria's kid? He's getting married? Wow..."

"Yeah, I was surprised too, but he and his fiance are a good fit."

"Like we were?"

"Yeah, were."

For whatever reason, Yiski emphasis on his last word cut into Lauren. She didn't show it, but it hurt. Despite everything she put Yiski through, she had a small ember of hope that things would get better. Lauren now sees, it's going to take a lot of time. Before Lauren could speak anything about their past romance, the two heard a rattle at the door. Outside, Yiski could hear Roland.

"This is unusual, I do not remembering locking the door when we left."

"Maybe Yiski locked it to keep people out. He was hung over love."

Lauren started to panic, but Yiski stood still and waited. When Roland and Ny-Lee opened and walked in to see Lauren, Roland spoke first.

"Is this a friend of yours Yiski? She looks familiar..."

"She should for two reasons. First, this is your unofficial aunt Lauren."

Roland's jaw dropped and was about to say something, but Yiski held his hand up and continued to speak.

"Second, she's the one responsible for yesterday's attempted robbery."

Both Roland and Ny-Lee were in shock. Not in a hundred years did they think Yiski would harbor a wanted fugitive. Ny-Lee was going to speak, but again, Yiski stopped it.

"Before you say or think any further, I'll say the situation is a bit of a gigantic mess which I'm havin' a really hard time sortin' out. Basically, I'm askin' the two of you to keep quiet so I can figure what to do."

Roland and Ny-Lee stand in silence.

"Will you both go upstairs and leave this to me?"

The nodded and headed up. Lauren looked over to Yiski.

"You think it was a good idea introducing me like that?"


"Do you even know what the next move is?"

"Probably goin' to the Council."


"To see if I can get you pardoned."

"You're going to waltz into the Council and say 'Hey, I have the woman who planned yesterday's robbery, but because she and I have a past together, I'd like for you all to pardon her'?"

"Hmm... now that I think about it, somethin' similar to it."

"You know if you weren't you, I'd kill you."

"I know. Anyways, you take my room for the evenin' and I'll take my couch."

"What you don't want any of this."

Lauren seductively walks in front of Yiski. He simply rolls his eyes. Lauren laughs and heads for Yiski's room. Yiski walks over and closes the saloon. Yiski then notices a note addressed to Liu from Honeybadger. He places the note on the bar counter. Yiski then moves to the middle of the floor and sighs to himself.

"By the skies, are things goin' to get worse?"

They were.


--END OF DAY 77--

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1389 on: April 25, 2013, 10:03:51 am »


While it was quiet in the saloon in the morning, there was a lot going on at all four dock locations. Supplies and a few visitors came in because Anvala was holding its Spring Festival.

Of course, what's a festival if a few troublemakers didn't also slip into the city during the preparations and celebrations.

"You sure the wench is still alive?"

"We got confirmation Boss. She's still here."

"Do we know where?"

"Asking around, we know she's staying at a saloon."

The Boss clearly smacked his subordinate behind his head.

"Dumbass, that still leaves some 20-30 bars here! All of you! Go ask around more and meet back here in an hour!"

A group of 30 men dispersed into the crowd and a wicked smile came across the Boss' face.

"Think you can just screw us over and leave? I'll make sure you'll suffer."

Meanwhile, Lauren woke up and initially thought see was in jail. Realizing a jail cell bed isn't this comfortable, she remembers she's in Yiski's room. She walked out into the main floor to see Yiski still asleep on the couch. The old flame walks over to the sleeping owner and leans down toward his face for a kiss, but...

"I hope you weren't plannin' on doing somethin' foolish."

Lauren jumped back and saw Yiski's eyes open and him get up. He stretched his arms and shook his head seeing Lauren sitting on the floor.

"I didn't think you were awake."

"People say kinda say that when I'm about to kill them."

Lauren chuckled at the comment. Moments later Roland and Ny-Lee come down. Yiski turns to them.

"Good to see you're awake. You think you're good in watchin' the saloon for the day?"

Roland and Ny-Lee nod. Roland responds.

"Sure, are you and Lauren leaving?"

"To the Council, yes."

"What do you hope to accomplish there?"

"Dunno exactly."

Yiski walks over and grabs Blood Bolt off the wall. Ny-Lee is curious.

"Why bring your rifle?"

"Assumin' the Council wants to talk to her alone, it'll give me time to modify Blood."

Lauren looks over to Yiski, raising an eyebrow.

"You plan on leaving me alone with the Council?"

"I said 'assumin'. Now let's go."

Together Lauren and Yiski left. As they walked across the city and unknown to them, one of the Boss' men spots her and hurries back to report.


Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1390 on: April 25, 2013, 11:09:16 am »
-- The Passanger Ship Near the Coast of Sky's End --

*The four bandits circle the rather smallish group of people with pistols and repeaters, they make all the passangers take out their wallet and empty it, while one other went below decks to try and get more people to rob. Honeybadger was in the front row of this as they made their way down the people*

Honeybadger: I Swear to god, if Yiski or anyone steps and/or doesn't find my letter, I'm going to be fucking pissed. Also I may be robbed and killed.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1391 on: April 25, 2013, 11:12:36 am »
-Port Tar Barrel-

Zill was already up and getting ready when Jun'ko woke up. She saw his hurried dressing and putting on his armor and became curious.
"What's the rush my admiral?

"Got a report in and need to go. Don't worry about it. Hopefully Yiski knows what he's doing."

Before Jun could object, he was out the door and swinging down to the ground. She sighed but just planned to tinker with his boats. His spire was in need of some love.

Zill had gotten the report of Yiski being accompanied by the robber of the day before on their way to the city center. He knew he was headed to the Council. Luckily for them, Zill told his recon to stand down and observe. He had ordered double patrols today for the upcoming festival as well. He was quite fed up with firefights happening in the City on what felt like a daily basis.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1392 on: April 25, 2013, 12:47:14 pm »

*lockheart awoke happy, with Cecelia by his side. He had missed sleeping in a proper bed, compared to a makeshift hammock on a galleon. He got out of bed and put his same "war room" jacket on with all of its military adornments and walked down to the dining hall where his mother was eating, he sat down and ate some breakfast himself before walking out to the house grounds and taking a seat on a bench under a tree, he began to think about who to pick as his second*

"who on earth could ever be coaxed into this...., shit....."
*he kicked the ground in anger*

"Maybe..., no..."

*his brother alexander strolled up to him in his casual waistcoat and shirt*

Alexander: "care for a spar Julie?"

Lockheart: "Ha, Julie, now thats a nickname i havent heard in a while...., sure why not"

*Alexander tuts*

"oh come on Julius, a Yeshan sword?, you should know better, take this fine beauty"

*tosses him a chaladonian Falchion with the family crest on*

*thinks to self*
"is it that easy to tell....

Lockheart:" right, here we go.."

*they fight for some time then a idea pops into Lockhearts mind*

"i know who..."
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 01:13:49 pm by Captain Lockheart »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1393 on: April 25, 2013, 12:51:31 pm »
--Council Courtyard--

Lauren and Yiski arrived at the courtyard and approached the main building. The same two Elites who guarded the door greeted them.

"Good morning Commander."

"Mornin'. Are they busy?"

"No sir, they've been expecting you and your guest."

Lauren turned to Yiski with a look of concern. Yiski simply sighed. Before entering, Yiski flagged down a courier. He handed the courier Blood Bolt to deliver to the Armory gunsmiths with instructions of modifications. The courier left and Yiski turned to Lauren.


She nodded and the two walked in. Inside, they were greeted with a less than happy Council.

(1) I see you have brought the fugitive. (1)

(5) Commander, you do realize the gravity of the situation and your actions. (5)

(3) By order of the Council, you will... (3)

"You will pardon her."

The Council sat in silence with a look of shock and relative disgust on their faces. Yiski mentally smiled and wished he had a picture to capture the moment, but kept a straight face against the nine.

(4) You must be out of your mind if you think... (4)

(1) Calm Brother, I am sure the Commander would not ask such a request without reason. (1)

Lauren then spoke about her actions starting from eight years ago. How she fake her death to keep Yiski's Crimson Bolt identity safe, how it made little difference, how she ended up with raiders, and how she ended up in the current situation. Afterwards, the nine convened together to deliberate Lauren's testimony. The deliberation took a substantial amount of time to where chairs had to brought in for Lauren and Yiski to sit in. Finally...

(6) I believe we have come to an agreement. (6)

(1) Yes, as far as your actions Commander, we are willing to overlook the lapse in judgement. (1)


(1) And as far as Lauren is concerned, even if her testimony is true, she still must punished for her involvement with the robbery. (1)

Lauren to the Council.

"And what is my punishment?"

(7) While Anvala is proud to produce many fine marksmen, we lack an adequate instructor for potential pilots. While we have considered Admiral Zill for the position, he is more valuable out in the field. As such, given your past experiences, you have the option to carry out your punishment in service to Anvala as a pilot instructor, or face labor camps. (7)

"While labor camps sound like fun, I'll take the pilot instructor position."

(1) In addition to her service, you Commander are responsible for her compliance under penalty by a dishonorable discharge. So it is ordered. You two may leave. (1)

The two exited and when they got outside, Lauren gave a huge sigh of relief. Yiski was grinning.

"Told you it'd be fine."

"Yeah, but it was no pardon."

"Meh. Close enough."

As the two walked across the courtyard, the courier from earlier came up to him and handed him Blood Bolt.

"Skies, looks like we were in there longer than I expected."

Yiski looks over the modifications to ensure the gunsmiths did what was asked. The modifications were the following: Replace the barrel to better accommodate the various ammo types used, replace the trigger with a more firm but lighter pull trigger, modify the scope, and trim down the stock. As a side note, Yiski wanted a clip of standard rounds. Pleased with the work, the two started toward the City Center, along with a group of 30 men close behind.

When the two reached the Western District and near the saloon, the area kind of felt empty. Yiski knew this was odd because of preparations of the Festival tomorrow. He turns to Lauren.

"Now that I think about it, you didn't make any enemies within the eight years, did you?"

Lauren thought for a moment, then gave him a sheepish smile.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind them.

"I finally found you bitch."

Yiski pinched the bridge of his nose thought to himself.

"Skies, why do things always get worse?"

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1394 on: April 25, 2013, 02:19:49 pm »
-Western District-

Zill casually walked up to the group of 30 men from behind, his armor clinking under his jacket. His gas mask blocked all chances of seeing his gaze. He stopped about 5 feet away from them and called out.
"Hey gasbag."

The Boss was the first to turn around. He didn't seem too bothered by Zill's presence. He wanted to change that.
"Good to see you know your name. Mind leaving so I don't have to spoil this lovely day in my City?"

"I don't care who or what you think you are, but this lovely lady over here owes me her life, and I intend to collect."

"And I'll ask you one more time to drop all of your guns before I just kill you all."

"Big words for one man against 30."

Zill realized this wasn't going anywhere. Two guys came up toward him and he could only grin under his mask. The first one lunged and Zill just dodged him and pushed him to the ground. The next tried to get a punch in, but quickly failed upon Zill's armor. Zill grabbed his arm, broke it, and tossed him to the ground. He then turned, shot the first man, and let the second with a now limp arm scurry back to the group.
"I'll just end this now then."

The Boss pulled out a revolver and shot Zill. It hit square in his chest, and Zill held back a grunt. Still standing, he just laughed. The Boss then aimed for a headshot, but stopped to figure out what Zill had in his hand. It was a match. Zill struck it, and let the fire burn. The Boss was losing patience.
"The Flak are you doing? I'll kill you right now!"

Suddenly, shots rang out as half of the group just went limp and fell to the ground. The remaining men aimed their guns around, looking for where the gunfire came from. Unsuccessful, they turned to their leader.
"What do we do?"

"We're trapped!"

"I don't want to die!"

The Boss just stood there. He aimed for Zill's head and fired. The bullet whizzed by his head, and Zill just shook his head.
"You're a lousy shot too. Welcome to Anvala, home to the best gunners in the known world."

He struck another match and the Boss went white. Shots rang out again, leaving none alive. Zill shouted over to Yiski.
"Lovely day today isn't it? I could use a good WSW."