Fair enough, and I'm willing to accept that I might be wrong. However, it's not that stamina is complex. It's that stamina is *another* mechanic that you have to mentally juggle, as far as time, economy, and use, thus, it presents a skill barrier to entry, especially in the first 15 or so levels when someone is learning the basics, and forming an impression of the game. (I feel like I should start a separate thread on GOI's learning curve, but I'm sure it's all been said before. Specifically, I can't help but compare it to MOBAs.)
As far as adding a new mechanic for experienced players, I'm not necessarily opposed. I guess, looking at it from that angle, my only gripe is the redundancy of pilot stamina, but I'm at a loss as how to make it unique as well.
All this being said, I think stamina isn't a great idea as implemented. However, I think I'd rather see it exist in it's current form than be nerfed to toothlessness like the Minotaur. I guess I'd rather see a mechanic that I don't like exist than be rendered toothless as some sort of compromise.
(My biggest gripes are with the Carronade and Flamethrower nerfs, TBH.)
EDIT: @Bubbles, redux. Just a question-is the new tutorial dependent on mechanics currently in development in co-op?