Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468609 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #750 on: March 16, 2013, 12:20:46 am »
*Yiski sighs*
Alright, by the skies, it's been awhile since the saloon been like this. I wouldn't mind if this happened every night.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 12:29:12 am by Yiski »

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #751 on: March 16, 2013, 12:27:30 am »
"The one you recently covered in tar? HA!"

Jen was holding onto Paradox's right arm, she was obviously intimidated by the patrons of the bar. She was humble but not sure how to react, her nervousness seeped into Paradox. Although he didn't openly acknowledge it, he was aware and on high guard.

One of the patrons grabbed her ass as he brushed past her.

She let out a subtle "eep" noise.

Within seconds Paradox twirled around, pushing Jen behind him, He tripped the man who then proceed to slam his face on the bar counter. Paradox grabbed him by the back of the collar and held him suspended in mid air, his volcanic pistol was aimed at the mans chest.

"Yiski, would you kindly tell this man who he has flaked with? Right now I'm deciding whether or not to kill him."

*He cocked the pistol*

Besides the few people who saw this occur, the rest of the bar continued as if nothing was happening.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #752 on: March 16, 2013, 12:30:41 am »
*Yiski looks to the poor sap who just pissed of Paradox*
You have just pissed of the CEO of the Dandy Lions Trading Company. I'd say more, but I think you get an idea of the man you're dealing with.

*Yiski looks at Paradox*
Let the idiot go. We're having fun and the last thing I want is a dead man on my saloon floor.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #753 on: March 16, 2013, 12:42:55 am »
*Zill Takes the man from PapaP and throws him on the ground. Jun'ko kicks him out the door*

There. Now quit pickin' fights you overgrown teapot. I swear, have a good time for once.

*He pats Yiski's back*

Me and Jun'ko are headed out. Dont worry about the spare barrels. Ill get them eventually.

*One last toast as Zill leaves.*

By the Skies we drink this night. Be merry my men!

*A final cheer follows the two out the door.*


The cool wind bit ever so slightly at the skin tonight. Jun'ko huddles close to Zill as they made their way to the Port. They were empty, save for the boats docked. His Galleon sat as it was placed. He stood and the memories nipped at his conscience. Zill lets out a deep breath.

This ship brings back more than I will ever know, doesnt it?

It does. I could tell you the story a million times and the pain would never sink in as it does for me.

Jun'ko slowly removes his mask, and kisses his cheek.

I couldnt imagine. But i hope i can lessen it, my Admiral.

I feel it even now.

Let us sleep. We need it after a night like this. *Chuckles*

The two retreat to the back chambers. Jun'ko puts Zill to bed, and she joins him shortly after. She knows its not yet time, and is more than happy to comfort him into a peaceful sleep.

-End Narrator-

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #754 on: March 16, 2013, 12:50:49 am »

The evening in the saloon went on even with the single unpleasant moment. Paradox was still a steaming and messing with his outfit only to have Jen fix it up again. Other than that, the entire saloon was singing and drkining.
Been awhile since the saloon seen this much good times.

Meanwhile, Zill and Jun’ko shared a nice warm bed on Zill’s galleon. Zill enjoyed the comfort Jun’ko brought him mentally and to an extent physically.

While the festivities continued at the saloon, Roland and Ny-Lee left the theater. Both of them were laughing hysterically and holding their sides.
I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life.

I know. I would like to know how they managed to get a tiger well-tamed enough for that scene.

The two continued to talk about various aspects of the play as they walked through the Garden District. As they walked, Ny-Lee kissed Roland on the cheek.
I had a wonderful evening tonight.

Roland smiled and returned the kiss.
Well, the night is not over yet. I did promise you a surprise.

Ny-Lee giggled.
I believe you’re right. So, what is this surprise?

Patience. First we need to head to the Docks.

The Docks? The surprise is there?

There was confusion and hesitation in Ny-Lee’s tone. It was understandable, nobody in their right mind would take their date to the Docks... unless you wanted to push them off the side. A thought Zill had many times with new engineers. Roland looked at Ny-Lee.
Yes and no. The surprise is somewhere else. But we need to get to the Docks.

The young couple arrived at the Docks. At this time, the Docks were unusually quiet. Ny-Lee was still wondering what the surprise could be as she followed closely behind Roland. The two walked towards the back of the Docks and sees one of the slots occupied, but covered in a giant tarp.
Here it is.

What is it?

I’ll show you.

Roland walks over to the console and presses the button to roll back the tarp. It was a squid. Ny-Lee was shocked.
Is this your ship Roland?

No, it’s Yiski’s. Say hello the Kyllo. And before you ask, yes, Yiski knows I am using the Kyllo for our date. It is why he handed me this package. And no, you will know what is inside as soon as we get airborne.

At this point, Ny-Lee is beyond words and thinks to herself.
A fine dinner, a wonderful show, and now an airship flight. Roland certainly knows how to impress.

Roland jumps onto the Kyllo and offers his hand to Ny-Lee which she takes. Roland runs the necessary checks and takes the Kyllo out of the Docks. Soon, Roland clears Anvalan airspace and they’re high above the clouds. Ny-Lee is so excited she holds her arms out and lets the wind rush by her.

At this time, all of Anvala’s citizens are asleep. Only these two remain awake. There’s a point where there’s no cross-wind to be had and Roland manages to find the point, settle the Kyllo, and kill the engines. Roland walks over to Ny-Lee and hands her the pacakge.
Well, you wanted to know what was inside.

Roland opens the package to reveal two heavy blankets. Ny-Lee was more confused now than ever.
Why did Yiski give you blankets?

Well, first, it’s cold up here. Second, wait.

Ny-Lee wanted to know what the second part was, but at least he was right on the first. It was bloody cold. So the two dawned on the blankets and sat, snuggling each other. Two hours pass of silent bliss. Eventually, Ny-Lee had to break the silence.
Roland, this was the most wonderful date, but I’m still curious as to wh....

Ny-Lee was interrupted by something so charming and glorious, it just caused her to hang her mouth wide open.
I’ve never seen a sunrise like... it’s so beautiful.

Roland smiled.

Ny-Lee looked at Roland’s expression and she felt warm all over despite the cold altitude temperatures.
I’ve been on dates before, but Roland... my goodness, I think I love him.


--END OF DAY 33--
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 01:01:02 am by Yiski »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #755 on: March 16, 2013, 11:09:51 am »


Today was a typical opening of the saloon and business went on as the same as it always had: Lots of drinking, some spontaneous singing, and a few scuffles.

Meanwhile, Roland and Ny-Lee were spending an extra day out in the skies. Luckily there were supplies on the Kyllo.


--END OF DAY 34--

Sorry for this token post. Since I'm participating in Cogs later, I do not want to maintain the RP. This will likely be a regular occurrence when I have future Cog matches.

Sorry to deprive many of you of your daily source of slice of life, romance, adventure, and action.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #756 on: March 17, 2013, 11:19:11 am »


Roland and Ny-Lee finally return to the Docks after a full day of flying all around Anvala. The two would be exhausted if not for the fact they slept in the spot where there were no cross-winds. As Roland docked Kyllo back into position, the two hopped of the ship and shared a kiss. Suddenly...
Ahem... Looks like the two of you had fun.

They quickly broke their kiss and noticed Yiski standing nearby. The couple blushed and Roland was rubbing the back of his head.
I apologize for keeping Kyllo out for an additional day, but...

No, that's fine. I'm just making sure the two of you are fine, especially since I didn't hear anything from you on the radio. You should've seen how much of a wreck BdrLine was yesterday. He's at home if you're wondering.

Ny-Lee blushes and turns to Roland and gives him another kiss on the lips.
I suppose I should head home and tell my brother I'm okay. I'll see you later.

Will you stop by the saloon after checking in with BdrLine?

Of course.

Ny-Lee gives Roland another kiss, but on the cheek this time, and heads of for BdrLine's place. Soon, Roland and Yiski start walking back toward the saloon.
So... I guess everything went alright up in the skies?

As much as Roland wanted to describe the day in full, Roland knew Yiski wouldn't want to know the details of their date and simple said.

Yiski smiled and patted Roland on the back. Eventually, when they arrived back at the saloon, it was time to open.


Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #757 on: March 17, 2013, 11:39:42 am »
*Shink storms into the saloon, Sits down in his usual spot... Unfortunately, in his frustration, he sat down too forcibly, and the legs of the chair broke... Without saying a word, Shink grabs another chair, and this time sits a bit more gently than before*

*The patrons closest to him could hear him muttering something under his breath*

"Curse that academy and everyone in it..."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #758 on: March 17, 2013, 11:47:50 am »
*Yiski sighs*
Dammit Shink! Do you just break everything you touch?

*Yiski looks at Shink more closely*
By the skies, you seem paranoid again.

*Yiski walks to the counter and comes back with a Frost Fire Ale*
Here, this one's on me.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #759 on: March 17, 2013, 11:51:29 am »
*Takes the ale and downs it in one go*

"It's not my fault! those cursed academy idiots fired me!.... Just because I may have 'accidentally' grazed the Dean's son.... Which I didn't!"

*Looks around at the other patrons*

"What?! I didn't!"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #760 on: March 17, 2013, 12:26:06 pm »

Zill woke up slowly, his eyes heavy, and on his back. Jun'ko was wrapped around him still fast asleep. He couldnt remember the last time he didnt have a past memory haunt him during the night, but today was one of those days. He shifted slightly and that was enough to awaken Jun'ko.

...Mornin' my Admiral...

Mornin' sunshine.

...You look like you slept well. My mission was a success then.

Best sleep in a long time. I could get used to this.

You better. *Chuckles*

*Sighs* So much to get done today.

Jun'ko shifted on top of Zill and kissed him softly, smiling after. His thoughts of work were promptly dashed. He hadnt felt this way about anyone for years, and it was a welcome change. They gazed into each others eyes for a moment. Its was telepathy at its finest. Jun'ko blushed slightly, and Zill pulled her down to him. The scant clothing they had was dashed across the chambers, and the morning was theirs.

-End Narrator-

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #761 on: March 17, 2013, 12:43:35 pm »
--BdrLine's Home--
*Acter being chased down by the cafe owner two days ago and not knowing where his sitter was at yesterday, Bdr is pacing around his house thinking the worst has happened*

*Ny-Lee goes up to the house and opens the door and sees her brother in the state that he was in*

Azn I'm home. And it's alright I'm fine Roland and I just went out for another day. Sorry I didn't tell you or anything.

*Bdr sees his sister heads in and immediately goes up to her and hugs her*

It's alright, as long as I know you are safe, then I am happy. *then Bdr releases the hug and only has his hands on Ny' shoulders* So how was it. Nothing to extreme happen or anything?

*Ny think about whether or not she should tell her brother about the cruise Rolamd and her took yesterday around the city. But she shook it out of her mind and decides it was the best not to.*

It was lovely, Roland took me out to this wonderful cafe out in the Garden District, then to this comedy after dinner....

*Bdr clamps a hand over her mouth*

Alrighty already. I think thats enough information for me. Too much lovey dovey for me *laughs*

*Ny takes her brothers hand out of her mouth*

[color=]Oh haha, just wait till you find a date and see what happens[/color]

*chuckling* If I ever find a date, it will be when all my experiments won't explode during the first time. Come on let's go to the saloon, I need something drink from yesterday and you can zee your boyfriend as well

Oh just shut it will ya*She blush at the name of boyfriend out of her brothers mouth and punches him in he arm*

Dang geez alright Ms. Sensitive. Let's just go then *Rubbing his arm*

*Bdr closes and locks his door, and both siblings head towards the soloon*
*After a few minutes of walkin, they arrived and enter*

*Bdr to Roland in a British accent*
Here you go sir, as I have delivered ye your beautiful maiding *Normal voice* Plus I need her out of my hair already. Yiski can I have a Hellfire please

*Bdr goes to a stool at the bar and sees Shink*
Yoe looked like someone out to get you. Let me guess Academy again?

*Back to Ny-Lee and Roland*
*Ny blushes at her brothers comment, but she just go up and peck Rolnad on the check so she wouldn't have any side comments from him*

Miss me already?

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #762 on: March 17, 2013, 12:59:18 pm »

*Yiski to Shink*
You got fired, huh? Well, that's to be expected. The Academy always had a track record of firing so many folks within a month. What're you goin' do now for money?

*Yiski turns and sees BdrLine and Ny-Lee and gets BdrLine's request for a Hellfire*
I figured you needed something to calm your nerves. *Yiski hand BdrLine a Hellfire* Ny, you should have seen him yesterday as he came barging into the saloon yellin' about how he lost you.

*Roland to Ny-Lee*
More than you can imagine.

*As the lovely young couple look into each others' eyes, Yiski gave a chuckle.*
Just like Micheal and Maria.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 01:01:03 pm by Yiski »

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #763 on: March 17, 2013, 01:30:49 pm »
*To Yiski*

"Well they can all go get eaten by a Burren sand slug... I don't have any clue at the moment... maybe I'll find some work down at the docks"

*Orders another Ale*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #764 on: March 17, 2013, 01:40:12 pm »
*Ny-Lee breaks her gaze from Roland and turns to Yiski*

Wait what do you mean, "he lost me"? It's not like I been taken by raiders ornlike that... Wait a minute *She turns to her brother at the bar* Was that feeling I had was you following us two days ago!!

*Ny leaves Roland's embrace and starts going up to her brother*

*BdrLine lookin wide eyed, downs the Hellfire and to Ny*
Well look at the time, Got to head back to the docks. Don't know what them swabbies will do next and what not. Maybe they explode my warehouse right now. Sooo See you later Ny

*As BdrLine tries to head for the front door, Ny grabs him by the collar*

Oh no you don't. Seriously you didn't trust us enough on a single date! Hold on let me think what todo with you.

Come on Ny, I mean you wouldn't want to do that in front of everyone here, including Roland?*he gulbs at the end*

I know, Roland can you be a dear and hand me a Wild Wind Ale please?

Ha a drink? Is that all you got. Come on sis, I think your are losing your touch.

*a small smile appears on Ny's lips*
Oh don't you worry my dearest brother of mine

Oh help me Gods

« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 01:49:57 pm by BdrLineAzn »