After some playing and experimenting:
StaminaEngineer staminaNot a big change, it's nice to speed up the race to the hull sometimes, I like it.
Gunner staminaNot a big change either - it's useful on some guns to speed up the reload a little bit or move lochnagar h. flak, but it doesn't unbalance anything. On the other side full buff engineer is still very useful in many many situations. Gatlings and carronades. Mercury. Hades. Even hwacha. And surprisingly heavy carro as well.
Pilot staminaNow that's a big change - did some experimenting with that. Ramming is much more effective now, decreasing / increasing altitude with ships that have good vertical mobility (spire, mobula, squid) is insane. Dodging can be used much more often and is much more efficient (especially spires and squids). I like it.
Stamina in generalIt's an additional factor that doesn't break the game but makes pilots have to think twice as fast. It makes dodging extremely easy in some situations and possible in others. It allows for unexpected faster reloads, arcs. Experienced engineers can now utilise their super hardcore tricks and not lock in the environment (yay!).
Inexperienced players who strive to understand the game mechanics
cannot use this new feature to full extend. Because lots of stuff.
It's an additional layer of what can happen for the experienced players, too.
UILike in posts above this one, new UI is too obtrusive and it's more difficult to extract information from it.
I'm particularly unhappy about guns reloading - little ammo icon being greyed out and slowly filling up with white... previously it was a big circle with turning marker - I liked the previous version much more, much more visible.
Additional info like active pilot tool - that's awesome.
Carronades and carrorelatedAs a dedicated blenderfish pilot I can put here quite a lot of thoughts (oh no you broke my toy).
What was h. carro before:
Overpowered fast balloon popping and additionally nicely armour stripping weapon capable of disabling any component with one shot at medium range. Capable of killing enemy on it's own.
What is h. carro now:
Average decently fast balloon popping gun with terrible arcs. Cannot be used without other weapons.
- arcs
- power
- focus (heavy clip)
ArcsWell this couldn't have been avoided. Though with other nerfs it's completely unnecessary.
PowerNow this is an issue for anyone thinking 'I can use h. carro only and ram them'. It's very difficult to keep enemies on the ground once you put them there.
It's very difficult to kill enemy ships that are already on the ground. You can ram them, but if they're using impact bumpers (or drogue chute?) it's not going to help much. I repeat: put an enemy ship on the ground, shoot it with heavy carro and ram it - the effect is going to be this ship flying away.
Heavy clipDisables on weapons not possible anymore (except for extremely close range). It's still helpful against pyramidions, but trying to kill a pyra with a blenderfish now is a pain. I know, I've tried. The heavy clip general effect not good in my opinion. Especially that heavy clip hwacha is practically useless. Because burst.
What is now and what I think it should beBlenderfish was destroying everything too fast. Balloons, armour, components. Now it's not very helpful in disabling components, has troubles with keeping the enemy balloon down and forget about additional armour stripping. It's still effective against big balloon enemies (junker, galleon, spire and
nothing more) but then you just put a full buff engineer (no, not a gunner. why? because damage) on the front with charged / heatsink so the general damage is maximised. Ramming is much more needed now, in every encounter you'd think you need to avoid rams. So are side guns.
In my humble opinion what is now
- Balloon destruction speed is just fine. Still effective in many situations, but quite often not effective anymore.
- General damage is too low. I have an idea how to solve it...
- Heavy clip change is a bad thing. One thing is that it shouldn't be used against big balloon ships at all, second thing is it unbalanced burst hwacha.
And what to change
- Revert heavy clip changes, so the carro nerf doesn't make other guns stronger.
- Change carro (heavy
and light) shatter damage to piercing and decrease it. This way carronades can't get instant disables and with flechette damage nerf it's still not so easy to grind enemies into the ground all the time. Even with stamina!
General thoughtsSo many things that needed fixing were fixed. So many improvements. Nice work