Author Topic: The Wall [v1]  (Read 476021 times)

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #465 on: April 29, 2014, 09:37:45 pm »
Along with that 1.5K to the LLAW.
Extra damage to come.
Hey GM remember what happened to Coldcurse when he tried to dictate what happened? :D

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #466 on: April 30, 2014, 01:53:32 am »
Yes, I interfered, cheesy...  and made his life easier. <3

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #467 on: April 30, 2014, 06:21:08 pm »
Along with that 1.5K to the LLAW.
Extra damage to come.
Hey GM remember what happened to Coldcurse when he tried to dictate what happened? :D
Yes, I interfered, cheesy...  and made his life easier. <3

GFD you two are gonna be the end of me xD

WELL nothing was said about the minions dying last end of turn, so they're technically still alive. NOW mac if you want I can use some of the damage you deal to the Llaw next turn on the minions, just enough to kill them (Like 410 points), and then the rest goes to the Llaw. That way they do what Cheesy said which is taking fire for the Llaw so there shouldn't be a problem with that. Cheesy, all you could do to keep the minions (if mac chooses to attack them) is make them run away :P The minions may be smart but they're tiny and pree weak

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #468 on: April 30, 2014, 06:28:13 pm »
I don't know if I can, but I start building some more additions in my shooting place designed for me. You know all the updrades for more protection like a portable fridge if I get hungry and some game consoles with a flat screen tv if I'm bored. :P

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #469 on: April 30, 2014, 06:29:59 pm »
^ Sure you can xD

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #470 on: April 30, 2014, 08:21:42 pm »
Oh yeah I have my own man cave........ I mean a more advance tactical bunker.

Offline Sammy B. T.

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #471 on: May 03, 2014, 01:41:47 pm »
I'm going to start using the Duck Pond Maker (DPM) as I've decided to label my ginant pressure washer. Die wall integrity, DIE!

Offline Jawjee

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #472 on: May 03, 2014, 03:38:43 pm »
I decide to go back to my fortress and work on some great ice cannons. Oh and HEY WALL, HAVE FUN WITH MY HUSKIES...CHAAAAAAAARGE!

Offline redria

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #473 on: May 08, 2014, 01:20:55 pm »

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #474 on: May 08, 2014, 01:24:53 pm »

You notice the Pink Floyd record hanging from the Wall and decide to take it out to play it... in your cannon. You put the record in it and start firing the sound at the Wall, which makes it shake and take damage while everyone else enjoys the music. The Wall throws a brick at you when Empty Spaces is playing, because apparently it has no sense of irony.

Stuff: Tunnel machine (deployed).
Damage dealt: 2184
Damage taken: 2
HP: 95/100

You take another look at the list of spells that you can cast and decide to use Lochnagar. The spell hits the Wall a little far from the red circle, but still deals a good amount of damage to it. You then start feeling a little unsafe where you are, and start walking towards the hospital with your kitty Kimmy. As you're on your way there, you hear both mac and Cheesy trying to convince you to join them, but you're too busy with your stuff right now. The Wall throws a rock at you, still feeling a little scared for what you did last time.

Stuff: Wand, black cat.
Damage dealt: 873
Damage taken: 4
HP: 96/100
Misc.: Wearing teal robes and hat.
Achievements: Social engineer at Muse Games.

As you continue working on your freeze ray you hear the loud sound from Abby's Nerf attack, and you notice how much damage it dealt to the Wall. It is so awesome that you feel more inspired and work even faster on your weapon. (The freeze ray is now in your stuff). You have been away from the ship for too long, so your AI crew has stopped attacking the Wall. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Stuff: Large freeze ray.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 91/100

Your swords are finally upgraded, and now they should deal even more damage to the Wall because you added so much stuff to them! (The upgraded swords are now in your stuff). The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Stuff: Rotten apple, upgraded photon blade large swords (x2).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 62/100

Gryphos Felldawning:
You continue healing at the hospital, eating bad hospital food but healing (+12 HP). It doesn't taste that bad if you close your eyes and imagine it is from the cafeteria! The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the hospital.

Ongoing action: Healing at the hospital.
Stuff: Grond.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 34/100
Achievements: Reference letters.

You look around you and see that this room has a lot of potential, so you decide to turn it into a more advanced tactical bunker. Of course you need video games and a big flat screen to practice your shooting skills, and a portable fridge too, because of reasons. (The upgrades will be done in turn 32). The Wall can't attack you because you're in the sniper's nest.

Ongoing action: Upgrading the sniper's nest.
Stuff: Super real cool awesome beautiful peashooter, Bubble-atron-inator-thingy.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 64/100
Misc.: In the sniper's nest.
Achievements: ... -The Sign Painter.

Sammy B. T.:
You move your Duck Pond Maker right in front of the Wall and activate it. The water deals some damage to the Wall, but it also makes it a lot weaker every turn! We don't know where this water is coming from but that's just details. The Wall throws a rock at you because it doesn't want to be a duck pond.

Stuff: Duck Pond Maker (deployed).
Damage dealt: 1750
Damage taken: 9
HP: 76/100

You quickly go back to your ice fortress (Your HP maxes out to 100) and start working on some ice cannons. We don't know if the cannons throw ice or if they're made of ice, but either way they should work well. While you're doing that, you tell your Husky Titans to charge at the Wall. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the ice fortress, but it attacks your Husky Titans.

Ongoing action: Making ice cannons.
Peeps: Armoured Husky Titans (95 HP).
Stuff: Ice crystal sword.
Damage dealt: 1726
Damage taken: 0
HP: 100/100

You continue attacking the Llaw, but you ignore the minions for now as the scroll and the GM can't just assume some things that would lead to going back in time if someone disagreed. The Llaw is getting a lot weaker now, though. The Wall throws a brick at you because that's its favorite sport.

Ongoing action: Attacking the Llaw.
Stuff: Robot (deployed), magical notebook, advanced handheld sticky mine launcher, portable banshee rocket launcher.
Damage dealt: 0 (1500 to the Llaw)
Damage taken: 4 (1 from Wall, 3 from minions)
HP: 50/100
Misc.: Armor.
Achievements: Love thy GM...

Cheesy Crackers:
Your Titandozer is finally finished! (The Titandozer is now in your stuff). The Llaw is still under attack and your minions are still trying to defend it. The Wall can't attack you because you're behind the Llaw.

Stuff: Smart moving wall minions (x41), magma-ish cubical minions (x43.5), the Titandozer.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 50/99
Misc.: Immune to baby sign effects.
Achievements: Breaking the Fire Wall.

You're still working on the super-high-power-kinetic-raingun-orbital-bombardiment-laser-death-ray, and it will be ready to wreck some walls in about 2 turns. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Ongoing action: Making the super-high-power-kinetic-raingun-orbital-bombardiment-laser-death-ray.
Stuff: KillStealer (deployed).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 42/100

Other Damage:
8156 from Firing Range (2572 from catapult, 3292 from cannon, 2292 from wrecking ball).
600 from Robot (300 to max HP)
24864 from Bomb Factory (6916 from bomb factory, 6516 from bombs in the catapult, 4516 from bombs in the cannon, 6916 from bombs in the mine-launcher).
6492 from Impact-mine Mine-launcher.
1946 from Tunnel Machine.
2500 from High Energy Kinetic Rail-cannons.
840 from Ivy.
1880 from Mold.

The laboratory:
Speeds up the creation of new weapons and gadgets and other sci-fi goodies.
You can upgrade weapons here for extra damage.
Has a really sweet bathroom (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The fort numero uno:
Gives +15 defense to anyone staying inside of it.
Holds up to 3 people.

Status: Finished.

The catapult:
First siege unit of the game.
Effective attacking cities.
Can be used by many people in one turn (only one shot for each person).

Status: Finished.

The Llaw:
+1 Culture output for every Wall.
-5% Accuracy for everyone directly attacking the Wall.
Allows research to commence on upgrading the Wall's arsenal.
Deals damage to the Wall for every construction turn.
Can spawn minions to attack people.

Status: Finished.
HP: 2000/5000

The other Wall:
Defense bonus to anyone behind it.
Allows to use long range weapons without losing cover.
Holds up to 6 people.
Producing: +1 Culture.

Status: Finished.

High energy kinetic rail-cannons:
Can be used by many people in one turn.
Certified as a sentient being by several science authorities.
Has an AI core.
Attacks the Wall automatically every turn.

Status: Finished.

Bomb factory:
Produces bombs that get thrown at the Wall automatically every turn.
Has expansions for other existing weapons.

Status: Finished.

The hospital:
Helps recover more HP each turn to anyone inside it.
Has a really good cafeteria (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The wrecking ball:
She came in like a wrecking ball.
She never hit so hard in love.
Can be used by many people in one turn.

Status: Finished.

The firing range:
Shoots every long range weapon placed inside of it.
Holds up to 5 weapons.

Status: Finished.
Inside: The catapult, the wrecking ball, the high energy kinetic rail-cannons.

Impact-mine mine-launcher:
Throws impact-mines at the Wall automatically.
Is a cake related thing.

Status: Finished.

Ice fortress:
Heals Jawjee, Coldcurse and the Husky Titans when they're inside.
Deals damage to anyone else inside it.
Has a workbench to make weapons.

Status: Finished.
Inside: Jawjee.

The shelter:
Gives cover to everyone inside it.
Holds up to 5 people.
Is the closest building to the Wall.
Has a nice bar and buffet area (+ 2 HP to anyone who uses it).
Has a special sniper nest for BdrLine and his peashooter only.

Status: Finished.
Inside: BdrLine.

The Wall:

HP: 250481/992600
Status: Wet in a not good way :I
Producing: +1 Culture
Perks: Incendiary Pebbles II

redria I just saw myself viewing Who's online I don't know what you're talking about... I:

Offline redria

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #475 on: May 08, 2014, 01:44:51 pm »
Who's online is a wonderfully stalky feature where you can see what other people are doing. For instance "Posting in The Wall [v1]."

Because what is more fun than knowing that a flame war is about to happen because you can see certain people posting in certain topics? :D

You can also see when other people are using it. For instance, BdrLineAzn and I have checked simultaneously several times. Much hilarity.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #476 on: May 08, 2014, 01:53:17 pm »
You can also see when other people are using it. For instance, BdrLineAzn and I have checked simultaneously several times. Much hilarity.

That's why I don't use it to stalk, it shows I'm stalking XD

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #477 on: May 09, 2014, 11:17:55 pm »
Ok Titandozer, go squish macmacnick!
And while that happens I'll attempt to break/counter the spell destroying the Llaw.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 11:20:40 pm by Cheesy Crackers »

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #478 on: May 09, 2014, 11:35:10 pm »
And while that happens I'll attempt to break/counter the spell destroying the Llaw.

You'll have to be more specific, I hate coming up with stuff XD

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #479 on: May 09, 2014, 11:38:01 pm »
I fire a Galleon at Cheesy.