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Topics - Dr Brobotnik

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Feedback and Suggestions / A few silly (?) ideas.
« on: September 11, 2015, 10:46:09 am »
As the title suggests, these ideas are kinda silly, and I'm not sure if they'd actually work - but I'm posting them anyways, because they FEEL good.
Just disregard them if they make you roll your eyes or whatever.

Harpoon gun rework - simply put, give the harpoon gun two modes - the regular with a shorter range and a secondary mode with the current range and the added ability to grapple onto any surface - this way, it would become a much more tactical tool if done right, such as an escape mechanism.

Heavy harpoon gun - make it a big harpoon that lodges into the enemy ship and slowly pulls it down for ten seconds - at a much slower rate than a popped balloon of course, but also adding to a popped ships descent.

A new engine booster - make it sort of catapult the ship forward but breaks the engines completly - might be OP for ramming purposes.

Again, silly ideas, but still, with the right modifications, dumb stuff can become good, so if you got any feedback...
Anyways, that's it for me. Thanks!

The Pit / [insert clan] rub it in
« on: June 25, 2015, 07:27:31 pm »
So, what do you say to the more well known clans when you defeat them?
Of course, I do not mean that in a malicious intent. Just as a bit of a "rub it in" joke.
For me, it goes like...

Bards: Sing your swan songs.
Cake: Happy birthday, prepare to die!
POSH: Uh, we never fight against them. They are too awesome.
Rydrs: Take that rydr try'dr!
SkBO: I don't say anything, for obvious reasons.

And so on and so forth. What do you say, no you know what, f**k that, what WOULD you say if given the chance?

The Lounge / To Kamoba: Good fight!
« on: June 24, 2015, 11:28:12 am »
Just wanted to thank you for a very interesting squid to squid fight going up against Rusty Razor =) You really tested us all.
PS: We killed you once tho!

General Discussion / So, about the dev matches...
« on: June 20, 2015, 05:55:59 pm »
It was fun, but I had a few problems with it.

The most obvious one is how starting your three matches (assuming you never win) with a bad captain can completly bone you for every rematch (you'll probably lose each one).
It also didn't help that the first match started with the Muse team loading two full boats. Possibly stacked matches asides, is this whole "stuck with a total donker" issue actually fixable?
Vote out captains between matches? Nope, Muse is strictly against any vote based exclusion. 
Send players to a dev-match specific lobby where they can recrew onto teams? Seems like a lot of effort for it, programming wise.
I guess that condensed, I am finding it disheartening how vs developer matches, a chance for players to tast their SKILL vs the devs, can be screwed from the start by the pure essence of LUCK.

So, is the only solution to join as a pre-made team of competence? With people you know you play well with? Actually, can you even join as a team with one click?
What are ya'all's feelings about this thing? I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do or what to think. Just my 2 cents.

General Discussion / Spires looks like chickens =)
« on: June 19, 2015, 10:19:23 pm »
From the side - big round head, beak, and eye!
I don't know how to link images :( But go here!

General Discussion / Is whaling viable?
« on: June 14, 2015, 05:12:52 pm »
Harpoon-oriented combat - is it actually viable compared to everything else? I was on a 5-poon junker in the desert, and we only died once - and when we learned to syncronize our harpoons, we did get a small killstreak before our team died too many times.

Oh, and, whaling for Galleons is just priceless ^^ Especially when you manage to penetrate the hwachas.

Feedback and Suggestions / Night mode?
« on: June 14, 2015, 04:46:22 pm »
A pitch black map, lit up every now and then by lightning, and a mode-unique search light that goes on one of the gun ports.
Think it could work?

The Pit / [This thread] is a complete disaster.
« on: June 14, 2015, 02:48:37 pm »
Yes, I know this have been said many times - but we just came from a game that was nothing but a senseless curb stomp. I feel sick to my stomach, and I really wonder what's gonna be done about all the newbies that get demolished because of team imbalance.

General Discussion / Gunners: Not relevant enough?
« on: June 13, 2015, 12:25:43 pm »
So, everybody knows that pilots and engineers are indisposeble. But what about gunners? I have been in matches where gunners are not wanted, due to the build and type of the ship.
One of the most intense matches ever today was on a squid with three engineers.
I'd like to think that it is a triangle that falls apart without all three sides. But is that true? is gunner getting phased out?
I don't know, but I'm asking. Please tell me.

General Discussion / Congratulations Muse :)
« on: June 12, 2015, 06:41:53 pm »
Today, we saw the player count climb above 2000. This is the best I have seen in quite a while.
I applaud your staunch efforts. Here's to climbing up towards the heavens =D

General Discussion / Crashing down to the floor.
« on: June 11, 2015, 04:46:03 pm »
Salt the ground to be sure. Or at least fix it - game seems to be down right now XD can anyone log in?

The Pit / The naughty airships... (Definitely probably maybe NSFW)
« on: June 10, 2015, 11:21:58 am »
BOOM, iunno what sort of rule-breaking content you expected from the title. But now that I have your attention, don't some of the loadouts just beg for an innuendo? Like, can I please penetrate your hull with my harpoon...? And then, maybe use the flamethrower to turn up the heat...? And finish with a carronade all over you?

Get creative, but if you get yourselves smacked by the mods, then don't cry to me.

General Discussion / So, I wrote a review.
« on: June 08, 2015, 04:52:45 pm »
Well, I figured I might as well. I really love this game, and it needs more attention.
Problem is, as I'm just a normal guy like you, probably nobody will ever read it.
SO, I'm posting it here!


Let me know what you think ;) See you up there!

General Discussion / Weapon short song text-along.
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:18:02 am »
Hello! So I had this idea - go find a song that you like, take one of the verses from the song, or the whole thing if you're that good, then change the lyrics to include your favourite weapons.
Sorta like this...


New lyrics: Banshee's will tear you apart, Hwaca's opening their mouths, Gatling's bearing their sharp teeth, Flamethrowers will make it hard to breathe
Hades' roaring with laughter, your own hull is what they chase after
So why won't you just give up? You'll fall asleep and won't wake up!

Which favourite songs can you change to be about your favourite weapons?

PS: Be respectful of each others weapon choices.

Feedback and Suggestions / Stupid weapon idea, probably - microwaves.
« on: June 07, 2015, 07:04:59 am »
So, this is most likely a no-go, but every time I talked about this, people liked it, soooo... here goes!
Imagine if you could install microwave emitters onto the gun ports, that does nothing but shooting microwave beams on the enemy, with the pure intention of cooking them.
This is probably way too similar to the flamethrower, but hey, cool through nonetheless, eh?

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