Weekly Progress Update: January 31st, 2014

Arshi Corvette
A sneak peek into the internal workings.

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the delay. We just got the featured sale in the Humble Store on Friday and we felt it was more important to push for the charity announcement out and then do the blog post a couple of days late.

Same style as before, we’re going to go through each team’s weekly activities and you can then play mental favorites with members of the team with what they’re working on.


CH put the combat controller unit onto the new AI ships for testing. At the top of this blog post you can see those new ships and if you look up in the top-left corner you can see the tiny “{null subject} Rebuilt Hull Armor” texts which shows exactly what CH was working on.

Tom went into the danger zone and taught the bi-planes to attack with various weapons and in groups. So if you get blown out of the sky by a well executed strafing run, you now know who to blame.

Derek put some of the finishing touches on the trailer animations and he’ll be back working on Guns of Icarus animations very soon.

What Howard has been working on is already out to see. Howard spent the week organizing the Humble store feature and putting our share towards the casters to get more press out about the charities.
Howard is also writing the really long narrative on the history of Guns of Icarus Online. Between all of that he sneaked in time to go over some of the exciting UI/Ux changes we’re planning.

Emily spent the week working on a fancier version of the main screen. She’s also starting on the the welcome screen for Co-Op mode.

Nathan has been finishing off his newbie weeks with more bug fixing and has finished dealing with a resetToDefaults that has cropped up and also made the spyglass and rangefinder usage correctly viewable by other players.

Alex has been crazy busy wrapping up the new patch with a shiny bow for its release. This has involved a lot of organizing, double checking, and some last minute bug fixes.

George also got wrapped into bug fixing department and spent the start of the week fixing up some outstanding issues. Currently he’s working on solidifying the logic for ship collision effects. He’s also wrapping up the work on mixing and implementing the Japanese voice commands.

Eric has been working hard on speccing and designing Co-Op mode. The major aim is to make the game less drop-in/drop-out.

Tim’s work has been a lot of gunshot wounds, vicious cuts, and dead soldiers as he finishes up the trailer.
For the game he’s been working on creating very nice particles for ship to surface collisions.

Matthew spent the week doing a lot of moderation, CA wrangling, and support emails. He also got the chance to do some preliminary research on some community features such as in-game clan support and how clans and factions should interact.