Author Topic: The Wall [v1]  (Read 476022 times)

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #450 on: April 27, 2014, 02:47:46 am »

You see Gryphos is hurt and needs help, so you decide to carry him to the hospital. Once you're there you heal a little bit as well (+13 HP). The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the hospital.

Stuff: Tunnel machine (deployed).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 97/100

This turn seems to be going in slow motion, but you have finally arrived at the Wall and you are ready to cast a spell. You grab the list and read the spell that says "Nerf***"...

Achievement unlocked: Social engineer at Muse Games.
One minute passes and nothing happens, you're just standing there pointing the wand at the Wall with a very confused look on your face. The wand seems to be processing something, though. Maybe you don't have permission to cast the "Nerf" spell? Your name is not in the list of people who can cast it, but you have teal robes... Perhaps you're just too new and they haven't changed the color of your name yet. The GM doesn't know if it's the black cat giving bad luck to the Wall or just the universe trying to be funny, but you rolled a 1. The 1 the GM said would mean success in a d20. Of all the numbers you could have gotten, you got the 1. Either way, the wand finally decides it can't hurt to let you perform this action. We bow to you, mighty wizard Abby. Unfortunately, because of this breach the security policies at Muse have been changed so the wand can't cast the "Nerf" spell anymore, among other things.

Stuff: Wand, black cat.
Damage dealt: 346652 (Yeah, that's 50% of the Wall's HP)
Damage taken: 0
HP: 100/100
Misc.: Wearing teal robes and hat.
Achievements: Social engineer at Muse Games.

You set your AI crew to attack the Wall while you go to the laboratory. Once you're there, you start making a large freeze ray that will freeze the Wall and help kill it in a very sciency way. (The freeze ray will be ready for use in turn 31). The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Ongoing action: Making the large freeze ray.
Damage dealt: 3000 (840 from Mercury Gun, 1200 from Manticore, 960 from Heavy Flak)
Damage taken: 0
HP: 91/100

Gryphos Felldawning:
As Pieman takes you to the hospital, you decide that this is all the Wall's fault and not your own, so you take off one of your shoes and throw it at the Wall. Once you arrive at the hospital you start healing (+13 HP). The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the hospital.

Ongoing action: Healing at the hospital.
Stuff: Grond.
Damage dealt: 84
Damage taken: 0
HP: 22/100
Misc.: Low health.
Achievements: Reference letters.

Unhappy with the damage dealt by your swords, you head back to the laboratory and... well you do all those things you said. (The research and upgrades will be done in turn 30). The research on walls of text is also very interesting and the GM gives you a pat on the back for it. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Ongoing action: Upgrading the swords again.
Stuff: Rotten apple, photon blade large swords (x2).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 62/100

You finally decide to take cover at the spot specially made for you, and shoot at the Wall with your peashooter and bubble-atron-inator-thingy. The Wall can't attack you this time because you're in the sniper's nest.

Ongoing action: Healing at the hospital.
Stuff: Super real cool awesome beautiful peashooter, Bubble-atron-inator-thingy.
Damage dealt: 2976 (942 from Peashooter, 2034 from Bubble-atron-inator-thingy)
Damage taken: 0
HP: 64/100
Misc.: In the sniper's nest.
Achievements: ... -The Sign Painter.

It's time to attack the Llaw with the magic from the scroll and the summoning circle. The Llaw is not as resistant as the Wall but it will still take some time to bring it down. You tell the others to help with it but they seem to be more focused on the Wall at the moment. The Wall attacks you with a rock again.

Ongoing action: Attacking the Llaw.
Stuff: Robot (deployed), magical notebook, advanced handheld sticky mine launcher, portable banshee rocket launcher.
Damage dealt: 0 (1500 to the Llaw)
Damage taken: 6 (1 from Wall, 5 from minions)
HP: 54/100
Misc.: Armor.
Achievements: Love thy GM...

Cheesy Crackers:
You continue building the Titandozer and tell your minions to attack macmac by shooting magma at him. You also tell them to take the fire for the Llaw, but since Cheesy is using magic it doesn't work. The Wall can't attack you because you're behind the Llaw.

Ongoing action: Making the Titandozer.
Stuff: Smart moving wall minions (x41), magma-ish cubical minions (x43.5).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 50/99
Misc.: Immune to baby sign effects.
Achievements: Breaking the Fire Wall.

Jacob Fii:
You join the game... then you leave the game. You still get a brick in the face for making the GM sad.

Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 10
HP: 90/100

Sammy B. T.:
The pressure washer you were making is finally ready for use. It will start throwing water at the Wall as soon as you deploy it and all that. (The pressure washer is now in your stuff). The Wall attacks you because you're right there and that's what it does to people who are just right there.

Stuff: Pressure washer.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 1
HP: 85/100

You must be very bored or something but you're still healing at the hospital (your HP maxes out to 100), with an even more bored Ariden. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the hospital... still.

Ongoing action: Healing at the hospital.
Damage dealt:  0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 100/100
Misc.: With Ariden.

Your super-high-power-kinetic-raingun-orbital-bombardiment-laser-death-ray will be ready in just a few more turns, so you continue adding things to it that will make it extra scary. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Ongoing action: Making the super-high-power-kinetic-raingun-orbital-bombardiment-laser-death-ray.
Stuff: KillStealer (deployed).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 42/100

Other Damage:
7680 from Firing Range (2400 from catapult, 2640 from cannon, 2640 from wrecking ball).
200 from Robot (100 to max HP)
18324 from Bomb Factory (4881 from bomb factory, 5181 from bombs in the catapult, 3381 from bombs in the cannon, 4881 from bombs in the mine-launcher).
4866 from Impact-mine Mine-launcher.
944 from Tunnel Machine.
2175 from High Energy Kinetic Rail-cannons.
810 from Ivy.
1401 from Mold.

The laboratory:
Speeds up the creation of new weapons and gadgets and other sci-fi goodies.
You can upgrade weapons here for extra damage.
Has a really sweet bathroom (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The fort numero uno:
Gives +15 defense to anyone staying inside of it.
Holds up to 3 people.

Status: Finished.

The catapult:
First siege unit of the game.
Effective attacking cities.
Can be used by many people in one turn (only one shot for each person).

Status: Finished.

The Llaw:
+1 Culture output for every Wall.
-5% Accuracy for everyone directly attacking the Wall.
Allows research to commence on upgrading the Wall's arsenal.
Deals damage to the Wall for every construction turn.
Can spawn minions to attack people.

Status: Finished.
HP: 3500/5000

The other Wall:
Defense bonus to anyone behind it.
Allows to use long range weapons without losing cover.
Holds up to 6 people.
Producing: +1 Culture.

Status: Finished.

High energy kinetic rail-cannons:
Can be used by many people in one turn.
Certified as a sentient being by several science authorities.
Has an AI core.
Attacks the Wall automatically every turn.

Status: Finished.

Bomb factory:
Produces bombs that get thrown at the Wall automatically every turn.
Has expansions for other existing weapons.

Status: Finished.

The hospital:
Helps recover more HP each turn to anyone inside it.
Has a really good cafeteria (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The wrecking ball:
She came in like a wrecking ball.
She never hit so hard in love.
Can be used by many people in one turn.

Status: Finished.

The firing range:
Shoots every long range weapon placed inside of it.
Holds up to 5 weapons.

Status: Finished.
Inside: The catapult, the wrecking ball, the high energy kinetic rail-cannons.

Impact-mine mine-launcher:
Throws impact-mines at the Wall automatically.
Is a cake related thing.

Status: Finished.

Ice fortress:
Heals Jawjee, Coldcurse and the Husky Titans when they're inside.
Deals damage to anyone else inside it.
Has a workbench to make weapons.

Status: Finished.

The shelter:
Gives cover to everyone inside it.
Holds up to 5 people.
Is the closest building to the Wall.
Has a nice bar and buffet area (+ 2 HP to anyone who uses it).
Has a special sniper nest for BdrLine and his peashooter only.

Status: Finished.
Inside: BdrLine.

The Wall:

HP: 304292/992900
Status: o________o nerfed
Producing: +1 Culture
Perks: Incendiary Pebbles II

« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 02:54:58 am by Oliver Colt »

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #451 on: April 27, 2014, 02:54:31 am »
I Continue the incantations, and beckon Abby to come over and help with the Llaw's destruction.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #452 on: April 27, 2014, 02:59:48 am »
I pull the record out of Pink Floyd's - The Wall and fire the sound from my Cannon's at the wall.

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #453 on: April 27, 2014, 06:23:49 am »

Cheesy Crackers:
You continue building the Titandozer and tell your minions to attack macmac by shooting magma at him. You also tell them to take the fire for the Llaw, but since Cheesy is using magic it doesn't work. The Wall can't attack you because you're behind the Llaw.

Ongoing action: Making the Titandozer.
Stuff: Smart moving wall minions (x41), magma-ish cubical minions (x43.5).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 50/99
Misc.: Immune to baby sign effects.
Achievements: Breaking the Fire Wall.

GM has made a mistake, I'm not even using magic, i'm using SCIENCE! So then because you didn't mention anything about macmac that means that technically they CAN take the fire!
HAHA! I rest my case...

I keep doing what I was doing before and also attempt to convince Abby to come help me build it instead of helping macmac, because maybe that magic Abby has might come in handy with building this. (Don't go to the dark side, we have cookies in the Llaw!)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 06:26:08 am by Cheesy Crackers »

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #454 on: April 27, 2014, 12:56:33 pm »
GM has made a mistake, I'm not even using magic, i'm using SCIENCE! So then because you didn't mention anything about macmac that means that technically they CAN take the fire!
HAHA! I rest my case...

Odamn I meant mac is using magic and you're using culture actually bc that's what the Wall and the Llaw are producing P: I was sleepy okay dont judge XD but still, they can't take the fire :P

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #455 on: April 27, 2014, 02:17:28 pm »
After a brief moment of studying the list of spells, Abby cast Lochnagar at the wall then heads into the hospital to see who's in there. She also had a funny feeling that one way or another, she's going to get hurt.

"That 1 that randomly appeared didn't look good..come on kitty, hmm.. Kitty, you're called Kimmy now. Let go and see who's in that building over there."

She hears someone call her and she looks over to see macmacnick attacking the Llaw.. not that she know what the Llaw is. "Why are you attacking the Llaw?" Abby asks as she picks her up robe to travel on to the hospital.

"Oh" Abby replied to Macmacnick answer to her question "Well, I'm just going to see who's in the hospital.. I'll decide then what to do next, that ok macmacnick?" And she carries on in the direction of that building, making sure Kimmy is behind her.

Offline TerminalRequiem

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #456 on: April 27, 2014, 08:58:35 pm »
I hear a noticeable sound from outside the laboratory, and look out the window to find the wall has taken an incredible amount of damage from a single magic blast from Abby's wand.  I am so astonished by the sheer amount of damage done to the wall that it takes me a second to snap out of it and continue work on the freeze ray.

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #457 on: April 27, 2014, 11:54:38 pm »
GM has made a mistake, I'm not even using magic, i'm using SCIENCE! So then because you didn't mention anything about macmac that means that technically they CAN take the fire!
HAHA! I rest my case...

Odamn I meant mac is using magic and you're using culture actually bc that's what the Wall and the Llaw are producing P: I was sleepy okay dont judge XD but still, they can't take the fire :P

Aww... but technically they're not taking fire, they're taking magic damage. So then technically TECHNICALLY they can "take the fire"

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #458 on: April 28, 2014, 01:15:34 am »
GM has made a mistake, I'm not even using magic, i'm using SCIENCE! So then because you didn't mention anything about macmac that means that technically they CAN take the fire!
HAHA! I rest my case...

Odamn I meant mac is using magic and you're using culture actually bc that's what the Wall and the Llaw are producing P: I was sleepy okay dont judge XD but still, they can't take the fire :P

Aww... but technically they're not taking fire, they're taking magic damage. So then technically TECHNICALLY they can "take the fire"

No but the summoning circle is channeling the magic directly to the Llaw, see so they can't "take the fire" because technically that fire is not like traveling from mac to the Llaw but is just affecting it bc it's the object it's directed to or something bc it's magic and magic is weird like that P:

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #459 on: April 28, 2014, 04:35:08 am »
GM has made a mistake, I'm not even using magic, i'm using SCIENCE! So then because you didn't mention anything about macmac that means that technically they CAN take the fire!
HAHA! I rest my case...

Odamn I meant mac is using magic and you're using culture actually bc that's what the Wall and the Llaw are producing P: I was sleepy okay dont judge XD but still, they can't take the fire :P

Aww... but technically they're not taking fire, they're taking magic damage. So then technically TECHNICALLY they can "take the fire"

No but the summoning circle is channeling the magic directly to the Llaw, see so they can't "take the fire" because technically that fire is not like traveling from mac to the Llaw but is just affecting it bc it's the object it's directed to or something bc it's magic and magic is weird like that P:
*Sits there, thinking of a decisive argument*
The minions were made with culture from the Llaw, so they have Llaw essence, so they can get affected by the magic!

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #460 on: April 28, 2014, 04:57:58 am »
GM has made a mistake, I'm not even using magic, i'm using SCIENCE! So then because you didn't mention anything about macmac that means that technically they CAN take the fire!
HAHA! I rest my case...

Odamn I meant mac is using magic and you're using culture actually bc that's what the Wall and the Llaw are producing P: I was sleepy okay dont judge XD but still, they can't take the fire :P

Aww... but technically they're not taking fire, they're taking magic damage. So then technically TECHNICALLY they can "take the fire"

No but the summoning circle is channeling the magic directly to the Llaw, see so they can't "take the fire" because technically that fire is not like traveling from mac to the Llaw but is just affecting it bc it's the object it's directed to or something bc it's magic and magic is weird like that P:
*Sits there, thinking of a decisive argument*
The minions were made with culture from the Llaw, so they have Llaw essence, so they can get affected by the magic!
Thus, they were destroyed by the first attack on the llaw, as part of collateral damage. I'm sorry, Cheesy. You have my deepest condolences.


Offline redria

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #461 on: April 28, 2014, 10:51:08 am »
Swords spɹoʍS Swords spɹoʍS Swords spɹoʍS Swords spɹoʍS Swords spɹoʍS Swords spɹoʍS
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Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #462 on: April 28, 2014, 02:45:12 pm »
I'm just chillin' in the hospital, eating bad hospital food.

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #463 on: April 28, 2014, 08:57:10 pm »
GM has made a mistake, I'm not even using magic, i'm using SCIENCE! So then because you didn't mention anything about macmac that means that technically they CAN take the fire!
HAHA! I rest my case...

Odamn I meant mac is using magic and you're using culture actually bc that's what the Wall and the Llaw are producing P: I was sleepy okay dont judge XD but still, they can't take the fire :P

Aww... but technically they're not taking fire, they're taking magic damage. So then technically TECHNICALLY they can "take the fire"

No but the summoning circle is channeling the magic directly to the Llaw, see so they can't "take the fire" because technically that fire is not like traveling from mac to the Llaw but is just affecting it bc it's the object it's directed to or something bc it's magic and magic is weird like that P:
*Sits there, thinking of a decisive argument*
The minions were made with culture from the Llaw, so they have Llaw essence, so they can get affected by the magic!
Thus, they were destroyed by the first attack on the llaw, as part of collateral damage. I'm sorry, Cheesy. You have my deepest condolences.


But there are many of them! So Llaw destruction delayed! Woot!

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #464 on: April 29, 2014, 12:25:49 am »
Along with that 1.5K to the LLAW.
Extra damage to come.