This is a follow up and successor to the
#AmmotudeAdjustment - HEAVY ammunition proposals thread. The proposals come from participants in the open
Skype group, and users on the forum
We’re split between -20% and -15% ROF. The rotation speed reduction is not significant, and lacking an additional penalty, IMO -20% ROF is more reasonable due to the high potential dps of heavy clip:
-20%: 1 / 5 shots miss in order to be better than regular ammo
-15%: 1 / 6.7 shots of regular must miss
Two other options were proposed: -10% clip (with -15 ROF), and -15% damage. The reduced clip proposal will only effect gat, banshee, and hwatcha (not Hcarro, Lcarro, or minotaur). The second proposal for reduced damage affects all guns similarly and would prevent Hcarro one-clip balloon disables (forcing reliance on loch or closing range)
Finally, the topic of jitter. The current value is -70%, but some argue for higher. IMO, 70% is relatively balanced for disabling components as higher may be too easy with guns like gat and Lcarro. It also limits the effective max range of Hcarro
Now it's up to you: should other dps values, like clip size and damage, be considered? Is a jitter change necessary? And is a reduced rotation of -15% agreed upon?
Option 1: -20% ROF
Option 2: -15% ROF, -10% clip (regulates power on gat, banshee, and hwatcha)
Option 3: -15% damage (balanced effect across guns)