well the game already uses the FPS method of reporting information ( a little feed in the upper left ). So, why not just extend that. Instead of Ship 1 killed Ship A you could have Ship 1 (little picture of hwatcha) Ship A, a la TF2. can do the same thing for rebuilds, destructions basically everything. The only problem with this line of reporting is it requires more screen space to report it, or it will be a faster scroll through if you keep the space the same. More screen spaces means less visibility for fighting, and visibility is already at a premium with the clouds and distances involved in this game sometimes. If you keep the space the same, the faster scroll speed means you probably wont be able to see all the information reported. Take an effective hwatcha blast on a junker for example, that is 3 engines and 5 guns that are destroyed right away that burst on the feed means you wont see if everything got destroyed and its safe to press or their flamer is still up and you should keep a little more distance.
more info can be put on the match end screen though. lots of unused space there. you can have the boxes that show off VIP's for the game. (most part destroys, most rebuilds, most what ever.) this would give a little reward for people who have a harder time thinking in terms of a team victory as a personal victory. (could cause proplems with engineers competing with each other instead of working together but who knows

TL;DR : i wouldnt mess with the in game info feed, but if it was to be messed with continuing using the FPS model would be best. The end game screen has alot of extra space that can be used for reporting VIP's or more data about the match in some way,