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Messages - Mattilald Anguisad

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Gameplay / Re: Junker OP?
« on: February 20, 2014, 04:10:28 pm »
What's this crap about large baloon? Only ship dhat soes not have a large baloon is squid.

Junker is by far tankiest ship in the game (yes it has low permahull, but it doesen't hatter, becouse you won't kill their armor before they kill your armor before you kill theirs). Unless you need to ram or want to chase down enemies, it's better in EVERY way than Pyramidion.

Q&A / Re: ignition chance
« on: February 17, 2014, 11:07:50 am »
All explosive weapons have % chance to set fires, depending on strength of explosive component.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship orders
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:11:10 am »
Idea isn't bad, but the issues is that the needs of diferent capatins and diferent tactics require diferent crew positions and diferent things from those positions.
I'm pretty sure nobody else flies junker the way I play it - or at least attempt to, I don't have a regular crew - I am a ragular gre (difirence is wether or not you are the captain).

Community Events / Re: Community eSports VODs
« on: February 10, 2014, 06:27:12 pm »
Matches on Leto's Stream aren't Recorded? That's poop. I allways watch recording of our matches and re watch them to try and analise our mistakes.

Here is a tip: use atremis, mercury and hawacha to dissable engines. Works great. If you  get close enough you ca neven use gatling and carrorared to kill engines.

Rebuilding engines allready takes long enough, that we don't need any more weapon that are effective agains engines (Main engine takes 12 spanner hits, while maneunering engine takes 8 spanner hits.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Night time fun time?
« on: January 30, 2014, 09:37:55 am »
didn't one of the maps used to have rain allready?

Gameplay / Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
« on: January 29, 2014, 04:59:24 am »
For some reason wenever i use hydro or chute went even as little as 3 seconds I lose 80-100% baloon strength.

I don't think Phoenix claw should be nerfed (unless you nery literaly every other mobility tool) - last time it was nerfed only 1% of people used it, becouse Kerosine was that much better. I think either Baloon toold be made less punishing or more powerfull.

There is a reson I called id a poor man's artemis - instead of rich-mand or middle incommers artemis. Chemspray completely kills it (but you can't have more than 1 buffkit then, altho I suppose you don't need more than that anyway if you can ingore half of the enemy fleet. Becouse the  you can keep your whole ship protected with 1 chem spray (depends on the ship). If it cathes you off guard (it easily can), becouse chemspray does have long repair cooldown. It's a very situational build (it helps if the other ship has actual klling power, to take advanage of emergency scramble the ships is in while dealing getting hit by 2 flamers -12-20 seconds when your components can't be reapired).

Despite extensive amount of experience fighting Cake, it still happens that some key component won't be chemsprayed and will immediately get above 10 stacks of fire. Flamer isn't perfect weapon, bashee and flamer can both be ignored as long as you have everything chemsprayed (eventualy something won't be - even if it's just guns and engines).

Flamer is unfortionately such a weapon that it's either very situational or it's horifficaly OP.
It's definitely not something you want to bring to bring to BO1 if you want to win. You can only bring it to BO3 competitive eventy only if you are willing to risk it all for some fun - and it might just work agains ships with easily exploitable blind spot. And it's allways a great support weapon - if it's in a secondary weapon slot (port guns on pyra - especialy stern port gun for example). If it's on a "secondary" slot enemy won't be ever suficciently prepared - chemspray is allways at leat 9 seconds you could be repairing instead.

I like the place fire is right now. If you nerf chemspray or lower the number of stacks on weapons before kick, double flamer squid would be ridicilously OP.
Squid is shp I'm worst at, and even I can nearly instantly lockdown ships other than junker and squid. I've experienced more Squid savy pilots uppress junkers and pras too.
It's a poor mans mass atremis spam. I'm might not kill fast but it's going to put enemy on defence, or keep them suppressed even it if won't dissable everything.

« on: January 27, 2014, 05:54:37 pm »
Light flak has far supperior killing power to artemis tbh. If you want to kill stuff at medium-lond range only weapon more eficcient is heavy flak. They don't do anything else exceptionaly well but they are at least good at killing. Artemis is far supperior at dissabling and hades might be better at armor and baloon killing, but lack the burst damage of flak. You need 2 ships worth of artemis to match pure hull killing power of a single light flak - even if 2 shis wort of artemis focus fire will dissable entire ship in no more than 5 seconds.
As for arming range in comparison to max range is: 225M to 1000M I think the "sweet spot" is large enough, altho inclusion of arming time on light flak doesen't make any sense.

Gameplay / Re: Art meta is boring
« on: January 27, 2014, 05:29:58 pm »
I've seen and I still don't know how exactly how that happened XD

Addendum: hades still deals more damage than gat - it will be absolutely op if some speciffic ammo types come into game (not at liberty to discuss into further details).

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: The Icarus Cannon
« on: January 21, 2014, 05:51:00 am »
As far as I remember from concept standpoint the Godlamp was a gun that focused sun's light, and was dependant on sunlight, witch would make useless in clouds and dark maps like paritan, anglean and fjords.

Guides / Re: A guide to the Typhon Heavy Flak
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:52:15 pm »
I never noticed heatsink decreases projectile speed untill now. If Armor value for Mobula is correct how come it's considered as squishy as spire not sort of ok like pyra?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Spotting and match options
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:43:14 am »
Yeah there is apparently wrong with clouds. I have heard some people complain of having a permanent tar cloud somwhere in the middle of the map. Anytime you have such an issue please take a screenshot and send it to Muse.

Gameplay / Re: Art meta is boring
« on: January 14, 2014, 07:15:50 am »
LoL wut? Vertical arcs are 10° up and 35° down. Upwards is definitively not an issue.

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