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Topics - Crafeksterty

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Feedback and Suggestions / My uh... suggestion.
« on: July 25, 2013, 09:24:05 pm »

Feedback and Suggestions / New Scope for Ship Condition knowledge?
« on: June 18, 2013, 11:21:06 pm »
There is a flaw in Goio that is immersion braking and that is the upper left corner.

The kill or destruction call. But it works just like your usual shooter "Guy shot guy 2".
It does it for all different component destructions and different kills.
Which makes things quite unobviouse.

Not only that, the stats on the weapons dont make sense and hard to apply it on actual gameplay.

Now, in the competetive scene when someone knows exactly how many shots it takes to take down armor or hull down. But then out gunned when sometimes the damage output did not do its job because the engineers on the recieving side did a good job. But that usualy covers 1 extra shot or 2 extra seconds of shooting.

To make things more apparent on how much armor/hull the ship but WITH the added visual effect that we have now is.

Condition scope
A scope that only works on ships spotted by a regular Scope.
This condition scopes shows the ammount of health and armor the ship is at.
But it does not "MARK" like the regular one, only the viewer sees the ammount of health and armor while having it up.
But he only sees health on MARKED ships. So when you are battling against ships unmarked inside cloud cover and you cant spot him, then you still have to guess its health.

This is the type of scope that Pilots and Gunners would want. Engineers would not think of it too much. For gunners, they could anticipate before going into a gun when to shoot. Or the gunner could keep aim until the Pilot calls when to fire.

Not only that, it will also answer why some fights just take a long time, and would make this more apperent for newcomers.

What do you guys think? Because the upper left corner is not obviouse to what hull damage is broken.

A scope that only works on marked ships, and only seen by the viewer himself to force him the knowledge alone and to communicate it with his crew who does not have that new scope.

Gameplay / Drogue chute new discovery?
« on: June 18, 2013, 02:24:14 am »
So i was messing around with Spires Vertical movement. Until i thought. "What if, the spire could stay above maximum hight for longer!" :O

So then i combined hydrogen + drogue chute + baloon buff.

This is the problem: The maximum sky limit is a wall. It will bounce you back down real hard.
So why not use Drogue chute? Guess what, It does not work for some reason.


If the baloon brakes before, during or after the sky limit bounce only THEN will the drogue chute start working.

Try it out yourself. Try getting the ai to repair the baloon, get bounced (remember to have upgraded baloon) off the sky limit and you wont be able to control going back up. or Braking the fall. But deactivate your AI, buff baloon, start going up with hydrogen, wait for the baloon to go red... Drogue chute and then activate the ai to start repairing. You will then start falling gracefully and slow.

This is obviously a bug and should be fixed (The fact that dorgue chute does not work if the baloon does not pop when bouncing off the sky)

Gameplay / Spire Collection
« on: May 18, 2013, 04:04:24 pm »
Post all knowledge, videos, gameplay tactics etc that you know of.

The spire needs attention and a good example for other players to get better used to ships being very different. The spire is one of them, being an incredible vertical maneuvering ship. But always focused down because of its disadvantages.

When i can, i will highlight any usefull posts.

Tips and tricks, stats and info. Anything.

Dont expect alot of posts because lack of spires ingame

Ofcourse there is,263.0.html as a starter

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