Some research ive done for my clan just for refrence. Thought ide share it finaly.
[LUMBERJACK]I took the liberty to test out the lumberjack along with the Rangefinder.
And what i found out has then been written down then tested out with what i have written down and works perfectly.
I refer those small refrence points on the LJ ironsight as JOTTS. So the first jott is the very first one right below the cursor. The second one is below that one.
Here is an image just so you know what i mean.
Okay. If the gunner acompanies himself a Rangefinder with the LJ all he needs then is distance info at whatever he wants to shoot at. Does not need that circle bullshit, just a quick mental note of whatever distance he saw when looked thru the Range finder.
If you look at the image, the refrence points arent exactly one after the other. The the first and seconds jotts are far apart while the second and third jott are really close. The third and fourth are a bit far while the fourth and the fifth are really close. So the numbers arent really too even, they are odd numbered to a degree.
Here is the cheat sheet you can use to win games with LJ and not miss.
(Note, the numbers i display are aproxx. Whenever i tested them out they always worked.)
DEFAULT AMMO (Or ammo that does not effect the velocity/speed of the projectile)
Jott 1 - Less than 500
Jott 2 - 500
Jott 3 - 800
Jott 4 - 1200
Jott 5 - 1400
Jott 1 - 500
Jott 2 - 1500 (If you want to hit a 1000 distanced mark then simply aim with the empty space between jott 1 and 2)
Jott 3 - 2400 (If you want to hit 2000 distanced mark then simply aim with the empty space between jott 2 and 3)
The target dissapears after 3000. Im ASSUMING (untested) that 3000-3200 is Jott 4.
Jott 1 - 150+
Jott 2 - 300+
Jott 3 - 500
Jott 4/5 - 650-800
The space Half way to bottom of the iron sight from Jott 5 - 1000
The very bottom of the iron sight - 1300-1600
With this, if the number is like 700 but you have lesmok loaded, simply aim a bit higher than what you would normaly aim with 500. is he 600 or 700 away with greased? Just aim higher from Jott 3 etc etc. Having paper with the cheat sheet written down on it actually helped me alot
[HOW TO MINE]That hinge is for Default and most other ammo types. Basically aim with the very top of that hinge.
Lesmok if you are using that goes double the length almost and lands on exactly where the yellow pipe ends.
Not much more than that. Just remember the area from the gun itself to the world. Basically the refrence points of the mine.
[HEAVY FLAK MEASUREMENTS]With Lumberjack and Hadez, you can easily learn their distance on practice, but with heavy flak is a bit more difficult.
So i took the liberty of showing an aproxomation of a heavy flak hitting and where you should be aiming.
You can see im also showing that i use refrences on the gun itself to determine the distance. Sadly, 1000 is not directly on the tip of the gun, but a bit above it. while 1500 is a bit bellow the tip.
However, the refrence points here are bit unlikley as i havent pinpointed exactly. But atleast put it to practice and youl see you are close to hit or actually hitting your target.
Il put these guides up in steam soon enough individualy with a bit more detail. Feel free to test these out!