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That moment when Paddling vs Gentlemen rolls Northern Fjords and you realise that you'll have to spend at least twenty minutes commentating about the clouds*.*Cause they'll be the only moving objects on the map.
That moment when you make your debute in the Cogs playing as a substitute and 6 minutes later you're back in the lobby pondering different games to purchase
That moment when your balloon pops and you try to hit F3 to get the AI to rebuild, but instead you hit 3, which is Chute Vent (happened to me yesterday).That moment when your gun blocks right when you're about to finish the other ship off.That moment when your friendly Spire charges at an enemy Galleon.That moment when you think you're being carronaded but you actually just left hydrogen on.That moment when you run up to the balloon to rebuild it, and as soon as you're halfway there the hull breaks.That moment when...
That moment where you're bringing your galleons broadside to bear and your dick engineer shoots the harpoon on the back of the ship SO I CAN'T TURN. Hahahaha I hate you so much...
That moment when one of your crewmen tells you "No."