This is a pretty great patch, thank you muse for posting the reasoning behind changes and for responding in the thread, most of the changes are amaazing, especially matchmaking QOL changes are very welcome. However I have a few concerns, sorry if I sound negative but the changes I don't mention are great.
- Underdog status will scare new players even more. I support the idea of extra perks for playing against more experienced people, but please don't make it seem like they're going to lose. This is almost as bad as showing MMR scores, and doesn't follow the logic that went into hiding them. Basically underdog status should only be displayed if you win, because as a noob I would much rather be pleasantly surprised after a victory, than told that I am likely to fail.
- gunner (and general) ui change: no! at least not without an extensive rework
- Engineer stamina seems kinda useless with repair cooldowns being what they are (and especially for static gungineers like junker bottom deck). Even if I'm a mallet/spanner/chem engi all I can get out of stamina is more staring and waiting for cooldowns. We would really like either a cooldown reduction while on stamina and/or increased swinging speed for rebuilding/buffing.
- Pilot stamina is good, but why on earth would it add drag? I wanna go fast.
- Worried about the flamer. It will also be much harder to burn down guns while remaining safe from them. However we will see in testing.
- I also dislike the heavy clip hwacha changes, haven't tested it yet but something tells me the 1km hwacha disables might be harder or impossible now. That was one of the big things hwacha had going for it, being usable at long range. If the rockets only spread 1.2 degrees of an 800m circle, they spread out across 16 meters, when they need to be concentrated in one spot. Conclusion: I'm never disabling a goldfish's main engine with a hwacha again

The math is (default spread * heavy clip spread modifier * range * 2 * pi ) to figure out the radius of the dispersion at a certain range.