Community Events / Murderbrawl Funtime Rules and Announcement
« on: February 26, 2017, 07:30:09 pm »
Ladies and Gentleman! Boys and Girls! Delinquents and Gearheads of all Ages!
Do you like Explosions? Tar in your lungs? Burnt dead bodies? Shrapnel in your teeth? The thrill of a kill? Flaunting your sizable ego?
Do you like Explosions? Tar in your lungs? Burnt dead bodies? Shrapnel in your teeth? The thrill of a kill? Flaunting your sizable ego?
....I can’t hear you, so I’m just going to guess that you do.
In that case, come on down to the brand new, just now opening, mega, awesome...whatever, MURDERBRAWL FUNTIME! Now with 50% more Sky Whales! We got your Deathmatch! We got your V.I.P.! We got your
This event is sponsored by Muse Games. We are not responsible or liable for any fires caused on deck, torn balloons, shattered ships, loss of life or limb, tar stains, liver damage, jammed guns, burnt hands, dented figured heads, broken friendships, added salt, frostbite, sun burns, scratched corneas, or any variety of other damage caused by your willing participation in this event. We do not provide ammo, guns, skills, ships, clear skies, counseling, spanners, wrenches, chemical spray, moonshine, balloon repair, gun repair, ego repair, or any repairing of any kind. If for any reason you are not satisfied with this event, blame your crew...if you are the crew, blame your captain. We do not guarantee sky whale sightings.
Murderbrawl Funtime will be a 2v2, 8 player Team, 3 matches per set, round robin style over the course of 3 weeks. First match will be a classic Death match, second match will be a King of the Hill match, third match will be a VIP match. Each type of ship can only be used once during the match set. Points will be awarded as such: 1 point per Deathmatch kill, 1 point per 100 score in King of the Hill and then another 1 point for the last 50 score, 1 point per 5 VIP points. Full Rules can be Viewed Here.
This event is for all the glory among factions. Factions have been fighting hard over the course of the Alliance Open Beta, pick your faction at the start of the event and bring it all the glory while mercilessly killing others. The team still standing, or mostly standing, at the end of the event with the most points will play a role in the written Open Beta Alliance War lore and receive lore themed prizes.
With the help of KitKatKitty, Jub Jub, Nat Nyls, Admiral Obvious, Lysanya, Ayetach and others from the community we want to run the bloodiest, brawliest, no holds bar tournament possible!
Sign-Ups Here:
Sign-Ups are now live and may be viewed here!
Brackets and Match-Sets & Maps:
To be announced after sign-ups!
Streamers for Murderbrawl Funtime:
Admiral Obvious at twitch.tv/theobviousshow
Lysanya at twitch.tv/thatlysanyaguy
(co-casters to be announced)
Saturdays at 2pm EST/ 7pm UTC for 3 weeks. Starting on March 11th
Sign ups Start: Sunday February 26tth
Close Sign ups Thursday March 9th
First Match Day: March 11th
Second Match Day: March 18th
Third Match Day: March 25th
Preliminary Day: Friday March 10th
First place team will receive: A spot light and integral role in lore that will partake in a chapter for the open alliance war and a one of a kind title and in-game icon based on the faction your team aligned with.
Participants: A one of a kind title and in-game icon based on the faction your team aligned with.