I kinda don't wanna say it but I think crew-form is like the worst thing about the new system..
I am kinda bored with three low skill pilots.. and suddenly - a full ship of high skill players drops in and just ruins any chance the lobby had to be fun. I do consider pilot skill levels to be a bigger factor then a gunners or engineers.
I feel its needed to find a way to balance crew-form more then trying to solve how to keep novices out of my games..
Perhaps by making it so the MM won't drop a ship in to a lobby it just removes all balance in the first place... Don't we have some MMR thing that should be able to tell that the ship is just to much for the lobby?
I personally would rather wait longer to play and have more fair games, then have rushed matches that are not fun. Losing is fun if you had the opportunity to win. Its not fun when you can't win.
I don't agree with the "if your in the queue to long we just put you in any match".. Doesn't this just undermine MMR entirely? I can see I suppose adding an option to just put you in a match for the more impatient.. But if MM would be able to find me a balanced game if I wait longer.. Would that be so bad?
I wouldn't even mind having the option to join matches that have crew-formed ships unable to be put into..
How does MM work anyway? Does it add up the MMR of each team and make them equal? Does it try to make ships have similar MMR rating? Does it just put people in with similar mmr regardless of over all rating for a team?
Are any classes weighted? Like is a high skill pilot worth more to a team then a high level gunner?.. Or does the MM just view them as an equal?..
-I feel I should say I think MM is an improvement in some ways over the old list system.. and I know there are many factors that are hard to account for when dealing with whats "balanced" some the MM probably can't look at.. but I feel like some times it isn't even trying..