Still recruiting! The 'old-guard' - the initial bunch I flew with - is mostly gone

but we're still here, and the Cohort [COx] remains a force to be reckoned with.
What we're looking for is a slightly smaller clan, but one where every single member is completely familiar with one another, and fully capable of crewing in any combination. No set ships, no set crews. Join up, do good, and you're instantly Cohort famous. We are one happy family.
We are not a COGs tournament group, and will not be for the foreseeable future. We just play together, and win most of the time. Since the Cohort will NOT be competing in any tournaments or competitions as a group, all of our members are available for hire on a case-by-case basis. Do you need a fill-in or a sub for the COGs or other tournament? Hit us up, hopefully we'll be able to help out.
Also worth mentioning, I'm now personally mostly in charge of this group in GoIO. Currently, [COx] is essentially split from the core Cohort gaming community. Fly with us - with or without any intention of actually joining The Cohort. As such, the requirements for joining are slightly more lax than they were earlier, if all you intend to do is play GoIO with us.
We currently have several very formidable captains, and quite a few excellent crew members, all of which play quite regularly. Shout outs to Sir Jakk, Mr Trickery, Vodoc, Dr. Eli, --- AND THE WAR MOOSE --- among others!
If you are at all interested, post here, find me in-game, or hit me up on Steam (dragonmere).
Teamspeak is absolutely REQUIRED. No way around it. So... Jump on, chat with us, fly with us, and win with us. Other clan members are always welcome on TeamSpeak for friendly games and coordination, or just TS chatting/ranting. There's a lot of that.
Do it. Join us. God wills it.