Slippery slope for what? Making changes which makes no difference to regular play and is good for competitive play?
I don't think asking for changes that affect general gameplay is the right way to go, it is potentially divisive. I already ran a thread on why there was a general perception that the mercury changes were being forced on general by competitive, and that issue hasn't gone away, by which I mean the root cause of why the idea gained currency rather than the actual changes to the mercury.
If there are issues with competitive play It would be better to work it out in-house with competition regulations rather than a global change imo.
Calico, that is why I suggested a change that would have no real effect on non-competitive play.
You're suggesting, as I understand it, setting a ceiling on the map so ships can't look over the central canyons, to stop snipers from getting enough height to target the opposite spawn, the ceiling would also however shut down 1 access route into blue spawn, that affects general play.
Should it become reality, besides the reason I gave in reply to Imagine, it can be cited as precedent to justify other changes based on purely competitive needs.