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Messages - dragonmere

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Unfortunately, no you can't buy a 4 pack. This is the intended behavior of Steam, for whatever reason.

This is from a different message board that has nothing to do with GoIO but it applies.

Quote from: keith.lamothe
Hello guys!

Sorry, we've asked Valve about this before (and I've run into it personally when trying to buy 4-packs of other games) but they replied that it is intentional that you cannot buy a multi-pack if you already own the game.  You could have one of the friends you intend to give it to buy the 4-pack and pay them back, but that's all I can offer in the way of advice

The Docks / Re: Looking for a group/clan/crew etc
« on: May 17, 2013, 09:35:42 am »
The group I'm with, The Cohort, plays often. Usually evenings after 10PM EST. We're quite team oriented, and always looking for new recruits. You're more than welcome to jump on our teamspeak server any time. If you want more info, you can find me here, on steam, or in game. All the same name. dragonmere

Link to our recruitment thread.,825.0.html

Teamspeak info :
ip is
password is cohortstrong

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Future of mapvoting
« on: May 16, 2013, 11:24:16 am »
As much as I enjoy Canyon Ambush only servers, I find it somewhat draining to have to do the same map over and over, or try to find another room.  Keeping a room with one map going is hard enough, but I think this is somewhat compounded by the difficulty in finding willing opponents amongst the new players, rather than the familiar names.

Maybe we could benefit from "Experienced" rooms, like the new player rooms, except explicitly without excluding new players. Just a little flag or indicator on the server to let everyone know it's about to go down dirty.

I understand the server situation, but I must say I'm eagerly awaiting the return of map voting. Just my opinion, of course.

General Discussion / An idea for teaching mechanics
« on: May 16, 2013, 02:33:27 am »
I was examining the mid-level "teaching" achievements, and some of them seem a bit sadistic. Win x matches with all level 1-2 crew, and the 2 achievements about spending 4 hours each in sandbox mode.

There needs be a way, as a higher level pilot (or other classes), to advertise that you are looking for exclusively low level crew. This should also include advertising availability to teach/practice in sandbox mode. Otherwise, the multiple achievements of winning matches with all 1-2 crew, and spending 4(!?) hours in sandbox are basically impossible. Spamming regional chat only works so well.

Getting the achievements aside, I think this would be a wonderful way to introduce new player to the game through experienced and willing pilots (and crewmates!).

Gameplay / Re: Control Layouts controllers and key bindings
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:33:25 am »
If you have a fancy mouse with tons of extra buttons, you probably are very used to remapping keys to it in every game. Unfortunately I have a standard office-style mouse and keyboard. 2 mouse buttons and a scroll wheel. And I cannot push more than 5 or so keys at once, or the keyboard becomes unresponsive.

The following setup works very well for me as a pilot. It requires only a few re-binds to strongly prevent accidentally leaving the hull.  It helps with 'key limit' (pressing too many keys at once) on a standard keyboard. It also makes the map very accessible on the left hand without giving up any mobility. Plus, it means more frantic mouse clicking for the pilot, and everyone knows ... more clicking = more fun.

For pilot:
Throttle up to left mouse
Throttle down right mouse

Map to Q

A variant I played around with was "car pedal" style, decelerate on left and accelerate on right. I didn't like it.

But thats it. Makes a world of difference. Any questions or additions I should be thinking about?

Gameplay / Re: Suicide - risk/reward option or cheap tactic?
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:17:48 am »
I think it was a clever trick because there was no rule against it, but I think there should be a rule against it because it's cheap.

This is what I meant. Not that exploits are good. If there is a developer that says 'hey please don't do that, we're working on the patch' or there is an explicit rule in any tournament or friendly match, then by all means the tactic is off the table. Until then, the times that a suicide move is valid and available, I say do it.

I like the idea; the more feedback we get from a match, the better. Also it would be nice to know who got the last kill again.

Gameplay / Re: Artemis Rocket Launcher
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:09:25 am »
Shot Speed. I know it was barely reduced. But thats all i want back. I can deal with the rest, but the drop in range, and the amount of lead you need to apply (with super slow turn speed), makes this weapon a poor choice.

Gameplay / Re: Suicide - risk/reward option or cheap tactic?
« on: May 12, 2013, 11:14:37 am »
Damn. I didn't know it was as easy as tar-ing yourself to death. I had noticed that if a friendly somehow 'gets the kill', it didn't count towards or against anything on the score. Before the latest big patch, I was working on a strategy involving a team kill ram to get hull health back, but somehow never even considered tar barrel.

Personally, I say exploit the hell out of it til it's patched. Thats how games of this scale should work. If it is included in game mechanics and gives you an edge, do it.

Gameplay / Re: Artemis Rocket Launcher
« on: May 09, 2013, 07:25:53 pm »
With a bit of skill, the artemis can quickly disable an enemy ship and pretty much keep it disabled as long as it wants to. While I understand this is quite annoying and hard to come back from, I'm not totally sure how this is different than the lumberjack. Or the carronade, for that matter. With a little bit of skill, a lumberjack ship can disable your balloon and most of your components, and pretty much keep it that way until you die. To a lesser degree, the same with the carronades. It's very annoying, and a captain or crew that doesn't know how to handle the situation will die every single time. There are ways to get out of a repair cycle versus lumberjack and carronade, and there are ways to get out of an artemis disable cycle. It's just not easy.

I also fly with The Cohort. Salous found me almost as soon as I decided I wanted to find a group. I believe I was one of the first recruited by him for this game.

Honestly, I was a bit skeptical at first. However, it's been a great learning experience, and I've gotta say - I think I've found my home. Since joining up, I've switched my main focus from engineer to pilot, and I've improved quite a bit in all roles.

We're growing quite quickly, so there's almost always someone on for crew in random games. Not to mention the fact that most of us get on almost every night around 9-11pm EST, and have been known to play til upwards of 6am. If you're thinking about giving this group a shot, I highly recommend it.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.2 Release Notes
« on: May 01, 2013, 04:56:32 pm »
is the holding absolutely 110% as effective as clicking like a madman? Including the first click when switching tools?

Also which existing achievements were modified? I know the pilot class to rebuild 80 parts with spanner was dropped to just 40, but I'm not sure which other ones changed.

Sorta disappointed that we didn't get the group/party function or the mine gun, but that means there's something to look forward to, hopefully in the very near future.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Option to disable birds
« on: May 01, 2013, 11:58:09 am »
I don't think the birds have any effect on performance, but I would like an option to turn the encounters down or off completely. I feel they show up a bit too frequently.

On the topic of Labyrinth; I don't have the best computer, but with my settings on the lower end I can usually pull at around ~25 fps. However, on labyrinth i literally get 5 fps. The whole time. The latency seems to be fine, and I don't really notice any lag spikes. It's the frames that are a problem with me.

Community Events / Re: change the play day
« on: April 28, 2013, 12:03:07 pm »
Obviously any time that is selected will have some problems with some people. A good organization will do the best that it can to minimize the scheduling conflicts. It's very likely that the COGs are doing that now.

However, if you've ever been out to eat, to a gas station, or to any store or business on any hour of the weekend -- I'm sure you'll understand that the middle working class doesn't get to sit home on Saturday/Sunday like we have a day off from school. Furthermore, a large percentage of 'gamers' do NOT have salaried Monday-Friday 9-5 jobs.

This is something that should be taken into consideration as the population of this game grows.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Match replays
« on: April 28, 2013, 11:56:58 am »
A replay option would be sublime, but I'd settle for a log of the top left windowpane, the 'damage report'. Maybe with time-stamps. That, theoretically, would require very little work for the coding team.

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