Author Topic: The Skies have no Limit  (Read 305018 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #195 on: August 25, 2013, 12:08:14 am »
(sorry about the wall of text)

Wild Winds Inn, Cathedral

The next day, BdrLine wakes up groggy. After going immediately to sleep the night before, much of what he wore on the mission was still on him. Sitting up, he feels another form on the bed with him and sees that Althea is still asleep. Not wanting to wake her up, BdrLine stands and moves to exit his room.

In the hall, he also spots that Charles is getting out of his room as well as his father. Walking to meet them, the three exchanges mornings and head downstairs and find a table to sit at. As they near the table, BdrLine still notices thatSpoon is still out cold and on the couch.

He'll come too... Eventually.

As they sit, they hear the weather outside as the patter of raindrops hit the streets and roof of the building.

"Hmm some morning at it?"

"Hey it could be worse, at least it not like Anvala when the cold winds hit from the north."

*shivers * " You got that right. So um, Mr. Zhao ..."

"Pleas just call me Shen."

"Alright, so Shen now that you are safe don't we need to contact someone from Yesha to let them know you are here?"

"In matter of fact, I was going to see if the postal had a long range transmitter and call in o let them know I am rescued."

"And I'll be going with my dad as well to ask Tommy if he can transfer some money from my account to here. By the looks of it, you and mom needs some new clothing after going through that."

Shen looks down at his ragged clothes and back to his son
"I guess so, but all in all, I'm just glad you mother and I are alive. Thanks to all of you."

"It was no problem."

"Hmm, dad I think we should go when the rain is letting up, don't want to be caught in it when it pours again."

"You are right, let's go."

The two stands upand starts to move towards the exit. Before they are out the door, BdrLine pokes his head back in and calls to Charles

"Charles, once Courage wakes up, can both of you go back to the ship and see if you can retrieve our bags?"


"Oh and also Althea is watching over my mom, even though we are safe for now, it better is she still have a guard detail watching over her."

"Got it."

Knowing that Charles can pass on the message, BdrLine and Shen gos out into the street towards the post office to send out their messages.

Back inside, Courage wakes up and places a hand over his head as a slight pounding hits him.

Knew I shouldn't taken that last pint, aggh. Better see who is up.

Standing up and walking across the room towards the door, he places his hands in his jacket pocket and felt a folded piece of paper. Curious, he pulls it out and remembers that it was from one of the females he met at the warehouse. Unfolding it he reads the note as he walks out from his room and down the stairs.

Hi sorry I didnt catch your name, but I'm Dalhia and I wanted to say that it was nice talking with you and sorry to what Lorena's father did to you. Hope he didn't hit you too bad he's kinda a little overprotective. But if you want, we can sorta meet again and talk more about stuff.



As Courage finish reading, he didn't notice that he was already downstairs and bumped into a pillar. Some laughs can be heard from the small number of people inside as he looks arou d embarrassed as what happened. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turns to see Charles chuckling.

"What's gotten into you, never seen you this distracted before. ...what's that?"

Charles points to the piece of paper in Courage's hand. Eyeing at the direction of the finger, Courage follows it down to the paper where he hastily folds it back up and stuffs it is his pocket.

"Nothing, just some notes I made that's all."

"hmm notes, I don't think you are the one to easily forget important things. So tell me, what is it really."

Charles then eyes Courage suspiciously as he bulbs from nervousness.

"Honestly it's just a little note, no big deal. Oh look, Althea is awake. Morning Althea."

Both men turn to look at the stairwell and does see a sleepy Althea walking down the steps and yawning. She gives a wave to them as another yawn comes to her. Once finished, she joins the two.

"Morning you two. So have any of you guys seen my boyfriend."

"I did, he went out with his dad to the post office to use the radio. Speaking of Bdr, Courage, you and I has to go back to the ship and grab our bags. Also Althea, he ask that you watch over his mom, you know as a guard."

"What! Why?"

"Well, since she is part of this high prominent family, she needs to be looked after."

"I know about that, I met them when I first visited Chang-ning. Don't get me wrong, she is a sweet woman, but why do I have to watch her?"

"Because he is worried about me."

Startled, the three turn around and see Liu standing behind them with a smile upon her face.

"Oh Mrs. Zhao, I didn't see you there. Had a nice sleep."

"I'm fine Althea. So I heard that my some made you to watch and guard me of some sorts."

"Yes he did, is that okay with you?"

"I already feel safer knowing that I'm not there. But I wouldn't mind spending this day with you Althea. We could get to know eachother more."

She leans in and whispers into Althea's ear.

"and make a little fun at my son. He doesn't know it, but I joke about him once in a while, his sister as well."

Althea gives a small chuckle at the woman.

"I think that will be swell. Having a girls outing would be fun. So aren't you two suppose to be somewhere?"

"Oh alright, come on Courage, those bags won't get themselves."

The two then leaves out the door towards the Northern Docks where the ship is docked while Liu and Althea sit together at a table talking to themselves for the timebeing.

Post Office, Cathedral

BdrLine and his father arrives to the office just before the rain started up again. Inside, there is not that many people as most are inside their homes or businesses not wanting to travel in the rain. The two approach the counter where a clerk greets them.

"Hi what can I help you with?"

"Do you guys havea long range transmitter, my father here needs to make a call to Yesha. Do you also have another radio, I also need to make one to Anvala."

"Yes we do, the radio room is right down the hall to your right."

"Thank you."

BdrLine and Shen then walk down the hallway to the designated room. They enter and inside they see several radios lined up with one another on table. One of them shows a sign for long ranged calls. Going over to the long range one, Shen dials in the frequency for none other then the Emporer.

Imperial Palace, Chang-ning

At the Imperial Palace, one of the attendants runs through one of the hallways towards the Emperor's personal office. A few minutes ago, one of their radios just received a call from Cathedral stating that it was from the recently kidnapped Zhao's and they wanted to speak to Xi. The attendant arrives to the door and knocks.

Behind the door
"Come in."

The attendant opens and enters the office. Sitting at his desk looking over several papers sits the Emperor. He turns around from his seat and sees the attendant.

"Ah Ling-Chung, what do I have for this visit? You know you can call me through the speaker system."

"Well sir , we just received a radio call from Cathedral, it's important that I have to see you personally about it."

"Cathedral hmm, why from the nuetral capital?"

"Well sir, the man who called said he was Shen Zhao."

The Emperor's eyes widens and quickly gets up from his seat and exits the room, Ling-Chung following closely behind him. The two reach the Palace's radio room where another man is stationed with a headset over his head.

"Alright here let me speak."

The radioman then gives Xi the headset which he puts over his head and speaks through the mouth piece.

"Hello Shen is that you?"

Post Office, Cathedral

"Ah your excellency, finally I hear you majestic voice" *laughs*

"Haha, enough for the formalities. It is great to hear that both you and your wife are safe. How did you two manage to get rescued?"

"Well it was my son and his team of friends who went and found us."

"Ah I have to thank him and his friends again. So who was the one that kidnapped you two."

"You won't believe this, it was the Birdmen again."

"What! Didn't they were exterminated after the battle at Lu."

"Looks like they didn't die that very easily, but no worries they all have been taken care of and won't come back again."

"That is good to hear. Now we don't have to worry about one of the Oxen leaders missing the next meeting. If you weren't there, those extremist Tiger officers would just use your kidnapping to wage a war path about how we shouldn't trust the outside world and merge them under my veil."

"But you are the Emperor, don't you have a say in the politics and military?"

*sigh* "I have a say and my opinions about things that can greatly influence people, but it mainly the voting body of the three groups that have the final word. Only reason they still have the imperial family is because of the great symbolism and nationalistic pride."

"Times have changed from the Great War huh?"

"Yes but now we know you are alive and well, we can go about with our peaceful diplomacy."

"Yeah 'peaceful' , you know when I came into office, things changed and improved drastically with our economic boom and having several more cities adapt into out culture and Empire. But you know as well as I do there are a group of extremist that dislike my policy of how to expand and would disobey dilebrately the no use of force and go about our back and try to assimilate others with any means nesscary."

"Yes I know, but they have ways around it. For example earlier this week, one of the Admirals in the Tiger order a bounty on a man stating conspiracy and brought a whole company to Dragontown. I asked him why this much force, but he swiftly dodge the question, I wish I have more control like my ancestors before me." 

"Still we are reaching a new height, even with those nasty drawbacks from the extremist."

"Again friend you are right. Well enough of friendly conversation, I'll radio the base here in the capital about preparing an escort for you and your wife back."

"Thank you friend, Shen out."

As he puts back the headset onto the machine, Shen walks back and see that his son is done talking as well.

"So the Empire knows that you and mom are alive?"

"Yes, I just called the Emperor and notified him"

"What, how did you call him, not that many people knows what the Palace frequency is."

"Let's just say we are very close friends."

"Dad I know you have a lot of power in the Oxen, I didn't know you had that much."

"hehe let's just get back to the Inn. So your call went well?"

"Yes it did, one of my pals in Anvala just sent and transfer some of my money here so we can at ,east pay for a few things, e just need to get to a bank."

"Alright, bank first then back."

After thanking the clerk, they leave the post office and into the main city to retrieve the transfer money.

Somewhere over the Burren, YIS Comet

"Yes sir, understood. Changing our course to Cathedral."

"One more thing Captain, since Cathedral is neutral territory and both of your ships are of Yeshan Military, hold above their airspace and contact the Militia there to be granted access to land. Good luck getting your parents back."

"Yes sir, thank you sir."

The radio goes silent as Ny-Lee dials in to Syá on the sister ship.

"Syá you heard that."

"Yup, looks like we found where you brother is staying."

"Yes, now let's change course."

Coming behind her to the helm, Roland stares out in front of the ship.

"So now, where too?"

*chuckles* "Well I just received word where my parents are, we are going back where we had our honeymoon."



Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #196 on: August 25, 2013, 12:29:50 pm »
--Chang-Ning, Imperial palace--

Through the front gates of the palace of consuls entered a man, followed by five guards. The man wore a lavish, long robe, decorated with the finest jewellery, and held his head high and strode in long steps, holding his back straight. On his head was a small decorated hat and on his chest he wore a badge, shaped like a deer.

As he neared the centre of the massive entrance hall, an attendant walked up to him and bowed.

"It is good that you have returned, your grace. may I-"

"Where is the Tiger?"

"Um, he is in his office. He said he had been expecting your return."

"Thank you."

He waved off the attendant and also his own guard, who bowed and exited the palace again. While the attendant bowed also and took his own leave. The Deer made for the entrance to a hallway, but overheard a conversation between the attendant and another. He heard how the Zhaos had been rescued and instantly turned.

"That is good news. Tell me more."

"Sorry your grace, but the message stated that they wanted to talk to the Emperor personally."

"Then be off with you."

The two attendants turned on the heels and dashed off.

Oh the Emperor. So naive, so foolish. And Shen is no better. Pacifism is a dangerous game. And most importantly of all, it doesn't bring profit.

He smirked and headed off down the side corridor. After a minute or so he arrived at a large door, patterned with the image of a rearing tiger. he knocked three times, before hearing a voice from within.


The Deer opened the door and strode in. The room was large and also cluttered, not with mess, but with prized items. Weapons of all kinds lined the walls and there were numerous banners covered with images of cranes and tigers. In the centre of the room was a curved desk on which was lain flat a map of the known world, as well as various writing and mapping equipment, as well as a pistol. Behind the desk sat a man dressed in very similar clothes to the Deer, the only differences being the patterns and jewellery themselves, and that the man's badge was a tiger.

"Ah, I see you've returned from the south. What news?"

"Negotiations with the Arashi are impossible. The savages there are too stubborn for their own good."

"Ha! We could always invade."

"And gain what? Sand, and lots of it, that's what. The time will come for the veil to stretch over the desert, but later."

"Ah, yes. Take a seat."

He gestured to the seat opposite him, which The Deer took and rested his hands on the table.

"I assume you know why I have come to see you. Me, and not one of my sector's lowers."


"Yes, Vyshtorg. And also the situation with Zardis Dacrain."

The Tiger's expression sunk almost instantly, as he also clenched his fists beneath the desk.

"Have you seen to him?"

"No. No I haven't."

The Deer suddenly sprang to his feet, almost tipping over his chair, and slammed his hand down on the table.

"WHAT!? You sent out an entire company to Dragontown, causing many whispers in the court, and you fail to apprehend the Dacrain Wolf!"

"Calm yourself! The report says he had help, something I did not anticipate. But do not worry, he will be dealt with."

The Deer recovered from his outburst and sat down again.

"You must understand. Zardis has the letter I sent you. If he manages to decipher it, the whole plan could be in jeopardy."

"Which is why he will not escape this time."

As he said this, the Tiger was unconsciously fondling a dagger in his hands, running his fingers up and down the blade.

"So, the plan itself. How are you going to take Vyshtorg?"

"I'm not going to take Vyshtorg. Just it's main guildhall. Your ambitious plans do not call for us to take the entire city, and you said it yourself. It needs to be done quietly."

"So how are you going to take the Guildhall?"

"It shouldn't be too difficult. I'll send in a squad of our best during the dark of night, kill the Guild leaders. And supplant them with one's loyal to our cause. You did plant our moles in high positions right?"

"I did, the highest in fact. Should the current leadership die, our own are in the prime place to take over."

"Good. The only question that remains is who to send to Vyshtorg, who to lead the attack."

"I've heard good things about this 'Ny-lee'. She's one of the best, in fact. Who better than her?"

"There's a problem with that. She's Shen Zhao's daughter. I doubt she'd agree to an assault like this."

"Try it anyway. And, of course, if she doesn't agree, there are always ways to... convince... people."

The Tiger nodded to himself, already coming up with ideas.

"Alright then. Come in!"

A servant entered the room and bowed to the two.

"Send word to Ny-lee Zhao. Tell her that, when she get's back, I wish to speak with her in person. And be quick."

The servant bowed again and exited the room.

"Well then, the plan is coming together."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #197 on: August 31, 2013, 01:54:52 am »

--Northern Docks--

After walking from the Inn and through the city, Charles and Courage arrives to the northern docks and walk along the many berths finding the Starlight. Few moments pass and they find the ship and board her walking towards the hold to retrieve the fours belongings.

"Alright, get in there."

"Wait? Why do I have to go in there."

"Well you are the youngest and more stronger than me."

"You are saying the you are just lazy."

"Yup, so get in the hold and get the bags."

"Fine, you lazy ass."

Courage goes to the hallway under the cabin and opens a door leading to the hold of the bottom of the airship. He crouches down and enter through the doorway and rummage around for the light switch."

"Come on...*bang*... Oh, the Flak. Ah here it is."

With the lights on, Courage sees the bags and moves towards the bags.

"Charles, heads up, bring the bags up."

"On it."

By twos, Courage moves the bags and lift them to a waiting Charles who receive them and lay them on the deck. With the four bags out of the hold and Courage closing the door behind him, each man grabs two bags and leave to depart the ship. As they were about to walk off the ship, Courage turns to the cabin of the ship and calls over to Charles.

"Think we should get our rifles?"

"With the amount of luggage we have, no way. Besides, we all have our pistols on us which should be enough, heck even Bdr have those weird hidden blade things on his wrist."

"If you say so."

Off the ship and walking through the docks, Charles remembers about the note that his partners has been hiding and nudges him as they walk.

"Okay, who is it from."

"What you talking about?"

"The note you had in the Inn and where you ran into the pillar. And don't give me the oh I wrote something down to remind me crap again. Courage we been partners on the force way too long for me not to know when you are lying."

"Okay you got me. Remember back at the Festival when I came back with a broken nose."

"So it was the girl whose father hit you."

"No she had a friend. She is the one who slip me the note."

"Think they are still here?"

"Should be, I mean they do own a business here."

"Okay, here, we drop the bags off and head over there to see this girl."

"Wait, why?"

"To see if her head is on straight. I mean it's you we are talking about." *laughs*

"Oh very funny."

*still laughing* "Come on let's head back, might rain soon. But I'm serious that we should go and see her."

With one laughing his head off and the other rolling his eyes, the two make their way back to the Wild Winds Inn.


From the post office, the rain started up again in the form of a drizzle as the father and son pair speed through the streets to one of the local banks. Inside, just like the post office, very few people are inside of the building. Going up to one of the open tellers, BdrLine goes to the window and sees a very bored man behind the screen.

"Hello, what can I help with you today."

"Hi, I'm here to retrieve the money that was sent over via a transfer."

"Name and City it originated from."

""It's from Anvala to Azn Zhao from Tommy Highlander."

"Hold on let me check the transcripts."

The teller then moved from his chair and goes towards the banks back room. Five minutes pass and he returns with a few pieces of paper.

"The City's central bank did get a message regarding of a money transfer regarding those two individuals. Now before this bank can withdrawal the money for you, please sign here so that the money in your account in Anvala can be transported here to compensate for the money we are giving to you for the transfer."

"Very well then."

The teller than slides the notice over to BdrLine where he signs the document and hands it back to him.

"Thank you. Please wait while we get the 500 gold crowns."

Once again the teller goes into the back only to return moments later with the money stored in a briefcase.

"Here you go sir."

"Thank you. Come on dad, let's go back to the Inn."

"hmm I wonder what's your mother is doing right now with your girlfriend."

"aggh If I know mom, she'll be embarrassing me right to her."

"I'll bet she would. *chuckles*

From their walk from the bank, BdrLine and Shen finally made it back to the Inn. Unfortunately for them, it started to downpour and the pair are drenching wet. Inside, the two tries to shake the water off only to cause it to fly off and hit some patrons who grumble of the nuisance. Hearing a bit of laughter coming from one part of the bar, father and son sees their respective partners in a giggling fit. Annoyed, the two goes over to them.

"I see you two were caught in the weather."

"Sorry mom, we didn't know it would rain this hard."

"Well lucky for you two, Charles and Courage dropped our bags off. So you guys can have some change of clothes."

"Thank you for them. Speaking of the two, where are they?"

"They said that they were going to the southern docks to check out a warehouse or something along the lines of that. But come on you two, you guys need a change of clothes, might catch a cold."

"Thank you for your concern Althea, son you have something to fit me?"

"I think I have some extra sizes, let me check my back. It's upstairs right?"

"Yes they place them in your rooms."

"Thanks mom, let's go dad."


Leaving the women, BdrLine and Shen moves towards the staircase leading up to the Inn's rooms. As they pass a table, Shen accidentally bumps into it ruffling the papers on top.

"Sorry about that...wait, I recognise you. From a report that I read, something about conspiracy and a bounty. You're Zardis Dacrain!"

Hearing that his father bumped into something, BdrLine turns around to wait for him to catch up. As he listen to the conversation, he gets a twitching feeling that her should get ready if something were to happen. Clenching his fist, he stands waiting to extends the blades.

--Cathedral Airspace--

With the storm wearing down upon the, the two Yeshan ships finally spots the city and moves to get into its airspace. Hovering and holding about a kilometre away, Ny-Lee radios in the City's Militia for landing permission.

"Cathedral, this is Yeashan Imperial Ship Comet and Lightning. We are holding above your airspace and are asking for permission to land over."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #198 on: August 31, 2013, 05:11:39 am »
--Cathedral, Market District--

Alex was wandering about the Market to pass time until the convoy departed for Landmark in a few hours, there were two things on his mind, one was the fact he was transporting some unknown and rather childish women on his ship, the other was that the official mission report stated the Galleon was unarmed which also meant one of two things, first would be any pirate stupid enough to approach them would not be expecting several heavy flak canisters to be flying toward them, and if they did they would probably be avoiding the fleet anyways, secondly was that there would be pirates stupid enough and that would make this contract rather explosion filled, not the boring trip he was hoping for. Of course it could be a rather boring trip, in which case he would need something to occupy him. The market was probably a good place to find such an item, it was however a matter of what could amuse him long enough to be worth buying.

"Buy our rugs, finest in all Cathedral!"

"Hold your head high when you put on this fine Yeashan silk!"

Somewhere on the other side of the market a voice yelled out.

"Don't listen to that man! His is actually just some cloth he cobbled together!"

"You can't even understand quality Gulliver!"

"Well at least I don't swindle my customers!"

"You imbeciles don't even know the half of it, anyways take a look at our weapons!"

Of course other then people trying to push your goods onto you, the market was a rather nice place, still walking through he spotted a small stall carrying books. After a short jog over through the crowds he finally managed to reach the stall.

Stall Owner
"Ahh a customer, can I help you?"

"Maybe, yes, possibly, give me a moment."

He began looking over the various tomes, volumes, and novels displayed on the stall, of course the first thing to catch his fancy was a cube with six colors on it.

"What, is that?"

He pointed at the cube.

Keeper of The Stall
"Ahh, I do not know, I have toyed with it some, as you see, it has six solid colored sides however when I do this."

He took the cube in his hands and took it below the table, when it came back up all the sides had their colors rearranged.

Guardian of The Stall
"As you see here, from what I can infer the goal for you is to make all the sides solid colored again."

"How would I do that."

He was still eyeing the cube.

He Who Mans The Stall
"Like so."

He twisted the cube about in various ways before handing off the cube to Alex who did a few experimental twists.

"I see, it looks like it can be very frustrating, how much?"

The One Who Maintains The Stall
"7 silver crowns."

"Not much, I'll take it, and these."

He Who Shall Watch The Stall
"Ah a wise choice, that will be 130 silver crowns."

He pocketed the cube in his coat, he then opened up his satchel and in it placed several volumes from a series called Redwall and threw the crowns on the table. Also in the satchel was not one, not two, not three, but four copies of the contract for the guard he had to sign earlier, the four being his idea and Captain Walker being rather annoyed by it. He would keep one in the residence, one on his person, one in the compartment he had put into his ships wheel, and one to Richard who would find a spot for him to put it. He said his farewells to the book stall before turning away.

"Those guys are rather strange."

He shrugged as he walked away from the book stall manned by several people and towards the docks where his ship is.

--Sky Runner, South Docks, Several Hours Prior--

"So how does it look?"

He, Reynold, and the captains Daughter were taking a look at the holding crane he and Alex had built the other day before working on the craft they planned on mounting on it. It sat well below the front gunnery platform, they also managed to get a ramp from the walkway down to it. The problem was, would it be able to support the craft.

"Hmm, well it looks sturdy, how are we going to keep the craft still while flying?"

"We had these fitted in."

He flipped over a piece of metal, from the looks of it, it was made to hold the craft in place at the wheel, a copy of it sat on the opposite side. Of course if the crane failed they wouldn't keep it from falling.

"Well I think that's the only problem, and we've already thrown the craft, and several dozen gats on the thing without a hitch."

"You're right, but we are going to need to keep an extra set of fuel for it on board."

"Aw shit, was hoping you would ignore that."

Well the craft works, we know that, the crane works, we know that, I don't think we'll need extra fuel yet but keeping a few extra cans down there couldn't hurt."

"Alright, lets go get some cans, as heavy as the damn things maybe, come along."

--South Docks--

She was told that their ship was in the harbor, that his crew would be there to meet her. Looking about for a moment she couldn't see them, she spotted the vessel described closer to the harbor exit but no one was tending to her.

"Uhg, well guess I'll just wait over there."

She picked up her luggage, which wasn't much to be honest, and began her walk over to the other side of the pier.

--South Docks, Current Time--

"How the hell did it take us so many hours to find several cans of fuel?"

"I don't want to know actually, in fact how about we ignore our own incompetence and-"

"Woah, take a look at that Rich."

"I hate it when you call me that, now what are pointing at, oh, I see."

They had finally had reached the ship, and to their surprise, a young women had fallen asleep on some crates, probably not at all expected however Richard mentally kicked himself as he realized she was their passenger.

"We should probably get her on board, maybe give her a blanket."

"I call giving her my jacket!"

"Ok then... you do that... right let's get to work."

In a few moments they had the fuel cans stashed below deck and began checking the major components on the ship, mainly the rigging and the balloon, with that done and the other crew members arriving from what ever they were doing, Richard began walking over to their guest when Phillip beat him to it and carried her on board, they found a quiet place for her to nap as they continued working about the ship. A little while later Travis noticed something very interesting.


"I just now realized that you have a scar running from your neck downward, where'd ya get that?"

"Long story, and it's not really interesting anyways."

"Oh come on, tell me anyways, not like we have anything better to do."

"What was that I heard about a story?"

"Trying to get him to tell me how he got that scar."

"Count me in, sounds like an interesting adventure."

"Come on, tell us and we'll stop bothering you about it."

"I know this one, I'll let him tell it though."

He pulled over a box and sat on it as others found a place to sit down or lean against something.

"Come on now, don't hold out on us."

"It can't be any worse then being mauled to death."

"Well fine, by the way are you alright?"

"Still sore but it's passing."

"Alright guys prepare for an amazing story about how I got this scar."

He unbuttoned his shirt to let everyone get a glimpse of it, it was a rather clean looking scar, unlike some war veterans who have some nasty reminders of wounds they received. However another set of footsteps was walking up the ramp, they turned their heads to see Alex walking up, he passed a paper to Richard who said he'd deal with it later, taking a look at all of them and then to Phillip he shrugged and took a seat on the crate with Richard, Phillip was apparently not saved from story telling.

"Damn it, alright, shall we begin the tale?"

(I'll post the story at a later date for anyone who's interested.)

« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 05:14:21 am by Piemanlives »

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #199 on: August 31, 2013, 05:48:49 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Zardis looked straight back at Shen with wide eyes, while also fumbling for his pistol, which he then realised was still upstairs. Gareth, who did have his pistol on him, drew it, but didn't raise it. Balor just sat there at the table, watching. There was a silence between the five people, broken when Zardis stood up.

"You're Zardis Dacrain."

Gareth's head filled with passing thoughts. How to get out of this, how to diffuse the situation.


Zardis wasn't taking any chances. He punched Shen in the face, who then fell over a table onto the ground. BrdLine immediately extended his hidden blades and struck out at Zardis, who tried to back off but took a slash to stomach, falling back onto the floor and banging his head on the hard floor, rendering him unconscious. Gareth also took action. Not wanting to kill BrdLine, he dropped the gun and pushed the table into him, causing BrdLine to stumble back. Gareth took the chance to pull out his knife and jump between BrdLine and Zardis. While this was happening, Balor had pulled out a knife from his own belt and laid it down on the table. Gareth then took that knife as well. Liu was busy tending to Shen's broken nose.

Althea had drawn her gun and had it pointed directly at Gareth, but he didn't notice.


"You should."

Lyre had emerged from the stairway and had her own gun pointed at Althea. But the sound of a dropped glass distracted Lyre enough to allow Althea to point her gun back at Lyre.

"Gareth, what happened?"

"I dunno, ask Zardis. But... after this is over."

He looked from BrdLine to Althea and back again.

"Looks like a stalemate."

He eyes the hidden blades on BrdLine's arms.

This guy looks like he means business. This should be interesting.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #200 on: August 31, 2013, 07:36:04 pm »
--Wild Winds Inn--

"Okay everyone, let's not be irrational now. So um dad, what is this all about?"

Helping her husband up, Shen clenches his nose and looks at the scene in from of him. Looking between each person and finally to the unconscious Zardis, he pointed with his head to him. Finding a napkin on another table, he reaches for it and covers his nose. A bit nasally, he speaks to the standoff.

"Well, Mr. Dacrain here had a bounty placed on his head by one of the older Deer officers. Apparently the Emperor had a word with him asking the reason for this bounty. All that was gotten out was some sort of conspiracy. All I'm asking now is how he manage to escape, that Deer sent in a whole company."

"Okay that explains him, but what about you two? There must be some reason to protect him."

--Somewhere in Cathedral--

Having got their bags to the inn earlier, Charles and Courage are wearing raincoats are walking about the city towards the southern docks. As they pass one store, Courage looks through the window and notices that the store owner was the one he met at the Festival. Curious if he still had the double-action revolver that was shown to him at that day, Courage enters the building.

"What the? Courage where are you going?"

"Hold on let me check something."

Charles looks up at the sign for the store and notices that it a gun shop.

"Courage we already have guns, plus we can get better ones back in Anvala."

Looking back at to where his friend was been, Charles notices that he wasn't standing nest to him and already inside.

Damn it man

Charles goes in as well and sees that the store owner is already talking to Courage.

"Ah I remember you, I see that you survived that hell of a race. So you are wondering about that revolver?"

"Yes, do you still have it?"

"Lucky for you, I saved it. Never met another man who was more interested in that gun than you when we met."

"Oh thank you, so does the price still stands? Because hehe, I'm a little low."

The Owner looks at the revolver and with a knowing tone he says to Courage.

"Well there are rumours going around the city that the ones who caused the commotion at the race are finally dead, and that the crews who did it are back."

The Owner looks back at him and tosses the revolver into his hands.

"Here, she is all yours."

Courage catches the weapon and looks back at him with a confused face.

"Wait how did you know I was part of the crew who did it. There was no reports that I heard stating who went."

"Words travel fast in this city. And I heard from someone who works at the docks about two ships landing and telling the City's Militia about something. Plus you have enough spunk to go out there, so I figured."

"Thanks, I don't know what to say."

"Just use her wisely."


Courage turns around and sees that Charles is standing at the doorframe with a bit of impatience on his face.

"If you are finish. Should we get going?"

"Oh yes, thanks again sir."

"No problem."

Charles then opens the door where both he and Courage steps out into the cold again. As they continue on their walk again to the warehouse, Courage eyes his new weapon and opens his coat to pocket it.

"Man I wished I had an extra holster right now."

"How about the one with your Guards pistol."

"Using it right now at the moment with the said pistol, besides it's not like the revolver is loaded, but it does feel bumpy having it in a pocket."

Rolling his eyes, Charles shoves him a bit.

"Come on, lest just go and find this girl of yours."

--Guard Headquarters--

Inside the main building for the City's Militia, two radioman just receive radio transmission from the Yeshan ships asking permission to land.

Private (1)
"Umm what do we do about this?"

Private (2)
"Honestly I don't know, we rarely have military ships from the fractions come here without escorting political figures. They must be here for a reason."

Private (1)
"Well at least they are not attacking, we are very undermanned. Should we call Captain Walker?"

Private (2)
"Maybe, but I don't know where he is. He is out preparing to get crew to man the new ships we ordered."

Private (1)
"We need to tell someone though."

Private (2)
"Okay I'll try to radio the Captain, just give them a standby notice."

Private (1)
"Okay then. Umm Yeshan Imperial Ship Comet and Lighting standby and wait for further instructions."

As the Private on the radio gives the standby order to the two waiting ships, the second Private goes to the smaller personnel trying to contact the Captain.

Private (2)
"Captain Walker, this is Private Blakey, we have two Yeshan ships asking for permission to land, how do we handle this?" 
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 07:51:27 pm by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #201 on: August 31, 2013, 08:33:06 pm »
--North Docks--

Corporal Peterson
"Captain, just got word, two Yeashan vessels are awaiting permission to dock."

Captain Walker
"Roger that, where's the nearest radio post?"

Corporal Peterson
"Harbor administration building."

Captain Walker
"I should know these things. Alright, tell them to hold there, I'll be over in a few moments after I finish up here."

Corporal Peterson
"Aye sir."

Peterson began his guard shift there with a small squad of trainees that had followed along. Walker just shrugged as he turned to another officer next to him.

Captain Walker
"Ashikaga, I need you in charge of this mission, we need those vessels and you're the only one I can trust that is available for this mission."

Lieutenant Ashikaga
"With all do respect sir, I don't believe I am ready to do this, can't we send someone else?"

Captain Walker
"Sadly no, and if we did I would send them instead of you, no disrespect meant, but quite honestly you're not ready for this and I'm needed here to pick up the pieces. I trust however you'll figure it out as you go along, good luck out there."

Lieutenant Ashikaga
"Yes sir."

The two men saluted, Ashikaga boarded the Galleon that would be officially under his command for the duration of this mission, he was going to meet up with the small fleet of vessels assigned to escort them and make way for the shipyards at Landmark.

"Sir, welcome aboard the CMS Herald I'm William Gates, commander of this ship."

"It is a pleasure, make way for the rendezvous point and we'll wait for the rest of the vessels."

"Aye sir, make way for the rendezvous point, await further reinforcements."

The various members of the crew ran to and fro as they prepared the vessel for launch, the balloon was checked, the rigging was secured, the engines warmed, the guns primed and ready, they were ready for anything, Ashikaga took a look at the docks as they began pulling out, he could see various guardsmen, some younger, some older, most of them have been around sometime and they knew, they put aside their duties for just a moment as they saluted the leaving Galleon, on it's way for an important mission. He saluted back for just second before turning to the vessels commander.

"We can not fail this mission."

"No sir, no we can not."

--Sky Runner, South Docks--

The crew looked from Phillip to the Captain, and also to Richard, the three of them just shrugged.

"Are you kidding me? I should've been there for that."

"You were still to young to join the guard back then."

"Still, storming a pirate base with naught but squids and your iron will, the guard was much more out going then when I joined up."

"We still lost some good men in those days, even now the guard still raids pirate bases and intercepts Anglean Raid Fleets, but mostly in the outer territories, we were mostly stationed in the inner towns and cities. But remember we still had that massive raid a few years back."

"I don't think I was there for that one."

"You were still off on an adventure to try and redeem yourself in the eyes of your home town at that point."

"That raid was rather massive I will admit, nothing like the reports said about the Invasion of Anvala though."

"That is very true. Anyways, should we move to the rendezvous point now?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan, is the little miss still sleeping over there?"


"Well at least we won't have to deal with her till later at least, mind if I take the helm?"

"Eh, sure, why not."

"Alright, cool, give me a location."

"The Western Watch Tower, that's where we're meeting the rest of the flotilla."

"Roger that, taking us out."

The Sky Runner edged out of the dock slowly as it made it's way through the horde of commercial traffic coming into port late that afternoon. After dodging various air liners, cargo vessels, military ships that from the looks of it came out of Yesha Empire, Alex was examining the various vessels when one caught his eye, the IFS Zypher was still a grand a ship when he last saw it a few years back. A bit worn it was still a magnificent vessel and was as graceful as the stars, and as grand as the oceans. They cleared the harbor finally and out into the open sky, a course was set and all was ready.

--Cathedral Harbor Administration, North Docks, Several Minutes Earlier--

The odd thing was that while the South Docks saw the majority of commercial and personal vessels coming into and out of Cathedral, The Harbor Administration was situated at the North Docks. People have a tendency of ignoring what didn't make sense to them, thing is however, at one point in Cathedrals history the North Docks were the only docks, and while the South Docks are much larger and much grander, the Harbor Administration stayed put, which was convenient for Captain Walker. He entered the radio room to see the civilian operator standing by."

Civilian Radioman (1)
"The Radio is yours sir. If you need me I will be in the break room.'

Walker took a seat at the radio. He turned to the other man on duty.

"Patch me into the Militia comm's."

Civilian Radioman (2)
"Aye sir. You are now receiving."

"Walker here, go ahead."

"-we have two Yeshan ships asking for permission to land, how do we handle this?"

"Patch me in."

"Aye sir."

A quick change of frequency and now he was patched into the Conversation."

"This is Captain Walker, Yeshan vessels, please state the purpose to your request."

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #202 on: September 01, 2013, 12:05:30 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Plasma watches blankly as the scuffle goes down.
The gun leaps from his side to his hands as soon as Shen takes the punch.
As the dust clears, Plasma glares around at his friends and patrons.

"Elite, lower the weapon please. I'd rather you not stain my floor red. BdrLine, why are you even wearing those things in here? Gareth, I guarantee you using those knives will get you thrown out of here by me, personally."

He sighs and moves into the center of the room, checking Zardis's wounds as the group continues the standoff. He takes a small sphere from his pocket and it unfolds into a spider like clockwork machine about the side of his hand. He mutters something to it, and it scuttles over the slash, sewing it back together and cauterizing the wound.

"The last thing I need is the lot of you getting into fights in my bar. The city has been militarizing lately, and I'm worried we're going to go the way of Anvala. Not that they weren't able to fight it off, but I'd rather not get a reputation as a harbinger of war. My point here, is you owe me an explanation Gareth."

The door to the Inn opens, and a Yeshan girl with long black hair steps over the threshold. She scan's the room, eyes halting on the knives, blades, and guns.

"Ah, I was... suppose to start work here?"

Plasma stands up, scooping the device off Zardis. He turns to the girl and smiles painfully. Gesturing at the wreckage of the recent standoff.

"If you don't mind holding down the bar while with this, I'll show you the ropes in a bit."

The girl sighs and trudges to the bar shaking her head and shooting furtive glances at Plasma.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #203 on: September 01, 2013, 12:45:24 am »
--Outside The Wild Winds--

She had finally managed to get off duty for the rest of the day, as it was training the new guys, and girls, was about as frustrating and exhausting as she expected it to be, and then some. All she needed was a stiff drink and some sleep. She saw the Wild Winds just ahead and decided it would be good place as ever to get a drink. She opened door to the inn to see the aftermath, or rather stalemate of a bar fight. She saw a few faces she recognized, a wounded man on the ground, and several weapons point at various directions. The weapons being the first thing she noticed, the second being every conscious man in the bar was staring at her, which wasn't that odd, the next thing she noticed was that all the women were staring at her as well which prompted her to question what was going on.


All she got was a few blank stares, so she decided to ask again.

"What, do I have something on me-"

The moment she looked down she realized that she was still wearing her Captains uniform. Giving herself a mental slap she sighed and walked over to the bar where a girl she didn't recognize was manning it.

"I'll have a whiskey."

The younger girl looked over at Plasma for confirmation, he just nodded back to her. She pulled out a glass and poured into it before handing it to her.


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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #204 on: September 01, 2013, 12:53:06 pm »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Gareth put away his knife and slid Balor's across the table back to him, before nodding at Lyre, who then holstered her gun. Gareth then picked up the letter from the table and held it in the air.

"This is a letter that was sent by the Deer to the Tiger. Zardis, for some reason, already had serious suspicions of its shady content. So he stole it from the Tiger's office, killing a few guards. Its the guards' deaths that the Deer used to try and authorise his capture, when the real reason was the incriminating contents of the letter itself. We went to Dragontown to try and capture him, not knowing the truth at the time. But we were enlightened and ended up having to flee for our lives from Dragontown. So we came back here, knowing it would be a relatively safe place for Zardis to decipher the letter."

"And what does it say?"

"Err, Balor, you want to read it out again?"

Gareth passed it over to Balor, who flattened it out and read it allowed again.

"Regarding Vyshtorg

Forgive my bluntness but this is written in the greatest of haste. The Ninth proclamation of the 50th consulate decrees and encourages the great expansion of our Empire through military means when diplomacy has failed. But the proclamation does not take into account another method. The city of Vyshtorg lies at the centre of the world's greatest and widest ranging spider web of connections, reaching from Qinqaachi to Iscadon. In pure terms of influence, it could be argued they surpass our empire. My proposition is that of puppeteering the Guild. To wield their guildhouses as a weapon of insidious indoctrination. One could use them to rig elections, cut off trade to resisting cities.

In order to achieve this goal it would undoubtedly require military action, which is why I write to you. My role as the Deer is to handle trade, which I shall once Vyshtorg's high tower has been acquired. But it is in your hands, as the Tiger, to achieve this end. Use any method you feel is appropriate. I only ask that it is quiet, and the Guild's loyalty is thoroughly ensured.

Soon the Blue Veil shall cover most of the known world, and all shall follow our enlightened rule.

There was a silence in the Inn that persisted for a bit, until Lyre walked over to Gareth's table and spoke aloud.

"So, as you can see, there may be a problem at hand."

"Quite a serious one too."

Gareth looked over at the door, where he saw Michael and the rest of the crew standing, with the eagles perched on a nearby table. They apparently had entered while Balor was reading the letter. Just as he said this, Zardis started to stir again.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #205 on: September 01, 2013, 05:24:37 pm »
Spoon moaned as he moved around a bit. Not really conscious yet, but shifting position in his sleep. He rolled around a bit more, then suddenly shouted and flew off the couch, eyeing everone in the room with quick head-motions. His pulse hammered in his head, and he could hardly hear a thing.


Sadly, in the quick attempt at regaining balance he tripped over the table in front of him, falling face down into the floor, and once again rendering him completely unconsious.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #206 on: September 01, 2013, 11:01:56 pm »

--YIS Comet, Cathedral Airspace--

After hearing the standby order from the Militia personnel, both ships are still holding their position above the City. From their view spot, many ships are coming and going as they fly pass the two military ships as the rain let up and blue, open skies are coming through the bleak clouds. Soon another voice comes through the radio.

Captain Walker
"This is Captain Walker, Yeshan vessels, please state the purpose to your request."

Hearing the new voice, Ny-Lee returns back to the radio to answer.

"Captain Walker, this is Captain Zhao of the YIS Comet. We have received information that a airship has landed in the city earlier carry two passengers that have been rescued. Those passengers are two important individuals to the Empire and we have orders to retrieve and escort them back to Chang-ning. And out of courtesy we were told to ask permission before landing in the city."

--Wild Winds Inn--

As everyone holster their weapons, Althea and BdrLine does the same. Sheathing back the blades back inside his forearm braces, BdrLine takes a seat to listen to what Gareth has to say. With Gareth finishing his explanation, he then refers to another man by the name of Balor which he tells the contents of the letter, surprising BdrLine, his parents and Althea.

Removing the napkin from his nose, Shen goes over to the table where his son is sitting and takes a seat. 

"I knew the three branches have extremist, but an attack and take over of the Guild? One we are not at war with them, two they are deliberating  orchestrating its downfall. As a Yeshan and a member of the Ox, yes I would like to see the Blue Veil spread, but not through war and force. I'm more for peace and have the occupants of a city willing to be merged into the Empire."

"Even though I have a bad rep against the Guild, they did fund the Birdmen a long time back. A hostile tack over of another fraction, those guys who are planning this are no worse than the Birdmen themselves. If there is anyway I can help, I have a friend of mine who has a warehouse in the Guild capital, he's a crafty one and has men who can spy around if needed to."

The others turn around as they hear a table fall down and sees Spoon hitting his head yet again. Rolling his eyes, BdrLine gets up and helps him back onto the couch. As BdrLine is helping with Spoon, Shen notices that Zardis is waking up again and goes over to kneel over him to try to get his senses back.

"Hey Zardis, you awake? Come on, I know we had a rough start but we are caught up now and are willing to help with this."

--Southern Docks

"Huh, this is the warehouse, where is everybody?"

"Maybe they are closed. We can come back some other time."

Standing outside the warehouse owned by Alex, Charles and Courage looks through the windows of the office and the surrounding area trying to find Dalhia or anyone else who works here. All that they found is an empty area and a locked building. With nothing else todo, the two walks back to the Inn.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #207 on: September 02, 2013, 02:35:37 am »
--Sky Runner, Burren--

"Huh, she's still asleep."

She was walking about the ship, checking the equipment and weapons, keeping everything working, such is the job of the main engineer. However upon her wanderings about the vessel she stumbled upon their still sleeping passenger. She quickly took off her coat and draped it over her before heading back to work, and to be honest, she thought she was kind of cute. Over by the helm Preston and Alex were having a conversation.

"How exactly does this work?!"

"I don't want to know."

They were both taking turns fiddling with the cube he picked up at the market, it was still in the form it was when the stall worker had twisted it about. They were both trying to return it to it's original form, as that was the goal of the exercise. However in the course of it all, they probably put themselves in a worse position to solve it.

"This is so frust-ow-rating!"

"That it is, are you alright by the way?"

"Pain is mostly dull now, jerking it oddly still hurts a lot, doubt I could fire a gun or anything for a while."

"It's alright, now back to the cube!"

"Exactly how did they expect anyone to solve this?!"

They looked over to see Phillip taking his shift at the helm.

"Hello Captain, Preston. What's that?"

"Puzzle cube of some sort. It is immensely frustrating though!"

"It's as if this is the physical manifestation of some sadistic demon!"

"Can I see it?"

The both looked at each other for a moment.

Preston & Alex

Preston tossed it to him who began scrutinizing it over. He twisted it a bit before going serious on it, giving it several dozen lightning twists they couldn't even follow. He tossed it back to them, with all six colors separated. They both looked at him in awe as they studied the cube.

"How is this possible?!"

"Must have used magic, he must have."

They both sighed, Preston took it behind his back and gave several very audible twists and came back with a fairly mixed cube. Phillip just shook his head as he kept his eye on course, the fleet had mobilized only half an hour ago, Cathedral was still a fairly sizable blot on the horizon as they flew towards their first destination of Garrow and then over night to the Oblivion flats and Orrington where they would rest before heading for Serenity Bay and Farona, and from there, Aschenfeld and finally Landmark.

"So where's Reynold and Travis?"

"Taking a look at the craft."


--Craft Crane--

"So this is the crane."

"Yup, Dalhia, how's the crane looking?"

"Not that bad, it seems to be holding, the metal isn't bent in anyway."

"So this is our secret weapon then?"

"Not really, no."

"Huh, I see."

"Though the fact he mounted the damn thing with a hwacha is damn scary."

"Makes it damn frightening."

"Still, I want to see them use it."

--Cathedral Harbor Administration--

"Yes, we've had some issues over the past week, sabotage and the like, anyways you're cleared for docking."

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #208 on: September 02, 2013, 04:21:50 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

"Wait, what?"

"We want to help."

Zardis rose to his feet and fumbled his way over and into his chair.

"I've explained the situation to everyone."

"Okay... well then..."

"So, we know there's a problem at hand. The only question is, how do we deal with it?"

"The orders are against the will of the emperor, I can bring it to attention and get the Deer and Tiger extremists arrested."

Zardis laughed.

"This plot wasn't put together by some senior officials. This letter was sent by the Deer himself, the top official in the entire sector, to the Tiger, possibly the single most influential general in the world. These guys know they're acting against the will of the emperor and they really don't care, because even the emperor can't touch them."

"The only option I see is direct intervention."

'What? Going directly to Vyshtorg to intercept the assassins.?"

"It could work. The only issue I see is knowing when they'll strike. I don't think they're stupid enough to act hastily."

"We need an informant of some kind. Someone on the inside."

"The Tiger wouldn't be foolish enough to just go round telling people he didn't trust. That's likely why none of the Oxen knew about it."

"I'll tell my friend in Vyshtorg to keep an eye out anyway."

"Good idea. And if Mr and Mrs Zhao could keep an eye out in Chang-ning, that would be good."

Michael then walked over to the Zhaos.

"Don't worry, we won't let the extremists slander the Yeshan name."

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #209 on: September 05, 2013, 08:46:01 am »
Plasma touches his ribs experimentally and winces.

"I think this might be one I'll have to sit out. You've got my radio frequency, and somebody needs to hold down the fort."

He glances at the unconscious Spoon and sighs.

"Seems to me like people here could use a bit of looking after. Besides, I've got a new girl to train!"

He saunters behind the bar to where Lia is glaring at him with a sort of defeated "are you kidding me" expression on her face.
Plasma leers back and begins explaining the intricacies of the bar as he serves a few patrons who seem to have collected faster than the girl can serve them.