Author Topic: The Skies have no Limit  (Read 283587 times)

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #180 on: August 19, 2013, 05:18:12 pm »
"Eh Dusty, wake up! Your turn mate"

*ugh* Spoon opened his eyes as an elbow suddenly made contact with his face and almost sent him flying of the couch. Fairly disoriented, he pulled himself back up and grasped his face.

*Hey Bill, for flak sake. Don't knock the guy out again..  Here's your cards Dusty."

Spoon stared a bit at the man on the opposite side of the table, now reaching out a set of cards for him. The man stared back at Spoon for a while, blinked, then coughed and waved the cards once more. Spoon stared a bit longer, then turned his head to observe the rest of his former lone booth. Around him sat four rough men dressed in rugged outfits, each one holding a set of five cards and observing each other with vary. On the table lay various coins and trinkets, formed in pillars and piles. To his right, the assumed to be, Bill brushed of his elbow a bit and let out a deep laughter.

He looked down on his own robes. Designed for the unforgiving nature of the dunes they certainly had helped against sun and sand. But they where indeed dusty. Looking back at the man in front of him, he finally got the hunch and grabbed the cards. Sighing, the man turned his eyes to the rest of the company and started dividing some coins on the table. The rest of the men followed suit, and Spoon proceeded to study his own cards as various shouts of "call", "raise" and "fold" where heard. Unfortunately for Spoon, he'd only played poker a few times before ..and he'd hardly been at full consciousness at the times.

*Cough cough* Spoon looked up at the men, now all staring at him. Apparently it was his turn... He stared a bit on the cards, then shouted "call" and put down his whole hand on the table, showing nothing more than a bunch of high cards and a single pair. The whole company burst into laughter while the man in front of him put the palm of his hand on his face and sighted.

"You're not supposed to show your hand just yet matey"

Realising his mistake, Spoon quickly put his hand up again and pushed a few coins in against the mid of the table, as he'd observed the others doing. More sighting and laughter erupted as the game continued. While he started to regain more and more consciousness, he still had no idea of how much he was just spending on these men he didn't even know.

What... What is going on exactly?

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #181 on: August 19, 2013, 05:33:30 pm »
--Wild Winds Inn--

"Ah, almost forgot."

he pulled the papers back out from his pocket, now slightly crumpled. Except for the letter itself, which Zardis took care to keep in pristine condition. He then laid out what papers he could on the table and started examining the letter.

"Are you sure it's wise to just have that out in the open?"

"Why, who'd possibly want it?"

"Oh, I don't know, the Yeshan authority you stole it from."

"They don't want the letter, they want me. The Tiger already read the letter by the time I stole it."

"Well, if you insist, carry on."

Zardis said nothing and, instead, just continued to pore over the papers, apparently making little progress.

"Look, this clearly isn't working."

Zardis looked up from the letter.

"You said it yourself, you've only managed to decipher the word Vyshtorg, and that's only because it's not even in code."

Gareth laughed a little as he said the last part, pointing at the letter, where the word 'Vyshtorg' was written clearly uncoded on the first paragraph.

"You're making no progress, and you won't ever like this."

"Well, what do you suggest? Do you happen to know anyone high in Yeshan authority? Someone who could read their codes?"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #182 on: August 19, 2013, 06:51:28 pm »
--The Quests End Brothel--

"Was going to this place really necessary?"

"You know, now that I think of it not really."

The two of them had walked over after encountering each other in the streets, the good captain apparently had something he needed to ask him.

"Well to business then, what do you need of me?"

"I need you to pick up something, a shipment for the guard here is currently in the city of Landmark, I need someone to pick it up and bring to Cathedral."

"Ok, what's the package?"

"Ships, if you didn't know Landmark has one of the largest shipyards available, they also have close ties to Cathedral, they have provided these vessels at a discounted price and while the order was still fairly expensive we need those ships."

"That's Arashi territory isn't it?"

"Arashi or not they wouldn't dare attack attack a ship from Cathedral, being one of the largest trade cities as well as neutral territory it would not end well for them to do so."

A rather scantily clothed waitress asked if they wanted something to drink, Walker asked for some complicated drink, something about it being shaken, not stirred, Alex didn't order anything, seeing he's already had enough to drink earlier.

"Anyways, I need someone to escort the vessels carrying the crews for our new ships, well a few someones that is. We have a galleon that was on patrol during the incident and it is currently available to carry the crews, we need several vessels to escort it to its destination and back again."

"What about the rest of the remaining guard fleet? Why pay someone when you have those vessels?"

"Because we need those vessels patrolling Cathedral and it's outlying towns and trade routes, we currently do not have the manpower to spare for this mission. So will you take the job or not?"

"Definitely a change from salvaging, what are you paying?"

"In the upwards of 3000 crowns, a fair paying job, of course you will have to provide food and other supplies yourself but it is a decent amount, what do you say?"

"I'll have to consult the crew, until later then Captain Walker."

The two of them shook hands, the scantily clad waitress deposited the Captain's drink who slammed it down, leaving the money on the table the two of them walked out and went their separate ways.

--Wild Winds--

Preston had been up for about an hour or so now and decided being mauled by dog like creatures was something he should never do again, he was also rather sore and decided laying in bed was a better alternative to walking around painfully at the moment. A half eaten sandwich lay on a plate on the bedside table next to him. A bag of clothes was situated next to it, he hadn't looked at it yet considering. A few other bags were left lying around, his carbine was also among them, the Captain apparently modified it with a collapsible stock which was fairly handy. He finally decided, against his better judgment, to stand up and change out of his current set of clothes. Carefully he swung he legs over the side of the bed and reached over to the bag, it stung a bit but not as bad as it did earlier. Inside a new vest and shirt, coupled with nice coat and some pants were nicely folded inside, he took each garment out one by one to examine them, finding them to his satisfaction he put them on readily, also finding a pair of boots tucked away in another bag he felt ready to take on the world, as long as he didn't have fight anything. He placed the rifle on his back and began combining the contents of the various bags into the larger bag that once housed his new outfit, a few new tools, mainly some chemspray, a pipe wench, a dynabuff hammer (He could never figure out how they did what they did), as well as a tarp which he assumed was a joke, he'd probably find a use for it later. Lifting the bag wasn't much of an issue even though it kind of hurt. He opened the door and walked into the bar area of the Inn, the bartender took one look at him as he was walking over.

"I'm going to guess you want a whiskey?"

"How did you know that exactly?"

"Call it a hunch but really just about everyone associated with you that comes in here orders a whiskey in some way, shape, or form, whether it's just a straight up whiskey, a cocktail that involves whiskey, or some fancied up whiskey, well that or gin really."

"Right, I'll just take a whiskey thankyouverymuch."

Newt just shrugged and poured him a glass then just went back to taking orders from the other patrons, at the other side of the bar he could see Gareth and Lyre talking to some man about something really, he couldn't really be sure. Looking over the opposite end he could see four rather boisterous men and one rather confused one playing a round or two of poker, the confused one seemed confused, really confused about his current surroundings, another hand was passed out and after a few shouts all four men looked at the fifth and realized he somehow had won the pot, which by the looks of it was fairly large.

"Boy, I hope there isn't a bar fight, Captain always tells me bar fights are good way to let off steam but I'd rather not have a door kicked in my face."

"You said it."

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #183 on: August 20, 2013, 03:10:54 pm »
--The Northern Docks--

The Starlight sets down with little fanfare. Plasma, mostly recovered, limps off the ship and engages in conversation with one of the guards. He produces some small object which the guard briefly examines. They exchange nods and the guard leaves with a brisk stride.
Plasma turns to BdrLine who's followed him off the ship.

"Hopefully that'll be the evidence they require. They'll send the payment to the Wild Winds, and we can divide it up."

He limps over to the door and throws it open, stumbling into the street.

--Wild Winds Inn, a few minutes later--

The door of the Wild Winds swings open, and a slightly battered Plasma stands in the threshold. He glances around the room, nodding to those he recognizes, gaze sticking on Spoon. He exchanges a quick glance with Newt, pointedly Jerking his head over to the erratic man before beelining to the door and ascending the stairs to his room.

Newt rolls his eyes, but puts down the tankard he was cleaning. He moves over to the table Spoon sits (for lack of a better term) at. He glares around at the other men. Slamming a large hand down on the table.

"You've won enough of this one to be getting on. I think it's time you paid for those drinks."

The men grumble, and pool some coin before shoving it at Newt.
He turns to Spoon after pocketing the money. Slapping him awake.

"Looks like you've come a long way. Might want a bath, and some Laundry. I know folks who can take care o' both those things for you. You're also welcome to a room, seems to me you could use a bit of rest. Welcome to the Wild Winds."
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 03:16:38 pm by Plasmarobo »

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #184 on: August 20, 2013, 04:51:20 pm »
"Looks ...Bzzzt ..a long way. Might want a bath.. .. ... ..laundry. I know folks ...Bzzzz  zzz... those things for you. You're... Bzzz z zz zzzz..z.z zzz...   ..  Welcome to the Wild Winds."

There it was again, that buzzing sound. Spoon raised his hand, once again feeling the squareish scar down the back of his head. Must have been the slap he'd just gotten. He let out a few more punches against his own back head and shook it violently. There.. now it stopped. He turned once again to Newt.

*Cough, cough* "I'm sorry what?"

*sigh* Do.. you..  need a room?

A room? Now that would be quite excellent!

He flipped a coin at Newt, which sadly landed about half a meter to his right. After staring a bit on Newt he then instead pushed a pile of coins from his newly aquired pool.

This would be enough, right?


Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #185 on: August 21, 2013, 12:00:32 pm »
--Wild Winds Inn--

A coin landed right in front of Zardis, startling him a bit. He shot Spoon a distasteful look and discretely pocketed the coin, whistling a bit as he did so, or trying to at least. Then Gareth came back from the bar, bringing some decent sized drinks for the three.

Gareth & Lyre

"I guess."

They all took a drink. But Zardis took his for longer, a lot longer, finishing the pint in one. By this point Gareth and Lyre had given up unravelling the inner workings of Zardis' mind and instead just accepted that Zardis didn't exactly have all of his cogs intact. But he was still sane for the most part, and, thankfully, could act so reliably when it was required.

After the sixth hastily ingested pint Zardis still did not seem entirely drunk, at least, not on the surface. His mannerisms were still intact and his speech did not slur. One would have thought him completely sober had it not been for what actually came out of his mouth.

"I'm telling you, man, whales. Skywhales. They were behind it all, the great war, the red death, all of it."


"I once punched Isaac Phillips."

"Of course."

"He copied me."

"That was over fifty years ago, you weren't even alive."

Zardis ignored her and stuffed his notes and letter in his pocket, as Gareth and Lyre lokked at each other and then back to him.

"Well, we were going to get some sleep. And we rented you one too. So... remember to get some sleep yourself, and stay out of trouble."

Zardis' suddenly seemed to return to his usual self for a moment as he said, rather menacingly, "I won't."

Gareth and Lyre then got up and made their way upstairs, while Zardis sat and went into deep thought. He struggled to come up with any way to find someone to decipher the letter. It needed to be discrete, reliable, safe. The it struck him. He pulled out one of his useless note pages and wrote roughly on the blank side.

Wanted: Someone who can decipher Yeshan political code
Task: Decipher this letter I stole from Yeshan authority
Reward: Personal pride and satisfaction
Contact: Zardis Lang Dacrain


He then got a pin and stuck the paper to the notice board, taking a moment to admire his own genius. He then made for the staircase and stumbled up the stairs to his room.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #186 on: August 22, 2013, 01:07:02 am »
--Northern Docks, Cathedral--

BdrLine nods to Plasma as he turns and heads into the city streets. As BdrLine loses sight of him, he turns around and back onto his ship where the rest of his crew waits near the gangplank. As he gets on, the others surround him.

"Finally this is over. So Bdr, what now?"

"I bet Spike and his crew arrived here earlier on Plasma's ship. Now we just have to look for them and find my parents."

"I'm guessing we are splitting up to cover more ground. And that you and Althea go that-a-way while Charles and I somewhere else."

*chuckles* "Almost like you read my mind."

Courage puts up a finger in a knowingly fashion
"Ok whenever us four get together for something, and we get split up. You always go off with your girl. So that's just a proven fact."

In the background Charles nods in agreement with a small amusing smile on his face. With what Courage said, BdrLine raises an eyebrow as he thinks of all the moments when they split up. He looks in the air as he nods to each particular memory.

"huh, I guess you are right. But in all honesty, would you two even keep up with an Elite?"

*small laugh* "You got a point ther Bdr. But shouldn't we go find that ship now?"

On that note, the four split off into their respective pairs as BdrLine and Althea heads off in one direction while the other two in another. Around a half an hour of searching, Althea notices what looks like Spike talking to a guardsman, behind them lies what looks like Plasma's Junker. She tugs on BdrLines sleeve and points towards their general direction. As he looks into the distance, BdrLine then notices Spike as he and the guard leave with Spike going back to the ship. As BdrLine and Althea approach the ship, Spike, his crew, and BdrLine's parents exits off it.

"Hey Spike, hold on for a sec!"

As BdrLine yells, Spike turns around to see who was calling him and spots the pair rushing towards them. As the two arrives, BdrLine extends a hand to him.

"Hey thanks for getting my parents out of there. Really appreciate it. So how are they?"

"No problem, just hope that me and my crew get our share and we'll be fine. Amd about your parents, they are a little beaten up from the ordeal, but nothing major."

Spike then moves his body to show BdrLine that his parents are safe. As he moved, BdrLine walks past him and embrace the two.

"Oh thank Gods you guys are safe."

Shen and Liu hugs him back as they are relieved that the worst is now over.

"Azn dear, I'm so glad to see your face after all this, thank you for you and your friends to come rescue us."

"Yes son, thank you, we thought this would have been the end for us. But now what about those devious bird brains."

"Dead, the whole organisation leadership dead. This will be the final time we will hear from them."

Breaking the embrace, Shen places an arm around his son as Liu looks at the two of them.

"That is great news, no more world domination groups. So hmm, this is Cathedral, first time I actually came to this city honestly."

As Shen and Liu looks at the view of the city from where they were, Spike and his group left them be so that they can find their ship again, while Althea stands behind the three Zhaos and coughs to get their attention. Hearing this, all three turn around and sees her standing there.

Forgetting that she was still with them, BdrLine goes red from embarrassment and goes over to Althea.

"Mom, dad, you remember Althea, right."

"How couldn't we, she is the one who you took a major interest in. And we are glad you did. So Althea, I hope my son hasn't done anything too rash or anything along the lines of that."

*stifling a giggle* "Oh no ma'am I think your son has done the right among of craziness and randomness I believe."


"Oh come on Azn, you know I'm joking. But since now we are safe here in Cathedral, Shen honey, you think you mind if we stay here for awhile. Take a little break since we did got out of this whole ordeal."

"I guess why not, but I do have to inform the Emperor and the Body that we are now safe. Son know a place where we can stay?"

"I know just the place, come one."

The three then follows BdrLine as they lead them out of the docks and into the city. On their way, BdrLine spots Charles and Courage and calls over to them as they already found his parents. Together again, the six person group heads over to the Wild Winds Inn where they enter and spot Newt.

"Hey Newt, got any more rooms available?"

"And a long range radio by any chance?"

"We do have a rew more rooms open, so you and your lot can take those, as for a radio, might want to check with the post office, they should have one."


They then turn to head upstairs to find their rooms. before heading up, BdrLine glances around the room to see if who was there and spots someone very familiar, drunk but familiar. Instead of following the rest, BdrLine walks towards the man and recognises that it was Spoon.

"SPOON! I can't believe it's you. So how is our old Sergeant of the Baronies?"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #187 on: August 23, 2013, 04:06:12 am »
--South Docks--

Alex had finally made it back to the docks, though the warehouse was still a far ways off. It wasn't that much of an issue, as he walked the pier several fairly large passenger vessels were docking, he stood and watched as well dressed men, women and children walked off the gangplanks with luggage following them, not everyone was well dressed, all of them had decent clothes on, though some had finer things on their person. It was a contrast with the colorless deserts and the ruined cities that dotted the landscapes, frankly it made him happy, as if the world hadn't ended all those years ago, of course it did and humanity was finally rolling again, it would take time for the former glory to retained but, man had taken to skies once more and that was all that mattered. He was about to make his back to the warehouse when a random set of arms took hold of him.

"Ahh there you are Clive, come along now."

He turned his head to see a young women tugging on his trench coat urging him to follow, rather confused he did however see Richard walking nearby, he hastily wrote down the details of the contract and popped them into the bag. He tied the open end of the bag and threw it over the crowd right into his head as he was dragged off. Richard feeling the bag impact his head, picked it up, inside a note from the captain read that he had a contract and the details were inside, sighing he began walking back to the warehouse to drop off the set of nuts and bolts he found inside before heading the residence, at least they were packaged.

--Wild Winds--

Preston decided he had talked enough with the barkeep this evening and decided it would be best to get back when the captain was dragged in by some lady, he was going to speak up but the captain silently shushed him as he was taken upstairs. Shrugging he picked up his bag and carbine and began the walk back to the crew residence in the city. Alex on the other hand was thrown into a room in the inn, they were, thankfully, alone. He did however decide it would be best to get some answers out of her.

"Alright I'll bite, who are you?"

"A bit to the point aren't you?"

"I like to know who I'm going to do business with."


That got her, he obviously nailed it right on the head, now all he needed to know what was going on.

"Ok fine, Amelia Lockheart, and I need someone to be my husband."


"Well not like that banshee-for-brains! My parents have been berating me about getting married and finding a man and what not, well they want me to come visit with a man, they think I've found a man or something seeing as I've been able support myself, my parents are fairly old fashioned, anyways they plan on sending several servants to come retrieve me if I don't go, and if I don't bring anyone they'll assume I left him behind to keep up some charade that doesn't exist and-"

"Are you alright?"

She was looking rather worn out and out of breathe, she looked at him for a moment before continuing.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine, I just get worked up easily about things and I really don't know how to handle it and so I-"

"Again, calm down. Now explain where I come into this? It sounds if I go along with this charade it might make things worse for you."

"Well I kind of planned........ I don't know anymore."

She plopped down on the other bed defeated, and tired by the looks of it.

"I just want my parents to stop asking about someone, I mean I love them and all but always asking about if I have found a guy just gets irritating."

"Sounds like you just need to talk to your parents, no elaborate plan can fix that."

"Still they at least want me to come visit them."

He gave a long drawn out sigh.

"Alright where do they live?"

"That's actually kind of why I approached you, they live in Landmark, and I kind of over heard your conversation."

She actually looked like a lost child at that moment, and as a father was kind of hard to resist.

"Fine, you can come with us. You'll have to bring your own food though, preferably canned goods and the like."

"Really!? Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Definitely a child, not only that but she jumped on him and held him close, too close, though thankfully his previously father like thoughts managed to block his man thoughts from becoming active, now all he need to do was find a way get her off him.

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #188 on: August 23, 2013, 12:55:19 pm »
"Bzzzztsss zzz..zzz zz is our old Sergeant of the Baronies?"
Spoon shook his head once more to try and get rid of the static he'd just felt, then turned in great surprise as the familiar Yeshan stepped in front of him.

"Azn? Holy hell, what are you doing here? I can't believe it's you. When was it last? The battle of Anvala right, hah! Hang on let me buy you a drin..."

Spoon stopped dead in his tracks as he suddenly saw the familiar woman walking past them in the bar. He stared for a second or two, then almost jumped out of the seat as he swung his robe open and drew his revolver.

*Click* "Finally I found you. YOU little..."

"Spoon what the hell!? She's.."

"Who the hell are you?

"Don't remember huh?

Still aiming at Althea he used his other hand to open his left pocket, picking up a worn scroll of paper. He rolled it up and threw the warrant for Honeybadger on the floor in front of them.

Remember this man? Well, DO YOU?!

What the?

You killed this man... killed him in cold blood  ...He was my brother dammit!

Charles and Courage looked at each other as they just remembered the quite unusual conversation they'd had right after the battle of anvala, with a then believed to be no-important bum. Suddenly another click was heard behind spoon.

I'm afraid I can't let you do that Spoon

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #189 on: August 23, 2013, 03:00:34 pm »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Feeling the pistol barrel on the back of his neck, Spoon knew he would get it if he did something rash. Holding both his arms up, Charles goes over and retrieve the pistol from Spoon's hand.

"Sorry Spoon about this, but let us explain once you wake up."


As Spoon as about to turn around to look at BdrLine, Bdr pistol whip him on e back knocking Spoon out cold. The four gather around his limp frame and look down at him with some confusion.

"So this is the guy we send to the Asylum, I didn't know you knew him Bdr."

"Yeah, back when everyone was hanging out at the saloon. Nice guy, Spoon, it was some back luck and some of Yiski's brews that made him seem crazy."

"So what do we do with him?"

"When he wakes, we'll explain the whole situation about what happen to his brother. Now.... Hey Newt, you have a couch around here?"

Newt looks up at the mention of his name and tilt his head towards the lounge. Thanking him, BdrLine grab Spoon under his armpit and drags him over. Lifting his body, BdrLine lays Spoon on the couch, before he goes back to his buddies, BdrLine looks back at him and remembers the many situations where he has to lie on a couch.

*chcukles* Like old times.

He then walks back to the three.

"What a day, I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading up for some sleep."

"Same here, wait Bdr, what about money? Once we leave, we need tory off our stay here."

"Plasma said that he'll split the reward money between all of us. If its not enough, I'll call Tommy tomorrow to see if he can transfer some gold to us here. Well if you need anything else, night you guys."

"Night Bdr. So Courage, up for a pint?"

"After all this, im with you on that. How about you Althea?"

"im tired as well, so I'll be following Azn."

*snicker* "Well have fun you two."

"Don't make me do something to you that you'll regret."

"Alright, alright. Night sheesh."

With that BdrLine and Althea goes up to one of the open rooms and both lie down unceremoniously on top of the mattress as they drift of into a deep sleep. Back downstairs, Charles and Courage heads to the bar and opens a few rounds for them. As for Shen and Liu, both are in their rooms upstairs thanking themselves as they are alive and well before going off into sleep as well.

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #190 on: August 23, 2013, 03:58:07 pm »

The day drew to a close, as darkness closed around Spoon's mind. His final view of the inn was of an alarmed patron staring at his falling body. Then blissful black.
Newt catches shouts at BdrLine for a moment, possibly only because shouting at Spoon is pointless, and then gruffly tells the group it's about time they got up to their rooms anyway.

But it's clear he is rather pleased with the way the situation played out, if only because it meant no calling of guards or mopping of blood. He gives the last call to the customers, and begins to set chairs up on tables. Stopping to examine a poster on the bounty board. He shakes his head, but leaves it posted.

With the thread of the Birdmen finished once and for eternity, things had begun to settle back into the natural pattern of the Wild Winds. The news of the victory was spreading in whispers through the city. The only information they seemed to have was the the Yeshan Nobility were involved, and the bounty at the Wild Winds had been claimed.

The last man out of the Wild Winds, a traveler in a desert wrap paused outside, glancing up at the second and third floors of the building.

Man of Dust
"They have done well. They will be useful."

He nods to a stray gazing curiously up at him, before departing into the night.

--End of Day 9--

Musical Interlude

Never gonna give you up!
Never gonna let you down!
Never gonna run around and-


--Start of Day 10--

The next day dawns blearily. Rain beats down from dark clouds that arrived in the night. The streets are small rivers where paved, and muddy paths where not. Few folks and fewer ships are out and about in such depressing weather. Plasma limps down from his room early to open the bar and the trading counter. Newt is nowhere to be seen, and Plasma lifts a note off the counter.


Taking the day off.
New girl will start later, she'll come find you.
You're on your own until she get's here.


P.S. I want to know what happened to Emily eventually.
In your own time.

--End Narration--

Plasma puts down the paper, muttering something under his breath. He sets the tables, clears up a few documents at the trading counter, and unlocks the door.
Immediately several regulars stampede into the room. The small porch over the door does little to protect more than two or three people. Plasma sighs and begins to take drink orders. Then grabs a mop, morosely wiping away the intrusion of the weather.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #191 on: August 23, 2013, 04:50:43 pm »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Gareth decided that morning to let Lyre have some more rest and head downstairs alone. It was still relatively early in the morning and Zardis must have been extremely hungover. This made it all the more surprising for Gareth to see Zardis up and sitting at a table, engaging in conversation with a hooded stranger.

"That man is an enigma."

He walked over to Zardis' table, giving Plasma a small nod as he passed. As he got closer he thought he saw Zardis hastily scrunch up a piece of paper that was on the table, some sort of poster, and put it in his pocket, probably after noticing Gareth's approach. Just as he got to the table the stranger looked up at Gareth. The most striking thing about the man's face was his missing left eye, which was covered by a patch.

"Does the man need something?"

"Your name would be a good start."

The stranger's aura turned rather hostile and defensive as he stared down Gareth. His look was so sharp and piercing it seemed to paralyse Gareth in his spot.

"It's alright, Balor, he's alright."

"If the wolf insists."

He looked away from Gareth and down at the table. Gareth felt as though a great weight had been lifted off him as soon as Balor turned away.

"Are you acquainted?"

"We're definitely not friends. I'm not sure Balor has any friends. But he took me up on my contract."

"What contract?"

"The contract to decipher the letter."

"That was quick. How did you find him so fast?"

"I just, you know... put up a poster on the board."

"...Stating that you had a top secret letter you STOLE from Yeshan high command."


"It was an awful idea. I imagine the wolf was drunk when he did it."

"Yeah... well, I guess it's alright as long as no one else saw it."

"I cant promise that."

"I'm gonna get something to eat... or drink."

Zardis got up and left Gareth and Balor to their own devices as he meandered his way over to the bar. At this point he was still slightly worried about drawing attention to himself, but he imagined it would be alright... probably. He arrived at Plasma's counter.

"Something weak please."

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #192 on: August 23, 2013, 05:31:51 pm »
Plasma gives Zardis a once-over as he pulls a light amber colored drink from a tap decorated with a conch shell.
He plops it down, and then leans over the counter, sliding the drink towards the man.

"I'd be careful, friend. You're tangling with some rough characters there. Now, it's none of my business who you're friends are, but if the inn has to provide...protective services at any point-"

He glances pointedly at the revolver tucked into a shoulder holster. Then straightens cheerfully, picking up a glass to clean.

"-well, I'll be putting it on your tab."

He looks over a Gareth and shoots him a quick wink, before meandering down the counter to serve another patron. 

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #193 on: August 24, 2013, 08:47:02 am »
--Crew Residence--

"-And that's the gist of really."

"So the guard wants us to escort the galleon, that has had most of it's combat ability removed and replace with crew berths, into the Arashi League, through miles of desert and then back again, but stall them long enough so we can bring this lady we don't even know to her parents and then back to Cathedral."

"Yeah that pretty much sums it up."

"The pay's also pretty good as well, is that per person or the crew as a whole?"

"According to the contract, for every 4 members of crew, seeing as that is fairly standard for ships these days."

"How long is the voy-ow-age again?"

"Considering we have to escort a galleon I'd peg it at around 3 days, maybe 2 if the conditions are right. By the way is your arm alright?"

"It's just rather sore."

"Wait, what was this I hear about an unarmed galleon?"

The questions continued in a fairly haphazard form for the next half an hour or so, the general consensus would be they would take it, however Alex just realized something."

"Richard I thought you explained the contract to them yesterday."

"Well I thought I did."

He sort of faltered off and went back to eating his breakfast, the other crew members were chatting with one another over the meal, Alex motioned for Richard to follow for a moment, the two of them went around to the back of the house while the others were still busy eating.

"Is it ready?"

"Ready as it will ever be, I'd like to stress test it more but it should hold."

"Yeah well we don't have luxury of time at the moment, we do have a few till we set off though, bring Reynold and Lorena to take a look at it, I'm going to head over to the guard barracks and inquire about the other vessels joining us."

"Got it, I'll see you soon then."

"Also I've told our passenger to meet us at the ship, when she arrives get her on board so we don't have to worry about it later."

"Will do."

--Guard Headquarters--

The place seemed to be filled with fairly new officers if the rank insignia's were anything to go by, everywhere older officers had a small group of newer ones apparently taking notes on everything they did, it was rather apparent now just how many they lost during the race though by the looks of it everyone was determined to make sure it didn't happen again. Still he needed to find Captain Walker, looking around he did find a rather familiar face leading a bunch of guards in training.

"Well, apparently you're doing something productive."

Reagan turned her head to look at him, her several trainees turned to follow her.

"Well, it doesn't seem like you are, unless you're here to join us."

"Actually I'm looking Walker about a job he proposed to me the other day."

"He's at the docks actually, something about berating the man who thought taking off most of a galleons weapons off was a good idea."

"Ah, well I'll be on my way then. See ya around Reagan."

"You too."

And with that he took the door out and headed over to the docks. It wasn't that far to be honest, the main dock of the city was fairly close by seeing as the guard is responsible going into and out of the harbor. And then it didn't take him long to find the captain, seeing as he was lecturing, quite loudly, why taking a vessels guns off was a bad idea as several refit cranes were working to replace it's equipment. He took a break long enough to notice Alex walking up to him.

"Ahh, come about the job have you?"

"Yeah, we'll take the job, I would however like to know what other ships will be joining us."

"More or less an assortment of lighter vessels, a few Goldfish, a Pyramidion, a Spire, and your Junker from the looks of it."

"A lot of money you're paying for this mission."

"We paid more for those ships, a hell of a lot more, still, we'll have you signed on for the payroll when you return. Good luck out there captain."

"From the look of things we'll need it."

"The Galleon has been rearmed and is ready for combat."

"Good, now if you'll be excusing me, I have a lecture to continue."

"I'm must be going soon anyways, finish planning this entire thing."

"Well I'll make sure to see you off."


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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #194 on: August 24, 2013, 10:08:47 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Zardis took his drink from Plasma and walked back to his table. He paid little attention to Plasma's advice, not out of disrespect, but out of already being fully aware of the danger that surrounds, yet never touches Balor. He took a seat again and brought out the letter, setting it down in front of Balor.

"I assume this is it."

"Yeah. Do you know the code?"

"Of course, it's elementary. I've even learned the code off by heart."

"Well, that's amazing. Then what does it say?"

Balor said nothing, but laid his hand down on the table palm-up. After a lengthy pause, Zardis grunted and unwillingly pulled out a coin pouch and dropped it into Balor's hand. Balor then withdrew his hand and pocketed the pouch.

"The letter reads as follows..."

Regarding Vyshtorg

Forgive my bluntness but this is written in the greatest of haste. The Ninth proclamation of the 50th consulate decrees and encourages the great expansion of our Empire through military means when diplomacy has failed. But the proclamation does not take into account another method. The city of Vyshtorg lies at the centre of the world's greatest and widest ranging spider web of connections, reaching from Qinqaachi to Iscadon. In pure terms of influence, it could be argued they surpass our empire. My proposition is that of puppeteering the Guild. To wield their guildhouses as a weapon of insidious indoctrination. One could use them to rig elections, cut off trade to resisting cities.

In order to achieve this goal it would undoubtedly require military action, which is why I write to you. My role as the Deer is to handle trade, which I shall once Vyshtorg's high tower has been acquired. But it is in your hands, as the Tiger, to achieve this end. Use any method you feel is appropriate. I only ask that it is quiet, and the Guild's loyalty is thoroughly ensured.

Soon the Blue Veil shall cover most of the known world, and all shall follow our enlightened rule.

"...Well that's not good."