OK, I'm going to be working on the updated version of this video tomorrow and over the weekend, so if there's anything anyone would like me to add, post it here ASAP!
Current list:
Bunny hopping/jump movement-move around faster by spamming jump
Component bracing-Hitting the hull with a spanner a couple times during Gatling pressure before using the mallet allows for extra armored time
Mount guns in mid-air when falling past them (Galleon, maybe junker)-Use only in emergencies (assuming it doesn't cause me to teleport/rubber band due to touching a solid object on the fall)
N-Sunderland approved easy Squid repair circuit-will keep the other 2 circuits in there to use in case of extreme lag or personal preference (no big jumps at all=no rubber banding caused by hitting objects in midair, yes muse your fix didn't work for this one, see the Spire jump rubber banding section)
I will also streamline the video bit by leveraging my newfound Windows Movie Maker wrangling skills, cutting out unnecessarily long ending of clips, title screens, etc.
Finally, if you fellow engineers (or curious newbies) feel any of the footage is not clear enough (I still don't know how to fix the artifacts, sorry), name and shame it in this thread and I will re-record it.